Slaughter Race

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"Slaughter Race!" A deep voice announced. "Enter at your own risk!" They came into the game which looked apocalyptic. "This game is kind of amazing!" Vanellope smiled as they walked down the streets. "The attention to detail is pretty impressive." Ralph said before coughing a bit. "I don't think I've ever been in a game with smog before." He said. A dog soon barked and came right up at them. "Yaugh!" Ralph yelped. "Nice kitty! Nice kitty!" A shark came out from the sewers and grabbed the dog in its mouth. "Let's just find Shank's car and get out of here." Ralph suggested. "Agreed." (Y/n) nodded. They went inside, climbing through the windows. Once they were in, they looked around until they found a certain car that they were looking for. "Look! There it is!" Vanellope beamed. "That car is gorgeous! No wonder it's worth so much." She said. They then heard two voices. Two players soon came out with names above their heads. "Players... They beat us to it..." Ralph frowned. "31 hours of continuous gameplay, and we finally found Shank's car," The first player told the other. "Let's jack this ride" "Oh yeah, DirtySocks," The second player replied. "It's on." "Well, well, well... While the cat goes away, these mice try to play." A woman smirked as she came out. "Hey, I think that might be Shank." Ralph whispered to the girls. Shank smirked. "Anyone who tries to play with this cat ride is gonna get got!" She said. "You're going down, Shank." The first player said. "Pyro. Give those punks the works." She said. "With pleasure." He took out flamethrowers as the trio gasped. "End of the road!" The announcer said. "Gosh dang it! Now I gotta start all over!" The gamer shouted angrily as he threw his controller. "Ralph, maybe- Where are you going?" Vanellope asked as she saw him try to crawl away. "I... am scared. If we get burnt up in here, that's it, we're dead, we're gone. So I think we should get out of here right now." He replied. "No, wait. I have an idea." She said. "Hey Shank?" Pyro asked. "What's up, Pyro?" She asked. "Do you reckon we're going a bit too hard on the players?" He asked. "Honestly, no. I don't. Of course I have empathy for players like DirtySocks537 and BabeRahamLinkin. But if we just let them win, where's the life lesson, you know?" She asked. "Yeah, but, to Pyro's point, I mean, those players worked so hard to get here." Felony pointed out. "I hear you, Felony, but imagine a game without challenges. The same predictable thing every single time? Who wants that?" She asked. "Shank's right. You know, I just saw a really insightful TEDtalk, and I can't really remember what the guy said, it was more about how it made me feel, but I think ultimately the point was, I honor your choices, guys." Butcher Boy said. "And we honor yours, Butcher Boy." Shank said. "Thank you." He replied. "Hey, Shank. Did you ever wonder what it would be like if someone actually did get your car?" "Well, I know one thing. Whoever that is, will have to be the best of the rest. What?" She asked as she turned to see Ralph at the door. "Good day to you, madam." He said. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm here from the, uh, Department of Noise. And, the thing is, we've been getting some complaints down at HQ. Larry's the one who takes the calls. Anyways, someone told Larry that we've been hearing a lot of gun sounds..." Ralph said. "This is nice! Where have you been all my life?" Vanellope asked as she and her sister got in the car. "So I came to check on things." Ralph continued. "I'm sorry. who did you say you were again?" Shank asked. "Oh, I'm... Larry?" He asked nervously. "Nah, you said Larry took the calls." She said. Vanellope quickly caught Ralph as she drove past, (Y/n) riding next to her. "Good job, Larry!" (Y/n) smiled. "Yeah! Worked like a charm!" Ralph said. "Are you kidding me? Someone got Shank's car?" The first player asked. "And I need yours. Sorry." Shank grabbed him and threw him out before glaring at the second player. "I'm just- I'm just gonna go." She said and jumps out.

"This is the worst day of my life!" The first player complained as he collapsed on his bed. "It's a shame we have to leave so soon. This game is cool!" Vanellope said. "Agreed!" (Y/n) said. "Just get us out of here so we can get this car to Spamley And get paid." Ralph said. "No problem!" Vanellope said. (Y/n) noticed one of the drivers approaching. "Vanellope look out!" She shouted worriedly. "Look at this guy coming in hot." She said, not sounding as worried. "You mess with the bull, you get the horns, little girl!" He shouted. Vanellope smirked and drove past him, making him crash. "You still have value, Butcher Boy." He said to himself. "Oh, no! It's that Shank lady! She looks upset." Ralph said worriedly. "Ah, don't worry, I'll lose her." Vanellope said. "Kid, get back on the track or I'm gonna lose my cookies!" Ralph said. "Ew! Well don't do it on me!" (Y/n) said, backing away from Ralph. "There is no track! I can drive anywhere!" Vanellope said. "Sis! She's coming up right behind us! Oh, hello!" (Y/n) greeted innocently as she drove beside them. "I believe you have something of mine?" She asked. "Yeah, come and get it!" Vanellope said, driving away. "This girl can drive!" Shank said. "Would you hurry up and lose her?" Ralph asked. "I'm trying! Hang on, guys!" She said, before doing another crazy turn and then backing away, before going straight again, with Shank still on pursuit. "Mother of Hubbard, this lady can really drive!" Vanellope said. "Kid! there's a fire! You see the fire there? That's a dead end! Dead end!" Ralph panicked. "Not for me! Bye-bye, Shanky!" Vanellope mocked as she glitched through the fire. "That's the stuff!" She said. "Good job sis!" (Y/n) said. "I feel like me again! One exit straight ahead!" Vanellope said. "You're not gonna lose me that easy." Shank said as she drove up. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "How did you-" Vanellope asked. "You might wanna keep your eyes on the road." She advised. "Sis!" (Y/n) shouted as she saw they were about to crash. They soon crashed. "Yo! Department of Noise. Get out of my car!" Shank shouted. "What are we gonna do?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "You two just stay put. Don't panic. I'm gonna talk to her." Ralph said. "Ralph, be careful." (Y/n) warned. "It's fine. This is what heroes do." Ralph tried to get out. "I'm stuck! This car is not designed for a big boy." He said once he got out and walked to them. "Hi." He began.

"You guys really thought you could just steal my car? Well, let me tell you what's gonna happen now." Shank said threateningly. "No, wait! Listen. We aren't normally car thieves. My friends here, they're candy cart racers. You should see them racing on their sweet little track in their cookie wafer karts we built together." Ralph said. The two girls gagged. "The thing is, their perfect little game broke and it was- it was my fault! So, we are here to try to fix it and we need money to do that and someone was gonna pay us money to steal your car-" Ralph began to cry. "Okay, okay. You can stop crying. Though I do respect your wonderful display of vulnerability." Shank said. "Thank you." Ralph sniffed. "I get it. I do. Friendship is everything to us, too. Right, guys?" She asked her friends. "Word. We're like family." Felony said. "That's really great. So does this mean we can keep your car?" Ralph asked. "Absolutely not. But I do wanna help. Hey, you got your phone on you?" Shank asked. "You know it!" The girl replied, showing her phone. "Let's make a video," Shank nodded before facing her male companion with the flamethrowers. "Pyro! Hit big boy with the blowing gun." "I'd love to." Pyro smiled, walking up to Ralph. "Wait, what's a blowing-" Pyro blew against Ralph with his torch, but blew air and not flames this time. "Say something," Shank told Ralph. "First thing that comes to your mind." "I'm gonna wreck it!" Ralph tried out his catchphrase, though struggled slightly. "Good! Alright. Turn it off." Shank smiled. "What the heck did you do that for?" Vanellope complained. "Yeah?" Ralph asked. "There are much better ways to make money on the internet than stealing cars, such as, becoming a BuzzzTube star." Shank said as she began to upload the video. "Am I supposed to know what that is?" Ralph asked. "Everybody knows BuzzzTube! It's the video sharing site." One of her friends said. "I'm just starting your account," Shank told Ralph before she uploaded the video. "Alright, there you go. If this thing goes viral, you can make a lot of money. A friend of mine, chick named Yesss, she's the head algorithm over there. Tell her I sent you. Yesss will hook you up." "Wow, that's very nice of you." Vanellope smiled. "Not sure if 'nice' is the right word." Ralph mumbled. "Well, thank you." She said. "I should be thanking you, little sister. That race was fun." Shank said. "Oh. Well thank you again." Vanellope chuckled. "Shank, what moves did you do to get through that tunnel of fire? Was it a power drift into a drift jump, maybe?" (Y/n) asked. "Maybe. If you ever want to come back for a rematch, I'd be happy to kick your butt again. See ya." She drove off. "Whoa." The sisters said. "Show off." Ralph pouted. They soon left Slaughter Race. "That place was scary." Ralph groaned. "I know, it was so exciting!" Vanellope beamed. "No, exciting is when you smile," Ralph rolled his eyes. "Scary is when you clench your butt. And my butt is still clenched." "Oh, come on, are you honestly telling me that Shank lady wasn't the coolest person you ever met?" (Y/n) replied. "Cool? Name one cool thing about her." Ralph scoffed. "Let's see. She looks cool, she talks cool, she drives cool, her hair is cool, her car is cool-" (Y/n) listed. "Wait a minute. You're saying my hair's uncool?" Ralph asked. "What? No. I'm just saying the game was next level. There's no one telling you what to do, where to go." She continued as she and Vanellope began walking to Buzztube. "Hey, just where do you two think you're going?" Ralph asked. "To BuzzzTube. It's this way." Vanellope gestured. "No, no, no, no, no, we're going back to Spamley's. He can give us some easier loot to find." Ralph protested. "No, we're supposed to see Shank's friend." (Y/n) argued. "Oh, come on. I don't trust that Shank one bit." Ralph said. "Well we do!" Vanellope said. "Well I don-" Someone popped up. "Hello, Mister!" The boy smiled. "Who are you?" Ralph asked. "I'm your friendly eBay alert messenger." The boy smiled. "Huh. An actual eBoy." Ralph replied.

"Just here to let you know your bid expires in 8 hours." The boy said, taking out the block. "8 hours?" Ralph asked, feeling like that wasn't a lot of time. "Okay, thanks, eBoy." "You got it, Jackson." The boy smiled and disappeared. "Chumbo, if we nickel and dime it with Spamley, it will take 20 years to make enough money to buy the wheel." Vanellope told her best friend." Ralph looked back before he gave in, following. "Alright. Fine, we'll do it your way but I'm telling you right now that BuzzzTube place is a terrible idea." They soon found the building of BuzzTube. "There are all kinds of videos in here." Vanellope smiled. "Yeah, if you like beavers and cats." Ralph replied. "Look! There's you!" (Y/n) told Ralph. They saw the video Shank made of Ralph and people seemed to enjoy it, giving the video hearts. "Wonder why those little guys are giving your video all those hearts?" Vanellope then wondered. "Obviously, they love me," Ralph smirked. "I told you this place was a good idea." "Yeah, sure you did, goof." Vanellope joked. "Now, who were we supposed to see about getting paid again?" Ralph asked. "The head algorithm." (Y/n) reminded. "Her name is Yesss." "No. No. No. Uninspiring. Cliché. YouTube's got this one..." A blue woman muttered as she swiped her finger across a screen before looking deadpanned. "Chewbacca Dad? Really?" "Yeah, it's like Chewbacca Mom, but it's a daddy." The assistant smiled nervously. "No!" The blue woman glared. "Hey-o! Are you the head of Algor?" Ralph called as he came in the room with Vanellope and (Y/n). "I am the head algorithm of BuzzzTube," The blue woman corrected. "Which means I curate the content at the internet's most popular video sharing site, which means I don't have time to trifle with every shoeless, mouth-breathing hobo that trundles into my office! Call security, Maybe." She said. "Yes, but Yesss, this is the leaf blower guy." He replied. "Who?" She asked. "The man with undulating jaws?" He asked. "His video has 1.3 million hearts." He reminded.

"Oh!" The blue woman squealed happily, getting up from her desk. "Why didn't you tell me I was in the presence of a genius?" She snapped her fingers. "Grab him a drink." Maybe went off to do as she said. "Yeah, this lady named Shank, she actually made the video," (Y/n) told the blue woman. "She's the one who told us to come see you." "No wonder your video's so dope," Yesss smirked. "Shank is for real cool." She said. "Right?" Vanellope and (Y/n) asked. "She is not," Ralph scoffed as he sipped his drink. "I'm the cool one, getting all the hearts." "That's right, you big baby," Yesss smirked, pinching and wiggling his cheek. "What did you say your name was?" "Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph." "Well, Wreck-It Ralph, you are trending!" Yesss said, taking out a handful of hearts. "And these are for you. Hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts!" She said. "Not to buzzcoat the love fest you guys got going on here, but Shank kinda told us that viral videos can make, like, actual money?" Vanellope spoke. "Hearts are money, honey," Yesss told her with a smirk before handing them tablets. "Your Buzzzy account converts hearts into dollars. Kaching!" "$43,000?!" Ralph smiled, seeing $43.00, but misread it. "Guys, we only needed $27,001. We're done!" "Oh, no, no, no. No. That's $43.00." Yesss told him. "43? That's not even half of 27,001." Ralph frowned. "I hate to say it, but, that ain't happening," Yesss said. "Your video' tapped out." "But I thought I was 'trenching'?" Ralph replied. "Trending." (Y/n) corrected. "You were, but that was 15 seconds ago. Now, you're not. Thanks for stopping by, though." She said. "Aw. What we gonna do, kids?" Ralph asked. "Alright, pal, I have an idea. Hear me out. What if we go back to Slaughter Race, and I ask Shank really nicely..." Vanellope began, but Ralph shook his head. "No, no, no. We're not going back to that death trap. Yesss, what if I made you a whole bunch of videos of me doing all kinds of crazy things?" Ralph asked. "You mean saturate the market?" Yesss replied. "That could give you a lot of hearts fast." "Have you thought this through?" (Y/n) asked. "What do you plan on doing in these videos?" "I'll just copy whatever's popular." Ralph shrugged. "Genius!" Yesss smiled as she liked Ralph's idea. "Yo, Maybe, what's trending now?" Ralph asked. "Let's have a looky-looky," Maybe replied before he took a look. "As usual, human suffering is #1." "Followed by hot pepper eating challenges, video game walkthroughs, oh, screaming goats are back, unboxings, cooking demos, make-up tutorials, and lastly, bee puns," Maybe continued. Maybe cringed as he showed them a clip. "Let's bee friends!" The bee said. The trio cringed. "Two weeks in a row, guys. That's a fortnight of bee puns." Maybe said. "He won't be doing any bee puns," Yesss replied before looking to Ralph. "They're beneath you." "Oh, I'm doing the bee pun," Ralph glared in determination. "Yes I am! And I'll be eating a hot pepper, and I'll put on a make-up, whatever else it takes 'cuz guys, we came here to save your game, and we're gonna do it!" Ralph said. "I love it! That is what the internet was made for! Now, let's get to work!" Yesss replied.

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