The Internet

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"Okay. Here we go. I raided Gene's fridge. Good news, he's got pie. I took a bunch of his pillows and junk too. I'm thinking we make a fort out here. Or like a yurt. Or, we could take these pillows and stack them right and we can make an igloo out of pillows like a pillow igloo, pigloo! Pigloo! So what do you think, kids? Fort, yurt, or the obvious best choice, pigloo?" Ralph asked the two. "I can't believe we don't have a game anymore." (Y/n) said sadly. "I know. I mean, like what are we gonna do all day?" Vanellope asked. "What? Come on, are you kidding? You two sleep in, you do no work, and you go to Tappers with me every night. I've literally just described paradise." Ralph said. "But we loved our game!" (Y/n) protested. "Oh, come on., you were just bellyaching about the tracks being too easy!" Ralph pointed out. "That doesn't mean we didn't love it. "Yeah, sure it was kind of predictable, but, still, we never really knew what might happen in a race. And it's that, it's that feeling, that "not knowing what's coming next" feeling. That's the stuff. It feels like life to us. If we're not racers, Ralph, what are we?" Vanellope asked. "My best friends." Ralph said. "It's not enough." (Y/n) said. "Hey." Ralph said, slightly offended. (Y/n) quickly stands up, glitching like crazy. "No, I just- I'm sorry. I know I'm being weird. I think that maybe I just need to be alone right now." (Y/n) said before climbing down the ladder. Vanellope felt slightly angry at Ralph for making her sister feel this way. She sent him a slight glare before rushing after her sister. "Okay. I'll meet you over at Tappers in a little while, I guess." Ralph said, unsure.

Time Skip

Ralph suddenly jumped up, scaring the two. "Ralph, what is wrong with you?" Vanellope asked angrily. "Start churning butter and put on your church shoes, little sisters, cause we're about to blast off!" Ralph said. "What are you even talking about?" (Y/n) asked. "We're going to the internet." He said. "What?!" The two shouted with excitement. "Yeah, to find the part to fix your game." Ralph said. "No way!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, I probably should have just said we're going to the internet. We're going to the internet!" Ralph said. "Yeah, we are!" Vanellope said. "Surge! Are we glad to see you!" Ralph said. "We want to report some malfeasance over by the Whack-a-Mole." "Yeah, we saw some undesirables causing a real donnybrook over there!" Vanellope added. "Oh, heck no, not on my watch! Thanks for the tip." Surge glared as he ran off to get to work. "So, all we gotta do is find this eBoy place." Ralph began as they started their new journey. "eBay." (Y/n) corrected. "Right, eBay," Ralph replied. "So we go over there, get the steering wheel, have it delivered to Litwak before Friday, he'll fix your game, everything goes back to the way it was! Happily ever after!" Ralph said. " "This is a shockingly sound, well thought-out idea for you, Ralph, no offense." Vanellope smirked. "I know, and none taken." Ralph replied. They rode up together out of Game Central Station. "Here it comes!" (Y/n) said. "Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, I give you the internet!" She shouted excitedly. However, it wasn't at all how Sonic described. "The internet is not nearly as impressive as how Sonic described it." Ralph remarked. "I gotta admit, I'm underwhelmed," Vanellope added. "Where do you think they keep their eBay?" She asked.

"Beats me." Ralph said. "Hello? Anybody here?" (Y/n) asked. "Anyone, hello? We're looking for eBay!" Vanellope said. "You hear that, sis? Sweet echo! Check this out." (Y/n) began making bird imitations, and Ralph and Vanellope joined her. "Okay. Connect to network. Bingo. Password is "highscore", with a zero instead of O. Yes, and we are online." Mr. Litwak said as he got it connected. Suddenly a tiny version of him appeared. "Guys, look!" (Y/n) said. "That's a gremlin! Stay away, it's a gremlin!" Ralph said. "It looks like a tiny Mr. Litwak!" Vanellope said. The block-headed figure looked at them and suddenly dashed off to leave in a pod. "Cool!" (Y/n) beamed, glitching from the excitement and followed after. "Come on, guys, let's follow him!" "Right behind you!" Vanellope said. And they followed the small Mr. Litwak. Ralph went to follow them, though he was squeezed a bit in his pod due to his large size. They were taken for a long ride and ended up in a virtual big city. They saw apps for just about everything from Snapchat, Amazon, Fandago, and a whole lot more. "Sweet mother of monkey milk!" Vanellope gasped. "Guys, I don't think we're in Litwak's anymore." Ralph said. "We certainly are not, friendo. We are in the internet!" (Y/n) said. "Come on, guys!" Vanellope said. "Holy cow! Look at all this stuff!" Ralph gasped. "This is the most beautiful miracle I've ever seen," Vanellope smiled, but (Y/n) got very anxious and nervous which made her glitching worse. "But it's so big. It goes on forever and e-e-e-e-ever. H-H-H-H-H-How are we possibly gonna f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-find eBay out t-t-t-t-t-there, g-guys?" She panicked. "Kid. Don't worry! I'm sure there's someone out here who could give us directions.

Look over there, at that guy! He's got one of those hats that smart people wear. I bet he could help us. Come on!" Ralph said as the sisters followed him. "Welcome back to the search bar, madam." The Knowsmore man asked the woman who was ahead of them. "I hope you are able to find a satisfactory breakfast burrito based upon the search results I have provided this morning. What can KnowsMore help you find now?" "Where can I find ballet-" The woman began. "Ballet shoes? Ballet classes? Ballet folkloric? Ba-" Knowsmore prompted. "Tights. Girl, size small." The woman finished. "Oh, little madam is trying ballet now, I see. I hope this lasts longer than the soccer phase," Kowsmore said before he seemed to go crazy for a minute until he finished. "I found 23 million results for ballet tights, girl, size small. Isn't that interesting?" He asked. "Redirecting to 'DesmondsTutus. com'." A voice said, sending the woman off. "They never say 'thank you'." Knowsmore sighed before smiling as he saw the trio. "Oh, hello, sir. Interesting, you don't seem to have a search history. Let's start one for you. What can KnowsMore help you find today?" He asked. "Umm..." Ralph began "Umbrella? Umbridge? Umami? Uma Thurman?" He asked. "No." Ralph said. "Noah's Ark? No Doubt? Nordstrom Rack? Err- Ergonomics? Urban Outfitters? Urkel, played by Jaleel White?" Knowsmore suggested. "Looks like no-one put Humpty Dumpty together again. This guy's a little soft-boiled." Ralph said, making (Y/n) giggle. "I'm pretty sure he's just trying to guess what you're gonna say." Vanellope said.

"Sorry, but my AutoFill's a touch aggressive, today." Knowsmore said. "Let me try. eBay Sugar Rush steering wheel!" Vanellope said. "Oh. I only found one result for your query!" Knowsmore replied as he took a look after loading. "Hmm... Isn't that interesting!" "What?" Ralph asked. "How did you-?" He asked. "Ah, the Internet's very intuitive." Vanellope said. "Thank you, Mr. KnowsMore!" (Y/n) called. "Well, you're welcome!" Knowsmore smiled. They were sent away after using their search. They looked around as they passed various sites and apps on the World Wide Web. "Guess we know where to go if we ever need a pair of goggles," Ralph smiled as they passed by Google. "There's a whole building full of 'em!" Ralph said. "Look, there it is! eBay!" Vanellope said, pointing out to the section which was like Walmart. They arrived and began to join the other avatars which were people who were logging in. "Guys, we're really gonna do it." (Y/n) beamed. "We're actually gonna save our game!" "Told you not to worry." Ralph replied as he followed her. "We just gotta keep our eyes on the prize and stay focused." He said. Many people popped up, trying to get their attention. "Get rid of belly fat using this one weird trick!" "Sassy housewives want to meet you!" "Congratulations, you're a winner!" "These 10 child stars went to prison! Number 6 will amaze you!" "Want to get rich playing video games? Click here to find out how!" "Ralph, come on! " Vanellope cried, pulling Ralph away from the pop-ups. "There's a lot of cool stuff here!" Ralph told the girl. "I'll be right here if you change your mind, brother!" he then came to a passing by female avatar. "How about you, lady? Want to get rich playing video games?" They arrived at eBay to find what they were looking for. They passed various online auctions while looking for the steering wheel. "Going once, going twice, and sold!" The auctioneer smiled to a man in the crowd. "A tortilla chip shaped like international superstar, Beyonce Knowles for 400." "Yay! So happy!" The man cheered. "Are you understanding how this game works?" Ralph asked the girls. "I think all you have to do is, like, yell out the biggest number and then you win this stuff?" Vanellope shrugged. Ralph laughed, about to step in. "And I thought Q*bert's game was weird." He said. "Hey, kid, hop up here and see if you could tell where they keep their steering wheels." Ralph said. (Y/n) hopped on his hand. "There's a bunch of, like, sports member-abilia, big baby clothes called lingerie? Go to the right. Move right. Oh, there's a row with a bunch of old video game junk. Oh, there it is! There it is, I see it! But there's someone else trying to win it! Come on, hurry, let's go!" (Y/n) panicked. "We got 275, and with 30 seconds left in the auction, we have 275." "Get out of the way! I'll give you three!" Ralph said. "310." Ralph said. "315." The guy said. "320!" Ralph said. "325." The guy said. "Oh, man, this guy is good! He keeps coming up with numbers like it's nothing!" Ralph said. "I hear 3 and a quarter, do I hear 350?" The seller asked. "Watch this. 1,000!" (Y/n) shouted. "1,000! Now we have a bid of 1,000." The seller said. "Way to go, sis!" Vanellope said. "Way to go, kid! That is a huge number!" Ralph said. "Thank you." She said. "Check this out. 15,000!" Ralph said. The trio kept shouting out numbers. "And sold! For $27,001 to the barefoot hobo in the broken overalls!" The seller announced. "That's me!" Ralph said. "We won!" (Y/n) cheered. "Congratulations! Here's your voucher for auction item 197324579," The seller smiled, giving them a card. "Please take it to checkout for processing." The trio smiled.

"So, we are sent to ship one Sugar Rush steering wheel to a Litwak's Family Fun Land in Los Alamitios, California?" The shipper asked. "Yeah." Ralph said. "With expedited shipping, that should arrive, Wednesday morning." She replied. "That's two whole days before Litwak scraps your game! We're way ahead of schedule!" Ralph said. "We rule!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'll just need a credit card number." She said. "Sorry, what's a credi- a crehi car huher?" Ralph asked. "A credit, card, number." She repeated. "Number. Right. Uh, 7." Ralph said. "Excuse me?" She asked. "Sorry. No, you're right. Ridiculous. I meant 11." Ralph said. "Those aren't credit card numbers." She responded. "I'm pretty sure they are." "How exactly do you intend to pay for this item, sir? You owe $27,001." She said. "Wha? Dollars? Dollars, like, money?" Vanellope asked. "Yes. And if you don't have a credit card, we also accept PayPal, Verifone, ProPay, SquareCash, and BuzzzBucks." She said. (Y/n) laughed nervously. "You're gonna laugh. So, this big galoot, he left his wallet at home." She said. "Yeah. Yeah. I did leave my wallet at home in my wallet room, and the door's locked." He said. "Uh huh. If you don't pay within 24 hours, you will be in violation of the unpaid item policy. You will forfeit the bid and you will lose this item. Next!" She shouted. (Y/n) was now glitching uncontrollably again with Vanellope trying to calm her, but was also glitching herself. "Hey, buddy, you goin' to eBoy? Well, I got some free advice for you. Don't! What a scam! The signs aren't even real!" Ralph shouted, before throwing the sign in the air, which landed on someone, causing her Internet to go out. "What the heck? Dang, internet!" The girl said, repeatedly tapping on her keyboard. "Hey, kid, what's wrong?" Ralph asked, noticing (Y/n). "If we don't have the steering wheel, we don't have the game! We're game-less! There's only one steering wheel on the whole internet, and we blew our chance to get it!" She panicked. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down. We came here to save your game and that's what we're gonna do. Okay. Okay?" Ralph asked. "Okay. Yeah." (Y/n) nodded slowly, calming down. "There you go. Now, look, all we gotta do is figure out a way to earn a little bit of moolah!" Ralph said. "We're video game characters, Ralph! We don't have moolah. Unless you can think of some magical way to get rich playing video games." Vanellope said. The trio gasped. "Wanna get rich playing video games?" The pop up asked. "Click right here to find out how!" "Back off, Pop up!" A security guard glared, shoving the green man down. "Dang pop-up blockers!" Spamley groaned as he sat up on the floor. "Why does everybody gotta be so mean?" He asked. The trio then ran to him. "There he is! Oh, thank goodness you're still here! Me and my friends here, we got 24 hours to make 27,001 dollars or they lose their game!" Ralph said. "Can you please tell us how to get rich playing video games?" (Y/n) asked hopefully. "You bet! Click here and I'll take you to my website!" He said. The three clicked on the pop up, and a vehicle appeared and they got in. Ralph ended up bringing it down a little. "You got, uh, ample carriage there, buster. Causing a little drag." He said. "Sorry. You're getting close to the edge." Ralph said. "Huh?" He asked. "The edge! The edge!" Ralph shouted. "By the way, my name is J.P. Spamley. I'd like to welcome the three of you to the Spamley family!" Spamley chuckled. "Step into my parlor." Spamley told them on the way inside what looked like a messy storage unit. "This is your website?" Ralph asked. "I know what you're thinking," Spamley said as he moved some things. "Not to worry because my antivirus guy was just here, clean as a-" he then tried to step on a bug that crawled around before crushing it. "Oh, my gosh, that's embarrassing. Anyway, I know it's a little mess... Hey, Gord! But, I do have a system here, I really do. If I could just find that-GORD! Just gotta find this list." Spamley said. The trio looked at each other in confusion. Someone came out, startling them which made Vanellope and (Y/n) glitch. "Oh! There you are." Spamley told his little helper. "These guys are looking to get rich playing video games. What do you- what do you got for them, partner?" Gord handed out what looked like flyers. "Thank you," Ralph told Gord before taking a look. "Fishwife's Amulet, Wizard Quest, $3.00. Foxhole Hammer, Zombie Crusades, $5.00?" Ralph asked. "Those there are some of your more common-place low-dollar items." Spamley explained. "Can you back up a sec, Mr. Spamley? You're saying, if we find the Golden Cleats from Pro League Soccer, we find those and bring them back here to you, a human being in the real world will pay us 15 dollars?" Vanellope asked. "Yes, ma'am!" Spamley smiled. "Welcome to the exciting world of loot hunting! Folks go into games, they harvest the most coveted items, and they sell 'em on my web site to the highest bidder!" He smiled. "Okay, but here's the thing. We need, like, a buttload of money. So do you have any more lucrative items, maybe?" (Y/n) suggested. "Gord! Gord!" Spamley called before seeing his little helper back. "Oh, there you are." He said. "Hmm... Let me see..." Spamley replied as he took the flyer. "Thank you, buddy. You're such a nice guy. Is $40,000 lucrative enough for ya?" "It's more than enough!" Ralph said. "Look, I got a guy in Des Moines, Iowa who will pay 40 grand for Shank's Car from a game called Slaughter Race." Spamley said. "A racing game?!" Vanellope beamed. "Awesome!" (Y/n) said with excitement. "That's right," Spamley nodded. "Slaughter Race is the most popular online racing game out there. However, it's wicked dangerous." "We ain't afraid of danger." Ralph smiled, standing beside Vanellope and (Y/n). "These kids are the best racers in the whole world! We'll get you that car, no problem-o." He said.

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