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This is a drabble for PumpkingxAngel! This is one of the two drabbles they won as a result of their prize!! Enjoy! Also, slight mentions of feeling inadequate in a relationship!


It was a warm and sunny March day. A perfect day for a mini family reunion for the European brothers. Well, it was just going to be Archie, Caiden, Paris, Mitch, and Maple, along with a few other people that Archie didn't remember. Technically, not all of them were siblings, but that's besides the point. They were all hanging out together for a little bit of a reunion. Archie and his girlfriend, Paris, were told to bring some kind of dish, as everyone was going to be eating and hanging out with each other. As well as that, Archie brought a book and his phone, which were handily stored in Paris' lovely little French themed purse. It had the Eiffel tower on it with some other interesting landmarks, and even some scenic views mixed in with many different French words. It was a little gift they got during a little trip to the mall in the east part of town. It also carried her essentials, mostly cash, their IDs, all that sort of stuff. Archie told her it was probably not going to be necessary for her to bring a whole lot to the reunion. Both of them carried each of their own dishes for everyone to eat, for Paris it was homemade macarons and for Archie, it was about a dozen sandwiches. Paris told him that he should maybe think of bringing something else, so he decided to swing by a store as soon as they left and picked up several different beverages, like ginger ale, lemonade, and some good old fashion green tea. He already figured everyone else would bring something more appropriate for this sort of thing, so he was really not that much worried about what was in store.

Or so the British Man thought.

A little bit of an idea how the first minute went. Paris hurried up to Mitch and Maple, hugging them as tightly as possible. The two boys whined and begged for her to let go, laughing despite their whines. Archie went up to join them, setting down the plates of food and telling Paris he was heading out to get the drinks. Paris let go of the two blonde brothers and nodded to her partner, smiling her wonderful smile. Mitch told him that he didn't have to bring anything, with a wide, shiteating grin as he pointed to a red cooler under the table. "I brought plenty of canned drinks, old timer. Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Fa-"

"All the sugary drinks Mitch? Well some of us don't have quite that big of a sweet tooth. Besides, you never minded a bit of tea yourself anyways, now did you?" Archie turned away, sending a playful little smirk to the American as he made his way to the car. He and Mitch always sort of had that joking relationship going on, so there were never really any hard feelings whenever they teased each other. Even if their past was rather rocky at first...

But that was the past. The present was now, and what was now was bringing back the drinks he brought to the little set up they had outside. As he walked back up to the gate, he saw his younger brother, Caiden. His much taller younger brother. He was talking with Paris, making her giggle and laugh. Feeling a bit of jealousy rise up in his throat, he hurried into the backyard and walked up to the two of them, setting the drinks down.

"Hi Caiden," He started, looking up at his brother, "I see you've already acquainted yourself with my lovely girlfriend, haven't you?" Archie narrowed his eyes at him.

Caiden gave a crooked grin, "Yeah, I have. She's very lovely. I'm glad you found someone brother." He brushed his soft hair out of his face, making Paris squeal.

"You two are brothers? Archie! How come you never told me about him?! He's such a charmer! You two look so different yet the same! Similar facial structures and eye shapes!" She giggled, "Although he's so tall! He's a giant!" Her blonde hair bobbed with her as she giggled and awed in delight of the much taller man. Archie clenched his jaw a little and felt Caiden put his hand on his shoulder.

"Archie's just embarrassed of me, that's all," He laughed, giving his brother an awkward side hug, before taking his hat. The British man quickly pulled away and shook his head, then reached up to grab his hat back. The Scottish man just laughed and teased him about his height, which only furthered Paris' laughter. After a bit of bunny hopping around the taller, younger guy, Archie was able to finally get his hat back and pushed it securely on his head, muttering about how idiotic his sibling was. The blonde French girl just continued to laugh and laugh, struggling to catch any bit of air.

"You guys are just so cute! Archie, I love your brother! We should hang out more often!!" Paris finally choked out, wiping some tears from her eyes as she started to take a deep breath. Archie's face flushed in embarrassment and he just looked down. This was going badly. Maybe he should go. It was obvious by how much fun Paris was having with Caiden. Him and his tall, more muscular body. He felt inferior to the younger man. The feelings only festered as the reunion drug on, Caiden continuing to make Paris laugh and giggle like a schoolgirl.

Archie started to drift away from them and hung out on his own, barely touching any food or drinks, feeling miserable. He just wanted to have some lunch and drinks with his girlfriend, socialize a little, then go home. Now he had to wait until Paris was ready to go, which it appeared she wouldn't be for a little while longer.

While sitting on his own, Maple walked over and took a seat next to the depressed looking Brit. "Hey Arch, are you doing okay?" He asked, his messy, wavy blonde hair gently blowing in the wind. Archie looked at him and crossed his arms.

"I'm fine. I'm just getting tired."

The Canadian gave him a raised eyebrow expression before nodding, "Well, why don't you go home? Or are you waiting for Paris and your brother to stop talking?"

Archie looked over to the two, grinning and just having a good time together, getting to know each other. His heart burned with anger and fear she would leave him for a stronger looking man. "Yeah, I don't like making people stop talking if they're having a conversation. Didn't grow up like that." His voice remained calm and cool, despite all the inner anger and turmoil he was feeling. Maple nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it. I'm sure whatever is going on with you, you can talk it through with her, eh? Although, don't be afraid to give me a call, I'm always down to help a friend out." He smiled, got up and walked away from Archie. Just in time too.

Paris started to walk over, still laughing about whatever it was she was laughing about. "Hey Archie! You won't believe this! Caiden told me that he wears these skirt things called kilts sometimes! I want to see that! I bet it's so funny on him!" She laughed, "Although, he did say it wasn't much different then a girl wearing a skirt. I still think it'd be worth seeing."

Archie just listened to her, his anger subsiding into more of a guilty, sad, worthless feeling. He didn't want to ruin her mood by telling her that he didn't like what was going on. That he wanted to go home and not come back. So he kept quiet. The French girl talked some more, before waving at Mitch and another person and got up, promising to be right back. She was thirsty and hungry. Archie sighed through his nose and looked down at his hands, wishing he could just be home now.


She came back with a couple of cups and handed one to him, then revealed she got a couple of his sandwiches, "I'm back! I told you it wouldn't take long at all!" Paris smiled, sitting down, "I got you some ale, and myself a bit of sweet tea Mitch brought. It's pretty good, although it's not as good as your green tea." She smiled, taking a sip. Archie looked up at her and took a sip of his own drink, not feeling much better, just less lonely and angry.

"Why did you get my sandwiches?" He asked, "Caiden, or anyone else, brought other things. You didn't have to get a sandwich."

Paris shrugged, smiling and taking a bite of the food, "So? I love your sandwiches! And I'm not very hungry, we did eat quite a bit this morning." She spoke after swallowing her meal, leaning against Archie and sighing, "I'm getting pretty tired, all this walking and standing has me beat. Would you like to go ahead and pack up our things and get home?" She asked, looking up at him, purple eyes glittering in the sunlight. A bit of heat danced on Archie's face and he nodded, a bit relieved to go home.

So they quickly packed up, with Mitch wanting to take some of Archie's god-tier sandwiches off his plate to chow down into. Archie and Paris loaded their surprisingly almost empty drinks and plates of food into the car, then got in themselves and started on their way home. The first minute or so was quiet and awkward. A sort of tension in the air, before Paris spoke up.

"Archie, what's wrong?" She asked, glancing over to him. He stared at the road ahead, replying with,

"Nothing Paris. Besides, how would you be able to tell something was wrong."

Paris rested her hand on his lap, "Because your foot taps when there's something wrong cheri."

That word hit Archie pretty hard. It was something his partner rarely ever said, except when she was serious and wanted to speak. Wanted to really know what was up. It was a plea to hear him out. So Archie sighed and finally opened up. "You and Caiden really got along well. I'm glad for that, I guess. I just..." He pressed his lips into a thin line and stopped at a stop sign, quickly turning to look at Paris, "You were laughing at him, and saying how tall and big he is. And he is! I know that, he's always been a bit more... manly than me. But he's not more manly. I can pick stuff up too, and I'm pretty tall, and I have muscles. I-i don't... I don't want you to leave because I'm not cool looking... I'm not as big and broad as he is." His voice broke a bit as he opened up a bit, his guilt starting to pile up. This was so stupid...

Feeling a soft hand snake up to his driving wheel hand, he looked down at it and then at the owner of said hand. She gave one of her perfect, pretty smiles. "Archie, that's not going to happen. Just because Caiden is a 'big manly man' doesn't mean I think he's better than you. In fact, you're way more my type then he will be. You're so calm and stoic and strong! I don't want a super tall and buff boyfriend, especially not one who likes to brag about it. I know you're strong and fit, I don't need to see it physically," She pecked his cheek, earning a small smile in return. "I love you, no one else dearest. I don't need to see your muscles to believe you're strong."

Archie glanced at her, smiling dreamily, then nodded, "Thank you Paris. I needed that a lot..." A car honked behind him, ruining the moment a little, but it made the blonde giggle, and they drove off.

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