Scars and Pools

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"Hey Sever, are you almost done in there?" A blonde hair called out, knocking on a bathroom door, his pale yellow wings fluttering as he waited in excitement. Today was a really warm day, and as partners tend to do on warm days, they decided to spend the day outside in the backyard pool. It would just be the two of them at first, with Zander and Serein showing up later with lunch and some pool toys. The golden fairy had been looking forward to a day when it was just him and the demon, as they hadn't really had a 'them' moment for a while. Inside the bathroom, the fairy heard his partner mutter a 'shit', before he spoke out.

"I'll er- I'll be out in a bit!"  

"Alright! I'll give you five more minutes before I come in!" The golden fairy chirped and walked to the bedroom, looking at himself in the mirror to fix his hair. He was already in his swimwear, his buff upper body exposed as he studied himself in the mirror. There wasn't anything in particular that was wrong, he just wanted to see how he looked in his swimwear. There was nothing wrong with being proud of what you look like, and the fairy couldn't help but stick out his chest, grinning at his reflection. Then he heard a loud bang coming from the bathroom. "Sever!" He shouted, running out of the room to his boyfriend, grabbing onto the doorknob and twisting it. Thankfully, the door was unlocked, allowing for the golden fairy to walk in. Sever turned to look at him, his blue eyes wide as his partner stared at him. 

Nervously fluttering his wings, Sever turned away and looked at the mirror, then down at the sink, "I'm okay Topaz. I'm just washing my face."

"You don't bang something while washing your face," The fairy huffed, walking up to his partner, "What's the matter? You're really tense, and you're already in your swimwear, I don't really see what's the use in sitting in here forever." Topaz walked a bit closer, pressing his hand gently on Sever's back. The demon flinched and moved away.

"Are they obvious?"

Topaz fluttered his wings, "Are what obvious?" He asked cautiously. Sever's wavering voice made him worry about the other. He was usually pretty laid back and calm about things, so him getting worked up about something made the golden fairy feel worried. 

The demon looked up into the yellow eyes of his boyfriend, a flash of anxiety and annoyance dancing around in them, "You know what I'm talking about Topaz. Don't play dumb, please... just tell me if they're obvious." The fairy searched his partner's wary face, confused about what he meant. What was obvious? There was nothing off about the demon that the fairy could make out. Unless...

"Sever, are you talking about your scars?" Topaz asked gently, getting a nervous flutter from the other as his gaze went downwards.

"I knew it... they were obvious. I should've picked a different tank top. Now Zander and Serein will see them and call me a freak," the demon mumbled, "I should've just not even gotten changed." Topaz' heart froze and he grabbed out and pulled his upset boyfriend closer.

Rubbing his partner in between his wings, right on his back, the fairy whispered softly into his ears, "Hey, hey... I never even said anything about your scars dear. You just assumed that I did by just asking a simple little question. Sever, your scars aren't even that noticeable in this tank top, and even if they were, so what? I think your scars tell an interesting story, and I love you no matter what imperfections you think you have. Zander and Serein will not think any differently of you over some silly little thing such as scars. They don't define you as a person at all, it's just a feature about you that I just so happen to love about you!" The fairy smiled, feeling Sever slowly wrap his arms around his sides as he spoke, "I personally think you shouldn't try hiding them, but it's really your choice. One way or another, I love you, and nothing will change that, alright?" The demon didn't respond for a while, so they just stood in the bathroom in silence. It felt nice. Peaceful even. Topaz wasn't exactly used to things being so quiet, but he liked it. Pulling up one of his hands, he ran it through the demon's soft brown hair, getting little flutters of happiness from the other, before he finally uttered a word.

"Do you mean that?"

"Of course silly, why wouldn't I mean it?"

Another silent pause. "I don't really know. I guess I just have a lot of anxieties over this topic..." He let go of Topaz and looked up at him, his blue eyes wide and unblinking. The golden fairy smiled some more and caressed the demon's cheek. 

"That's a normal thing. I don't think anyone would ever make you feel like you have to accept it. It takes time, and trust me, we have plenty of that," Topaz teased, getting a small smile out of Sever, "I think we all have anxieties over something. If we didn't, then I don't think that makes us living, you know? No regrets means you didn't live or something like that? I'm not really sure, I'm not the philosophical-smart-wise boyfriend here." He laughed. Sever snorted and rolled his eyes.

"That's still probably the smartest thing you've said in a while."

Topaz laughed and pecked the top of the demon's head, getting him to flush a light shade of pink, "Thanks babe. Now, are you done 'washing your face'?" 

Sever nodded his head, "Yeah, I guess I am." He let go of the other, fixing his tank top, before stretching his arms and wings to wake up his muscles some more, "Let's hurry up to the pool before the other two come back. I know you've been dying to show off your swimming talents to me lately." The demon smirked up at the golden fairy, who gave the widest smile anyone could ever really give. Taking hold of the other's hand, Topaz hurried out of the bathroom, dragging the demon with him. "WAIT PAZZY-"

"TOO LATE SEVER DARLING! I'M GOING TO IMPRESS YOU SO MUCH THAT YOU'LL NEVER BE IMPRESSED BY ANOTHER THING EVER AGAIN!" Topaz yelled in excitement as they ran outside. It seemed that the tender moment passed by quickly, although the love Sever felt for Topaz seemed to grow significantly. He managed a laugh for the fairy's energy, his wings fluttering as his worried thoughts faded to the back of his head for a bit. It was just supposed to be a nice day of fun and swimming. Not worrying over scars.


This drabble was another payment for lilspacebirb for an adoptable. I'm not too sure how well I wrote Topaz or Sever. I also feel the need to point out the logistics of a fairy and a demon swimming when they have wings, but um- anyways! Yeah! I was a bit unsure if Topaz, Serein, Sever, and Zander were all in a poly relationship, but according to Topaz' chapter, it seemed like they were so I did my best with that in mind. Otherwise, you can take it to mean they were friends or roomates if I didn't write it very well- I'd have to say that writing this chapter really made me ship these two significantly, and I squealed when I typed "Pazzy". I have a thing for giving silly nicknames to characters, I'm sorry lmao.

I hope that this was an interesting read Lils! I'm sorry if I didn't write the characters very well TvT!

Words: 1285

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