The Mug

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"Mitch! What the hell are you doing?" A loud, brunette haired male screamed from the next room over. A blonde haired man turned to look at where the scream came from, shards from a broken mug sitting at his feet, just as the other man walked in. The blonde, who was Mitch, stared blankly at the brunette as he hurried over and pushed him out the way. "Get away from here! You're bare foot! Do you want to cut your foot dammit?" He huffed, bending down to pick up the bigger shards. Mitch just shrugged and muttered,

"I wasn't even close to stepping on it. You worry too much, I could've picked it up."

"I'm not risking you cutting your damn foot Mitch! Now go make yourself useful and get me a broom and dustpan," He huffed, putting the big shards of glass in his hand to throw away. Mitch muttered something under his breath and went to do as he was asked, making sure to lightly slap his partner in the butt with the end of the broom. His brunette partner looked up at gave him a mix of an annoyed yet playful glare. "Watch it mister, or else I'll sweep your ass out the door, Mitchy."

"Glad to get you to calm down now, acting like a mother over something so stupid," Mitch smiled, "I would've been fine Buck. You really need to relax."

The brunette turned to glare at Mitch, the corners of his mouth twitching as he resisted a smile, "You dumbass. Maybe I should've just made you clean this up instead."

Mitch gasped and held his chest, pretending to be offended by what his partner had said, "You wouldn't dare. I could've cut myself on that glass!" Buck laughed and shook his head, muttering about his boyfriend being an idiot. The blonde snorted and just walked away from Buck to get a new cup, "Sorry for dropping the mug, you know how I am early in the morning."

"Yeah, I do." He finished cleaning up the mess and dumped it, standing straight up to look at the finished work, "Well, I guess you'd like me to make breakfast?" Buck looked at Mitch, stepping in front of him to look him in the eyes. In his stormy gray eyes. He caressed his face while waiting for an answer, making his partner lean against his touch. They had a silent moment of just staring into each others eyes, before Buck gave a small sigh and pulled Mitch close to him, "Today is going to be one of those days, hm Mitchy?"

The blonde man laughed dryly and placed his hands on his lover's shoulder, looking down as he spoke, "I never said anything. How do you even know?"

"I just do... your eyes give away a lot more then you think they do."

Mitch laughed a bit more and rested his forehead against the taller's chest, "You're not wrong... as usual." A small exhale escaped his mouth and he moved his hands to Buck's neck, looking back up at him, his grey eyes lidded over with exhaustion, "You have quite the talent for reading people for someone who spends all day looking at paper work. You need a vacation..."

"No I-" Buck paused for a moment when he received a harsh, yet tired glare from the blonde. He sighed, "Alright, fine. I'll take a break today, but you also need to relax today too. I don't want to see you getting angry over something silly. Let's settle down on the couch, I'll order us something for breakfast. How does donuts sound? With some coffee?" Buck asked, picking up his stormy eyed partner, who gave a light pink blush and wrapped his arms around his strong partner. The brunette grinned smugly, pushing some of the golden hair out of his partner's face, getting a nod from Mitch.

"That does sound good... it's kind of funny that you go from yelling at me for accidentally dropping a mug to carrying me like some kind of princess. Who do you think you are?"

"The man who can, and will, knock you out if you keep asking questions. Now let's go watch some Disney movies on the couch, schatz," Buck purred, pecking the top of his lover's head, getting a small sigh from the other. They didn't have these tender moments that often. Not that Mitch minded... as soon as they hit the couch, the blonde made it very apparent to keep them both glued to the couch while Buck ordered food and pulled on a movie for the both of them to watch. And so... for the rest of the morning, that's what they did. They sat there and enjoyed each others company. When breakfast came, Mitch went to grab it and gave the delivery man his tip, then went back to laying down on his lover. They ate and had a good time drinking their coffee together. It was hard to believe it started from a broken mug.


Words: 837

This drabble is a payment for PumpkingxAngel! I'm so sorry it took so long, I struggled a lot figuring out what to write. I'm still not sure what I wrote, but I hope you like it! I struggled to keep in their characters for some reason so um- I'm so sorry for that owo;;

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