A Trip To Hell

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colbyarys and I both wrote this, so I give him half credit. Yay XD

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Alacar was not having it. It had been a normal day, he was enjoying himself in the ports of envy, when he caught sight of her. She was young, tall, Raven haired. And she only had one, wolf like, yellow eye. She looked at him, her eye meeting his, they where beautiful.

And that's when he felt it. For the first time in centuries. His heart beat. At first he had thought he imagined it, because it couldn't have happened. But then he looked at her again, and his heart beat once more. So, to figure things out and clear his head, he was going to hell, no one ever bothered him there. And who knows? Maybe he would meet someone who could give him some advice. He had never thought that that goddess would have actually done it. But alas, what could you expect from that tricky Goddess Of Love?

Mary sat atop a throne of skulls, her black stilettos dangling over the side of the arm. She was enjoying the seasonal heat of the molten inferno that raged around her with unusual heat today. Weird. They normally only did that when someone important was coming. But nobody important was scheduled to die today? Mary's brow furrowed in confusion as she took a large sip of her hard liquor. She traded her drink in for a death-stick, lighting it without having to move as she thought. She snapped her fingers and Athesis, who had died centuries ago, came to brush her hair. She liked the warmth but the humidity was a bitch on her hair. Ever since she had kicked Satan out of his house, the weather had been particularly bad. Maybe it's because Hell was used to Lucifers laziness and was getting used to a more evil master.

Alacar sighed, making his way down the long long long long long long long steps to the underworld. Part of the punishment was to have to walk down them, a torture in itself, to get to the actual planned punishment. He thought there might actually be dammed souls doomed to walk up and down them. Now that real suffering. "Whoa wait up. I'm a god. I don't have to do this." And he snapped his fingers and POOF. He found himself at the bottom of the steps, he would have pulled the hem of his shirt in and out to give him a momentary breeze. But then, he didn't wear shirts. So there he was, sweating, the liquid making his abbs glisten. The lucky girls who see him will definitely think hell could be kind, or that was at least what he thought.

Mary went to take another drink, but gasped as she did so, making her cough like a maniac as her favourite beverage tried to kill her. "Oh. My. God." Her eyes widened and she double checked to make sure she hadn't been mistaken. "Alacar," she whispered, a mix of awe and anger bubbling up in her bitter old body. "That mother fuc...." she said, trailing off as she saw his unfairly fit figure through the smoke. She whipped her feet off the throne back onto the brimstone floor and crossed one leg over the other, taking a large puff of her cigarette. She looked over at her servant and motioned him forward. He was a fat thing, with orange skin and a fake-ass wig atop his head. He claimed he had been a successful businessman and presi-something but she paid him little mind. "Get our guest a drink," she commanded  as she watched him, smoothing her tight, black, dress down her legs. This was gonna get interesting.

Alacar coughed and waved the smoke around, and looked to see none other the mother flipping Mary Do'ivory. She noted her hint of distaste, well, he did aquire immortality when that was all she ever wanted. Hehe. "Well, if it isn't Mary. Queen of hell it would seem." He watched as the fat orange guy with a terrible wig on gave him a drink. It was a hideous and deeply disturbing creature. He would have thrown it into a pit by now. "Oh and yes, it is an Oh My God moment because as you can see." He gestured to himself with a wink. "I am a god." He shouldn't of been suprised that Mary had taken over hell. But what happened to Satan? "How you been? I haven't seen you since. Well, since, you were pregnant. How did you hide the kid from me anyhow, I never could find her."

"I sent her to live with my brother, Valgoth the Third, at some institute of learning," she said, rolling her eyes to show exactly what she thought of that. "She carried on the name, as you will soon find out. It appears you shall run into my descendants rather shortly," she mused, holding up her glass to clink with his. She finished her drink, and held it for only a moment before it magically refilled with the same dark liquid. "So what have you been doing since we last saw each other? Obviously something, since you've upgraded from trying to destroy me to becoming a god. Quite a feat," she said darkly. An anger flushed her face as she looked at him in his immortal glory. It should have been here standing there! Not him!

"Now Mary, let's not be jealous. You wouldn't of been able to make the deal I did anyways. It seems I was a perfect candidate." Mary wasn't suited to the offer of god of lust and desire, and it would have meant nothing if she had agreed to give up what he did, she never loved anyone but herself really, well, maybe her kids, but he had seen how that turned out. He took a sip, smiling, well, more like smirking at Mary, he would have fun with this. "Also, I never once tried to destroy you, don't know where that came from." He walked around, surveying the flaming wasteland she ruled. But it was indeed a impressive feat, to control hell. "Besides my dear,you seemed to do well enough for yourself, you have all this. No need for immortality when you rule here." This proved to be a nice distraction to why he came here. He didn't want try and figure things out right now. But he could see her standing there, as she started a fight to defend a stray dog, punching a thug in the f- bu bamp - his heart beat once more. So foreign, yet like a distant memory he would reach for, but would still forget. He let his hand gently graze over where his heart is without much thought. he took a chug of the dulling liquid. He needed it.

Mary ignored his comments. He could pretend all he wanted to, but he had never looked at her the same since she had killed that guy in her warehouse. He could have left it alone but NOOOOOO, he had to go looking for it. Sabotage. "What's wrong my dearest Alacar?" She purred over her glass, seeing him throw back his drink. "Your secrets are safe with me here, I literally can't tell a soul. There's a reason their down here and not up with my great niece." She paused,thinking for a moment. "Though I heard she had been cast out... Jesus my family is cursed..." she murmured to herself at last, taking a drink. Then she focused all her attention on the man in front of her. He had been one of he few people who had respected her when she was alive, and she owed him something. Offering advice was the least she could do.

"Ugh, my problem is complicated. So there was this whole deal thing I made with the goddess of love to become a god. I want bore you with all the details, but part of the deal was I couldn't love. I can feel anything else, but I can't love. So she kinda stopped my heart, and said that she is the goddess of love, so she'll give me one human that can make my heart beat again. But now I don't know how to deal with these emotions." He sighed, rubbing his temples. He had never saught out the person the goddess said she would allow him to love, he never thought he cared, but when his heart beat, he felt something, something he never realized he missed. Why couldn't he just stick with lust?

Mary's eyebrows shot up her forehead. "I'm... I'm sorry... you do realize you're trying to get sympathy from the bitch who overthrew Satan? Literally TOOK DOWN SATAN." She barked a laugh as she thought about it. "I can't believe a pair of pretty eyes and soft lips are bringing you down to your knees. Here I thought you were better than that." She leaned forward on her throne and pointed at herself. "Take it from someone who died alone and miserable, Love is overrated. I had a husband and children who loved me when I lived and yet it still didn't fulfill me. It's power that gives your life purpose. Meaning." She looked into Alacar's eyes and searched for anything she could drag out of him.

"Eh! She has one eye lady, and it's beautiful, not pretty." He huffed, then just realized what he said, and face palmed. "And don't talk to me about power fulfilling you, my desire and lust for more is what created the god you see before you. I can have anything now, I can get humans, their so easy to manage it's sad, to do whatever I want. I am the God of desire. Do not think I haven't always chased after power." Mary never changed did she? She also couldn't understand, he has felt no love for hundreds of years, and now the goddess of love just put a damm whammy on him. He didn't expect sympathy from Mary because she was, well, Mary. "And maybe you wouldn't have died alone and miserable, if you had loved instead of chasing after a power you could never catch."

Mary shrugged. "Perhaps. But we both know what love does to you. Makes you weak. Vulnerable." She paused, sighing. "But if you're serious about this woman then tell me why you're down here drinking whiskey with the devil when you should be up there, telling her what you're telling me? You'll never get the girl if you don't tell her how you fell," she said in a stern yet sultry voice. "Remember what happened with Athesis? The plague got her and you were miserable for months, with only the Black Widows cold, dead heart to try to heat you back to life. Only this time I'm not there to help when things go south, so tell the damn girl before her mortal life drains away and she comes down to my domain," she said laughing only slightly manically.

"Whoa. You think I'm going to let you take her soul? Dear, I'm a god, I'll just make her immortal, or take her soul or something." He sighed, he didn't mention that he didn't know what her name was. Like, at all, because he ran away like a schoolgirl trying to confront her crush. It was only slightly humiliating. But this is the first time he felt love in forever, sure he could care about someone, or something, but their is a fine line between caring and loving. He took a deep breath and sighed, nodding. "Your right, I do need to tell her. And your ability to help a grieving friend is terrible, by the way, rest in peace Athesis, I'll go and find her, and tell her how I feel." And so he started to leave, he had feelings to deal with.

Mary watched as he began to disappear, her eyes razors, slicing at him as he left. “A day will come when you need my help Alacar,” she called after him, returning to her former pose on her throne. “A day, a month, a thousand years hence. It makes no difference. A lifetime is a mere blink of an eye down here. I can wait.” As she finished she began to laugh. It was a deep and horrifying sound that projected out of her with shocking force. “Be warned. I do not offer my services for free. But I suspect that by the end of this chapter in your life… you will no longer care.” With that, the last remaining remnants of his visit were extinguished and she was left to revel in her victory. In her afterlife, and oh how sweet it would be…

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Tell me if I should have done more then a little copy and paste with a bit of editing XD

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