Aquila The Singer

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Name: Aquila Of Rainwood
Aka Aquila The Singer, The Moving, The Beautiful, The Black Dog, Black Shuck (In his other form)

Role: Aspiring opera singer

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love interest/relationship status: Single, though it isn't uncommon for some romantic encounters, everyone loves a singer

Race: half human half wizard

 His Mother was a witch, His father a human solider, identity unknown due to the horrible event leading to Aquila's birth. 

Black Shuck In alternate form, skips a generation.

Age: 24


 Aquila is a tall man at roughly 6', he has shaggy brown hair cut shirt, above the ears. He has a fit physique, due to his traveling, shaped more narrow then thick, he is a tall, attractive, man, with warm brown eyes that turn amber in the sunlight.


 Considering where Aquila grew up and what happened to his mother by Soldiers of one of the seven kingdoms, and witnessing their destruction, Aquila feels no loyalty to any of the royal houses. His loyalty lies in nature, his fellow magical creatures and magic users who are unjustly prosecuted for how they are born. His compassion also goes to the poor, who suffer because of the fight for power between the deadly seven houses. In the end, it is unlikely that any house would win his loyalty, but just maybe, if they prove themselves to be good...


 Aquila was the product of rape, some soldiers form one of the seven houses, after wining a battle nearby, they went to celebrate in the surrounding villages. So they came upon Cattleya, a beautiful raven haired young woman, whom was delivering supplies to the tavern. They followed her home, and once finished with her they left battered and broken on the forest floor. She found the forest creatures coming to her aid, and they continued to help her through out her pregnancy. When Aquila was born, Cattleya did not know what to do, so, in a moment of depression and sadness, she took the child out into the forest, to leave him and let nature take its course. But before she could place him down, a great eagle flow down to the forest floor. The eagle looked at her, and seemed to shake her head, and then she flew away, and as she did so, the eagle's young child joined her. In this small encounter, Cattleya felt her love for this child as she looked into warm brown eyes, and knew his name, and that he was hers, and would not be like his unknown father.

He grew up in the forest where his mother and family had lived for many years. His mother was as supporting as any mother could be, but serious if he showed any signs of being a bad apple, being defiant, leaving suddenly and for long periods of times, etc. He rarely disobeyed, all he wanted was to make his mother proud, make her happy, and so he sang for her. Ever since the tender age of six, he would sing for her, songs he wrote himself, songs already written. But what she truly loved was Opera, she had taken him once to see someone do it, and the sparkle in her eyes, and sound of the hauntingly moving melody, was when Aquila decided to be the greatest Opera singer in the world. And he saw himself seeing the world, performing for anyone who would listen. So he practiced, he snuck into performances, had the smartest and most powerful man in the village get him anything to do with the Opera, for when he heard him sing, he was moved, and wanted to see this young boy make it to massive heights. In between him learning the Opera, he would play with the other children in the village, and set loose the animals. For like his mother, he could talk to animals like they were humans, and communicate with trees and plants, in a different way, a more emotion based way. His mother never disproved. She then tried to teach him magic, but he failed miserably. Aquila had no talent for real magic, he could only seem to do that basics, lighting a candle, blowing it out, moving a pebble, making water ripple. He did manage low level healing, and is good at illusions, mostly of magical creatures. 

It was in his teenage years, his voice had only improved with the years, and it was seen what a charmer he was. No young lady, nor some young men, where safe from his charismatic and charming ways. He made girls swoon and men jealous, most, anyhow. Through these years, Aquila had developed a great sense of humor, and a quick wit, you need one being an aspiring opera singer in a small village. He always prided himself on his ability to make people smile and laugh, especially his mother.

It was around fifteen that he first became The Black Dog, an ability that ran in his mothers family, but skipped a generation. He was a Black Shuck, an enormous black dog with red eyes, that is said if you lay eyes on one, you, or someone close to you, will die. Other stories tell of a gentler creature, who would protect woman alone on journeys at night, or watch over children left unattended. Darker stories still, tell of these dark beasts killing innocent people, women, children, men. While The Black Shuck, Aquila could sense death on a person, whether it was to be them, or someone else close to them. He was spotted several times in his village, the call to see who was next for the eternal sleep proved to strong. His mother always scowled him, warning him of the dangers of being seen, she entrusted an eagle and a dog, lynna ad wolfy, to be her eyes and watch over him when she wasn't around. Sightings took a large drop.

It was many years after, when he became twenty, that he was first requested to sing at the Opera in the closest town. And he took it. That opening night he put his heart and soul into his performance, the pure emotion, the beauty of it reached to the hearts of all present, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. When he returned, after a week of performances that made his career, he came home to find his mother being burned alive for being a witch. Magic hunters and soldiers had come, found his mother, and set her to the stake.

And that was the first time he tasted blood. In his rage and sadness, he embraced the Black Shuck and tore apart the soldiers in a gruesome display of savagery. None were left alive to tell the tale. And from that day, he promised that he would fulfill his dream of being the greatest opera singer in the world, for his mother. But he promised himself that he would take justice into his own hands, as the houses are clearly unable to. So in every place he travels, bringing joy, song and humor., the black dog shows to bring justice, if you are a rapist, murderer, cruel abuser, killer of innocent magical creatures, you will wake up to the black dog staring at you with eyes of hellfire, then fell your throat ripped out.


Aquila is a man with a kind heart, quick wit, charm, and a desire for justice. Aquila has always loved and treasured nature, it is where he gets inspiration from. He has always had the beliefs that people should live with the forest, not against it, as well with magical creatures, we are all flesh and blood, we all come from the earth and will one day rest in it, its harmful to fight each other over a bloody crown. Aquila is kind, he wishes to help the poor he meets, and always sees what he can do for them, as well as animals, he will always adopt or help an animal in need, or a child. He feels that kindness is too little and too far between, and even just a little of it can help someone. He is very optimistic person, desiring to see the best in regular people (Royal houses, monster hunters, and soldiers excluded), that they can do great things if they have desire enough. He can always see the silver lining that needs to be pointed out, because you need it to know that not everything is terrible. But know that if you earn his trust and loyalty, that Lynna and Wolfy have, whom he loves most in the world, he will do whatever he can for you, but if you break it, forgiveness is almost impossible.  Though he has no faith in those he deems to far gone, rapist(whom are akin to murders in his eyes, he knows what they did to his mother) , murderers, evil, or cruel, as he will kill them, as justice, there might seem to be arrogance in it, maybe there is, but who else will carry this justice, who will hear the cries of the lost and forgotten, the silenced? 

His quick wit, humor, and charm are some of his most renowned qualities. If you make a jab at him, he's probably hear it before, and won't fear to retort with a witty response. Humor is what he loves, and he has lots of it, if a conversation gets too deep, he gets uncomfortable, and he knows no shame, so he will grab that bull by the horns and point it in another direction. His jokes can come off as insults to the humorless, but its all in good fun, he doesn't mean anything by it. His charm, he has had years to perfect, he can charm his way into a free drink with the right knowledge of the person, some could say he's a ladies man, and so would he. Aquila is smart with his charm, he understands people, he is not one to make a big elaborate plan, or evil scheme. He is intelligent, by being smart with his words and actions, he is knowledgeable when regrades to nature and magical creatures, and he can connect the dots when given them.

Though his dreams of being the greatest opera singer in the world started because of his mother, it grew into his own. He loves the feeling of captivating the audience with a melody of epic love and betrayal, of stirring those emotions to the surface, to bring joy. And then there is the desire to travel, see what the world has to offer, get away from the seven kingdoms and have the world know his voice. He could see exotic places, animals, plants, people. It is his dream, and he wants to see it happen. 


- People skills

-Illusions magic

- Singing Opera

- Connection with animals/nature

- Singing in genrel

- His charm is undeniable, and is a smooth talker in this way


- Cannot use any benefits from Black Dog form while human

- Sometimes too trusting

- Emotional when regards to his mother

- Weak control over Black Dog when emotinal

- Weak magic

- Rage at his father, and other rapists, if he ever found him, he would destroy him


Aquila is a lover, and only a fighter when he needs to be, there is much that he loves, animals, magic, magical creatures, love, people, nature, feelings, his mother. He just loves most of life.


- Royal houses, though he will put up with them if he must

- Tratiors

- Soiliders

- Monster hunters

-Sports hunters and destruction of nature


Reading, singing, dancing, hanging with animals and people, traveling, living life, learning, dreaming, enjoying life

Theme Song

Hall Of Fame By The Script While Human

Give in to the night by seventh sense while black Shuck


 "Truer words were never spoken, except by me of course."

"I once sang to a flower, it grew three feet, then tried to eat me. It was awesome."

"There is only one woman I have ever truly loved, my inspiration, my pride, and she was taken too soon." - Words about his mother (don't worry he didn't romantically love her)  

"Dreams are simply destinations you haven't arrived at yet. Don't worry, you'll arrive soon."

"The earth's greatest and worst creation was man. Capable of so much love and compassion, but of even more twisted hate and destruction as well. So if you want someone you know you can trust, get a dog."

"Aww comedy relief, it's what I live for."

Password 2 : dnomaids

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