Audition Paragraphs for Lethal Legacies

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Just my audition Paragraphs for Lethal Legacies, if anyone is interested in it.


The excitement filled Aquila as he gazed upon the sign that pointed down a worn down dirt path, it read IREA, 40 MILES. Though it was true, he hated the houses, but they did have good taste, after all, they appreciate his skill. Lynna flew above Aquila, her voice let out a loud screach as she circled the fields, whom walked beside the large Clydesdale mare, who pawed at the ground with a white stocking leg impatiently, pulling Aquila out of his excitement. 'Boy, are we going to stand here all day, or get moving?' Sunspear snorted, shaking out her mane. "Now sunny, you just get to marvel at my peak physical form, don't tell me you don't enjoy.' The Mare simply lashed her black tail and pushed her chestnut body down the road the sign pointed. Aquila walked beside the horse happily, a happy smile on his face as he gently pushed back his shaggy hair.

A scream shattered the sounds of hoofs hitting earth, breaking the silence. Aquila looked to the direction of the scream. At the edge of the woods, a woman ran, carrying a child but two years of age that clung to the woman with golden hair like a lifeline, looking to the forest edge. What came from the forest in chase of the two innocents was two bandits, carrying weapons that hack and twist. Aquila knew what needed to be done, they needed help, or they would be murdered, bodies buried and loved ones wondering what happened to them.

So he changed, his human body twisted to a large canine form of pure black. His size was larger then any dog, Two fangs so large the don't fit into his mouth, and protruded over the sides of her muzzle. His ears were pointed, his body a shape built to optimize speed and strength so he could bring swift justice. His eyes of hellfire passed their judgement, and then he enacted it.


Thorn was not impressed by the new recruits. They fumbled around like new born ducks, and couldn't cut a watermelon with the way they held the swords. She tapped the sword clasped to her hip impatiently, disapproval came off her in waves. "That's quite enough of that, from what I've seen, we need to start at the basics." Thorn prowler towards a large recruit, who eyed her with skepticism, no doubt wondering how an one eyed woman could doubt his abilities. Thorn looked him up and down, he was large, and had a dumb look on his face, it would be fun to teach him a thing or two.

"Your name?" Thorn demanded, head tilted and yellow eye focused on his judgemental face. "Shawn Mcgee." He responded, purposely leaving out a Sir or Ma'am.

"Defend yourself Shawn. "

The poor boy didn't see her coming, and found himself without breath and on his back, eyes wide and bulging. She hadn't bothered to draw her sword, she hadn't need it to knock the oaf down. Her foot was on his chest. "You will address me by sir, or ma'am, it's respectful." He nodded, and she offered him her hand, he looked at it with suspension. "I won't bite unless you give me reason to." He took it and she helped him to her feet.

The other guards let out a chuckle, and came forward to pat the boy on his back, relating to him be telling Shawn they'd al been there. "Alright, time to teach you ducklings some basics, and we'll go from there." This was going to be a long day.

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