An Idiot's Guide to Ogdoadic

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Oh god.

Oh god, I'm really doing it.

Oh god, I'm really making a post about Yu-Gi-Oh of all things.

What has the world come to...?

Hi, hello, howdy, it's Fox. And today, we're not going to be talking about Vanguard.

We're going to be talking about that... other Japanese card game... called Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yeah, blame Shida, he got back into 5Ds and dragged everyone along for the ride.

This included me.

Long story short, overDress is super zzz rn, we decided to play YGO, turns out it's super fun, there's a bunch of shit to explore, and oh my god I spent way too much time of my summer holiday slaving away at memorising combos.

Now, most people know me as the Train guy, the guy who runs over things casually with a fat fuck off Juggernaut Liebe that's been doped up with XYZ Unit and pumped with Limiter Removal steroids, but that strategy no longer worked since the game has gotten more advanced and more... negate-y.

So, I reworked the fuck out of my old Train deck and landed on M.I.T (Machina Infinitrack Trains), or better known as Earth Machines. Or as I like to call it—

"60 Good Machines"! (I swear this deck is good trust me)

But after solving how to make Trains broken again in today's YGO, I needed a new challenge. A new deck that would stimulate my mind and force me to combo into something so convoluted, it'd be Table 500 worthy.

And that's how I ended up play testing Ogdoadic. Way too much Ogdoadic. Like holy shit, a week straight of Ogdoadic.

Ogdoadic is a very interesting archetype that revolves around reviving monsters from the GY via tributing and controlling the game by disrupting your opponent's plays with the bosses Aron and Amunessia, or better known as the King and Queen of the deck.

Their big boss is Ogdoabyss, which can easily clear boards with it's Quick Effect while keeping your cards on field, since it doesn't send cards summoned from the GY. This will open up your opponent for an OTK, as the combined ATK of these three exceed 8000.

Being primarily focused around level 4 and level 8 monsters, there is a wealth of good Xyz monsters they have access to. While being Reptiles is a down side, they do get a concession in the form of get Snake Rain, which is Foolish Burial on crack for the deck.

Ogdoadics are super fun, mainly because they have one of the most insane one card combos going first. I'll be showcasing both a Pure Ogdoadic build and a Combo Ogdoadic build. I won't be delving into any hybrids, but I know the Invoked engine and Chaos engine are very popular.

First, let's take a look at Ogdoadic Pure! Here's the sample deck list!

[Ogdoadic Pure]

Monsters (23)
[Ogdoadic Engine]
3x Nunu, the Ogdoadic Remnant (starter, pitch Zohah to GY and you'll be popping off)
3x Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant (searches Water Lily to extend)
1x Zohah, the Ogdoadic Boundless (MVP, will un-brick your hand every time)
1x Keurse, the Ogdoadic Light (MVP going first, hate this card going second)
1x Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark (I don't use him much tbh, it's just for the name and level)
1x Aron, the Ogdoadic King (hand hate)
1x Amunessia, the Ogdoadic Queen (field hate)
1x Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord (LET'S BLOW UP EVERYTHING)

3x Lightserpent (free reptile body)
2x Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair (ez level 8 summon for rank 8 plays)
1x Danger!? Tsuchinoko? (even more free reptile body)
1x White Dragon Wyverburster (free level 4 that's searchable off Chaos Space)
1x Black Dragon Collapserpent (free level 4 that's searchable off Chaos Space)

[Hand Traps]
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring (best hand trap printed hands down)

Spells (17)
3x Snake Rain (Starter)
3x Ogdoadic Water Lily (Burial + Reborn for reptiles in one)
3x Lair of Darkness (Ash bait and tributing your opp's monsters is funny)
3x Chaos Space (un-bricks your hand and lets you dump trapped cards)
3x Trade-In (imagine drawing into this, couldn't be me)
1x Monster Reborn (Power 1-of)
1x Called by the Grave (fuck your hand traps)

Extra Deck (15)
1x King of the Feral Imps (ROTA on crack for reptiles)
1x Number 97: Draglubion (when in doubt, Draglubion)
1x Number 100: Numeron Dragon (summon this off Draglubion, it wins games)
1x Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy (I only run it cuz I might occasionally go into him, otherwise it's fodder for Draglubion)
1x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star (easy removal)
1x Tornado Dragon (spell/trap removal)
1x Abyss Dweller (shuts off GY)
1x Rikka Queen Strenna (when tributed, special summon Hyperyton)
1x Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton (negate negate negate)
1x The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (removal, surprisingly easy set up two level 3s on board)

1x Reptilianne Echidna (can facilitate an OTK by setting an opponent's monster attack to 0)
1x Alien Shocktrooper M-Frame (revives a bunch of reptiles)
1x Knightmare Unicorn (removal)
1x Knightmare Cerberus (to pop the card your opp revives off Keurse)
1x I:P Masquerena (together with Unicorn for disruption)

Side (15)
1x Kagetokage (another extender)
1x Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord (negate option)
1x Number S39: Utopia the Lightning (to close games)
1x Number 39: Utopia (for Lightning)
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon (other rank 3 choice, switchable with Break Sword)
1x Accesscode Talker (do I even have to explain?)
1x Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess (negate negate negate negate)
3x Infinite Impermanence (hand trap stuff)

[Dragoon Engine] (I'm sorry forgive me)
1x Dark Magician (overrated)
1x Red-Eyes Black Dragon (yuck)
1x Red-Eyes Fusion (this spell is actual garbo)
1x Predaplant Verte Anaconda (why does this card exist)
1x Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon (ban this fucker please)

This deck can pretty consistently OTK with its huge bodies and Echidna, since she can reduce ATK down to 0, meaning if you can amass 8000 ATK to run over that monster, you'll be Gucci.

However, this deck doesn't have the sick turn 1 combo, so let me show you what the combo build looks like. It's a bit more fragile, but the pay off is way more impactful than the pure build.

[Ogdoadic Combo]

Monsters (24)
[Ogdoadic Engine]
3x Nunu, the Ogdoadic Remnant
3x Nauya, the Ogdoadic Remnant
1x Zohah, the Ogdoadic Boundless
1x Keurse, the Ogdoadic Light
1x Aleirtt, the Ogdoadic Dark
1x Aron, the Ogdoadic King
1x Amunessia, the Ogdoadic Queen
1x Ogdoabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord

[Combo Package]
1x Masked Chameleon (Tuner for Magma)
1x Reptilianne Lamia (Tuner for Hydra)
1x Performapal Swincobra (Pendulum)
1x Performapal Lizardraw (Pendulum)
1x Alien Kid (gives special summoned monsters A-Counters)

1x Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
1x Kagetokage (it and Lightserpent are interchangeable, I prefer him cuz he's level 4)
1x White Dragon Wyverburster
1x Black Dragon Collapserpent

[Hand Traps]
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

Spells (16)
3x Snake Rain
3x Ogdoadic Water Lily
3x Lair of Darkness
3x Chaos Space
2x Trade-In
1x Monster Reborn
1x Called by the Grave

Extra Deck (15)
1x Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin (the token spamming sauce)
1x Geomathmech Magma (Bishbaalkin fodder)
1x Reptilianne Hydra (casual +5 goes brrr)

1x King of the Feral Imps
1x Number 97: Draglubion
1x Number 100: Numeron Dragon
1x Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy
1x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
1x Tornado Dragon

2x Reptilianne Echidna
1x Alien Shocktrooper M-Frame
1x Cosmic Pincer Ze'loor (makes opp's cards vanilla)
1x Unchained Abomination (pop)
1x Reprodocus (combo piece)

Side (15)
1x Lightserpent
1x Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair
1x Knightmare Unicorn
1x Accesscode Talker
3x Infinite Impermanence
3x Evenly Matched (if you want to pull the combo going second both boards need to be empty with no monsters in GY)
[Dragoon Engine]

If you go first and open either Snake Rain or Nunu, you've pretty much won. (unless your opponent hand traps you then oops)

Other options for this deck include:
>Literally any hand trap you want! (Gamma is my go to, but I also recommend Ghost Belle or Lock & Droll)
>Flogos, the Ogdoadic Boundless (actually the worst Ogdoadic, but he's there)
>Evil Dragon Ananta (more of a meme choice, it's funny to make a fat snake)
>Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes (if you can turbo out your GY with reptiles, he becomes really fat)
>Ahrima, the Wicked Warden (to search Lair)
>Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon (shittier Numeron but it's self sufficient)
>Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder (the freest board wipe to exist)
>Foolish Burial (GY based archetype so no brainer)
>Allure of Darkness (I don't like that it banishes but you play a lot of Dark monsters)
>Ogdoadic Calling (summons two tokens for tributes, searchable with Nauya, not in main deck cuz it's a trap)

[FTK Package] (Yes Ogdoadic has an FTK package, no I won't teach you, figure this shit yourself or go find it online)
>Hieratic Dragon of Eset (3x)
>Dragon Core Hexer (1x)
>Performapal Partnaga (1x)
>Hieratic Seal of Convocation (3x)
>Linkuriboh (1x)
>Geonator Transverser (1x)
>Bujinki Ahashima (1x)
>Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech (1x)

There's probably some other good Alien or Reptilianne stuff you can chuck in here as well, but I can't be assed to test that. Also, it'd be less Ogdoadic and more hybrid. Plus, I'm very happy with my current build.

Anyways, here's the 1-card combo!

You can achieve this with either Nunu or Snake Rain + 1 other card (to pitch). We'll go through the Nunu one first since that's a bit more technical.

1) Activate Nunu to dump itself and Zohah to the GY
2) Activate Zohah to bounce it to hand (pitch the other card here)
3) Special summon Nunu from GY
4) Normal summon Zohah from hand
5) Xyz summon King of the Feral Imps and activate it's effect to add Nauya to hand
6) Activate Nauya to dump itself and Keurse to the GY
7) Activate Keurse to tribute Feral Imps and special summon it back alongside Nauya
8) Activate Nauya to add Water Lily to hand
9) Activate Water Lily to dump Masked Chameleon and revive it
10) Synchro summon Magma using Chameleon and Nauya
11) Synchro summon Bishbaalkin in the extra monster zone using Magma and Keurse
12) Activate Bishbaalkin to flood both player's boards with five tokens each
13) Link summon Reprodocus above one token using Bishbaalkin and one other token
14) Activate Reprodocus to change the token type to Reptile
15) Link summon Echidna underneath Reprodocus using the Reptile token and one other token
16) Link summon Abomination in the other extra monster zone using Reprodocus and the other two tokens
17) Activate Echidna to search Swincobra, Lizardraw, two level 4s, and King
18) Put Swincobra and Lizardraw in the Pendulum scales and Pendulum summon both your level 4s
19) Link summon Shocktrooper using the two level 4s and activate it's effect to pitch the King to spread A-Counters evenly on your opponent's tokens
20) Activate Lizardraw to pop itself and draw 1
21) Abomination will proc, use it to destroy Shocktrooper
22) Shocktrooper will proc, use it to special summon the King and three level 4s (one of which being Zohah)
23) Zohah will proc, use it to grab Queen and pitch it to GY
24) King will proc, since your opponent discards from Zohah, ripping a card from their hand
25) Link summon Pincer using the three level 4s and that will let you fetch Alien Kid
26) Activate Pincer to summon the Alien Kid

Your end board will consist of King, Abomination, Pincer, Kid, and Echidna.

If you have an extender (such as Tsuchinoko or the Dragons) you can use it to special summon themselves, then tribute it + Echidna to bring out Queen, leaving your board consisting of both King and Queen, Abomination, Pincer, and Kid.

Don't forget, your opponent's board is now also flooded with tokens with A-Counters and they have one less card in hand!

This is a very strong end board because it has four layers of defence. Your first layer is the tokens, which blocks your opponent from making any plays unless they can sack them off, and it locks them out of cards such as Evenly Matched and Lightning Storm.

If they do out the tokens, they'll have to deal with Pincer + Kid. Any monster they special summon will be given an A-Counter off Kid, and Pincer automatically sets monsters with A-Counters in defence and blocks them from activating their effects. The only monsters they'll be able to use are Links, because they can't be put in defence position.

If they try to play the game, then King/Queen will stop them. Together, King and Queen are super powerful since their effects bounce off each really well, and rewards you for punishing your opponent.

If your opponent adds a card to hand, King can rip another card out. That will proc Queen, letting you special summon a Light or Dark reptile monster in GY. Usually, you'll want to summon Overlord if he's in there.

If your opponent revives a monster, Queen can send something to GY. That will proc King, letting you bounce a Light or Dark reptile monster from GY to hand. Usually, you'll want to bounce Nunu or Nauya.

And if all else fails, Abomination can pop stuff at the end of each turn or battle. That's the final layer of disruption.

On the following turn, you'll want to summon Overlord to clear their board, Xyz summon Draglubion with the King and Queen, use Draglubion to summon Numeron Dragon, which will gain 9000 ATK from its ability, and attack for game!

And that was without Snake Rain, by the way.

If you have Snake Rain... you get a free casual +5 in this combo. I'm not even joking. The only difference is how you start.

1) Activate Snake Rain and dump Nunu, Zohah, Lamia, and Queen to GY.
From this point, do steps "1-18" of the Nunu combo. This is where we'll deviate.
19) Link summon Shocktrooper using the two level 4s and activate it's effect to pitch the King to spread A-Counters evenly on your opponent's tokens, but save two A-Counters and put them on Abomination
20) Activate Lizardraw to pop itself and draw 1
21) Abomination will proc, use it to destroy Shocktrooper
22) Shocktrooper will proc, use it to special summon the King, Queen, Lamia, and Zohah
23) Zohah will proc, use it to grab Overlord and pitch it to GY
24) King will proc, since your opponent discards from Zohah, ripping a card from their hand
25) Synchro summon Hydra by tuning Lamia and Zohah and activate Hydra to destroy all five tokens and draw 5!
26) Link summon Cosmic Pincer using Echidna and Hydra and that will let you fetch Alien Kid
27) Remove 2 A-Counters from Abomination to summon Alien Kid

Yeah, this is the exact same end board from before... but with a +5 casually thrown in there.

Snake Rain is fucking nuts.

The only difference is you wipe your opponent's board of tokens, meaning they can Evenly you and fuck your board, but you can skip the Synchro summon and just do the regular go straight into Pincer play.

Unfortunately, the +5 doesn't do much in this deck since you basically dump out all your monsters halfway through the combo, so you just end up usually drawing into a bunch of dead spells.

However, it is pretty funny to think this archetype can go through nearly 3/4th it's deck on the first turn. It's honestly insane how well this combo flows. Sure, it has a few garnets, but they're not that bricky.

For example, if you open with a Pendulum piece, then you can substitute the search target later. Or, if you open Nauya, you can search something else with Feral Imp. There's flexibility in the combo, so as long as you see your pieces, you can end on that.

For sure though, the greatest weakness of the combo is going second. The pure version actually has no issues because it doesn't mind what it ends on as long you get King and Queen out.

However, with the combo version, if you go second, you have a bunch of  super dead Garnets in the main and extra deck, which suck major ass.

Keurse, who's an MVP going first, gets a lot worse going second, since your opponent can revive a body from GY, meaning Overlord can't clear it. If they summon in defence, that will lock you out of your OTK potential.

However, going first, this deck is stupid. Dumb as shit. Your opponent better have hand traps ready, or else you're gonna be ripping their ass wide open!

This is by no means a tier 1 deck, the 1 card combo has a lot of choke points where your opponent can just shut you down (mainly, Ash'ing the Snake Rain) but it's a fun deck to spring onto randos and your friends on Nexus.

There's probably more optimisation that could be done, but overall I'm happy with how both of the decks turned out. Finally, the week I spent labbing this deck out hasn't been wasted...

Join me next time as I try to explain how 60 Good Machines work!

That's all, Fox out!

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