Yuu Ten (Free Bread)

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I recently got back into the Ben 10 fandom and wanted to write a one-shot about it but with GEN characters. That's why this exists LMAO

Episode 1: A Hero's Beginning

My name is Yuuto Tennyson. You're probably wondering, how did I end up in this situation?

"Give me... the Omnitrix!"

I'm your everyday average Japanese high school student with no special abilities whatsoever.

"Uh... what's the Omnitrix?"

So why was I talking to a hulking bipedal dragon with red scales and silver armour sparking with electricity?

And why was he pointing a large lightning bolt shaped sword to my neck?!

"Don't joke around! Give me the Omnitrix right now! I've fought tooth and nail tracking it down! And I'm not going to let a lower life-form like yourself take it from me!"

With each word, he shook the sword forward, making me stumble back a little.

The Omnitrix... was he referring to this watch on my wrist?

I looked at the mysterious black and green watch that had attached itself onto me only moments earlier.

See, while walking home one day from school, there was an explosion nearby where I was, in the forest. Like any curious person, I ran over to see what had happened.

That's when I found a massive crater in the ground, and inside was a small pod with this thing inside. When I got close, it jumped onto my wrist and I tried to take it off, but to no avail.

This watch was stuck to my wrist whether or I wanted it to or not.

Minutes after this happened, this... giant thing plopped down from the sky.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him.

It was an alien... and a dragon at that!

Then, he started threatening me with his sword.

"Dude... chill out... you can have it, let me just figure out how to take it off..."

I'd rather not die today, so I complied with his commands and tried to take off this "Omnitrix" a second time.

"Hurry up!"

"I'm trying... but this thing, it won't budge!"

I showed him visually my struggle trying to pull this off my wrist. The dragon growled, snatching my arm and dragging me into being suspended in the air.


"Let me do it!"

The dragon used his sword to try and pry off the watch.

"Woah, woah! I'm gonna fall if you're rough handling me!"

I was more scared that his sword would actually cut off my hand by accident.

As the dragon used the edge of his sword to cut the strap in half, the faceplate of the watch suddenly slid back and something resembling a dial popped up.

Since he was swinging me around while trying to rip the watch off, the dial got pushed down by accident when it bumped into his forearm. As that happened, something really weird started to happen...

I started to transform!

In a flash of green light, I emerged... not as myself, but as a four armed alien?!

"Huh? What the...?"

"You sneaky little...! When did you transform into a tetramand? I ought to teach you a lesson, insolent brat!"


"Dude, I don't even know who you are!"

I probably shouldn't have said that, as the dragon hurled me through the air and slammed me into the trunk of a large tree.


I used one of my four hands to rub the back of my spinning head.

"Consider yourself lucky that you haven't heard of me before."

"Are you a big deal, or something...?"

"I am the most famous weapon broker in the galaxy, Electro Matsushita!"

Wait, did he say in the galaxy? Talk about high and mighty...

"And that Omnitrix you're wearing is priceless! I shall take it and sell it to the highest bidder on the galactic market!"

"Maybe... you should try eBay!"

Since I was getting tired of his blabbing, I got up and made a run for it. Surprisingly, in this weird alien body, I was much stronger and much faster than my regular self.

"You're not getting away, tetramand!"

"The name's not tetramand!"

I shouted over my shoulder before jumping around and crossing my arms together to block a beam of electricity Matsushita sent my way.

"My name's Yuu Ten! Or rather... err... Four Arms!"

"Tetramand, Yuu Ten, Four Arms... doesn't make a difference! Because by the end of this, you'll be dead!"

Then Matsushita swooped in and tried slashing me with his sword. I used my two under arms to grab his swinging arms and held it in place.

"Go back to where you came from, you oversized space dragon!"

With my two upper arms, I started punching him silly in the face. One, two, one, two! My friend at school, Albert, does boxing in his spare time, so I've learned some sweet techniques from him.

"Gah! Argh! Ugh!"

Matsushita groaned as his eyesight had been stunned from my flurry of punches. While he was still dizzy, I kneed him in the chest to make him drop his weapon.

"Hope to see you... never!"

I grabbed Matsushita with all four of my arms and hurled him out of this stratosphere.


I huffed and puffed for air as I had expanded the rest of my remaining strength to pull off that unnecessarily epic feat. I had no idea I had that sort of power in me!

Suddenly, the badge of the watch positioned on my waist started to beep red. After three beeps, I returned back to my usual self.

"What the hell just happened..."

I slumped against a tree, exhausted. I looked at the watch - or should I say, Omnitrix - and started fiddling with it.

As I held down on the faceplate, a green holographic wheel with ten weird faces popped up. As I moved my fingers up and down slightly, the watch scrolled through each face one by one.

When I found the face with Four Arms, I let go of the plate and the dial popped up like last time. I slammed down on it, and once again I turned into the alien.

"Woah... cool! I'm so going to abuse this at school!"

And the very next day, that's what I did.

Episode 2: Kaido Levin

At my school, I'm pretty much a loner regarded by everyone as a loser. As you can imagine, I get harassed on a daily basis.

There was one group of students who harassed me more than anyone else, though. It was a group of upperclassmen led by my arch nemesis, Kaido Levin.

Today too, he was harassing me.

I was trying to go home in peace when his friends Sakate and Strelzia grabbed me from behind and dragged me to behind the school courtyard to belittle me again.

However, this time, I was going to go into Four Arms and scare them off. If they were still feeling cocky, then I'd beat them up.

"Tennyson, good to see your stupid mug again."

Kaido smirked as he slammed his foot on the wall next to my head.

"Same to you, Levin..."

"Feel confident today, eh? You know you shouldn't talk back to me."

Kaido's smirk disappeared as he grabbed me by the shirt.

"As a matter of fact... I do."

I raised my arm with the Omnitrix on it, ready to turn into Four Arms.

However, just as I was about to, the watch suddenly shot out a beam of light that scanned Kaido.


"Tennyson, what kind of practical joke is this?"

Kaido was severely unimpressed by this.

"I... I don't know either..."

I had no clue what just happened.

"Look at how tacky his watch is." Strelzia laughed.

"It looks like a toy!" Sakate laughed.

"How could he wear that with no shame?" Emma laughed.

"Let's take that stupid watch away from him and make him beg it to give us back." Kaido laughed.

In the midst of their laughter, the Omnitrix spoke in an A.I. voice.

"New DNA sample acquired."

At that point, Kaido stopped and shoved me against the wall with a growl.

"Oi... what the hell did you do?"

While the three of his friends looked confused by the announcement, Kaido was extremely pissed off by what the Omnitrix had said.

"How about I show you...?"

To be honest, I wasn't sure either. Kaido raised his fist, ready to punch me.

However, I quickly reached for the Omnitrix and slammed down on the first alien it gave me, since I wanted to avoid getting hit.

When I transformed, I emerged as a tiny alien crackling with electricity. Oh man, what should I name this one?


While I was figuring out how to use this alien's abilities, all his friends were shocked to see me transform so suddenly.

"Oi, Kaido, what happened to Tennyson?!" Sakate exclaimed, jumping back in fear.

"W-what is that thing?!" Emma squealed in fear.

"Did... did he just turn into that?!" Strelzia couldn't believe her eyes.

Kaido's eye twitched.

"So we're the same, huh...?" He muttered under his breath.

Since I'm like a living battery, I think I'll give this one the name... Buzzshock.

As per Buzzshock's ability, I duplicated myself into millions of Buzzshocks, effectively creating a swarm that rushed all four of them.

Sakate, Strelzia, and Emma ran away immediately at this threat, but Kaido stayed trying to swat my clones away from him.

"Tennyson, hang on... stop for a sec!"

Kaido tried calling out for me, but I ignored it. There was no way I was gonna listen to the guy who's been tormenting me since day one of high school.

"Are you a Nosedeen?"

Again with this weird lingo talk that I didn't understand. Since he was fearless, I'd administer him some fear... with this!

I focused all my Buzzshock clones onto Kaido, and together we all released a massive surge of electricity at him to incapacitate him.


Kaido tried to withstand the pain, but soon he fell to his knees and screamed.

That's when something really weird started to happen.

Kaido's body started to melt... no, more accurately, it was starting to liquify?!

As his body became water, his clothes slipped off and he no longer resembled human.

He was an alien... just like me?!

Kaido's true form was a water based life-form...

His body was shaped like a rising tidal wave with a faceplate representing his head.

"Electricity and water... seriously don't mix!"

In order to get me to stop, Kaido lashed out his two hulking arms at me, but since they were made of water, it was more like two hoses slamming me in the face.

The pressure from the water was enough to get rid of most of my clones, and keep me pushed up against the wall.

"Who would've thought... the loser was an alien freak like I am. Good job forcing me out of my human form, jackass! You're gonna regret doing this to me!"

Kaido was seriously mad I had exposed him by scanning him with the Omnitrix.

However, I was shocked that this was his true form. It was terrifying battling a monster made of water.

"Hey man... I didn't know... let me go!"

I struggled to free myself from the constant stream of water Kaido kept pumping out to crush me, so I decided to try something out.

If I could change alien while in human form, could I change alien while in alien form?

I slammed the Omnitrix that was positioned on the top of my head and prayed.

A green light engulfed me, and once again, I transformed.



When this happened, Kaido looked even more confused than before.

"A Kineceleran? But you were just a Nosedeenian moments earlier! What the hell did you do, Tennyson?!"

This time, I was now a blue velociraptor with smooth balls for feet.

"Beats me, but I'm glad I got this!"

Using the claws, I slashed away the water holding me back and started running like the wind.

As I started to run, a mask from the helmet I wore dropped down to protect my face from the wind. Sweet!

Woah, this alien goes hyper fast! I think I'm gonna name him XLR8!

"Tennyson! Come back here!"

Kaido chased after me. However, what I failed to realise was... Kaido was literally made out of water.

He shape shifted into a puddle and let gravity pull him down towards me, using the tailwind I was creating to his advantage.

Once he got close enough, he slipped himself underneath me, causing me to skid out of control as the smooth balls on my feet had no friction against the water.


I crashed face first into a bush before the Omnitrix timed out and returned me to human form.

"Ugh... so not rad."

Kaido recollected himself and turned into his regular flowing form.

"You're going to pay dearly for this."

"...please be gentle."

Kaido snatched me up and shoved me inside his body.

I started to choke for air as the water crushed my lungs.

"You're going to pay... by drowning to death!"

Kaido cackled, turning himself into a sphere of water to keep me trapped.

I kept two fingers left on the Omnitrix's faceplate, trying to hold out long enough to turn into another alien once the cool down period was over.

After what felt like forever, the Omnitrix finally let me choose an alien to transform again, and with me on the brink of passing out, I once again slammed down on the first option given to me.

I transformed into a quadrupedal snow fox with ice on my wrists.

Using the ten tails equipped on this alien, I started freezing the water around me, causing Kaido to spasm out back into his original form.

Hey, that's a pretty cool ability! I think I'm gonna name this one... Freezeslot!

"Ugh... cold... so cold...!"

As I started to freeze his body, Kaido elongated himself to grab me from inside and toss me out.

"You're looking hot and bothered, Levin! Let me cool you down!"

Now on the ground, I shook my wet fur dry and pointed my tails at him, firing a flurry of hail at the half ice, half water Kaido.

"Agh! Ugh!"

Even though most of my ammo passed through his body since it was liquid, I noticed that Kaido groaned whenever the pellets of ice slammed against his faceplate.

That was his weak point!

I charged up to him and used my ice fangs to crunch down on the faceplate, making Kaido scream out in pain and drop to the floor as a puddle.

"Tennyson... stop...! I give in... you win...! That species, Polagopus... is my species natural predator..."

As Kaido said that, I timed out and returned to my normal self.

"...what even is your species, anyways?"

Kaido slowly recovered from my bite and pulled himself together, returning to his human shape.

"That's what I should be asking you. I'm Hydraquasian, by the way."

"I'm a human."

"But then what was all that earlier? First a Nosedeenian, next a Kineceleran, next a Polagopus... how could you change species so fast?"

"You mean Buzzshock, XLR8, and Freezeslot?"

It felt good flexing their names.

"It's thanks to this."

I showed Kaido my Omnitrix. His eyes widened.

"Wait... that thing is actually real? I thought it was a myth!"

"Uh... what do you mean?"

"You have the Omnitrix! The most powerful weapon in the universe! I've heard of it before in rumours, but to think you of all people actually have it..."

Somehow, it seemed really impressed that I had this watch.

"Heh, jealous?"

"As if. You're gonna have a giant target on your back from now on. Everyone wants this thing."

"Everyone but you and all the other people on Earth."

Kaido simply laughed.

"Give me a break. There's even humans who are interested in weird alien technology like this. Tell you what, Tennyson."


"I'll help you protect that thing."

"...excuse me? Moments earlier, you were trying to beat my face in, Levin. No way am I trusting you. For all I know, you could be acting buddy buddy with me to try and steal it!"

"Like I'd want that hunk of junk. I'm perfectly fine being a Hydraquasian. But the fact it scanned me means that the Omnitrix is incomplete still. There's still DNA samples it hasn't acquired yet."

"And that's why you think it dropped to Earth? So that whoever picked it up can scan whatever DNA it hasn't yet? I only got this thing yesterday, so I barely know how it works."

"That's most likely. Earth is home to the most different species of aliens, after all."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you really think I'm the only one who's hiding my identity, Tennyson?"

"...are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Time to take you to a trip to the Underworld. How many aliens have you unlocked so far?"

"I started off with ten. If what you said is right, it should be eleven now, with you."

"Strange. I'd imagine you'd have at least a hundred at your disposal. Did a limit get set on it...? Whatever, we can worry about cracking the watch later. For now, let's get you some sweet new aliens."

"I still don't trust you, Levin."

"Then let's start trusting each other by calling each other by our first names. Yuu, wasn't it?"

"Hearing you not call me Tennyson is weird... Kaido."

"Right back at ya."

Kaido started leading the way to this mysterious and shady sounding place called the "Underworld".

"Just so you know, I'm only following you because I want to learn more about aliens."

"Whatever you say nerd. All I know is my life just got a little bit more interesting."

Episode 3: Bazaar of the Underworld

"Welcome to the belly of Earth's society. The greatest melting pot of alien life."

When we entered the Underworld, I was shocked by the amount of different aliens that were living on Earth.

Kaido ditched his human form and turned back into his natural species shape.

"I had no idea we were overrun by this many extraterrestrials..."

"The government does a good job covering us up. Your Omnitrix picking up anything?"

"Yeah... it's kinda going haywire with it."

I showed Kaido my watch that kept scanning aliens around us and repeating the message of "new DNA sample acquired".

"That's good. The more aliens you have the better."

"I can't help but feel like you're going to somehow backstab me once this is over."

"Please, if I wanted to backstab you, I could've led you into a dark alleyway and tried drowning you to death again."

"I'd turn into Freezeslot and kill you back."

"Not if your watch is on cool-down."

"You know a lot about the Omnitrix, despite not wearing it..."

"What can I say? It's famous. Of course I'd know the basics."

Yet I barely knew how this thing functioned at all.

While me and Kaido were walking around the bazaar, we heard a cry in the distance.

"Help! Help! He stole my goods! Somebody, stop him!"

Some alien crook that looked like a red gremlin rushed past me and Kaido carrying a giant metal box.

"What the hell is happening?"

"Shut up and go after him with the Kineceleran!"

"Huh? And why should I take orders from you?!"

"Trust me and just do it! You'll regret it later if you don't!"

Kaido immediately went after the crook, using his water form to slide across the floor quickly. I sighed.

"I hate this so much."

I scrolled through the Omnitrix to find XLR8, but due to all the scanning I did, my wheel was bogged down with all sorts of new aliens I'd never seen before.

Since time was of the essence, I gave up and slammed my watch down on an alien I did recognise, since it was part of my original ten.

When I transformed, I had become like Kaido, except of being made of water, I was made of goop. Hey, that's a pretty good name, Goop!

The other difference was, instead of being held together by a faceplate, I was being held together by a UFO. Regardless, I mimicked what Kaido did and slid across the floor. Since I was more viscous than him though, I had to push to catch up.

Kaido poked his head out of his puddle form and looked at me unimpressed.

"A polymorph? Really?"

"I couldn't find XLR8, blame the roster."

"Stay away from me. Polymorphs are acidic and if we mix, that's gonna hurt me more than it hurts you."

"I was planning on keeping my distance, don't worry."

We caught up to the crook, with Kaido ensnaring him in a bubble of water before spitting the crook out into me.

Since he said I was acidic, I reshaped myself to my normal form while holding the crook, using my hands to slowly melt the crook's clothes.

"Ahhh! Stop, stop! I give up, I give up!"

The crook cried up as the acid slime I made began to penetrate his skin.

"What were you trying to steal?" I asked.

"N-nothing, I swear! I was just... heh, you know? Taking that and uh..."

The crook stopped speaking the moment Kaido stood in front of him.

"Drop the innocent act, Mitsuba."

"K-K-Kaido! Fancy... running into you here... a ha ha..."

"You know him?"


I stopped burning acid into him since these two were acquaintances.

"He's a sleazy one, met him in my time in the Null Void. His species a Planchakule, so he was probably trying to steal some spare parts for their whacky inventions."

I noticed my Omnitrix wasn't scanning him. I guess it already has Planchakule DNA.

"...yep, just as I predicted."

Kaido opened up the crate Mitsuba tried to steal, showing to me a large engine block was inside.

"Hey, look, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do to build a sweet ride. Leave me alone!"

"Go back to the weapons business, you were actually good at that."

"No can do buddy! The weapons business is kerpoosh ever since Matsushita showed up!"

Matsushita? Hey wait, that guy tried to steal the Omnitrix before...

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