Yu-Gi-Oh! Wings #2: The Raptor Descends

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After I lost to Saionji, Ulster was disbanded and, all of its members - me, Rizawa, Kidou, and Fuuka - were transferred to Sangria.

It's been three days since then. I've spent most of my time at the hospital, recovering from the injuries I suffered from my crash.

During that time, my three friends came to visit me.

"It's not your fault, Takamine... Saionji is the strongest duelist in our area. We understand." Rizawa said.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. We knew what we were getting into when we made Ulster." Kidou said.

"Instead of seeing this as a loss, let's treat it as a win! We're now a part of the strongest Wing in Eight! Isn't that great?" Fuuka said.

Despite how much I apologised to them for my incompetence, they still said nice things like that to try and cheer me up.

I really am the worst... what would I do without these three?

They're still standing by my side even after I screwed over their lives.

I have to make it up to them somehow, but what can I even do?

...one idea came to mind, though I'm not sure if I could go through with it.

It was revenge against Saionji.

Speaking of which, she came to visit me today.

"How are you, Takamine?"

"...what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to check on one of my precious family members. Do you have a problem with that?"

Saionji coolly pulled up a stool and sat down on it.

"Don't call me a family member just because we're in the same Wing."

"You know what I actually mean."

I looked away from Saionji and tightened my grip on the bedsheets.

"Don't remind me..."

"I don't mean to dig up old wounds, but we need to have a proper conversation about it."

Saionji reached out to hold my hand, but I snatched it away from her.

"There is no conversation to be had."


"You abandoned us. Plain and simple."

"And here I thought maybe you've matured enough to hear out my side of the story... it seems nothing really has changed in six years." Saionji sighed. "You really are like your father."

"I don't want to hear your excuses! And keep dad's name out of your filthy mouth!"

In an instant, Saionji slapped me across the cheek.

"...y-you hit me!"

"I brought you into this world. I can just as easily take you out."

That's right.

This woman, Saionji Yuuri...

Is my mother.

"Now stop acting like a bratty child. Tsubasa was my husband. You don't get to speak on his behalf."

"He's dead now! And to honour his death, I won't let his shitty wife ever say his name again!"

The truth is, Saionji walked out on me and my dad when I was only three.

Then two years later, dad hung himself from depression due to her leaving.

Ever since, I became an orphan who bounced from family to family until I was fourteen.

The only thing that kept me together while I was being passed around like a disposable rag doll was Duel Monsters.

And it was during this time I became the 24th ranked duelist.

Using my influence, I convinced the local government to let me live by myself, rather than with a foster family.

I've been taking care of myself since.

"You're in no position to say that. I offered to take you in when he died, but you refused. You ran away from me."

"Why the hell would I want to live with the person who abandoned me? Even now, you're so desperately trying to claw me back..."

"I'm trying because I care about you, Takamine."

"If you cared about me, then you wouldn't have taken Ulster away from me!"

"I know my methods were forceful, but I wanted to properly make up with you. This was the only way."


"There was no other way to reach out to you, since you're so stubborn. You refused to answer my messages and calls. You refused to answer the door when I visited your apartment. You refused to acknowledge me as your mother. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Shut up! To me, you're not my mother... you're just a nasty old woman named Saionji Yuuri, a sadistic bitch who leads the shittiest Wing in this entire Sector that I hate to be a member of! If I had the choice, I'd leave! But I can't, because you'd never let me!"

"I won't let you leave because I don't want to let go of you again, Minoru!"

For the first time, I looked over at Saionji.

"Now I have your attention... all it took was calling you by your first name, huh?"

"...w-why are you crying?"

"I should be the one who's asking that."

Saionji ignored her tears in favour of mine.

Her hands, soft and warm, grazed against my cheeks to wipe them away.

"I'm not crying... d-don't touch me!"

I shoved Saionji away and hid my face from her. She sighed tiredly.

"My, what a handful."

Through the gaps of my fingers, I could see Saionji wipe away her tears with a solemn look on her face.

A short silence fell between us.

I dropped my hands and turned my back on Saionji in bed.

"You're getting discharged today, right?"


"That's good. I wanted to bring you and your friends along with me somewhere."


"Eight's Battlegrounds."

My eyes widened.

"Are you seriously making us go into something so dangerous on our first week?"

"This should be a walk in the park for you. Not sure about your friends, though."

"Kidou will be fine, it's Fuuka and Rizawa I'd be worried about."

"Oh? Well rest assured, none of you are actually duelling."

"We aren't? Then what's the point of going to the Battlegrounds?"

"So you can gain experience of visiting the place. I know you've never been before."

When I was a free agent, I was denied access to the facilities because you could only enter the Battlegrounds if you were part of a Wing.

"Just get a feel for the atmosphere and observe the duels that are taking place. I also have some business to take care of there."

"I see..."

"You don't have to hide your excitement. You can act childish in front of me. I don't mind."

"It's not that! It's just... it feels awkward, doesn't it?"

"You're the one who made it awkward shouting at me in the first place. I didn't know you could be so rude, Minoru..."

"D-don't call me by my first name! I don't want people to know you're my mom..."

Saionji paused, her eyes widening.

"You finally called me that... you finally called me your mother..."

She smiled gently and pulled me into a loving hug.

"H-hey... don't hug me so hard, i-it hurts!"

Despite my protesting, Saionji continued to hold me tightly to her chest.

I looked up and saw how bitterly blissful she was in that moment.

Did it really mean that much to her?

Me calling her mom.

I always thought I was a nuisance...

That's why she left me.

Because I caused her too much trouble.

At least, I thought that's why...

But now, I'm not sure.

I guess I can get my answers later.

My arms moved on their own, wrapping themselves around Saionji's back.

I gripped her shirt and buried my face into her chest.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a mother who loved me.

"I'll keep calling you Takamine in public. But when it's the two of us, I'll call you Minoru."

"Okay... mom."

As she gently pat my head while hugging me, I slowly fell into a lulled trance.

Maybe... I was being too harsh on her.

"I love you."

We left the hospital, where Rizawa, Kidou, Fuuka, and one other woman was waiting outside for us.

She seemed to be slightly older than us and from a different country, as she had natural blonde hair and blue eyes.


"We're so glad you're safe!"

Immediately, Fuuka and Rizawa rushed up to me for a hug.

"Guys... hey." I laughed slightly.

"Congrats on the discharge, Takamine." Kidou said.

"Thanks man. Sucks I trashed Big One in that crash though."

"You don't have to worry about that! I nursed her up back to full health while you were gone." Rizawa grinned.


"Yeah, come check her out!"

Rizawa led me to my Duel Runner which was as good as new. You couldn't even tell it suffered a crash or repairs.

"Woah, Rizawa! You seriously are the best mechanic in Eight, holy crap!"

"I'm kind of getting jealous of you now!" Fuuka moaned. "Hey, if I crash my Duel Runner, will you repair it like Minoru's?!"

"Knowing you, you'd crash it so badly, it'd become unsalvageable." Kidou laughed.

"Hehe... thank you for the praise. I didn't have anything better to do, so I thought this would be a nice surprise!"

"The craftsmanship is quite superb."


Rizawa jumped back as a whispery, deadpan voice tickled his ears.

"Sorry. I was admiring your repair job."

It was the foreign looking woman from earlier.

"W-who are you anyways...?"

"My bad. I forgot to introduce myself earlier when I arrived with Lady Saionji. I am Amanda Kuushu of the Sangria Wing and the assigned Leader of Division A. Furthermore, I am and alumni of Neo Duel Academy and ranked 2nd in Eight."

"She's also Sangria's Second and my personal Guard." Saionji added.

Jeez, flex much? This woman was more than impressive. Her duelling skills must be insane.

"Wait... y-y-you're the top brass?!" Fuuka exclaimed.

"Yes. Is it surprising?" Amanda tilted her head.

"I don't know... I thought Sangria's Division A would be spearheaded by someone more... intimidating looking?"

"I think being a foreigner is intimidating enough."

"She got you there!" Kidou laughed.

"Hey! If you're agreeing with her, that means you're afraid of foreigners, you racist!"

"I never said that!"

"But you implied it!"

"Oh god, not this again..." Rizawa sobbed.

"We should probably get ready to head out now." I said, trying to save Rizawa's sanity from deteriorating further from these two again.

"Yeah... we don't wanna keep the guest of honour waiting."

Guest? Did Saionji invite someone special to come join us?

"Rizawa's right. Everyone, shut up, get on your bikes, and follow my lead!"

"Yes ma'am!"

We hopped on our Duel Runners and drove off to the Battlegrounds.

"This place looks like a wasteland..." Kidou muttered as we pulled up to the Battlegrounds.

"No kidding! If I didn't know any better, I would've thought this place was a dumping ground." Fuuka said.

Gated behind two iron doors and a square of wired fences was the Battlegrounds. It looked exactly like a war zone ripped straight out of World War One, but instead of soldiers duking it out in trenches, it was duelists duking it out with cards.

After confirming verification with the guards, we made our way inside the Battlegrounds.

"Are my shoes going to be okay...?" Rizawa asked as his feet sank into the dirt.

"You'll be fine." Amanda said.

"I don't feel fine..."

"Then get used to it."

This place was filthy. It was like a barren wasteland overrun with sloppy wet mud and heaps of trash. Even the air was unpleasant, as it was thick like fog and smelled heavily of smoke. Were there any rules in this dumping ground?

I'm surprised so many people were here. There was a casual but deviant vibe, and the duels taking place around us seemed fun and intense. Overall, despite the Battleground's flaws, it still carried a rustic charm that reminded me of an underground fighting scene.

And for that reason, I could see the appeal in such a dingy and uncomfortable place to be in.

It only made me wonder though... just how often did Saionji come here?

"So... what are we doing here exactly?" Kidou asked. "I know we're meant to be observing or whatever... but if it was just that, then I don't think you or Amanda would need to tag along."

"For you four, that is the case. But for me and Lady Saionji, we have unfinished business that needs to be taken care of here."

"And that would be?"

"I'm sure you're all aware of the conflict over Ten between us and Gran Kaon?"

"Yeah. Everyone knows about that."

"Logan wants to settle it today. He sent us a message saying he'll be waiting here, in the Eight Battlegrounds."

"Huh? Wait, is he and Saionji going to duel here?!"

"Close, but not quite. Lady Saionji doesn't duel people she deems unworthy."

"Who's going to duel him then?"

"Me. If Logan can get through me, then Lady Saionji will recognise him as worthy."

"Woah... wait, then does that mean Saionji saw Minoru as worthy the first time they met?!" Fuuka exclaimed.


"Takamine, you're amazing!" Rizawa gasped.

"Damn dude, seriously, what did you do to get on her good side?" Kidou asked.

"I have no clue..." I said.

Deep down, I feel like I got a pass just because I'm her son...

"Ah, speak of the devil. Here's the bastard." Saionji grinned.

"Yo, old hag! Long time no see."

Waiting for us was a man, no older than I was, with long silver hair and a pair of glasses. Squatting next to him was a slightly older foreign looking man wearing a black cap and puffer jacket.

"Don't you dare insult Lady Saionji when you were the one to call her out here in the first place."

"Amanda, it's fine. He's only poking fun at me because he lacks confidence in his own abilities."

"Haha, if anything, you're the overconfident one."

"Of course I am, my Wing is currently crushing yours in Ten. That's why you came to my territory, right?"

A sadistic smile emerged on Saionji's face.

"You can't beat us, so you're resorting to facing off against me to claim victory."

Logan sneered at her and hopped off the rocks he was sitting on.

"Nah. I just wanted to end our little war sooner, rather than later."

Taking out his deck, Logan smirked.

"Saionji, let's duel. Winner takes Ten."

"As always, you're as predictable as a house tour. To call you surface level would be an insult to the ground floor."

"Are you declining?"

"Of course not, I'd be an idiot to do so. I'd be missing out on the easiest Wing to take ever."

"If that's not enough incentive, I can sweeten the deal even more for you if you want."

"While an interesting proposal, I'll have to decline."

"Oh? And why's that?"

"I don't feel like wasting my time on small fry."

"Hahaha! What an interesting perception of me. I never realised I was so low in your eyes."

"I speak facts, and only the facts. That's why you can duel Amanda instead."

I looked over to Amanda, who was currently staring blankly at the man Logan came with.

"Aye babes name's Amanda innit? Raaaah fam, you mans looking peng bruv, like sheeeeeesh! If you babe keeps looking at mans like dat wid dem sweet bunda, mans gonna have to do a madness, ya done kno!"

"Psst... did you guys just understand what that weird looking man said?" Kidou whispered.

"Psst... no I didn't, but I know he looks super hot!" Fuuka whispered.

"John... and so we meet again."

"Psst... seems like they have some history together." Rizawa whispered.

"Psst... that's because they do." Saionji whispered.

"Babes, babes, babes. Did you mans miss mans, ey? Cos mans bare did, ya done kno!"

"Psst... seriously, what's this guy saying?!" Kidou half-exclaimed, half-whispered.

"He's saying he wants to date me again." Amanda said.

"Y-you guys were a couple?!" Fuuka exclaimed.

"Hell yea bruv, dis was back when mans was a driller at Neo Duel Academy, ya done kno!"

"Oh, that explains it! Both of them attended the Academy and fell in love with each other!" Rizawa said.

"Yes, that's right. We were both Obelisk Blues, but his big black train stole my heart." Amanda sighed passionately.

"B-big black train?!" Fuuka covered her profusely blushing face.

"Too much information..." I muttered.

"And it choared bare wins too in Duel Monsters, ya done kno!" John cheered.

"Ultimately, we broke up once we graduated and joined our respective Wings."

"Issa a sad ting innit. Mans wanted to go wid da Gran Kaon mandem, but Amanda babes wanted to go wid da Sangria donnies."

"You lost your chance when you allied yourself with Lady Saionji's enemy, even after she offered to let you join with me."

"Aye, mans here for da chill vibes, not da war vibes, ratatatat. Da dommy mommy ain't mans type bruv, mans prefer doing da dominating instead uv being dominated on, mans get me innit?"

"John, you take orders from a 16 year old kid. You can't talk about dominating anybody when you're a high schooler's wingman."

"Dis kid's deck slaps harder than mans dad dough! Truss me Amanda babes, Logan's da real deal innit!"

"You really do enjoy sucking your Boss off. That is something I'll decide for myself."

"Fam! Dat's bare fruity blud, mans prefer uckering dat sweet bunda ayy, ayy! Ya done kno, mans out here innit!"

"John, that's enough." Logan, who decided that John was going too far, told him to stop.

"Aww, but mans was gonna get da girl again!"

"You're not getting me back, or anyone else for that matter. Now move."

"Sheeeeesh. Aight babes, chill."

John obediently stepped to the side, letting Amanda calmly walk up to Logan.

"It seems like I'm duelling you, huh?"

"Indeed." Amanda nodded. "If you can get past me, then you can duel Lady Saionji. However, failure to do so means you get out of here and return to your Sector. Do I make myself clear?"

Logan coldly looked down at Amanda before smiling slightly.

"Ah... yeah, sure, whatever."

"Do you want me to repeat it again? It seems you weren't listening."

"I get it, don't worry. I was just thinking of something else."

"Clear your dirty mind so we can begin."

"Who said I was thinking something naughty?"

"All boys are the same. The only things that interest them is bunda, food, and card games."

"What a narrow mindset. I'll be sure to change it thoroughly... in this duel."

They both strapped on their duel disks and initiated a mutual challenge using the app on their phones against each other.

"Duel!" Logan and Amanda exclaimed.

<[Gran Kaon] Logan D. Rose (8000) vs [Sangria] Amanda Kuushu (8000)>

"I'll go first."

"Be my guest."

<First Turn: Amanda Kuushu>

"First, I normal summon Edea the Heavenly Squire. Edea's effect, if he's summoned, I can special summon a monster with 800 ATK and 1000 DEF from my deck in defence position. I special summon S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru."

Amanda's deck was Security Force? Since she was Saionji's Guard, it was fitting that she was playing this archetype.

"Chiyomaru's effect, I banish S-Force Gravitino from my hand and bounce her to special summon a S-Force monster from my deck in defence position. All criminal behaviour will become outlawed under her mystic rule. Arrest and subdue, S-Force Pla-Tina!"

"Pla-Tina's effect, if she's summoned, I can target one of my banished S-Force monsters and special summon it. Enforce the rules and exile the scum to show deviant behaviour will not be tolerated. Arrest and subdue, S-Force Gravitino!"

"Gravitino's effect, if he's summoned, I can add a S-Force card from my deck to my hand. I add S-Force Chase. I set two cards face down and end my turn."

Hand: 3
LP: 8000

Hand: 5
LP: 8000

"I wonder how Logan's going to play around this. By summoning Pla-Tina and Gravitino in front of both Extra Monster Zones, Amanda has guaranteed that regardless no matter which zone he summons in, his Link monsters will get a de-buff." Kidou examined.

As long as monsters were summoned in the same column as S-Force Monsters, Pla-Tina would make them lose 600 ATK while Gravitino would banish them if they leave the field.

"Not to mention those two face downs. We know one of them is S-Force Chase, but the other one could be a negate like Solemn Judgment." Rizawa said.

"If you ask me, Gravitino's going to be the most tricky to play around. That banish effect is going to hurt if his deck relies on the graveyard." Fuuka said.

In the first place, we didn't even know what Logan's deck was, despite being the 1st ranked duelist in Ten. Well, I guess we're about to find out.

"An impressive board you set up there."

"Keep the compliments to yourself."

"Hey, I'm just trying to be nice here."

"If you're trying to be nice, then you wouldn't have shown up on Lady Saionji's turf in the first place."

"Meh, true. Draw!" Logan smirked. "Guess I should do this before anything else. I activate the spell Forbidden Droplet! I discard a card to negate Gravitino's effect, also his ATK is halved, until end of turn! (2000 > 1000)"

This was Logan's answer to Amanda's monsters. By negating Gravitino's effect with Droplet, he didn't have to worry about the banish effect anymore.

Furthermore, because he discarded a trap for the cost of Droplet, Amanda couldn't respond with trap cards, rendering her back row useless. As expected of a top ranked duelist, Logan was ready for any situation.

"I'll start things off by normal summoning Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius!"

Logan's deck was Raidraptor, huh? I didn't expect that at all from the number 1 ranked duelist in Ten. I was thinking he'd use something more degenerate, like Saionji, but I guess I was wrong.

"Vanishing's effect, I can special summon a level 4 or lower Raidraptor from my hand! I special summon Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius! Tribute's effect, I send Raidraptor - Mimicry Lanius from my deck to the graveyard!"

So far, Logan's been successfully able to summon his monsters and get his effects. Like Saionji in her duel against me, Amanda was waiting for the perfect time to disrupt him.

"Mimicry's effect in graveyard, I banish him to add a Raidraptor card from my deck to my hand. I add Raidraptor - Nest! Next, I'll activate Nest and use it's effect! Since I have two or more Raidraptor monsters, I can add a Raidraptor monster from my deck to my hand! I add Raidraptor - Singing Lanius! Now I overlay level 4 Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius and Raidraptor - Tribute Lanius! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Even the smallest hoots can make the most noise. Soar forth, rank 4! Raidraptor - Force Strix!"

"Force's effect, by detaching a material from him, I can add a level 4 Dark Winged Beast from my deck to hand! I add Raidraptor - Pain Lanius! Singing's effect, since I control a face-up Xyz monster, I can special summon him from hand! Next I activate Pain's effect, targeting Singing!"

"In response, I activate my trap card, S-Force Chase."

Since it looked like Logan was about to go into a second Xyz monster using Singing and Pain, Amanda decided to activate her trap now so she could prevent that while leaving Pain stranded on the field by himself.

"Chase's effect, since I have two S-Force monsters, I target your Force Strix and Singing Lanius, and return them to your hand."

"Aw man, you're no fun." Logan chuckled as he returned Singing to his hand and Force Strix to his Extra Deck.

"You got off lightly, considering Gravitino's effect is negated."

"That's true. They would've been banished if I didn't draw into Droplet earlier." Logan shrugged. "Regardless, Pain is special summoned as a level 4, and I take damage equal to Singing's ATK, which is 100. (8000 > 7900) Hm, what to do, what to do..."

Amanda narrowed her eyes, fearing that her trap wasn't enough to stop Logan's turn.

"Ah, I know. Good thing I have this." Logan looked over his hand and smirked. "I activate Strangle's effect! Since I control a Dark monster, I can special summon him from my hand! Unfortunately, it locks me into special summoning Dark monsters for the rest of the turn, which is mildly annoying."

"You had another extender?!" Amanda exclaimed in surprise.

It was the first time I saw her express emotion.

"Of course I did! Did ya really think that was enough to stop me and my birds?"

"It seems I've underestimated you, Logan... no matter, I'll recover next turn."

"People who say that usually don't get a next turn. Now I overlay level 4 Raidraptor - Pain Lanius and Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network! Even the smallest hoots can make the most noise. Soar forth once more, rank 4! Raidraptor - Force Strix!"

"I'll use Force's effect once more to detach a material and add Heel Eagle to my hand! Heel's effect, since all my monsters are Raidraptors, I can special summon it! Now soar high, my circuit! The summoning conditions are 2 Dark Winged Beast monsters! I set Raidraptor - Force Strix and Raidraptor - Heel Eagle in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link summon, Raidraptor - Wise Strix!"

"Wise's effect, if it's Link summoned, I can special summon a level 4 Dark Winged Beast from my deck in defence position, but it's effects are negated! I special summon Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite! Then, I set a card face down and..."

Just as we thought he was about to end his turn, Logan cheekily grinned.

"Activate my trap card, The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine! Since I have no traps in the graveyard, I can use this card the same turn it was set!"

Amanda's eyes widened. This entire time, Logan was holding onto a second extender, essentially making her activation of S-Force Chase useless.

"It summons itself in defence position as a level 4 Dark Warrior monster with 300 DEF! But that doesn't matter, since I'll be overlaying it with my level 4 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite to create the Overlay Network! Even the smallest hoots can make the most noise. Soar forth for a third time, rank 4! Raidraptor - Force Strix!"

"And again, I'll use Force's effect to detach a material and add Raider's Wing, who's treated as a Raidraptor, to my hand! Wise's effect, since I activated a Raidraptor Xyz monster's effect, I can set one Rank-Up-Magic card straight from my deck, plus I can activate it this turn! I set Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force! Zephyros' effect in graveyard, by returning Nest to my hand, I can special summon it, but I take 400 damage! (7900 > 7500) Now soar high, my circuit! The summoning conditions are 2+ Dark monsters! I set Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite and Link 2 Raidraptor - Wise Strix in the Link Arrows! Circuit combine! Link summon, The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche!"

"Rusty Bardiche? What's that doing in his Raidraptor deck?" Rizawa asked.

"The Raidraptor and Phantom Knight archetypes are very closely tied together, as you can tell with the Raider's Wing he added earlier. In particular, they share a lot of Rank-Up-Magic spells, which Logan can easily search out by dumping Silent Boots off Bardiche's effect." Kidou said.

"Hey, you know your stuff kid. That's exactly what I'm going to do!"

"Don't call me a kid, we're the same age!"

"Bardiche's effect, I send The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my deck to the graveyard and set The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch straight from my deck! Next, I activate Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force! I pay half my LP to special summon Force Strix from my graveyard, and rank him up by two! (7500 > 3750) Rank up, Xyz change! Soar forth, rank 6! Raidraptor - Revolution Falcon!"

"Revolution's effect, since it has a Raidraptor Xyz monster as material, I can destroy one of your monsters and inflict damage equal to half of it's ATK on field! I target S-Force Pla-Tina!"

"Pla-Tina has 2200 ATK, meaning I take 1100 damage... kya! (8000 > 6900)"

"Nice. Next I use Silent Boots' effect in graveyard! I banish him to add Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force to my hand, then activate it! I can rank up Force Strix equal to the number of Dark monsters I banish in my graveyard! I banish three! Even the flap of a butterfly's wings is enough to create change in this world. Rank up, Xyz change! Soar forth, rank 7! Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon!"

"Arsenal Falcon's effect! I detach a material from this card to special summon a level 4 Winged Beast monster from my deck! I special summon Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius! Strangle's effect, since I have an Xyz monster with a Dark Xyz monster as material, I can special summon a level 4 or lower Raidraptor from my graveyard! Return, Vanishing Lanius! Next I activate Raider's Wing effect! I detach one material from Arsenal to special summon him from my hand! Now I overlay level 4 Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius, Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius, and Raider's Wing! With these three monsters, I build the overlay network! Soar forth, rank 4! Evilswarm Ouroboros!"

"Rusty Bardiche's effect! When a Dark Xyz monster is summoned to a zone he points to, I can destroy one card on the field! I target Gravitino! Ouroboros' effect! I detach a material from this card to bounce one of your cards to hand! I bounce Edea!"

And with that, Logan had successfully cleared all of Amanda's monsters. All he had to do now was attack her for game...!

"I'm not sure if I agree with bouncing Edea... isn't safer to bounce the face down and run over her last monster?" Fuuka said.

"Yeah, I agree with you. He has more than enough ATK on board to kill her. What is he doing?!" Kidou exclaimed.

Since she has another Chiyomaru in hand, you don't want to bounce Gravitino, since she'll just use it for Chiyomaru's cost and special summon it back with Pla-Tina. The safest play is to destroy it, since S-Force doesn't interact with the graveyard at all.

Similarly, you don't want to return Edea either, since that lets her re-summon it on her turn to tutor another Chiyomaru from deck. While this is less impactful, deck thinning is deck winning, and getting a second copy to hand means you can repeat the play on turn 3.

"I guess even the best players can goof up?" Rizawa said. "It's strange though... if this line of play is so obvious that even we can see it, then Logan must have seen it to."

"Are you saying he did this on purpose?" Fuuka asked.

"Yeah... it's almost as if he's toying with her."

"That bastard!"

"Hmm. I don't think so." I said.

"Eh? What do you mean, Minoru?"

"I don't think Logan is that kind of person. If anything... I think he's trying to give her a lifeline." I said.

"Takamine has it spot on." Saionji, who had been listening in to our conversation the entire time, interjected. "This is the main reason why I brought you four out here."

"Now I enter my Battle Phase!"

"To show you with your own eyes just how soft and pathetic the Boss of Gran Kaon is."

"First, I'll attack you directly with Revolution Falcon! (2000)"

"Kyaaa! (6900 > 4900)"

"Next, I'll do the same with Arsenal Falcon! (2500)"

"Kyaaaaaa! (4900 > 2400)"

"And finally, Ouroboros will finish this! (2750)"

"Soft and pathetic? But he's going for game now!" Kidou exclaimed.

"Just watch." Saionji said.

"People who say they'll finish it... usually don't. I activate my trap card!"

Spinning one of Logan's earlier insults back at him, Amanda flipped her last card face up.

"Magic Cylinder!"

"Oh my god, what?!" Rizawa exclaimed.

"What the hell is that doing in S-Force?!" Kidou screeched.

"POOOOOOOOOOG!" Fuuka squealed.

"This is Amanda's ace card. Magic Cylinder." Saionji grinned.

"I negate Ouroboros' attack and inflict you damage equal to his ATK!"

"Heh... should've seen that coming. Argh! (3750 > 1000)"

"If you got rid of this card in the two instances you had to remove it, then I would've lost. You do realise that, right?"

"I know I could win right here, right now... but where's the fun in that? What I hate is boring duels. And what I hate even more is one-sided duels." Logan eyed Saionji from the side. "I love to see what my opponents can do when they're given a chance to come back."

"Hah. Your hypocritical chivalry sickens me."

"Bardiche, deal the last strike! (2100)"

"Kyaaaaaa! (2400 > 300) Grr..."

Even though Amanda was showing disdain towards Logan for him showing her mercy, he smiled at her anyways.

"Did you see?" Saionji asked. "This is the type of duelist the Boss of Gran Kaon is."

"For a guy who's Wing is named Gran Kaon, he's surprisingly nice..." Rizawa nervously laughed.

"This is a far cry from being nice. He could've put Amanda out of her misery, but instead he's forcing her to continue playing the game from a losing position."

"Even so, can't she come back from this?" I asked. "She still has four cards in hand to work with, and Logan doesn't have any negates on board."

"That's right. This is the giant flaw of giving her a chance. Amanda can now recover and set up her stun pieces again. He showed her mercy, but for what? This isn't an honourable action to make a fairer duel. It's a pathetic action that threw him the game."

Saionji turned to the four of us.

"As such, let this be a lesson to all of you. Now that you're part of Sangria, this is something I never want any of you to do. Do not show your opponent mercy. Do not waste anybody's precious time. You are to end the duel as quick and painlessly for the opponent as possible. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" We squeaked in fear.

If this was Saionji's personal philosophy when it came to duelling, it made sense why she used Dragon Link now. She didn't like to drag out games unless her opponent had the skill to handle doing so.

"I end my turn."

Hand: 4
LP: 300

Hand: 2
LP: 1000

"My turn, draw. I normal summon S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru."

"Hey, Amanda."


"I know what I'm about to do will go against what I said earlier, and for that, I'm sorry."

"Does it look like I care? Just get on and activate your effects."

"Right. Saionji!" Logan looked at her sternly.


"Earlier, you said I was soft and pathetic."


"I'm going to make you take me seriously. With this one card."

"I'm waiting."

"I activate the spell card, The Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Launch!"

"Ho? And here I thought you wouldn't actually use that card... maybe you have changed a little since the last time we duelled."

"Since Arsenal Falcon has no material, I can rank him up by 1! From the deepest depths of the different dimension comes the king that will bring the end of the world! Rank up, Xyz change! Descend, rank 8! D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga!"

"T-that's—!" Kidou gasped.

"No way..." Rizawa uttered.

"Aieeeee, he brought out that card!" Fuuka screamed.

"Kali Yuga's effect! After he's Xyz summoned, for the rest of your turn, other cards and their effects can't be activated on the field, and all other cards' effect on the field are negated! In other words, you won't be able to activate anything this turn!"

"I see. That's unfortunate." Amanda sighed, gritting her teeth.

"How was that, Saionji? You impressed now?" Logan asked.

"Shutting down her turn with a single card, eh? I guess even you can be cruel." Saionji replied.

Yikes, I could feel the tension between these two Bosses rising... both of them were really scary!

"I set a card face down and end my turn." Amanda said.

Hand: 3
LP: 300

Hand: 2
LP: 1000

"My turn, draw! First I'll activate Kali Yuga's effect to detach a material and destroy all spell and traps on the field!"

Amanda's face down, another copy of Magic Cylinder, was sent to the graveyard.

"Phew, that was close. Next, I'll activate Bardiche's effect! By sending Silent Boots from my deck to the graveyard, I can set Phantom Knights' Fog Blade straight from my deck! Silent Boots' effect, I banish him to add Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force to my hand and activate it! I banish three Dark monsters to rank up Arsenal Falcon! Spread your wings and take flight, my very soul! Become the fortress that will scorch the earth and hoist up the sail of victory! Rank up, Xyz change! Soar forth, rank 10! Raidraptor - Ultimate Falcon!"

"Ultimate Falcon's effect! By detaching a material, all of your monsters lose 1000 ATK and you can't activate any cards or effects for the rest of this turn!"

"Back to back full negates?! How's this fair?!" Fuuka screamed.

"To make things worse, since Chiyomaru only has 800 ATK, it goes down to 0!" Kidou exclaimed. "Amanda might as well be a sitting duck..."

"Not to mention, she can't even use her trap anymore. He's pretty much won." I said.

"Saionji, what do you think of all this...?" Rizawa asked.

"This is what he should've done from the start." Saionji said. "One attack is more than enough to finish this farce."

"You still don't take me seriously, huh?" Logan chuckled.

"Deep down, you're still the same old magnanimous bastard. Activating one Kali Yuga isn't enough to change my opinion."

"Figures. I guess it's fine if I go all out today then, since you're watching."

Suddenly, the air around Logan shifted as a massive wave of pressure began to chillingly exude from him.

"What trick do you have up your sleeve this time?"

"To change the future, one must grasp at the dangling red string of fate. Spin the ending anew, threading lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride into the story! Rank up, Xyz change! Descend, rank 12! Number 77: The Seven Sins!"

The number 77 tattoo appeared on Logan's forehead in blood red.

"Y-you... you also have a Number card...?!" Amanda gasped.

"Yup. Me, Saionji, and Amasawa each. We're not the Bosses of the Grand Three for nothing." Logan smirked. "Let's finish this. Entering battle phase!"

Silently, Saionji got up.

"Number 77: The Seven Sins attacks! (4000) Weaver of Grand Chaos!"

Then, she stood in front of Amanda.

"L-Lady Saionji?"

"You did well, Amanda."

The Seven Sins crashed into Saionji.

"LADY SAIONJI!!! (300 > 0)"

Amanda collapsed to her knees.

"Lady Saionji... why...?"

"Saionji!" Fuuka exclaimed.

"Oi... is she okay?" Kidou asked.

"She's fine... she has to be fine! R-right, Takamine?" Rizawa turned to me anxiously.

I looked over to the dust storm that had been kicked up.

Mom wouldn't go down that easily.

"Yeah. I have a funny feeling she's just fine."

As the dust settled, it revealed Saionji was completely unfazed by the attack.

Standing tall with a serious expression, the number 22 glowed on her cheek.

"Yikes! Chill out, the face you're making is super scary, you know?" Logan laughed.

"Two days from now." Saionji said.


"In two days, or in other words, this Sunday, we'll duel for control over Ten."

"Ah, so you're finally acknowledging me after all? Sure thing. I have one condition though."

"And that is?"

"Let's make things exciting... how does a tag duel sound to you?"

"You're insane, but fine. We can arrange that." Saionji smirked.

"Ha ha! I can't wait!" Logan grinned.

And so, in two days time, these two would have a tag duel.

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