Carlos (Nathan's dad)

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(If you asked who Carlos is, he is Nathan's dad, a male Swampert. He left Nathan and his wife when Nathan hatched from an egg. He feels like he fell out of love and feels bad for leaving them)

Carlos: *having an awkward silence with his son*

Nathan: *silent and glaring at him*

Carlos: I-uh....w-well...s-see ya...*walks out of the barn*

Nathan: *looks down*

Napoleon: *saw this and felt a bit guilty* Sorry, Nathan.

Nathan: *scoffed* You know what? This actually works out better for me because this never happened the last time I saw him-

Napoleon: Nathan, it's alright to be angry.

Nathan: *let out a frustrated sigh* Hey, why should I be mad? I'm saying at least he said "Goodbye" this time. *took out an empty picture frame with the word "dad" written on the bottom* I just wished I hadn't wasted my money buying his stupid present! *smashed the frame into pieces*

Napoleon: *watched*

Verika, Marco, Matthew and Veruka watched the two, confused of what is going on.

Napoleon: I-I'm sorry. You know, if there was something that I can-

Nathan: *interrupts him* Hey, you know what? You ain't got to do nothing. You know, it's not like I'm still 5 years old, you know. It's not like I'll be sitting up every night, asking my mom, "When is daddy coming home?" Who needs him? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to create my own circuit, but I learned didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it too.

Napoleon: Nathan-

Nathan: Got through my first day without him. Right? I learn how to make chemicals, I learn how to calculate the numbers of Pi, I learn how to fight without him. I had 12 good birthdays without him! He never even sent me a damn card! *yells angrily* TO HELL WITH HIM! *having an urge to cry*

Napoleon: *noticed*

Nathan: I didn't need him then and I don't need him now. *walks away*

Napoleon: *grabbed his arm* Nat-

Nathan: *yanks his arm away*No. You know what, Napoleon? I'm gonna get through college without him, I'm gonna get a great job without him, I'm gonna marry a beautiful girl, and I'll be having a whole bunch of kids! I'll be a better father than he ever was! And I sure as hell don't need him for that because I'm not a damn thing he could ever teach me about how to love my kids! *tears flowing out of his eyes*

The three adults and the two kids watched in silence, feeling bad for the Buizel.

Nathan: *sobbing softly* How come he don't want me?

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