If the kids meet a Karen

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Marco: *wearing a mouth covering and was looking at some berries from a market place if they are ripe for picking*

Karen: *walks in the aisle, looking for some Pecha berries*

Marco: *picked up some Pecha berries*

Karen: *sees him picking up Pecha berries and went to him* Hey kid.

Marco: *sees her* Yes ma'am?

Karen: Could you be a dear and give me all of those Pecha berries you got?

Marco: *confused* Uh, sorry but I grabbed them first. You should wait until they get restocked.

Karen: *not giving a shīt right now* I said give them to me. What do you even need them for?

Marco: Baking a pie. What do you need them for?

Karen: *irritated* Are you talking back to me, brat?!

Marco: *scared* I-I didn't-

Karen: Where are your parents kid? They should teach you some manners!

Marco: *more scared, urging to tear up*

Karen: *nonsense yelling*

Marco: *tearing up*

Matthew: *walks to the aisle and saw Karen yelling at the little bird, going over and glares at Karen* What is going on here?

Karen: *a bit shocked at the Honchkrow, but decided to pretend to cry* Sir, this child stole all of my Pecha berries and called me names!

Matthew: *confused* Lady, my child would never steal from others.

Karen: *angry* Let me speak to both yours and your child's Manager!

Matthew: 0_0

Marco: 0_0

Manager: *went over to them* What the hell is going on here?

Karen: *sees her* Ma'am, that child and his dad stole my Pecha berries. I want you to kick them out of this store right now!

Manager: Ma'am, they're Pokemon. Pokemon are allowed in the store as well as humans.

Karen: *angry* Let me speak to your Manager!

Manager: But I AM the Manager. And I want you to leave right now.

Karen: *more angry* Fine! *ran off*

*at the Park*

Nathan: *listening to his music on his headphones*

Untitled kid: *saw his headphones and is in awe* Wow. Where did you get those headphones?

Nathan: *sees the kid* A friend of mine gave me these before he was assigned to another hospital.

Untitled kid: I wish I had one like yours.

Nathan: Ask your parents if you want one.

Untitled kid: Ok. *ran off*

(Few seconds later)

Untitled kid: *came back with Untitled mom*

Untitled mom: *to Nathan* Hey kid. Nice headphones.

Nathan: Uh, thanks.

Untitled mom: So, *took out her wallet* How much do you want to sell it?

Nathan: *confused* What?

Untitled mom: I said how much for your headphones.

Nathan: Lady, these are my headphones. They're not for sale.

Untitled mom: *irritated* But my son wants it, so give them to him!

Untitled kid: *scared* Mom, we can just buy one in a store.

Untitled mom: *to Untitled kid* Not now son. Mommy is busy right now. *to Nathan* If you don't give me those headphones right now, I'll call the police!

Nathan: *annoyed* Go ahead because my friend gave me these headphones.

Untitled mom: *more angry and got out her phone and turns around*

Untitled kid: *whispers to Nathan* Go.

Nathan: *walks away from the two*

Untitled mom: *to the police* Yes hello? I like to report a robbery. A Pokemon stole my son's headphones. Yes, the Pokemon right over-*sees Nathan gone and grew angry, hangs up and looks for him*


Napoleon: *with Cotton as they ate some ice cream, but sees Nathan speedwalking towards them* Hey Nate. Where were you?

Nathan: *hides behind Cotton* If a lady with blond hair asks, I left the park.

Cotton: *confused* What-?

Untitled mom: Hey! *walks towards them* Have you two seen a Pokemon with headphones?! He stole my son's headphones!

Napoleon: *confused* What?

Cotton: Uh, *lies* he left the park.

Untitled mom: *mutters* Dammit. *walks away*

Cotton: *to Nathan* No wonder you ask us to tell her that.

Nathan: Yep.

*at the mall*

Verika: *wearing boyish clothes while shopping with Veruka*

Karen: *looking for lotion and saw Verika, shocked and went over* Excuse me child.

Verika: *sees her* What?

Karen: Don't "what" me! Are you a girl or a boy?

Verika: *confused* Uh, girl?

Karen: Girls should wear girly clothes! You're not wearing anything girly!

Verika: Lady, I'm a tomboy. I choose what to wear what I want. Now leave me alone and respect 6 feet. *about to walk away*

Karen: *grabs her arm tightly*

Verika: *widens her eyes*

Karen: You're going to wear girly clothes whether you like it or not! Come with me! *walks to a clothes store*

Verika: *yelling* 6 FEET! 6 FEET! 6 FEET!

A security guard saw this and widens his eyes, running over to them

Security guard: Ma'am, what are you doing to that child?

Karen: *to the security guard and lies* Sir, my Pokemon wore clothes not suited for her, so I was taking her to a store for some girly clothes.

Verika: *struggling to get off her grip*

Security guard: *noticed* Ma'am, are you sure this is YOUR Pokemon?

Karen: *lies* Yes.

Verika: *growled and bit her arm*

Karen: *yelped and let go*

Verika: *got behind the security officer*

Karen: *growled angrily* You brat! Where are your parents?!

Security guard: *spoke in his walkie talkie* Hey boss, we have a problem near a clothes store. Yes. It is a Karen. Requesting to arrest her.

Karen: *widens her eyes and makes a run for it*

Security guard: *noticed* Hey! *follows her*

Verika: *points her middle finger at Karen*

Veruka: *looks for her and sees her* There you are Verika. Where were you?

Verika: Karen.

Veruka: *surprised and annoyed* Oh.

*with the three kids*

Marco, Nathan and Verika were told to pick up a cake from a bakery and saw a long line inside.

Verika: Man, this place is packed. Why does everyone need a cake so bad?

Marco: *checks the receipt* Hey guys. Check this out. The cake Jenna ordered is crazy expensive.

Verika: *checks and widens her eyes* $130?!

Marco: Yeah. Jenna's really going on out.

Nathan: *noticed something* Hey guys, check out that line. *points at the "Pre Paid Pick Up"* Nobody's in it.

Marco: *reads the sign* It says "Pre Paid", so yeah. Let's do it.

They walked up to the booth after a man finally got his cake. Karen was about to place her order, but the kids interrupted.

Marco: Excuse me. We're here to pick up a cake.

Female employee: Oh. If you have a pre paid receipt, I can get that for you.

Verika: *grabbed the receipt from Marco* Yeah we do! *gave her the receipt*

Female employee: *takes the receipt* Ok. It'll be just a minute. *walks*

Karen: Excuse me, but I was here before they were!

Female employee: Sorry ma'am, but pre paid customers take priority. *walks away*

Karen: *glares at the kids* Hey you three.

Nathan, Marco and Verika looked at her, confused.

Karen: That's right. I'm talking to you, bozos. You just cut the line!

Marco: Uhh...

Karen: Get back here and take a number like everybody else!

Nathan: We didn't cut the line. This is the pre paid line.

Karen: *not buying their cr*p* Oh ho. *sarcastic* 😡 That's a fine excuse for a bunch of LINE CUTTERS!

Verika: *irritated* 😡 Look, we didn't cut, ok?! *points at the pre paid sign* This is a separate line for people with pre paid receipts.

The customers behind Karen muttered until they all went to the pre paid line, leaving Karen behind.

Karen: But-

Female employee: *came back with a box* Alright, here you go. *shows them the cake*

(What the cake looks like)

All three: *in awe* 😍 Woah.

Female employee: Also, you three kids get our last cake pastries. *gives them one of each*

Karen: *widens her eyes and grew angry* This is ridiculous! I've been here longer than anybody!

Female employee: *annoyed* 😑 I'm sorry ma'am, but the sign says "Pre paid customers get attended to first." So maybe YOU should learn how to read.

All (except for Nathan and Marco): OOOOOOOOOHHHHH!

Karen: *glares at the kids* 😠

Marco: *chuckled nervously* 😨 Ok, thanks for the cake. Bye. *walks out with Nathan and Verika*

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