💀 Part One💀

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Z looked out into his backyard in horror. 'What is happening? this isn't real!' He yelled in his mind. The blood and bones splayed out on the lawn. He covered his mouth to keep himself from screaming. He shakily walked to the sliding glass door. when he opened it all he could smell was the metallic scent of blood. The sight of his best friend laying on the ground oozing the thick red Substance all around them. "J..." he took another step closer. "J!" he yelled. "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" He took another weak step. he fell to the ground. "STOP MESSING WITH ME!" He burst out in tears. "T-this is a prank, right?" Z crawled on the grass over to his best friend. He grabbed their shirt and tugged on them. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" He screamed into the cold night air. his sobs getting louder and louder as his friend lay there lifeless.

(Two weeks Earlier)

"Hey Z! Wait for me!" chimed a sweet voice just down the hall. Z stopped in their tracks and waited for a few moments. "Hey, thanks, man." It was the handsome face of Z's best friend, J. "Are we still going to the mall later? I heard Tom was going." she nudged Z and winked. Z covered his face. 

"Just because tom is going doesn't mean I need to go." He said looking embarrassed. J laughed at him. "You don't need to announce to the whole school that I like him. And who said he's gay?" Z looked around and pulled J into a closed room. "I just don't think he would go for someone like me... I'm not his type." Z said in a soft but angry tone. 

"geeze chill why don't you? It's not like I said you like him, I just simply stated that he was going to the mall today." J sat down at a desk. "Why wouldn't he like you anyways? what's not to like?" Z smiled and sat down as well. 

"He's just... I don't get 'the vibe' from him" He stated while fidgeting with his hands. J smiled and got up. "come on let's go to class. We are still going to the mall though correct?" Z smiled and nodded. they left to go to class.

(Back to present.)

The sound of fire trucks and ambulances filled the dead quiet night. Z sat in a pool of his best friend's blood. "Stay with me J!" he said while gripping their shirt. He could see J's bones sticking out of their legs. There was a large gash in their stomach and the smell of blood filled the air. All Z could think about was. 'what happened? we were on the phone and the line cut when I looked out the door... there they were.' The timeline didn't fit how much damage was on J's body. The walk from J's house to Z's was maybe 3 minutes. 'How could this happen in my back yard' He asked himself. 

A few people ran round back of the house and screamed as the paramedics passed through. "Are you the one who called 911?" asked the tall man. "no... I just yelled and someone did it for me..." said Z in an almost emotionless stare. "We need you to let go of the body" said the man.

"THEY HAVE A NAME! THEY ARE NOT A BODY! THEY ARE A PERSON!" Z yelled at the man pushing him away. "I'm sorry... we need to take them away to get them fixed. what is their name?" Z sat there for a moment looking at the tattered body. "They go by J. they go to ***high school." Z let go and slumped backwards. Letting their body relax. "Are they dead?" He asked quietly. 

"I dont know yet we need to take them to a more secure location. can you come with me?" he asked as he reached out for his hand. Z stood up and went with them. He got to the back of the ambulance as they closed the doors. "are you hurt?" he asked him. "no... I just found him like that" 

"ok then you stay here get cleaned up and an officer will escort you to the station to give a formal statement I would advise getting a lawyer if I where you." He nodded and watched the ambulance drive away. He walked into the house and closed the door. 

Alright that is the end of chapter 1. I will start on chapter two next week. I hope you like it and if you do... well tell others because... thats what ya do lol. anyways thanks for reading, see you next time!

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