💀Part two💀

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Z went inside and started up the shower. The smell of blood still lingered in the air. He couldn't get the image of his best friend's body out of his mind. The look on J's face was that of pure horror and fear. Mixed with the lifeless look in their eyes. Z stepped into the shower and watched the blood wash off his skin. There was almost no sound. all he could hear was the shower. He stood there unmoving for a long time, his mind racing. 'what happened? why were their legs broken? why did the phone cut off?' these were all good questions but Z could not think of any answers.

He snapped out of it and washed off. The smell still lingered around the house from the large patch of blood in the backyard. cops were swarming around. the tape was spread around the perimeter of the house and quite a few people had started to gather outside the tape, all wanting either to catch a glimpse or a story. Z ignored all the people as he walked with a police officer to a car. he got in the back.

(6 months ago)

"Z... Z!" Z woke up and looked around. everyone in the class was laughing now. "Z looks next to you," J said in a quickly hushed tone. Z turned and looked, it was the teacher. She was standing next to his desk taping her fingers. "Oh, miss bell... I'm sorry." Miss bell did not seem pleased. Miss bell was an older woman around 65. she had been teaching since she was maybe 20. She did not tolerate students sleeping in class. she was usually quite lenient, but you would never want to be caught sleeping in her class. 

Miss bell smelled of old books, lavender, and lemons. She had a pointed nose and long silver and red hair. The silver was showing more and more as the year passed by. Aside from her wedding ring she still wore she did not wear any jewelry. "I'm so sorry.. see my mo-" miss bell glared even more. "Never mind... ill see you after class..." said Z. you see this happened a lot to Z. He did not sleep well at home. J would talk to him until about 9. that is when his parents would shut off his phone. 

Let me give you a rundown of Z's time at home. First, he would wake up and make sure his parents were awake. If they were not awake he would have to wait in his room. they did not trust the children downstairs unless one of them were down there. Next, he would take the dogs out and feed them. If there was time he would take a short cold shower. then off to school. Once he got home he would come inside do his 7 chores then start on homework. then at about 5, he would start dinner, He would cook for the whole family. He would serve the food and eat. then he would help his sister do her chore and by that, I mean to do them. After that, he would finish any schoolwork he could not get done before dinner. he would get into bed at around 2 am and sleep restlessly in a cold room till about 6 am where he would wake up and do the same thing all over. his last year of high school is when he got a job and that changed things but we will save that for later.


At the station, he sat in a room with one chair and a couch. he sat on the couch alone and waited. He looked around the room, he could see a large bookshelf and a window. the room smelled like disinfectant and bubblegum. it made sense because of the large bowl of gum on the table. When he reached for a piece the door swung open. he jumped a bit and looked at the door. A tall man in his late 40s walked in and smiled. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said in a sympathetic tone. He sat in the chair and smiled at Z.

"Let's just get into it. I know you know why you are here. I'm not even going to pretend what happened to you was no big deal but I'm going to have to ask you a few questions." he shifted in his seat and pulled out a pencil from his pocket. "I'm just going to ask you straight out... Did You kill J?"

That is it for chapter 2 I'm sorry it is so long but I am sick and don't have the patience or energy for this right now so I am hoping to get the next chapter out once I am better.

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