[SS] A Bittersweet Revenge

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I always like going to the good old days. I remember when mother used to take me with her in the medical mission for the refugees; the harmless, people who have become victims of the ongoing war. Many people have died, especially those naïve and innocent little ones who were just learning how to walk. I could also remember when the fresh smell of fear, longing, anxiety and depression welcomed me as I stepped inside the tents of the weak, ill, and injured, lying helpless on the collapsible beds on each side of the tent. They looked very disastrous, as if their homes had been burned and their riches had been turned into ashes. Such horrible word of metaphor, if you ask me. After all, they have experienced worse conditions.

I snapped back to reality when I heard a gunshot in the spot near me. I turned my head into the direction of the sound to see my brother Niccolo holding a pistol which is pointing at the targets. It took me a moment to realize that we are at the training grounds of the military, specifically the shooting range.

"I took you here for your training, not to stare at me the whole time," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention on the targets he shot. Bull's eye, as usual.

I grabbed my own gun and loaded it with three bullets. Then, aiming at the targets 20 meters from me, I carefully shot each one.

My face lit up when I saw the targets: bull's eye! Three in a row!

I smirked and turned to look at Niccolo who was studying the targets while nodding slowly but repeatedly.

"Well done, Nicole. Not bad for a sister," he mockingly said.

I glared at him, made a face and focused back on the targets. The training lasted for a few more moments and a couple more bull's eyes before we left the training grounds.

Niccolo drove our way to the refugee camp. As one of the military's high-ranking officials, he had to go there for news and updates. I usually go with him after training to visit my friends. I also help with the mission sometimes for father might send me to my first battle anytime; that's why they bury me in a mountain of trainings.

When we reached the place, I quickly noticed no changes from it. There are still separate white tents standing across each other. The medical team is still here, either. Mother was used to be their team leader. Too bad she died in the war. Aside from the old team not being here, everything else is the same. I'm glad it didn't change. It's been a while when I last went here.

There's always one thing that catches my attention every time I go here. There are people dying every day. There are corpses in tent one on Monday, tent two on Tuesday, tent three on Wednesday, and so on so forth. The pattern goes on until the very last tent. I know it's normal that people die of diseases, but what really bothers me about it is that the deaths have a pattern, and the number of corpses is always the same, which is five.

I studied the camp a little more when Niccolo got out of the car. I followed him suit and went towards the refugees.

He looked for the head doctor and team leader since they were the ones holding the record. I, on the other hand, looked around until I found the one that I'm looking for.

"Hey, Nick! I'll just go see them," I said, pointing at the tent two blocks away from where we are.

"Sure. You probably missed them already. Just be back before 12," he replied, smiling at me.

I smiled back at him and made my way to the tent.

I hear the voices inside the tent get louder and clearer as I get nearer. They all laughed loudly as well.

These noisy little rascals never stop talking about unimportant and senseless matters.

I counted them when I got close enough. Four. Then I noticed their faces.

Where is he?

I was about to move away and find him when Xenon noticed me coming. He looked at me and gave me a wide smile.

"Hey guys! Beszette's in the house!" he particularly shouted.

They all turned their heads in my direction. If possible, their faces lightened up even more as I gave them a warm smile.

"Nicole!" They all greeted and rushed towards me.

"Hey guys! Missed me?" I said, stretching my arms out wide, readily approaching them for a group hug.

"It's good to have you back here, Nicole," Aeries cries and we all hugged.

They are my friends. I met them when I was four when mother

first brought me here. They were the only children who survived the airstrike. They were only five and oblivious to their own identities. The medical team was the ones who gave them their names since all of their parents didn't survive. The first time I saw them, they all looked like scared little kittens huddling shivering in the corner. I volunteered to befriend them.

I guess our bond was just so strong that our friendship still remains at the age of fifteen.

We all sat down on the beds standing across each other. I looked around, silently hoping that he will appear out of thin air.

"Looking for Khurt?" Flame said with a smirk. If there is one thing I liked about her, it's her being frank.

I smiled widely at her, my way of saying yes.

Her smirk widened and exchanged meaningful looks with his twin brother. Frost seemed to read her mind for he smirked, looking at me. At the same time, the twins gave me a mocking look.

"Just tell me where he is, will you?" I asked impatiently.

"Not having a good temper, are we?" Frost teasingly asked but recoiled when I glared at him. He pointed outside using his lips.

"He's outside, waiting for your arrival."

Except for Frost, everyone else suddenly found the floor very interesting. I rolled my eyes at them and made my way out. I swear I heard faint laughing coming from there when I had my distance from them. I just shook my head.

I walked around the refugee camp for a bit until I saw him playing with children. I walked towards them and heard the children laughing.

I guess he's still using his oh-so-corny jokes.

"You're so awesome, Mr. Khurt! You saved us from the fire earlier and now you're making us all happy. That's so coooool!" I

heard the little boy said.

"Oh, really?" I said with mock amusement, both of my eyebrows raised.

They all looked at me, including him. He slowly met my gaze and his face, like my other friends, lightened up more.

He quickly stood up and greeted me with a hug – a bone-crushing hug.

"Mavis, I'm glad you're finally here," he said, still not letting go of the hug and slowly whispered five words that sent a chill down my spine.

"I missed you."

I stood there, frozen, savoring what he said. Then, unconsciously, I hugged him back in an equal strength and said in an equally quiet voice, "I missed you too, Enzo. Very much."

"You look good in your uniform, by the way," he said quietly in my ears.

"Look who's talking," I said in a matter-of-fact tone and in the same way. "You didn't tell me you joined the rescue team."

He chuckled, barely audible if you aren't this close to him. "You would know if you were right here beside me every single day."

For once, I was glad he can't see my face right now because I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks.

Our hug lasted for a few more moments until...

"Mr. Khurt, is she your girlfriend?" asked a small voice from behind.

We abruptly pushed away from each other. "No!" we said in unison. I forgot that the kids were still here and from the looks of it, neither did Enzo. "Why would she?" Enzo asks.

"Yeah, why would I?" I repeated.

Enzo spoke again, stuttering. "Sorry. I mean, uh... I'm not... that's not... you know... I haven't... erm..." His cheeks went redder and redder with every word.

I chuckled at his reaction. I knelt down to the children until we're at eye level. I smiled at them. "Do you guys want to play a game?" I asked.

The children all nodded vigorously, exchanging excited glances at each other.

Time to play the game.

"Okay then. The game is called 'Run for your fucking lives'. The rules are simple. You're just going to your own bases because I'm going to kill you!" I said, mockingly roaring.

They all shared a glance and ran as fast as they can, shouting and screaming.

I heard the guy beside me chuckle. "Old habits die hard, they say," he said.

"You know I only did that for them to leave us alone," I retorted, standing up.

"You could have asked them to leave us alone politely," he muttered, shaking his head, his arms crossed.

"We better head back, you know. They would think we were doing 'something' already," I said, quoting the word something.

"Yeah. I think so too." With that, he led the way back to the tent.

"What happened to the kids?" Aeries asked when we entered the tent.

"As usual, Mavis the Great threatened them to run for their dear life," Enzo said.

Flame shook her head in disbelief. "Always the total opposites," she muttered.

"Yeah, but totally harmonious," Frost said and discreetly high-fived with Flame.

Tsk. These twins.


I turned my head on the tent's entrance where the voice came from, seeing in my peripheral view that the others were doing the same. Niccolo stood at the opening, panting.

"Dad just called me. We need to head to the base," he continued.

I looked at my friends who nodded in understanding. I waved them goodbye and started to walk along with Niccolo towards the car.

"Take care!" I heard Enzo said. I turned to him and smiled. 'You too,' I mouthed back. He seemed to catch it for his smile widened.

Niccolo drove the way to the base. Niccolo headed to Dad's office the moment we arrived.

Dad is the Director General of the military. He was proclaimed in that position since I was six, exactly one week after the death of my mother. The position was actually offered to him on the day of my mother's death but he rejected for he needed time to grieve for the loss of his wife. The position wasn't offered again until a week later, which he reluctantly accepted. He soon became used to the job and now he was doing it flawlessly.

I roamed around the building just to hear voices coming from the door beside me. The voices seemed to be... arguing. I stopped walking and leaned closer to the door to hear it clearly.

As if they heard me coming, one of the voices said, "Let's take a break." I heard a muffled yes from the other, the sound of moving chairs and some footsteps getting louder from the door. I quietly took a few steps backward and pretended to roam around. I saw them lock the room with their IDs and place it under the mat at the door of the room.

Too obvious for a hiding place but still, it's brilliant.

I waited for them to get a distance from me and inconspicuously grabbed one of the IDs and unlocked the lab. I checked the surroundings, making sure I'm not noticed before entering the lab.

The smell of various chemicals welcomed me as I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. I looked around the lab, noticing nothing unusual but a small glass cage at the corner of the middle table caught my attention. I walked towards it to see what's inside.


I looked at the cage closer and gasped. A rat was lying lifelessly at the bottom of it.

Why would they consider this a success?

I wandered around more to find this so-called 'Peharin'. At first, I can't find it, but then I saw a black case labeled 'PEHARIN' written in golden letters at the top of the case.


I took the case, slumped on the floor and opened it. I was five syringes filled with a familiar bluish-white substance. I quickly searched my mind for answers when I remembered the same bluish-white substance being injected to five people with severe diseases. Suddenly, a conclusion came into my mind.


No, it can't be.

I closed the black case and put it in its initial position and looked for an empty syringe. When I found one, I went to the dispenser of the said drug and filled the syringe. I sealed it carefully and put it in my jacket pocket, unnoticed outside.

I can't believe my luck.

But that luck quickly disappeared. I heard mumbling voices outside and at the same time, I heard Niccolo shout my name. I fixed the rest of the things to their respective places (I mean the places where I first saw them) and quietly exited the lab. I noticed the two scientists walking towards her and her brother on the glass door of Dad's office. They all seemed oblivious to the fact that I was at the door where I wasn't allowed to do inside. I took my chance and slipped the ID I grabbed earlier back under the mat and pretended to roam around once again.

The two scientists approached me. "Aren't you finished roaming around?" asked one of them, whom I recognized as the owner of the ID I grabbed earlier.

I tried to look as normal as possible. "Not yet. All of the information is so fascinating. I've been here for a couple of times yet it doesn't fail to amaze me." Which was partly true. I've always read the information repeatedly yet it still amazes me.

"Too true to ignore. I've been working here for quite some time now and I still get the same reaction as you did," said the other. "Anyway, we better get back now. We still have business to attend to." And they left.

Niccolo went out of the office, waving goodbye at our father. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you earlier."

"I was outside, enjoying the cool October breeze," I lied smoothly. I'm really good at lying, whether believe me or not. The only person who could pick up my lies was Enzo.

Niccolo ushered me to the car and drove us home. Since we already ate at the camp, I immediately went upstairs to my room. I changed my training clothes into a more comfortable one and laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. After a few hours, I noticed that it was almost 10:30 pm, so that means that most people are already asleep. For the past hours, there's nothing else in my mind except for the revelation that happened earlier this day. I stood up, got the syringe, sneaked out to the window and headed to the camp.

The camp is just a few minute walk from home. When I arrived there, I immediately found their tent and went inside. As I anticipated, they were all soundlessly asleep. I made a commotion to wake them up.

A few moments later, they were all sitting up in their beds, yawning tiredly and looking at me with shocked expressions.

"Mavis, is that you?" Enzo asks. "What are you doing here at this time?"

I sat beside him in his bed and said, addressing them all, "I have something to tell you, guys." And I told them everything I saw

and discovered.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling us that this drug – Peharin – is the one used to kill people? Nicole, are you insane? There is no way they will kill all those innocent people," Frost said, his face

pale as ice.

"I've been thinking about it either. I don't know. But one thing is certain. What I told you is the truth. Here, check this out." I pulled the syringe out of my pocket and handed it to them. Xenon was the one to first examine it.

"How did you get this?" Xenon asked as he passed the syringe to Flame.

"At the base lab," I said as Flame passed it to Frost.

Frost tried to remove the seal but I grabbed it from him. "NO! It's too dangerous. You might kill yourself!" I nervously whisper-shouted.

They all raised an eyebrow at me. "Not a good joke, Mavis,"

Enzo said, preparing to go back to sleep.

"This isn't a joke, Enzo!" I slapped my head in frustration and sighed.

How will I make them believe?

As if on cue, a cat silhouette caught my attention.


I stood up straight. "You want evidence, I'll give you evidence."

I walked out from the tent and approached the cat, who is silently licking its paw. Disgusting.

I carried the cat inside and showed it to them. "Here," I said, holding the cat at eye level.

They all looked at me with skeptical faces. I knelt down and placed the cat on the ground. I remove the seal from the syringe

carefully, exposing the needle.

"I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice," I said and injected the Peharin to the cat's hinge leg. I threw the syringe to the trash bin and sat beside Enzo, facing the cat.

The cat started walking away but after it took a step forward, it started shaking violently, and then vomited repeatedly. At first, it was just vomiting its food, until it started vomiting its own blood. We looked at the cat with wide eyes, shocked and pale-faced.

"Holy mother of..." Enzo said in a voice barely above a whisper and trailed off. Frost was hugging Flame fearfully; whose hand's covering her mouth.

The cat continued vomiting for a few moments until it weakly fell on its feet and passed away.

Teary-eyed, I stared at the cat lying lifeless on the ground.

So it's really true.

I shook my head to hold the tears and looked at my friends, their confusion shifted into understanding, then somber.

"They don't cure the people..." Aeries trailed off.

"They kill them," Xenon finished for him.

A moment of silence filled the tent until Enzo spoke. "Wait, does your dad know that you're here?"

"Nope, but I do," a voice suddenly interrupted.

My heart sank when I recognized Niccolo's voice. Dammit. We all turned towards the door to see Niccolo in his usual t-shirt and jeans, his hands on both of his jean pockets. He walked towards us.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking you that question," he stated placidly.

"I..." I hesitated. "I told them about the drug I saw on the lab," I said nervously.

"So that's where you've gone? Don't worry, I won't tell dad. Just tell me which one is it," He said in the same calm voice.

"Penharin," I simply replied.

"Penharin..." he repeated. "That goody invention," he spat as if he hates the drug so much.

He knows. I'm sure of it.

My suspicions were confirmed in his next sentence. "I've known about it ever since it was first tested." He sat beside me. He sighed and a long silence followed after.

I looked at Enzo who was clenching his jaw tightly. I looked down at his fist which is clasped very tightly that his knuckles turned white and his breathing was quick and shallow, his eyes tightly closed.

He's mad. He's really mad.

I held his hand to calm him down. He opened his eyes and looked at me. His face slowly softened. He sighed and looked at our friends.

"This can't continue to happen," he said. "We have to do something. We have to stop this shit."

"They kill people, so we kill them," spat Xenon angrily.

"No, we can-" Flame cut me off. "I'm in."

"I second the motion," Frost said.

"Affirmative," Aeries agreed.

"Okay, fine." I put my hands up in the air in surrender. "Can we at least kill the person behind all of this only?"

They exchanged looks then nodded in response. I smiled at them. "If that's the case, I'm in," I declared. We all looked at Enzo, waiting for his response. He sighs. "If they kill people, we kill them," he said, repeating Xenon's words.

"Ehem–" Niccolo fakes a cough and we turned our attention on him. "You probably forgot that I'm still here and I'm Major Beszette. I'm not saying I'm helping you nor I'm going to stop you since I want all of this to stop too."

Voila. The biggest traitors ever.

After that, Niccolo and I bid goodbye to them and went home. The next day, we were back there, planning the assassination and at the same time, gathering important information. The planning and training lasted for a year then finally, it's the night before the assassination.

Enzo took me home because it's too late already. We stopped at the front door and faced each other. I sighed.

"Tomorrow's the big day, Enzo," I said.

"Yeah, tomorrow is," he repeated, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"By the way, thanks for joining the team and for building the plan. I know you won't even think about killing a person but you still joined in," I said shyly.

He took one step closer, put one o his hand on my chin and lifted it up, letting my eyes meet his. "I'd do anything for you, Mavis. Anything," he said softly.

He slowly drew his face closer until his lips met mine. I can feel the sincerity in his kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his on my waist.

The kiss lasted for a long moment until the door opened. We immediately let go of each other, blushing madly and pretended that nothing happened. It took me a second to realize that Niccolo was the one who opened the door and now standing with crossed arms, tapping his right foot and glaring at Enzo, who's suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

Niccolo turned to me and signaled me to go inside. I did, then looked back at Enzo and waved goodbye. He waved back then Niccolo stepped out and closed the door, leaving the two of them outside.

Boys' talk. I grimaced.

I went up to my bedroom and thought about the plan tomorrow. The plan is simple. At exactly 3 pm, the surgeons will enter Tent #5 and we will discreetly follow them. If we confirm that those people were really the ones injecting the drug, we'll shoot them out.

Deeply thinking about the plan, I didn't notice Niccolo go inside. I only noticed him when he sat on my bed.

"About Khurt," he started. "What are you talking about?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "If that's the case, then how can you explain the kiss earlier?"

I looked down, blushing madly. In the corner of my eye, I could see the corner of his lips twitching.


"About Khurt," he repeated. "I'm allowing him to date you but keep the limit. I don't want my only sister getting hurt."

I grinned at him and lunged to hug him, my face redder than a fully-ripe Californian tomato. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I kissed him all over the face. "I promise I'll never get hurt."

"You promise?" he asked.

"I do. I deeply do," I replied.

"Anyways, about tomorrow," and we continued the discussion about the upcoming assassination tomorrow.

The last thing I remembered, however, was leaning against Niccolo's shoulder and passing out before the rising sun woke me up. The day we'll end it all.

I got out of the bed, prepared myself, ate breakfast and went to the training grounds for my last year training with Niccolo. By the time the training had finished, it was almost 2:30 pm. Thirty minutes left.

We drove our way into the camp and found my friends' tent. We are all ready. We talked about the plans today 'till the time came by itself.

We got out of the tent and moved smoothly against the crowd towards Tent #5, the exact time we witnessed the surgeons go inside.

We went inside swiftly, ready to shoot. But the man in front stopped me from moving a muscle. It was my father, Director General Ronald Beszette.

He ordered one of the scientists to inject the drug into one of the patients on the floor, saying that it will cure them. They even asked the other people to go out and

"Why do you do this?" I whispered tearfully.

Dad turned to look at my direction, shocked. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"No, what are YOU doing here?" Niccolo retorted.

"I'm doing my job," dad said, as if asking the weather forecast.

"Doing your job to kill people! Why do you want to kill them?!" I cried out.

"Because they're just a burden to us, Nicole! Burdens! Worthless burdens!" my father practically spat.

Xenon aimed his gun at him. "No one else will die tonight. It will all end." He loaded his gun and prepared to shoot. At the same time, the guards of my father loaded their own guns and pointed it at us.

"I won't hesitate to kill. Even you, Nicole and Niccolo. You two both proved yourself unworthy of my trust." He addressed the guards. "Prepare to shoot in 3... 2..."

But before he counted down enough, seven bullets pierced through him, killing him in an instant. I wiped away angry tears in

my eyes and stared at his lifeless body.

The people outside seemed to hear the gunshot 'cause after a few moments, there was a large commotion outside. Enzo hurried outside to assure the people that everything's okay. Niccolo followed after him to help.

I looked at my father one last time before following them. My father might be dead already, but the deed has been done. And I know, deep within me, that when people get hold of this information, it will not be so pleasant.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is a collaboration of my and three of my classmates. This is influenced by MarieLu's books, since two of us love her books.

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