Kyle and Sarah one-shot story

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         Kyle really likes Sarah the adopted daughter of  Chloe and Nathaniel  Kurtzberg!  He is just not sure how to tell her this.  He thinks there is no way she likes me back!  He has one huge crush on her!  He wonders, what do I the son of Nino and Alya Cesaire, have to offer a girl like her?

        Kyle  sees Sarah.  He blushes.  "Hey, Sarah!"  Kyle says.

      "Hey, Kyle!"  Sarah says.

      "Do you have a date for spring formal yet?"  Kyle ask.

      "No."  Sarah says.

     "Really?  I mean, I am surprised no one has asked you yet."  Kyle says.

     "Come on just ask her already!"  Sarah's best friend,  Lora says

     " No one has asked me yet."  Sarah says.

     "Sarah, I really like you!  Will you go to the spring formal with me?"  Kyle ask.  As he ask balloons float into the air, a banner drops down, and some romantic music plays in the background.   He also has a rose in his hand.

     "Yes, I will!"  Sarah says.

       Sarah hugs him.  He hugs her back!

       "Oh, and before I forget, this rose is yours!"  Kyle says.

       "Thanks, Kyle!  I love it!"  Sarah says.  She blushes when she sees it is  a red rose. 

      *Author's  Note: Red Roses mean  romance, love

     "Awe, you two are so adorable!  I ship it!"   Lora says.

     " Same here!"   Ned says.

      "Lora will you with me to the dance?'  Ned ask.

     "Sure, Ned!  I thought you would never ask."  Lora says.

      Lora takes a photo of  Sarah and Kyle together, then one of her and Ned together and finally one of all four of them together!  She is so happy for both her and her best friend!  

     "Sarah, what are you doing with my Klyikins?"  her sister Kellie says.

    " Kellie, I am not yours!  I am taking Sarah to the dance!"  Kyle says.

     "What?  This is not fair!"  Kellie says and stomps off angry.

      Time skip to the dance brought to you by  Tikki's Best Cookies, and Nathaniel's best artwork!


     The day of the Spring Formal is here at last!

        Sarah gets ready for it quickly.  She looks forward to this!  She wears a simple black skirt with white stripes on it, a white shirt, and a black jacket.  She has on black leggings and her white flats.  In her hair is a french braid that has a black ribbon in it.  She wears some blush and a little lip gloss.  Other than this she wears no makeup.  She smiles.  She grabs up her zebra purse, and heads downstairs.

        Kyle is there happy to see her!  He has on black pants, a red shirt, red tie, black jacket, black socks and bright red shoes.  He smiles.  He hands her another red rose! 

      "Wow, you look beautiful!"  Kyle says.

     "Thanks, Kyle!"  Sarah says.

       The two arrive to the school gym holding hands.  They join the others on the dance floor!

           Lora dances with Ned!  She is happy she gets to be with her crush!  She is also thrilled for her bestie and her date as well.

       Kellie dances with  Christopher!   He is Kyle's  cousin.

        Sarah dances with Kyle!  

       Principal Damacoles dances with his wife Camille Damacoles!

       Mrs. Mendeleiev dances with her husband Mr.  Mendeleiev!

       Nathaniel Kurtzberg (one of the chaperons for the dance)  dances with his wife Chloe Kurtzberg!

         Jessie dances with Jack!   (She is the daughter of  Rose and Max Kante,  and Jack is the son of  Juleka and Ethan Winters).

       Kyle is about to kiss Sarah, when Boom!  

       "Sorry, Kyle I have to go!"  Sarah says.  

   She runs off and  hides in the bathroom.  "Zebee Stripes Up!"  Sarah says.  She transforms.

    Chloe runs off to hide too.  "Pollen, buzz on!"  She transforms.

    Elsewhere, the other heroes in civilian form hear the noise too, and they transform as well!

        Kid Zebra arrives on the scene.  She sees that Queen Bee is already there, along with Chat Noir, Lady Chick, Dog Damsel,  Skunk Boy, Miss Chat, and Rascal  Racoon!  She turns around as the villain is about to attack Queen Bee!  

      "Queen Bee, Watch out!"  Kid Zebra calls out.

      Queen Bee hears her and manages to dodge his attack!  

        Kyle has a secret too.  He is a hero now too.  He is a new one though and feels a bit nervous about helping the others.  When he sees someone try to hurt Kid Zebra though he decides to do something about it.  He hides.  "Frizzo, Tails on!"  Kyle says.  He transforms next.

     Captain Froggy arrives!   "What can I do to help?"  

      "Wow, you must be the new guy!"  Kid Zebra says.

      "Nice costume!"   Lady Chick remarks.

     "A frog hero, wow!"  Chat Noir says.

     "That is so cool, dude!"  Skunk Boy remarks.

     "Wow, there is another guy!"  Rascal Racoon says.

     "Come on guys, lets focus on the fight!"  Lady Chick, Queen Bee and Kid Zebra says at the same time.

       "They are right, we need to fight!" Dog Damsel and Miss Chat remarks.

       The heroes fight hard against the new villain and his helpers.  They feel all worn out!  Just as they think they might loose the battle Kid Zebra hits the villain with her zebra stick and he gets zapped!  He passes out.  

     Lady Chick, manages to catch the akuma and purify it while the others take out the villains helpers one by one!  Turns out they are just a couple of  illusions.

      "Miraculous  Ladybug!"  The latest Ladybug who goes by Lady Chick calls out!

     Everything goes back to normal!  

  "Team Miraculous!  Pound it!"  The heroes say as they do they do a group fist bump.

    Then, they all go their separate ways to destransform.

      Kyle looks for Sarah now that is back at the dance.  He sees that her parents are back now.  He is glad they are okay, but still worries for his date.

     "Where are you?  Sarah?"  Kyle calls out.

      "Right here!"  Sarah says as she taps him on the shoulder.

       "Sarah, I am glad you are okay!  Where did you run off to earlier?"  Kyle ask.

      "It is kinda a secret!"  Sarah says and winks at him.

     "Wow, that is cool!  Are you sure you are not hurt?"  Kyle ask.

      "Kyle, calm down!  I am fine!"  Sarah says.

      "Look, if my bestie says she is okay, then she is man!"  Lora says.

      "Sarah, your dress reminds me of someone!"  Kyle says.

      "Oh, and who might that be?"  Sarah ask.

       "Oh, just some one!"  Kyle says.

        Sarah and Kyle  dance as if they had no interruptions earlier.  They sure have a blast at the spring formal!  

          the end to Kyle and Sarah one-shot story -Summer Cheng

      *All new heroes, Kid Zebra, Dog Damsel, Skunk Boy, Lady Chick, Miss Chat, Rascal Racoon, and Captain Froggy were made up by the author, Summer Cheng.  Please do not copy these ideas!  Do not copy this story either because I worked hard on writing it!- Summer Cheng.*


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