Ladynoir : Kiss, Rose and Reveal? one-shot story

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      Chat and Ladybug had just fought a villain, but for once ladybug did not have to use her lucky charm! Chat did not have to use his catacylsm either much to his relief.   Ladybug was about to leave, when Chat caught her wrist and did not let go.

     " Ladybug, you look beautiful  tonight!  Your hair's  reflection shows well in the moonlight!"  Chat says.  

        Ladybug  does not say a word she just blushes.     

      Chat looks at her.  Ladybug looks at him.  Chat gives her a nice rose!  He smiles when does not refuse it right away.  He is so happy she took the gift.  He thinks at least this time she did not run off on me again.

      "M'lady, I care for you deeply,"  Chat says.

     "I know Chat.  Thanks for the rose, but I love someone else, "  Ladybug says once more.

     "Look, I know you think it will not work out between us, but please give me a chance!"  Chat pleads with her.

     "How can I Chat?  I can not just forget about the guy, I love."  Ladybug says.

      "Ladybug, look you can try being with me and if it does not work out, what do you have to lose?"  Chat ask.  He holds her hand for a moment, but let's go when she gives him a look that says she does not approve.

     Ladybug does not respond.  She is not sure she can.  She can only think about Adrien and how much she loves him.  She just wishes Chat would understand this for once.

    Chat leans in and kisses her.  This time inside of the cheek he kisses her lips.  Ladybug does not return the kiss.

     "I am sorry, Chat!  I have to go!"  Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.

    "Please, stay!  Please!  Do not go yet!" Chat begs her.

    "I am sorry.  Chat, I can not stay. "  Ladybug says.

    "Can not, or refuses to stay?"  Chat remarks. He thinks of something fast!   He takes his ring off and hands it to her.

      As soon as he hands his lady the miraculous, he detransforms.  Now, before her eyes is her partner in his civilian form.  Ladybug gasps and feels like she may even faint!  Before her eyes is Adrien Agreste, the boy she loves!  How?   She can not believe it.  Her Adrien is Chat?  How can this be?    Ladybug cries and whispers,  "Adrien, I...I..."   Ladybug tries to say something, but before she can she starts to pass out. 

      Adrien catches her, but as he does he thinks, wait this is familiar.  He looks closely as his Bugaboo, detransforms shortly after she passed out.  He sighs when he sees her familiar face, cheekbones, neckline, and more.   

      Adrien cries as he looks at his ladybug face to face. He thinks, no!  It can not be true.  He thinks Marinette is my lady?  This means I all those times when I told others she was "just a friend, a really good friend, or very good friend,"  I friendzoned the love of my life.  He looks into her eyes and kisses her again. 

      Marinette comes too with a set of wet lips as they brush across her own. She looks up at her crush in surprise. She thinks, wait!  He kisses me?  Why?  I mean I never knew he was Chat before today, so  I always made the mistake of turning away the boy, I love.  What if he hates me now?  She struggles with her inner thoughts as she feels a hand touch her shoulder and another her waist.

       Adrien breaks the kiss.  He looks at her.  He thinks, Come on Marinette, please say something, my love?

       "Adrien, you are Chat Noir?   You should not kiss me, because you do not love me!  I mean not as Marinette anyway.  I do not blame you because everyone always loves Ladybug."  Marinette says.

     "Mari, please!  Look, I never meant to hurt you, honest.  I just never knew the kind, caring, pretty classmate in front of me at school was my ladybug!"  Adrien says.

      "I suppose that makes sense because I never knew my crush and love of my life was my silly, flirty, pun maker, partner either,"  Marinette says.

       "Crush?  Love?  Wait, you mean you have a crush on me?  You love me?"  Adrien says with surprise in his eyes.

       "Yes, but I..." Marinette says.

       Adrien reaches up and cups her face gently in his hands.  "Do not say it, Mari!  I do love you both as you and as Ladybug!  I have for a while but was afraid to admit it because I never knew until now you were not two different girls, but the same girl."  Adrien says.

     "R-Really?"  Marinette says.

    "Yes, really!  I do."  Adrien says and kisses her lips again.  Marinette slowly kisses him back and closes her eyes.  She thinks, please do not let this be a dream.

       Adrien breaks the kiss.  "What about you?"  Adrien says.

      "What do you mean?"  Marinette says.

     "How do you feel about me as Chat?"  Adrien asks.

      "I admit I am still in shock you are him, but glad too.  I mean I always knew I loved you as Adrien, and I started to care for Chat.  I was just afraid to admit my feelings for him because I thought if I did then I would betray my love for you."  Marinette says.

      "Wow, so will you be my girlfriend?   I mean if you want too."  Adrien says.

      "Sure, I would love too!"  Marinette says.

      "Good, so we are together now as Marinette and Adrien, and Chat and Ladybug, then?"  Adrien asks.

      "Yes, of course, silly Adrien, my Chaton!"  Marinette says.

       the end of  Ladynoir:  Kiss, Rose, and Reveal?  one-shot story -Summer Cheng

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