Marichat: The Surprise Kiss? one -shot story

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        Marinette is busy with her homework.  She does not even notice when Chat Noir shows up on her balcony.  He taps on the window twice.  She just keeps on with her studies.  

       Chat opens the trap door and enters into Marinete's room.  He takes a look around him.  He notices there are sure lots of photos of him in his civilian form on the walls. He blushes.   He is not sure why he even came here.  He is in love with Ladybug, right?  Then why does he feel nervous around his princess?

       "H-Hey, Ma-Marinette!"  Chat says.

     "Oh, Hi, Chat!"  Marinette says.

     "You have lots of photos of Adrien on your walls."  Chat points out.

     "Yeah, I know." Marinette says.

    "Look, it is okay,I mean he does have lots of fan girls and I am sure is just happy to know you are one of them!"  Chat says.

      "I am not just a fan!"  Marinette says. She seems really upset now.  Angry even.  She reaches up and slaps Chat!

      "Hey, Princess!  What was that for?"  Chat says.

      "Sorry, it is just everyone thinks I only like him for the same reasons the others do, but it is not true."  Marinette says.

     "Oh, then why do you like him?"  Chat says.

    "That is really none of your concern!  I mean it is not your business!"  Marinette says.

     "Oh, but it is too!  You see princess, I like you!"  Chat says.

     "I beg your pardon!"  Marinette says.

     "I like you as more than a friend."  Chat says. 

     " So, what?  I like Adrien as more than a friend, but he only sees me as just a great fan and fan girl!"  Marinette says.

     "What?  A great girl like you?"  Chat says.

    "Oh, Chat!  I am not that great."  Marinette says.

     "Well, you are to me."  Chat says.

     " I like Adrien because he is kind, he looks out for others, he has a nice smile, and he is so dreamy!  I mean uh..."  Marinette says.

      "You are in love with him!"  Chat teases her.

      "Yeah, right!  You must be crazy!"  Marinette says.

       "I am crazy, crazy about you!"  Chat says.  He reaches out and kisses her hand.

       Marinette looks at him in surprise.  She thinks, wait, I love Adrien, so why am I blushing around this silly cat?

        " I like you as a friend."  Marinette says.

       "You say that, but I know you love me!" Chat teases her.

       "Do not!"  Marinette says , but blushes despite her protest.

       "Yes, you do!"  Chat says.

       "I mostly certainly do not ..."  Marinette begins.  Only this time before she finishes the sentence Chat cups her face in his hands.  He leans in and kisses her. Not on the nose, forhead, or even the chin.  He kisses her lips.  He is taken by surprise when does not push him away.

       Chat continues to gently kiss his princess.  He can hardly believe it.  He loves her, try as he might to stay true to Ladybug he finds he loves Marinette now.  Ladybug ignores him, but Marinette gives him attention.  He longs to show her how much he truly cares, but is afraid she will reject him just like his partner, ladybug has done, so on many occasions. 

        Marinette stands there in surprise as Chat kisses her on the mouth.  She does not push him away. She thinks, why am I enjoying this?   Do I love Chat?  How?  I care for Adrien. She tries to convince herself she has no feelings for the boy in the cat suit, yet she closes her eyes. She wraps her arms around his neck and finds herself  slowly kissing him back.  She thinks, Chat !  Chat, I wish we could be together, but how?  I mean, your are hero and I am a silly, clumsy, baker girl.

         Chat notices she kisses him back and smirks.  He thinks, could it be this is why Ladybug refuses me because she knows my heart belongs with Marinette?   As for Marinette, does she love me despite her protest?  He can only hope the kiss means she loves him.  He is sure now that he loves Marinette and no one can stop it.  He has fallen hard for his princess.

         Marinette opens her eyes and feels something hard in her mouth. She can tell it is Chat's tongue. She considers the idea of backing away.  Instead she feels her own tongue reach out and join his. She thinks, Great!  I  love Chat!  It is true then, I may like Adrien, but Chat is the one who holds my heart.  She thinks, Oh, Chat!  

         Chat picks her up without releasing the kiss and carries her to the rug.  He sets her down gently.  He continues to kiss her until she breaks the kiss.  He looks at her in wonder. He thinks, why did you kiss me back?  I thought you said, you did not love me.

        "Marinette, w-why did you k-kiss me b-back?"  Chat says.

       "Fine, you got me!  I do love you!  You happy?"  Marinette says.

       "Y-Yes!  I am because now I know I belong with you and you belong with me."  Chat says.

          "What do you mean?"  Marinette says.  

        "It means I never want to see you go out with anyone else!"  Chat says.

        "Awe, Chat that so sweet!"  Marinette teases him.

        "I am serious, my Marinette!  Will you be my girlfriend?"  Chat ask.   

        "Yes,  I would love to Chat!"  Marinette says.

          "Good, I am glad!"  Chat says.

            Chat picks her up and carries her off into the moonlight.  He does not put her down until they get to the bridge that overlooks the river.  He smiles.  She does the same.

           Chat feels a hand in his and squeezes it.  He is happy to be on a date with his Marinette!  He smiles a goofy grin as he turns to her and says,  "How do you like the view?"

           "The view is fantastic!  It is so lovely how the moonbeams just bounce off the river in just the right angle."  Marinette says.

          "You are even more lovely, Mari!"  Chat says.

          "I am not.  I ugly, clumsy, a bore, and I can not understand why you love me?"  Marinette says with tears in her eyes.

           "No, you are not ugly, or boring!  You might be clumsy, but that is one of the traits I like about you!  You are not afraid to be yourself, Mari!"  Chat says.

          " You really mean it?"  Marinette says.   

         "Yes, that is why I took you here to my favorite spot.  I have never taken anyone else here."  Chat says.

          "Well, that is good to hear,"  Marinette says.

            "Oh, why is that Mari?"  Chat ask.

        "It makes me feel special since I know my boyfriend never brought some other girl here before me!"  Marinette says.

          " Mari, there was never anyone before you!" Chat says.

         "What about ladybug?"  Marinette says.

        "I had a crush on her once, but she never saw past the cat puns, the suit and everything else.  Not like you do!"  Chat says.

         "Wow, Chat!  You sound like a hopeless romantic!"  Marinette says.

      "Who knows, maybe I am, beautiful Mari!"  Chat says.

        Chat looks at the time.  He sees it is rather late.  He picks Marinette up and carries her home. He gently sets her down on her balcony once more.  

       "Thanks, Chat!  I had a great time!"  Marinette says.

   "So did I, Mari!  So did I!  "  Chat says.

       "Good night, love!" Chat says as he leans in and kisses her one more time.

      "Good night, my love!"  Marinette says as he releases her from the kiss.

          Marinette watches as her boyfriend, Chat Noir  jumps away into the night.  She sighs and thinks about how wonderful it is to be in love and to have love.  She is so glad she gets to date Chat!  Now, she scribbles a note in her diary, and as she finishes the entry, she writes, so as you can see now Marichat is real!  That is right Marinette and Chat Noir are together!  I am his girlfriend, so he is my boyfriend!  I am so happy to get to date my sweet, brave, funny, and handsome Chat in leather.  

        the end to  Marichat:  The Surprise Kiss? one-shot story. -Summer Cheng.  ps. so did you like it?         

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