Plagg the Time Traveller? one-shot story

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        Plagg wakes up aware that Chat and Ladybug are both dead,  Hawkmoth is in jail and Emilie is back.  He can tell she is depressed even though she never comes out and says as much.  He misses Adrien and Marinette too.  He knows this young couple never had a real chance together!  He hates this fact and wishes there was a way to change it all.  What could he do about it though?

         Master Fu hands Plagg a small bottle and tells him to open it now.  Plagg looks at it and smiles. He opens the bottle and a time portal opens up!   It is a portal to the past!  "Thank you, Master Fu,"  Plagg says as he the portal pulls him through and closes behind him.

       Master Fu sits there and thinks, Good luck, Plagg!  You are going to need it!  Then he sighs.  He sure hopes Plagg finds a way to help in the past that can fix the future without messing things up too much.  He can only hope!  Plagg is his last chance not to be a failure.  If he messes up then there is no hope for the future!

       Meanwhile, now that Plagg is in the past he takes a look around him.  His eyes widen when he realizes he made it back to the day the horrible thing took place.  The exact day Hawkmoth won, and all of Paris was in mourning for Ladybug and Chat Noir!  The day he lost his holder and Tikki lost hers!  The day Tom decides to leave Paris, France for good since he lost not only his daughter but his wife as well.  The day Gabriel ends up behind bars for the rest of his rotten life.

      Plagg sees Chat and Ladybug in battle once more!  Only this time they have no one else to back them up.  It is just the two of them against Hawkmoth, or so they thought!   Plagg finds Nino on a bench.  He nudges him and wakes him up.  He whispers in his ear,  "Come on Nino!  You got to do something quick!  Ladybug and Chat's  lives depend on it!"  

      Plagg smiles, when Nino jumps up and runs towards Chat and knocks him out of the way, so that Hawkmoth does not get the ring.   Next, Nino hits Hawkmoth upside the head hard with a flashlight.  Now that Hawkmoth is out cold, he snatches the miraculous from off his chest!  Nino gasps when he sees the face of his best friend's  father, Gabriel right before his eyes.   Chat and Ladybug do the same.  

      Nino hands the moth miraculous to Ladybug and says,  "Here I do believe this does not really belong to him!  See to it that it gets back to its rightful owner, will you?"    Ladybug nods her head and runs off.  She returns the moth miraculous to  Master Fu, who thanks her.  She lets him know how Nino helped them out as a civilian and Master Fu smiles.   

     Meanwhile, Chat looks at his father and is rather upset, to say the least! 

 "Father, how could you do this to us all?  Why?"   Chat says. 

 "Adrien, is that really you?"   Gabriel asks.  

 "Yes, it is me!  How could you do this ?"  Chat detransforms and looks at his father in shame, anger, and surprise.

  Ladybug comes back and sees Adrien.  She almost faints.  She starts to fall and Adrien catches her.  

"Adrien, you are Chat?"  Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.  

"Yes, m'lady it is me!"  Adrien says.

  "I am sorry, I turned you away so much!  I only did it because I love you, Adrien!"  Ladybug confesses.

    The police show up and arrest Gabriel for being   Hawkmoth.   Nino called them this time around.  Once they leave, Nino smiles and says,  "See you later dude, and Ladybug!"   Nino leaves and keeps all he saw to himself.  Somehow, he figures this is the way Chat and Ladybug prefer it to be.  

     As for Plagg, satisfied all his well, he closes his eyes, pours some liquid into the air and a time portal opens up one last time. He jumps through and finds himself back in the future!  He looks around him and sees the lights on in the upstairs bedroom area to the Dupain-Cheng residence. He looks in the window and sees Marinette very much alive as she talks to Tikki!   Then, he sees Sabine downstairs as she talks to Tom!  What a  relief, everything is back to normal!  Wow!

      Plagg goes back home before Adrien discovers he is not there.  The last thing he needs is for Chat Noir to panic about a lost kwami.   He giggles to himself as he hides back inside Adrien's pillowcase.  The next day, Plagg wakes up when Adrien hands him some cheese.  He notices Adrien seems a little sad, but only because his mother is still dead, and his father is in jail now.  

      "Adrien, cheer up!  You still have The Gorilla and Natalie!  Besides, your Ladybug is alive too!"  Plagg says.

     "Yeah, you are right Plagg!  I  just do not understand why she still refuses to show me who she really is behind her mask!  I mean she knows who I am and Hawkmoth is behind bars!  So, what stops her now?"  Adrien asks.

    "Well, girls are funny like that sometimes!"  Plagg says.

     "Oh, and how does this help?" Adrien says.

     "It does not.  I am sure she let you know soon."  Plagg says.

     "I sure hope so Plagg, I sure hope so!"  Adrien says.

        Master Fu smiles. He is glad to see that Ladybug and Chat are alive!  That everything else is back to normal, the citizens of Paris are safe and Plagg is a hero once more!  He breathes a sigh of relief and says   "Great job, Plagg!  Way to go!  I knew you could do it!"  

     Bonus part:  Two weeks, later Ladybug is in a tree at the park.  She sees Adrien walk past.  She smiles and jumps out of the tree.  She looks at him and keeps on smiling.  

    "Hey, Adrien!"   Ladybug says.

    "Hey, Ladybug!"  Adrien says sadly.

     "Adrien, it is okay!  I am happy you are Chat! "  Ladybug says.

     "Yes, I know because you say you love me, but why then are you afraid to let me see the real you!  I am sure I will love her as much as I love the Ladybug part of you!"  Adrien says.

       "Okay, you are right!  I am ready to show you now. Tikki spots off!"  Ladybug says and turns back into the familiar blunette with pigtails, pink capris, a white shirt with pink flowers on it and a gray jacket.

       "Marinette?   It really is you!  Oh, Mari!  Thank goodness, you are her!"  Adrien says.

      "Wait, you are okay with my being Ladybug?"  Marinette says.

       "Yes, because you are the best one ever!  Plus, why would I want someone else to be her when you are the one I love!" Adrien says.

        "You love me?"  Marinette asks.  She looks at him in surprise.

        "Yes, I do!"  Adrien says. 

         Adrien and Marinette finally got together that day!  Years later they got engaged, and eventually got married!   Plagg and Tikki could not be happier for them even if they tried and they got married as well!

      Master Fu just laughed and said,  "Wow, Plagg you are the best!"

      the end to Plagg The Time Traveller?  one-shot story    -Summer Cheng

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