Pollen and Wayzz one shot story

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           Pollen  sits on a ledge to a window sill all alone. She just  stays in this position all night long.  Her holder Chloe is fast asleep.  Yet, Pollen can not sleep.  She is to upset to get any rest this time.  She often wonders, does Wayzz remember me, after all this time?  What does he think of me?   She sighs as she has a crush on the turtle kwami.  She does not even care if his holder does not have any feelings towards her holder.   This does not stop her daydreams about him, or her sleepless nights.

         Wayzz is wide awake as well.  He thinks it ironic that in the city of love, he is so sad.  He has many friends.  He has a great holder who treats him well!  Why Nino feeds him as if they were best buddies, or something!   He gets an occasional  high five from him as well.  This sure makes his life better than it could be otherwise.  He still struggles though when it comes to a good nights sleep.  He wonders what it could be that troubles him so?    He is happy when he senses Pollen nearby as they are best friends, and he thinks she is rather cute!   However, when she is not around, or across town he finds himself to be at odds with how he truly feels about her!  

      Pollen looks around to see if she can see anyone she knows.  Why anything would be better than to pass the time with no one to talk to as Queen Bee snoozes.  She decides to fly around for a bit.  She senses Wayzz in  a building not far away from the direction she just left.  She heads in the location where she believes him to be located.  She goes inside through the window.  She sees him near an alarm clock.  She smiles as she flies over to him.  Without a word she sits down next to him now.

      Wayzz hears someone approach.  He does not say a word though, so as not to wake up his holder and the guy's wife.  He knows they both would appreciate not to  have their sleep disturbed.  He also does not want to wake up Kyle, or  Kendra the son, and daughter of  Nino and Alya.   He remains quiet.  He looks up as the visitor  draws near and is happy to see he recognizes her.  He gives her a huge smile.

     Pollen thinks, wow!  Wayzz  sure is silent as ever.  Perhaps, the people who live here are not awake.  It is rather late at night.  Oh, I do hope Chloe does not have a bad dream, and no one gets akumantized while I am away.   

    Wayzz finally turns around and looks at her. 

 "Hello there!"  Wayzz whispers.

"Hello, Wayzz!"  Pollen says.  She speaks softly as well, so as not to disturb anyone.

 "What brings you here tonight at this hour?'' Wayzz ask.

   "Well, I was unable to sleep and I came to see you."  Pollen says.

   "Wow, I know we are besties, but this is a rather strange time for a visit."  Wayzz says.

   "I am sorry, I meant no harm."  Pollen apologizes. She looks at the ground this time.

   "Pollen, I am sorry.  I did not mean to hurt your feelings."  Wayzz says.

    "Oh, well just the same I suppose I should go now before my friend awakens, and discovers I am no where in sight."  Pollen says.

    "Wait,before I go, I would like you to know that I have grown rather fond of you."  Wayzz whispers.

     "Fond of me you say, in what way?  " Pollen responds.

    "I do not know , what I would do if something were to happen to you. "  Wayzz says.

     "Wait, what?"  Pollen says as she is about to leave to head back to her place.

    "You heard me.  I love you, Pollen!"  Wayzz says.

     "You do?"  Pollen replies.

     "Yes, I love you! "  Wayzz says.

       "Oh, Wayzz, I love you too!"  Pollen says.

        Pollen looks at him in surprise.  She can not believe her crush returns the love she has for him!  This is amazing!  

       Wayzz draws closer to her, as he whispers, "May I?"    

      Pollen does not say anything more to him.  She just nods her head in approval.  Wayzz takes this as a yes.  He kisses her!  Pollen is so happy she kisses him back!  When she releases her lips form his she says softly,  "Good night, Wayzz darling!  I shall see you soon!"  

       Wayzz waves bye to her as he replies,  "Good night, Pollen,my love!  See you soon!"

      Pollen leaves with a sudden skip to her tune.  She is much happier on her way back to the Bougerious hotel than she was when she left from there earlier.  She sneaks back into Chloe's bedroom before she can tell Pollen ever left.  She goes back to her usual quarters in the jewelry box on top the dresser next to the bed.  This is the most cozy spot ever as it such nice cushions inside the thing.  This is probably because the mayor's  daughter insist she have the best when it comes to all her latest fashions rather it be the jewels, the shoes, clothes, and so on.   Soon, Pollen drifts off to sleep and dreams she is on a date with her beloved Wayzz!  

    Wayzz who remains back at his house hates to see her go.  He misses her already.  The way her lips brush against his made him want to swoon.  He  is excited she shares his love for her!  Now that he knows his love is not just one sided he is able to relax for a change.  He lays down and dozes off into a peaceful sleep.  His choice to rest is right where he is already. The sounds of the man and woman in the room snores makes it for one interesting spot.  He has a pleasant dream that he gets to go on a private date with Pollen!  One with no one else around,no akumas, just the two of them!

    the end to Pollen and Wayzz one shot story -Summer Cheng


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