Ugly one-shot story (Marichat)

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       "You are ugly," A child says.

     "Yes, I could not agree more," Another one tells her.

      "See, told you to look like yesterday's trash, Marinette,"  Chloe scoffs.

       "She does not,"  A voice comes to her defense.

     "Chat Noir, what brings you here?"  A man asks.

    "Yes, Chat do tell us," A lady remarks.

   "Chat, I am your greatest fan,"  A young girl states.

  "Chat, can I get your interview?"  Another girl asks.

    "No, interviews, and just back away from my princess," Chat says.

        Marinette blushes a deep shade of red. She thinks, why should I react this way?  It is not as if he has never called me a princess before now.

      "Chat, ew, how can you waste time with her?" A young boy asks.

   "Yes, she is ugly as ever," Chloe mocks again.
   "She is not ugly, now excuse us," Chat says.  He grabs up Marinette and jumps away with her in his arms.

      As he leaves the crowd behind, Marinette wonders herself how he got there so fast, and why he came to her defense.  She knows the huge pimple in the middle of her forehead is a hideous sight.  She also knows she has a huge bruise the size of Texas on the back of her left arm, another bruise on her left leg, and a permanent scar on her left eye.  The scar came from an injury she sustained in the bakery and it was something that was a daily remember how fortunate she was to be alive.  It still did not help with the mockery she got from outsiders least of all Chloe.

    "Chat, how did you come to me so fast?"  Marinette asks once they are in some private area away from the others.

   "Oh, princess let us just say I was hanging around," Chat remarks.

     Marinette giggles.  "Chat, what do you mean?"  She asks.

    "Fine, I was in a tree when I saw a damsel in distress, so I came out to assist you," Chat responds.

   "A tree, seriously, Chat you spied on me?"  Marinette asks.

  "Yes, fine, I have been spying on you for uh, let me see, six months now," Chat admits.

   "Six months, why would you bother to spy on a silly girl like me for that long?"  Marinette asks.

    "Princess, I rather not say," Chat says.

  "Oh, then, I suppose I shall have to kiss it out of you," Marinette says in a teasing manner.

    "You would not dare Princess," Chat says.

    "Oh, would not I?" She says with a smirk. She steps close to him and he blushes.

        "Pr-Princess, wh-what are you d-doing?" Chat stutters.

          Marinette smirks, she holds onto his bell with one hand, and his shoulder with the other.  She leans in and kisses Chat.
         Chat is taken aback by the sudden flirtatious behavior from his princess. He reacts by placing his gloved hands gently around her neck and returns the kiss. He feels her pull away.

      "Pr-Princess, you k-kissed m-me!" Chat mutters.
   "Hmm, I sure did, now how about that Chat," Marinette says.
   "Now, tell me why have you been spying on me for six months?"  She asks.

   "Fine, I  felt like you could use a friend because lately during my visits you have seemed sadder than normal, and I did not want you to get akumantized.  Please, you are prettier than Ladybug or anyone else way prettier," Chat tells her.

  "Me, prettier than Ladybug, no way.  I am ugly like everyone else says, why can not you see it?"  Marinette mocks him.

    "Marinette, princess, just ignore them because they are wrong about you.  Perhaps, they are even jealous of you," Chat says.

"Jealous of me, no one is," Marinette remarks.

 "I would be jealous if I saw my princess with someone else," Chat says.

 "You would, then what happens if I went out with say, Luka?"  Marinette asks to tease him.

"You would not dare," Chat says.

"Chat, do not worry, I love you!" Marinette says. She blushes when she realizes she means it this time.

"Yeah, right, I have heard that before and we both know that is not true, princess," Chat says sadly.

"You do not love me," Chat says.

"Yes, I do!" Marinette says. She grabs his bell again, pulls him closer to her once more, and presses her lips into his. She thinks what must I say or do to convince you?

Chat kisses her back, but this time he is the one to pull away.  "Pr-Princess, I  l-love y-you t-too," Chat mutters. He realizes now that she was the one there for him all along when no one else was so now he loves her.

Marinette and Chat go get ice-cream from Andre's and he seems pleased.

  "Chat, and Marinette to what do I owe this pleasure?"  Andre asks.

"We came here to get some of your special ice-cream," Chat replies.

"Yes, We sure did, because we hear it is the best ever," Marinette adds.

"Ah, is this as friends or as a couple?"  Andre asks.

"As a couple,"  Chat answers.

"What he said, we are a couple," Marinette says.

"Well, then, ice-cream is on the house for you both, but do not tell anyone," Andre says.

    Andre scoops out some ice-cream for them both and smiles. He looks at them sees how much in love they are and thinks who would have thought Marinette and Chat would end up together?  He grins, as he hands them the cones, and waves to them as they leave together with Chat's hand in hers.

   the end...

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