Velcro Vest one-shot story (Ladrien/Ladynoir/Adrienette)

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           Ladybug is on patrol when she sees Adrien. She smiles, then notices what he is wearing. She snickers. She can not help it.  She thinks he looks so funny.  She never thought she would live to see the day she saw Adrien Agreste modeling a Velcro Vest.  

           "L-Ladybug, wh-what is so f-funny?" Adrien asks.

          " The Vest it looks so out of place on you," Ladybug remarks. She laughs again.

          "I am glad you got a good laugh at my expense then,"  Adrien replies.

        "Well, I mean the pants, and the t-shirt looks nice.  The shoes do too as does the jacket, but the vest looks out of place," Ladybug says.

          "Adrien, look right this way.  You may Chat with the heroine later,"  The photographer says.

            Adrien looks towards Vincent and tries hard to keep a straight face. It is a bit of challenge though since Ladybug keeps giving him funny looks.

           Vincent frowns in annoyance, and Ladybug swings away.  

           Ladybug hides in a tree nearby so she can keep an eye on Adrien without further disturbing the photoshoot.

            Adrien smiles the whole time wondering why the spotted lady should make fun of the vest.  He does not recall it being that hilarious when he first put it on that day.  

         "Show me where Chat Noir and Ladybug are now!  Do it or you shall pay!"  A lady says. She looks rather ticked off.  

*Author's Note:   According to means to make angry or indignant, to remand, to rebuke.

     Adrien tries to run so he can find a place to transform.  The villain attacks him.  

 "Hey, you leave him alone!" Ladybug yells at her.

  "Ladybug, hand over your miraculous!" The woman who goes by Miss Pull-Apart states.

  "I am Miss Pull-Apart, and I will ruin everything if you do not do as I wish," Miss Pull-Apart scoffs.

    "We will just see about that madame,"  Ladybug retorts. She grabs Adrien up and swings away with him.

     Ladybug sets him down on the balcony to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. She has no idea why of all the places in Paris, she chose to set him down here.  Good thing she has not used her lucky charm yet.  This way he can not see the blush behind her mask or the girl behind it either.

    "Well, I have a villain to catch, along with an akuma, so see you!"  Ladybug says. She tries to leave but finds herself stuck to the vest Adrien wears.

     Adrien smiles and says, "Wow, falling  for me are you, Ladybug?"   
    Ladybug thinks, why does he remind me of a certain cat hero right now?  She rolls her eyes, as Adrien laughs. Then Adrien kisses Ladybug right on the lips. Ladybug kisses him back and turns away.

   Adrien unfastens the vest and takes it off.  Now, he helps Ladybug free herself from the Velcro part to it.

   "Thank you, Adrien," Ladybug says.
"You are welcome, Ladybug!" Adrien says.

    Ladybug swings away.   

       Once she is gone, Plagg says, "Adrien, do not you think she could use your help?"
   "Plagg claws out!" Adrien says. He smirks as the kwami is pulled into the ring and his clothes change into a black, leather suit.  He extends his staff and uses it to help him jump from roof to roof.  He lands with a thud in front of the crook.

     "Leave, the bug alone!"  Chat calls outright as the bad lady is about to grab her earrings.

      Miss Pull-Apart lets go of Ladybug and charges at him.   

     Ladybug uses this moment to call out, "Lucky charm!"   She gets a carton of milk.  

   "Milk, m' lady?"  Chat asks with a silly gleam to his eyes.

     "Great, what am I to do with this?"  Ladybug asks.

        Ladybug thinks of a plan and says, "Chat I think I know where the akuma is right now."

          She throws the milk carton and it lands on top of the crook's shoes.   

             Some of the milk spills in front of the villain too.

   "No," She yells as she trips of the spilled milk.

   "Have you ever heard the phrase, Do not cry over spilled milk?" Chat asks.

          He sees the bad lady attempt to stand up.  He reaches up, calls out  "Cataclysm!"  as he grabs her shawl.  
    The shawl falls apart and the akuma flies out.

       "Thanks, Chat!"  Ladybug says.

         "No more evil-doing for you little akuma, bye bye little butterfly!"  Ladybug remarks. She says this as she catches the akuma and purifies it.

            Ladybug picks up the discarded milk carton, throws it up into the air, and says, "Miraculous Ladybug!"
              "Pound it!" Chat and Ladybug say as they fist bump.

           The lady runs off embarrassed she was akumantized, grabs up her now fixed shawl, and goes back home.  Everyone there is glad to see she is alright thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir.

             Ladybug swings away in one direction and Chat in the other one.

                Ladybug detransforms on the balcony to the bakery then goes inside. She turns back around and sees something out there.  She thinks, what is it?

             Marinette picks it up and laughs.  She knows it is the Velcro Vest that started all the silliness earlier that day. She takes it inside and closes the balcony door, she locks it behind her. 

             Chat Noir almost runs back to the park when he remembers he still needs the vest for the rest of the photoshoot.  He hides, detransforms and walks to the bakery.  He knocks on the door and Marinette opens it.

     "A-Adrien, looking for s-something?"  Marinette asks.

        "Yes, I lost my vest,"  Adrien says.

         "You mean this vest?"  Marinette asks as she holds it up.

            "Yes, thank you, Mari,"  Adrien says.

             Marinette blushes as he takes it from him. She watches him put the vest back on and waves as he leaves.  

          Adrien smiles and goes back to the park.  He now has two very special girls on his mind. 

              Adrien arrives in time to finish the rest of the photoshoot. He wonders if Ladybug is going to show up again. He does not see her. He sighs.

             Vincent snaps a few photos.  Little known to them both that soon after Adrien arrived there a certain bluenette did the same though hidden from view. She fed her kwami, and transformed by calling out "Tikki spots on!"
             Ladybug is now hidden inside a tree once more. She watches the rest of the photoshoot from above. She is not quite sure why, but she thinks Adrien looks so cute.  Even with that ridiculous vest.  

            Once the photoshoot is over, Adrien heads toward the bridge. He arrives there with no clue that a certain girl in a red suit with black spots is behind him.

              "Adrien, nice to see you again!" She says.

             Adrien turns around when he hears her speak.  

    "L-Ladybug wh-what brings you h-here?" He asks.

       "I was close by and thought I would stop by, so here I am,"  Ladybug answers.

       "Ladybug, you are not mad about the kiss are you?"  Adrien asks.

      "No, besides, I did kiss you as well," She answers.

          "You did not happen to see Marinette did you?"  Adrien asks.

             "No, why?"  Ladybug asks.

            "I just wanted to make sure she is okay. I mean she always seems so nervous around me and all,"  Adrien tells her.

             "She is nervous because she likes you,"  Ladybug says.

              "Marinette likes me, then why did she tell me?"  Adrien asks.

               "Tikki spots off!" Ladybug says.

       Then, there was a flash of pink and she detransforms. 

                "I  just did, A-Adrien," Marinette says with a grin.   
               "L-Ladybug, you are M-Marinette, but that means my princess and Ladybug are the same girls,"    Adrien remarks.

             "Princess, wh-what?  A-Adrien, you are Chat!"  Marinette mutters.

              "Yes, I am m'lady, Marinette,"  Adrien says.

                   Adrien laughs when she blushes and kisses her.  Marinette kisses him.

        Adrien asks her out, she agrees and the next day they are seen holding hands.

      the end...

This one-shot story was Published on March 6, 2020, and the edits were made on March 7, 2020.

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