Caretaker and Hellfire

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Hellfire sat in his room, cleaning his guns, drinking his alcohol. Caretaker walked in, and kicked one of Hellfire's bottles. Hellfire shot next to Caretaker, hitting Will who was passing by in his Glitch form.

Will: OW! Dammit, do you know how long it takes to get rid of bullet holes?!

Will walked off, grumbling to himself. Hellfire shrugged, downed another bottle, and went back to cleaning his guns. Caretaker picked up a bottle and looked at Hellfire.

Caretaker: How are you not drunk?

Hellfire just looks up at Legend with his swirly eyes.

Hellfire: I am. You've just never seen me sober.

Caretaker just stared at Hellfire, confused.

Caretaker: You mean you're drunk right now?

Hellfire: I just fucking said that, didn't I?

Caretaker: how exactly do you function with this much alcohol circulating through your body?

Hellfire: *Sets down shotgun and starts cleaning pistol* It feels my flames, I guess. I'm a demon, not a scientist. Now get out!

Caretaker calmly walked out of the room, before closing the door.

Caretaker: One down, several more to go...ugh, this sucks.

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