We Have Two Pets Now

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I walked out of my lab with a box and set it on the table in the main room. I pulled out a button from under the table (how have they not discovered this yet?) And clicked it. It teleported back under the table and everyone was teleported into the main room. They all looked at me, mildly annoyed.

Diagnostic: Oh come on! We almost had Mirror! He was right there!

Killcode: Yeah! My Bo Staff was just about to delete him!

Hellfire: Oh shut the fuck up, both of you! Nobody wants to listen to it!


Everyone shut up and looked at me.

Now...I know everyone's been feeling bored since you can't really "go" anywhere outside of here or your fandoms.

Twins: We can go to Discord!

Legend: I beg your fucking pardon?

Diagnostic: What...can you guys not do that?

Everyone Else: No!

Killcode: Oops...

Out of nowhere, I blew an airhorn, making everybody shut up.

Telum: Ow...my ears.

Do I have everybody's attention? Good. Now, as I was saying, I decided to make you guys something!

Disagreement: Ooh, is it a magic machine that produces never-ending candy?!


Hellfire: Is it a firing range?

Not exactly-

Disagreement: A new basement that isn't filled with untold horrors?

Now hold on-

Caretaker: Guys, let him speak.

Everyone ignored him.

Caretaker/Legend: *Cover their ears*

Lime: *Pulls out his own airhorn and a megaphone, blowing the airhorn into the megaphone*

Everyone cringed, and shut up.

Lime: Let him speak, idiots!

Everyone turned to me, silent.

Okay. Now, again, I made everyone something.

I opened the box and set a robotic fox on the table, which had the same color scheme as Will.

Will: Why does it have my color scheme?

Because you keep leaving your scraps around the house, and I decided to keep them for a rainy day.

Disagreement looked outside.

Disagreement: But it's not raining!

Order: It's a figure of speech.

Disagreement: Ohh...

I pressed his on button, which was his nose, and he popped up into being. He looked around, and then popped onto the floor.

His name is Metallum, which is Latin for metal.

Telum: You sure like naming things after Latin words, don't you?

Well...to be fair, it's only you and Metallum I did that to.

Metallum: Hello!

Will: *Jumps behind the couch* It fucking speaks?!

Of course! He can also turn his tail into a blaster.

Metallum did just that and aimed it at Will just to fuck with him.

Will: I don't like it...

Too bad! Also, could somebody put Thorn in the restraining chair please?

Lotus: *Puts Thorn in the chair, locking the restraints*

Now, that's just a precaution, since I don't want you running away before meeting our newest member.

Thorn: ???

I pulled out a small puppy, and set it on the table. Thorn, being afraid of all organic animals, tried to get away. But since she was locked in, she couldn't get anywhere. The puppy looked around the room, in awe at how many people were there, before curling up and falling asleep.

This is Mochi. He is a pomeranian/shizu mix and the child of Helena's dog, Cinnamon.

(Picture provided by ii_mermxid )

Killcode: Aww, he's so adorable...

Legend: Did you name him, or...?

No, he already had a name when Helena gave him to me. If it were up to me, I would've called him Mr Fluffybuns or something.

Caretaker: Wouldnt that be better for a bunny or something?

*Crosses arms* Shuddup...I thought it was clever...

Hellfire: Dumbass...


Disorder: I thought we already had a pet.

Legend: Punne doesn't count.

Anarchy: He wasn't talking about that weird pudding-scented little shit of yours. *Points at Little Alice*

LA: *Launches herself at Anarchy*

Anarchy: *Teleports away, leaving LA to hit the wall*

LA: Oww...that hurt.

Steven stood up, put LA on his shoulder, and walked into an ink puddle, leaving the room. The rest filed out shortly afterward (with Lotus having to get Thorn safely out of the room), leaving just me, Mochi, and Metallum.

Metallum: So where do I sleep?

Your charger is in the couch.

Metallum: Ooh, perfect! That means I can scare people >:)

I guess...have fun.

I walked over to the table, put Mochi back in my jacket pocket, and fell asleep on the couch.

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