(LORE) A Big Decision

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I sat in my lab, asleep. In my dream, I was lying in a pool of my own blood, which was almost black in color, right in front of Mirror. My house was in ruins, and all my OCs were hanging from the roof in chains, except for Legend, Lime, and the Twins. Lime was throwing exploding teddy bears at Mirror (for some reason), and the Twins were blocking his teddy bears with their abilities. Their eyes were red, showing they'd been hacked, and their crystals were floating shattered behind them. In the dark, I could barely make out an indistinct shadow against the wall. Legend was looking at me sadly, and holding one of his knives.

Mirror: Do it, and I will fix your brother!

Legend hesitated, and then brought the knife down on my head.

Then I woke up.

I shot up, gasping for breath. I looked around, and everything was still intact. I looked back to what I was working on, and remembered that it was a bodysuit for Caretaker. It was almost him and Legend's birthday, and I decided that he'd suffered alone long enough. The problem was how to make it so that the suit didn't have to be looked at. I quickly designed an invisibility module, and added it to the designs for the suit. Soon enough, the plans were finished. Now I just needed to build it.

About Two Days Later

Great! Now that it was built, I just had to get a giant box! I made a giant box, sent it down to the Basement, and teleported there myself. I opened Caretaker's door, and he jumped up.

Caretaker: The fuck do you want?

I just want to help!

Caretaker: What is it now?

I showed him the suit, and he seemed confused.

Caretaker: What the hell is that?

It's a suit I designed so that you can walk around everyone! And be around Legend!

Caretaker: Does it come in any other color?

Well, if you push the red button, the suit becomes invisible!

Caretaker: Hmm...alright, I'll bite. *Puts on the suit and presses the button, making the suit invisible* If I didn't know it was on, I'd say I feel like normal.

Great! Now get in the box!

Caretaker: Why...?

Because your and Legend's birthday is tomorrow, and you're Legend's present!

Caretaker: And my present is...?

Legend! You get to walk around outside of your room, and see Legend on a daily basis!

Caretaker: That sounds good enough to me!

(Wow, he really is like Legend...) Alright, the party will be happening in the main room, and I expect you to get the box up there before everyone wakes up.

Caretaker: Wait, what-

Night! *Teleports away*

Caretaker: ...I do not miss his behavior.

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