(LORE) Legend's Birthday

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Legend sat in his bed, listening to the silence. Something was wrong, he could feel it. He looked over at his clock.

8: 00 AM

Legend: (Telum's usually up by now...)

He got up and changed into his normal clothes, quietly opening the door. He heard voices coming from the end of the hall, and summoned his knife. He was almost in the Main Room when someone touched his shoulder.

Legend grabbed the person's hand and threw them down the hall into the Main Room. They hit the wall, and fell to the ground.


Legend: You know better than to scare me, asshole!

*Winded* Fair enough...

Legend walked into the main room, and was suddenly assaulted with noise.

Everyone: Happy Birthday!

Thorn/Steven: *Blow party streamers*

Lime: *Puts a hand on Legend's shoulder* Hey there, buddy! Happy Birthday!

The room was decorated with tons of party streamers, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria posters (courtesy of Will), a stage with speakers, a table full of presents, and a giant present next to the table.

Legend: What the fuck-

I put a "Birthday Boy" hat on his head, and sat him in front of the stage. Will stepped up and shifted into his normal form.

Will: Hello there, birthday boy! I hope you're having a Faz-tastic day!

Lotus: Turn off your dumbass Fazbear Protocols!

Will: *Pushes a button under his arm* Hello there, birthday dumbass! Today's your birthday! Which means you get to hear me sing, since it's my specialty.

Legend: ...

Will took a deep breath, and began to sing.


(Imagine it's Will singing this)

Will took a bow and stepped off the stage. I stepped onto it and grabbed my microphone.

Thank you, Will, for that wonderful performance! Now, onto the part everyone has been waiting for: presents!

I walked over to the table and pick up the first present. It had a label that said From Helena. Legend opens it, and finds a box full of 10000000 batteries.

Legend: Uh...okay? I could always use more batteries.

I hand him the next one, which was from me. He unwrapped it, and found there was a box cutter inside.

Legend: The fuck is this supposed to be for?

You'll see in a minute.

I step back onto the stage, and summon my microphone again.

I was hoping there'd be more gifts than this, but Ganxer never answered my invite. So, this leaves the final gift!

I shoved Legend over to the box, and he unwrapped it. It was a large cardboard box that Legend would need to open with the box cutter.

Legend: You serious?


He put the box cutter to the top of the box and slowly brought it down. Once there was a big enough slot, he tore the box open. He was surprised by what he found inside.

Caretaker was sitting in the corner of the box, staring up at Legend.

Caretaker: About damn time! Do you know how long I've been sitting in there?

Legend just stood there, his hair hiding his eyes.

Caretaker: You good, bro?

Legend: ...

Caretaker: Uh...hello?

Caretaker stepped out of the box, right in front of Legend.

Caretaker: Brother...?

Legend suddenly pulled Caretaker into a hug, tears streaming down his face. After recovering from his shock, Caretaker hugged him back.

After about a minute, somebody spoke up.

Lotus: Who in the hell is that?

Order smacked the back of his head, and Lotus shut up.

When Legend finally stopped hugging Caretaker, his face was stained with tears.

Legend: How...? How are you here...?

I decided to take this time to speak up again.

Now it's time for cake! I'll take your orders now!

Everyone crowded around the stage, before Lime got them in a nice straight line. Legend and Caretaker were at the front, and Legend looked happier than he had in a long time.

So, what will you two gentlemen be having?

L/C: An entire chocolate cake covered in red and blue sprinkles with several different blade shaped candles!

Wow...I haven't heard that order in a while! One Special,moving right up!

I pulled out a table from behind my back and covered it in a cloth. I summoned my dagger and stabbed it into the table to focus my power. In less than a second, the cake appeared on the table and I handed it to the two boys.

Here you go, gentlemen! NEXT!!!

Legend and Caretaker both sat in the corner of the room with their cake, Legend cutting it into several pieces. They had just finished their second piece each when they realised something was missing.

Caretaker: We forgot the ice cream!

Legend: Ah shit. ANUBIS!

Caretaker: DAD!

*Appears next to them* Yeeeesss?

Legend: Could we get some ice cream...?

Caretaker: Please?

No, you already have that whole cake to yourselves!

L/C: *Puppy dog eyes*

Aww...dammit, be strong!

Legend: Pwease...?

Caretaker: We pwomise not to bother you for the west of the day!

Dammit! Fine, here. *Makes a vat of ice cream appear on the table*

L/C: *High fives* We still got it!

Legend scooped some ice cream onto his cake, and then some onto Caretaker's. The boys happily ate together, not even questioning the fact that the Twins were staring at Caretaker curiously.

When Legend took an especially large bite of cake, Caretaker decided to ask him a question.

Caretaker: So...when are ya gonna ask Narrator on a date?

Legend choked on his cake, falling into a coughing fit.

Legend: *Cough* The fuck- *Cough* -did you just say?

Caretaker: Oh you heard me perfectly.

When Legend calmed down from his coughing fit, he looked kinda sad.

Legend: She doesn't like me that way, I don't think. Nobody does. In fact, I'm pretty sure she prefers Lime over there. *Nods at Lime*

Caretaker: *Shrugs* I think you'd be surprised.

Legend: Whatever. Besides, I've got you back now. Don't want to be overwhelmed with joy, now do I?

Caretaker: (From what I can tell, that's exactly what you need tight now.) I guess you're right.

Back with Me

I looked at the two brothers and smiled. Then my mind floated down to the rest of the basement and my other "dead" OCs. And Mirror. My life was full of mistakes, and most of the time I either hide them or try and get rid of them. Caretaker was the first step in correcting my mistakes.

My phone started ringing, and I stepped out of the room. I clicked answer, and Mirror popped out. He dusted himself off, and I leaned against a wall.

Mirror: Anubis.


Mirror: You know you only postpone the inevitable, right?

I'm perfectly aware, yes.

Mirror: Then why even try to stop me? You cannot kill me, as I cannot kill you!

Yet you are still determined to try.

Mirror: I hate you with every fragment of my body. I absolutely despise your existence. And nothing will ever change that.

Yeah, whatever. You know that I can just swipe you away with a motion of my hand, right?

Mirror: Bullshit. Even if you could, I'd just reset the simulation!

Yeah, I suppose so. But remember from who you come from. *Eyes turn pitch black* I have secrets even you don't know.

Mirror scowled and disappeared in a cloud of pixels. I walked back into the room to see our guests had arrived.

Ah, welcome! I hope you didn't have any trouble on the way here?

I watched as Ganxer and her OCs gathered at the doorway. Legend always said the giant door was always impractical, but look who's right!

Legend and his brother are over there, and feel free to mingle with everyone else!

Ganxer's OCs all dropped off their gifts and then scattered. Narrator stayed near Legend and Caretaker, where they sat conversing. Ink and Curly walked over to Steven and Little Alice where they ate food Steven pulled out of his inky arm. Chiniue and Rahva were talking to Liam, who thought this party was boring. Benefit was talking to the Skelefamily Adults, while Jinx was trying to get away from Disagreement, who wouldn't stop asking for sugar. Apollo was listening to Hellfire describe his various guns. Quattor was trying to get to know Telum, but of course Telum doesn't trust anyone from his Fandom. The rest of mine and Ganxer's OCs gathered around the stage and listened to Will sing some songs.

Legend opened his new presents and was...confused by some of them and thankful for others. Dixen brought him some twigs, while Zecora and Ragdoll brought him some potions that surely must be good, right? Inkwell gave him an old movie, while Curly gave him a projector. For some reason, Jinx gave him a rock with googly eyes on it, while Benefit gave him a horseshoe. Narrator gave him a weird orb, which he put in his pocket, and Rahva gave him a blanket. Apollo gave him one of those weird choker things, and Puri gave him some stardust. Felicity gave him some cans of beans, and finally Quattor gave him an old dog plush. He put all of these to the side of the table (with the exception of Narrator's weird sphere), and sat there enjoying Narrator and Caretaker's company. Meanwhile, Ganxer walked over wearing a sort of hood.

Ganxer: They all look so happy...

Yeah...they do, don't they?

Ganxer: So you finally let Caretaker out of the Basement, huh?

Yep! Figured it was about damn time.

Ganxer: Want me to continue with the cure?

Of course. This is only temporary.

Ganxer: Alright.

The rest of the party was pretty fun, but it had to end eventually. As I led them out the door and thanked them for coming, Legend led Caretaker to his room.

Caretaker: I see you, uh, haven't changed it much.

Across from Legend's room was a door that had been locked for as long as most of the OCs can remember. Everyone but Legend. The door was red and inside was a very...red theme. Red furniture, red wallpaper, red everything essentially. And there was not a speck of dust anywhere. Caretaker flopped onto his old bed, and immediately fell asleep. Legend went into his room and inspected the orb from Narrator, before putting it on his dresser until he could ask Narrator what exactly it was. And with that, Legend's birthday has come to an end.

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