Before You Know It (Loki)

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"Rose?" Loki called throughout the house he and Rose shared. "Rose?" He called again. Loki froze from where he was standing.

He straightened his back and smirked. "You know, no one can really sneak up on me." He turned around and found five S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing there, their guns pointing straight for his head.

"Loki, put your hands behind your head, and follow us." One of the agents said. Loki rolled his eyes and did as told, following the agents out of the house and into a big, bulky, black truck. Loki sat down in the truck, it roared to life and drove off.


Loki sat down in a cold, metal chair, that was seated at a metal table. Two agents with really big guns stood on either side of him. A monitor was in front of Loki. Fury stood at the head of table.

"Loki, one of our top agents were brutally murdered while on a mission. We only have one suspect and it's you." Fury said. "We'd like to ask some questions."

"Well, it wasn't me for starters." Loki said. "And if I choose not to cooperate?"

Fury turned on the monitor, on it you could see a woman tied to chair, a burlap sack on her head. Her body was already bleeding and you could see bruises and scratches. Suddenly the sack was ripped off the woman's head. Loki gasped in horror. It was Rose. The only one he trusted. The only one he loved.

"Let her go Fury." Loki demanded through gritted teeth.

"Not until you cooperate."


"I told you everything! Now let her go!" Loki demanded.

"Not until you confess!" Fury said. Loki shot up from his chair, his icy glare becoming more threatening. The two agents beside him grabbed his arms before they could get to Fury.


"Loki, confess! We have all the proof that you were the murderer. So confess!" Loki skin started turning blue, his eyes turning red.

"Fury," Loki said his voice becoming gruff. "I.Didn't.Do.It."

"Fine, if your refuse..." Fury took out his walkie-talkie. "Kill her." On the monitor, an agent came from the shadows and came toward the shaking woman on the screen. He pulled a knife and brought it to her neck, waiting for his boss to give the final orders. Rose's screams were muffled against the masking tape that was plastered across her mouth. Loki stopped struggling against the two agents that still had hold of him.

"If-if I'll let her go...and make her safe."

"Yes. Now confess."

"I did it. I killed your top agent." Loki said. "Now let her go!" Loki turned back to his normal form.

"Let her go." Fury said in the the walkie-talkie. "You can have a moment to talk to her before your put into jail."

"Loki!" Rose said and she slammed herself into Loki's waiting arms. Loki staggered back a bit when catching her. They hugged each other tight.

"I'm so sorry Rose." Loki whispered in her ear.

"Loki, you didn't kill the agent though."

"I know, darling. I know. I'm doing it to save you. Now please...go home. And take care of the baby." Loki whispered. He leaned in closer to her ear. "I'll be home before you it." Loki smiled and kissed Rose who was utterly confused.

"But, it's a life sentence-"

"Good bye darling." Loki said. And he was taken away by a group of agents.

Rose stood there, still confused on what Loki had said.

"Mrs. Laufeyson. We're here to escort you home." An agent said. Rose followed them and they took her home. Rose headed to the nursery, where the baby was. She stood in the doorway, her jaw dropped. Standing there was her husband who was holding their baby. Loki saw Rose and he broke out into a smile.

"I told you, I'd be home before you knew it."

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