Swimming Lessons (Percy Jackson)

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"I'm bored!" You said with an arm covering your eyes. You and Percy were sitting in the grass at Camp Half-Blood. Your head was pressed against Percy's crossed legs and he smiled at what you said.

"How about we play a game?" Percy asked. You lifted your arm little to peek at him.

"I'm listening."


"Perfect. You hide and I'll seek." Percy smiled and nodded.

"Base is Thalia's tree. Count to 20."

"Okie doke." You cover your eyes with your arm again and began counting out loud. "1. . .2. . .3. . .4. . .5. . .6. . .7. . .8. . .9. . .10. . .11. . .12. . .13. . .14. . .15. . .16. . .17. . .18. . .19. . .20!" You uncovered your eyes and stood up from the ground, wiping off the dirt from your camp shirt and shorts. You started walking around camp, looking over everything.

''Percy!'' You called. "Where could that boy be?"

You passed the sea and you saw a couple bubbles come to the surface and pop. You smirked and went on the dock and looked over the edge.

"Percy, I know you're in there." You say. "Percy, come on out." Next thing you know, something grabbed your arms from the water and yanked you in. You screamed, but was quickly silenced by a hand. You looked around and you saw that you were underwater, and across from you was Percy. You rolled your eyes and yanked his hand off your mouth.

"Percy, you scared the cheesecake outta me." Percy chuckled. He hugged you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd scream that loud."

"I forgive you. How am I breathing?"

"Air bubble."

"I knew that." Percy chuckled. You two looked at each other. "Ya know, Percy, I was wondering," you snuggle closer to him, "if I could get a swimming lesson," Percy blushed when you got closer.

"Swimming lesson?"



"Would that be a problem, fishboy?"

"No, not at all." You smiled. "Why don't we start with C.P.R. It's always good to learn that."

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