King Of The Jungle (CinnamomToastKen)

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You sat on the couch, Ken sitting in front of you, the back of his head was pressed against your legs.

"Hey, (Y/N), can you take off my hat?" Ken asked not taking his eyes off the television screen as he played a game. You take off his hat. "Play with my hair please." You roll your eyes at his childishness and began to run your hand through his dark curls.

You couldn't help but as smile as Ken closed his eyes at the feeling of your hand run across his head. Ken smiled when he caught a glimpse at his hair. In the reflection of the T.V.

"How's my hair look?" Ken asked. You smiled and ruffled his hair a little.

"It looks like a lion's mane." You said. Ken's smile widened and he paused his game. He tilted his head back so it was in your lap and you smiled down on him.

"Then I am the king of the jungle!" Ken started to turn around to you.


"And you're my subject!"

"No, Ken." You said laughter creeping into your voice.

Ken started to creep toward you when he was on his feet again. You started to crawl further down the couch as Ken got near you.

"Obey the king!" Ken said, and he lunged toward you a smile plastered on his face, and yours too as you dodged his hands and ran away.

"No!" You yelled back. Ken started chasing you around the house.

"I am the king, and you will obey!"

"Never!" You said laughing. Ken finally tackled you to the ground. He caught you in the hall way, and he was hovering over you.

"Now, a punishment, for not obeying." One of Ken's hands crept toward your stomach.

"" You said giggling.

"The punishment is, tickling, to death!" Ken's hand launched under you shirt to get to your stomach, and you immediately started laughing as soon as his hand made contact with your skin.

"KEN!!!" You say trying to pry his hand off your stomach, but he was too strong. You started kicking your legs and you sweat pants started to break away from you waist. One of the shoulders of you shirt started slipping off of yours. Ken was laughing with you, and you were laughing really hard, tears streaming out of your eyes.

Ken started to slow down on the tickling, and you started to catch your breath again. You laughing quieted down into chuckles.

"(Y/N)," Ken said resting his forehead on yours. Ken had stopped tickling you and he instead put his hand on the small of your bare back.

"Yeah?" You smiled, Ken smiled back.

"Be my queen of the jungle."

"I shall obey my king." Ken closed the small gap that was in between you and him. You smiled in the kiss, happy to be with Ken, and happy that you were his queen.

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