BNHA (A bit of TodoDeku)- Siblings

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((A/N: this was originally Pika_Branwen_ 's idea and I just decided it was cool and that I was going to edit it, then use it. The other siblings are Dulchimimi-Chan and Pika_Branwen_ .))

Izuku Midoriya was born without a quirk. This was difficult for him, as his dream had always been to become a hero, but he always managed to cope.

He hid his disappointment when his twin sister got her quirk. It was a very powerful one, that would be amazing to become a hero. She can control all fire around her, which comes with added fire resistance.

Wendy Midoriya had a quirk since the age of one, meanwhile, her hero obsessed brother was quirkless. This broke her heart, not only because she felt as though she had stolen his dream, but also because she didn't need a quirk for the job she wanted.

She was always around Izuku, and was the best at reading him. She was always the first to step in whenever Katsuki started bullying him.

Wendy's best friend was Pika Bakugo. Her quirk was the ability to generate powerful explosions from anywhere in her body.

Wendy always felt bad that her best friend was the twin of her brother's bully, but the two's personalities were as different as night and day.

Where Katsuki was aggressive and violent, Pika was always friendly and kind. Katsuki would look down on people, while Pika needed to stop comparing herself as it was damaging her self esteem.

Pika also defended Izuku. Every day before they went home, Wendy would clean Izuku up and deal with any injuries he had.

It was particularly because of this routine that she decided to go into medicine. After all, if Izuku became a hero, he would need someone to treat his injuries.

Pika also decided to become a hero, her quirk was powerful enough. Her brother was angry about the competition. After all, the only people where they live with the intelligence and power to rival his, were Wendy and Pika.

This is because Wendy would be able to control his explosions however she pleased, and it would just cause more explosions from Pika.

Years passed and Wendy had to stay after school to complete a research project, so Izuku was walking home alone.

As he was about to walk out from under a bridge, a sludge villain attacked him.

Thankfully for Izuku, All Might arrived on the scene just in time, getting said villain off Izuku.

Wendy had seen something going on along her and Izuku's usual rout home out of the window. She ran in that direction, going as fast as she could in order to make sure that her twin was okay.

"Izuku!!" Wendy shouted when she saw the head of green hair.

However, it seemed as though even if Izuku had heard her, it was too late.

The boy had grabbed onto All Might's leg as the hero jumped, being carried away, and leaving Wendy covering her face from the wind.

"Izuku! You're an idiot!! Why would you do that!!" Wendy shouted before picking up his stuff and starting to walk home.

As she was going to meet up with Pika at their usual café to talk, there was a commotion in the ally beside the shop. Wendy could hear explosions.

Worried, and also to collect notes for Izuku, she ran around the corner to see Katsuki setting off explosions as he was covered in green, sentient slime.

Wendy used her quirk to get all of the fire in only one place as heroes showed up.

It was easier for the pro-heroes with all the fire in one place, but they had no idea how to get Katsuki away from the villain.

Suddenly, Izuku ran out of the crowd, screaming and throwing his school bag at the villain, hitting its eye.

Izuku scrabbled at the slime to no effect as Wendy fought to keep the flames away from him.

"Izuku!! Be careful!!!" Wendy shouted at him, her face screwed up in concentration to protect her brother.

But as soon as she had finished speaking, none other than All Might showed up, finishing the battle.

After everything was over, some of the pro-heroes that were involved came over to Wendy.

"With a quirk like that you would make a great hero." One said.

"I'd love to have you as a sidekick in the future." Said Woods.

"Oh, uh... Thanks, but I don't intend to become a hero... That's my brother's dream, not mine." Wendy said quietly, feeling awkward about declining the offers.

"Well your brother must have an amazing quirk as well!" The first pro said.

"So what do you want to be?" Woods asked.

"I, uh, I want to be like Recovery Girl. I would rather look after the injured people around heroes than be one myself." Wendy said, before catching a glimpse of the gorgeous blonde hair of Pika. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Well, seems someone got involved in a hero's job inspite of not wanting to be one." Pika said, smirking at her friend.

"Funny, I didn't see the hero out of us doing anything at all." Wendy replied.

"I couldn't get to the front!" Pika insisted.

"And somehow Izuku could?" Wendy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"... Fair point." Pika admitted before the two girls burst into laughter.

"Let's just go home."

Over the last few months Wendy had noticed that Izuku was spending more time out, coming back with more bruises, but not the kind Katsuki gave him, and bulking up.

Wendy had her suspicious. She had seen All Might ditch the media shortly after Izuku left the scene and this had all happened after Izuku had grabbed onto All Might's leg.

Wendy was pretty sure that he was training with All Might in private, but decided not to mention it, her brother was rather twitchy and a terrible liar.

Besides, Wendy had her own exams to prepare for. She was going to a different school to Izuku next year, she was going to be all alone.

Pika, Izuku, and Katsuki were all going for UA, and she was certain they would all get in.

She, on the other hand, was going to Mesterium, a school for doctors and nurses who worked in the field in partnership with heroes.

Wendy was researching everything to do with on site medication she could think of and memorising it.

As an on field medic, they also needed a distinctive costume so the heroes knew where to go, and to help their quirks.

Wendy's was a bright blue which was noticeable for miles around, and it had many pockets to hold plasters, bandages, pain killers, portable heart monitors, blood, and simple blood tests. On the back there were canisters containing oxygen connected to breathing masks, and on the sides there were small packs of petrol and there was a lighter on her index finger. She also had glasses that could record activity surrounding her, provide a map, and also gave her thermal imaging.

Over all, Wendy was quite pleased with her costume. It took advantage of her quirk, gave her maximum storage space for medical equipment, and would allow her to pinpoint the best place to set up a medical bay.

On the day of the entrance exams, Wendy had to leave first.

Izuku walked to UA with Pika, as she was always his friend.

When they got there, however, Katsuki pulled Pika inside and away from Izuku, leaving the boy to fend for himself.

When she got to her seat, Pika found herself next to a pretty girl with white hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, my name's Pika. What's your name?" She asked as she sat down and offered her hand to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Dulchi, pleased to meet you. What's your quirk?" The white haired girl asked, shaking Pika's hand.

"I can make explosions, like my brother, only I can make them from any part of my body." Pika explained. "What about you?"

"Fire, like my terrible father. He abuses my brother because he's the most powerful out of his children." Dulchi said, a shadow covering her eyes.

"Well if he tries to hurt you, I'll set an explosion in his face." Pika said, punching her fists together and setting off an explosion.

Dulchi laughed a little and smiled. "That looked like Yang from RWBY. And I don't think it would be a good idea to fight my dad, he's the number 2 hero."

"Why thank you, I do try to be like her. And, oh my god, your father is a hero and still abuses his family!? What has the world come to?" Pika said, faking a bow at the beginning.

"I don't know, but it's unlikely that he'll stop." Dulchi said sadly as Present Mic started to explain the entrance exam.

After the exam was over, Pika asked Dulchi if she wanted to hang out for a bit and she agreed.

They were walking to the café Pika usually goes to with Wendy when the prior mentioned greenette crashed into Pika.

"Pika!! I passed!! I actually got in!! I'm going to Mesterium!!" Wendy squeeled in excitement.

"That's amazing Wendy!! I think I did enough to get into UA, but I don't know yet." Pika said, hugging the shorter green girl.

"Hello?" Dulchi said tentatively.

"Oh, right. Wendy, this is my new friend, Dulchi-Chan. She's Endeavour's daughter and can use fire." Pika introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you, Dulchi-Chan. I'm Wendy. My quirk is to manipulate any fire around me, but I can't make it. I'm Pika's best friend." Wendy said, shaking Dulchi's hand.

"Your quirk sounds cool. I hope we can be friends." Dulchi said, smiling.

The three became close friends over the year, both Dulchi and Pika had made it into class A with their twins. Wendy was the top of her class.

Eventually, Izuku brought the Todoroki twins to visit.

"Hello, you must be Dulchi's brother, Shōto. Izuku talks about you all the time." Wendy said, smirking at Izuku and winking at Dulchi.

"Wendy!!" Izuku complained.

"Oh, don't worry Izuku. Shōto talks about you all the time as well." Dulchi smirked, also winking.

"Dulchi... Be quiet." Shōto said, turning his head to hide his blush.

"We'll leave you two alone!" Wendy said, laughing as she pushed Dulchi out of the door and towards the café.

"Bye gays!" Dulchi called, also laughing as the two girls ran to the café.

"Mesterium has internships soon." Wendy said, taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake. "I'm going to intern at UA with Recovery Girl."

"That's so cool! You get to intern with the person you aspire to be like! I'll make sure to come say hi, hopefully I won't need healing though." Dulchi said sheepishly.

"Thanks. I'll try to have lunch with you two." Wendy said.

"What're we talking about?" Pika asked, having successfully snuck up on the two.

"Kyaa!!" Wendy shouted, jumping up. "Pika! Don't bully me!"

"I'm sorry." Pika said laughing, pulling up the third seat and joining them. "What're my favourite girls talking about?"

"Wendy's going to intern with Recovery Girl soon! We're going to have lunch together and we can introduce her to the class." Dulchi said excitedly.

"That's amazing Wendy!! You get to intern with your hero!! We can all be together in school too!!" Pika said, hugging Wendy tightly.

"Thanks Pika. I hope you get to when UA does interns." Wendy said, smiling, breathing in the taller girl's cinnamon scent as she returned the hug.

"I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun while you're at UA with us." Dulchi said, joining the hug.

The next week Wendy was walking to UA with Izuku, full of nerves.

"What if I mess up and end up hurting someone more? What if she hates me? What if everyone hates me? What if I mess up!?" Wendy was muttering, an unfortunate habit that both of the Midoriya twins had picked up.

"Don't worry, Wendy, you'll be fine. I'm sure Recovery Girl will like you, and you have Pika, Todoroki-chan and me." Izuku comforted, smiling at his sister.

"Thanks Izu. I just need to stay calm." Then they came to the gates around UA. Wendy had been given a pass for the time of her internship. "Candy!! Why does your school have to be so intimidating!?!?"

"You get used to it." Izuku said, smiling as the two of them walked inside.

"Uh... Izu, please can you take me to Recovery Girl's office? I don't know my way around." Wendy asked, embarrassed as she grabbed the sleeve of the retreating Izuku.

"Oh, right, of course Weds." Izuku said, talking her hand and taking her to Recovery Girl's office, but Minetta had seen.

That day was an easy one, Mostly because the hero course wasn't doing practical work, so Wendy had plenty of time to talk to Recovery Girl.

When lunch came, Dulchi and Pika came to get her so they could eat together. Behind them were Momo and Shoji.

Wendy smiled as she saw that they were holding hands, Dulchi with Momo and Pika with Shoji.

"Wendy! How was it?" Pika asked, letting go of Shoji's hand making him look a little disappointed.

"It was okay, not a lot happened, so that's good. How was lessons?" Wendy asked, giving one of the Midoriya special smiles.

"Lessons were okay, we don't have any heroing lessons until after lunch, so be prepared for your twin then." Dulchi said.

"Please can we take Wendy for lunch?" Pika asked Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl looked the greenette up and down before answering. "Fine, but make sure to be back at the end of lunch."

"Thank you miss." Wendy said, barely refraining from hugging Recovery Girl.

"Let's go!" Dulchi said, grabbing Wendy's arm and walking out of the room with her.

Wendy almost fell over, but managed to get back on her feet just outside and she pouted at Dulchi.

"Why do you bully me?" Wendy asked jokingly.

Dulchi just smiled and shrugged.

"Uh, hello?" Momo said, tentatively, raising her hand in greeting.

"Hi! I'm Wendy Midoriya, and their friend." Wendy said, jerking her head in the direction of Pika and Dulchi. "I'm interning here with Recovery Girl."

"Midoriya...?" Momo asked. "As in from our class?"

"Yeah, I'm Izuku's twin." Wendy said, giving the Midoriya smile.

"That's amazing. Your brother is really powerful. I'm Momo by the way." Momo said.

"I know, my brother is amazing." Wendy said, giving a pensive smile.

"What's your quirk? Is it like your brother's?" Momo asked.

Wendy was pretty sure she knew how Izuku got his quirk from, and it wasn't one he inherited from their parents.

"No, I think he got a recessive quirk. I can control all flames around me." Wendy said, fiddling with her fingers.

"That's pretty amazing. I can make inorganic things out of the lipids in my body provided I know the chemical make up." Momo said.

"That's amazing!! Pika probably mentioned this already, but it's like alchemy in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood!" Wendy said, her eyes sparkling as she went into full fangirl mode.

"You're definitely Midoriya's twin." Shoji said when he saw this.

"Some of his personality rubbed off on me, yeah." Wendy said, smiling the Midoriya smile at him.

"This is Shoji." Pika introduced him, a light blush on her cheeks that Wendy picked up on.

"So this is the real life Koro-Sensei in my life?" Wendy asked smirking.

"Koro-Sensei?" Shoji asked, confused.

"It's from her favourite anime series, Assassination Classroom. We used to call Pika 'Pikachu' but now her nickname is 'Sun'." Dulchi explained, taking ahold of Momo's hand again.

"Wendy is 'Sky' and Dulchi is 'Lulu'." Pika added, glaring at Wendy.

"And you're Koro-Sensei because of your quirk." Wendy said, smiling.

"How do you know my quirk?" Shoji asked.

"I recognised the name and face from Izu's notebook. Not to mention Sun and Lulu talk about their classmates a lot." Wendy said, winking at Pika as she started walking again.

"Sky... Let's talk about something else?" Pika asked.

"Sure, Sun... How is it, still being in a class with your twin?" Wendy asked.

"He's as irritating as ever." Pika said with a grimace.

"Why do you call each other Sun and Sky?" Momo asked.

"Because Pika can shine like the sun and be powerful as one too using her quirk." Wendy said, gesturing towards Pika as though showing off a prized possession.

"And Wendy will be able to protect any civilians from my quirk and keep me in place with her's." Pika said, winking at Wendy.

"You make me sound really powerful..." Wendy said, sounding bored.

"Have you seen your quirk in action? You're op!" Dulchi exclaimed.

"I'd be op if I could make my own flames." Wendy said sighing. "How far away is this cafeteria!?"

"We're here..." Dulchi said, with an expressionless face.

"Oh... I knew that!" Wendy said.

"Sure you did, having never been here after all." Pika said, laughing and walking in.

They walk into the cafeteria when Minetta spots Wendy, creeping up to her.

"Ahhhhh!" Wendy squeeled, slapping Minetta away from her chest. "What- who- why would you do that!?!?"

"Minetta I swear to God if you try that on Sky again you are going to regret it for the rest of your life!!!!" Pika shouted, releasing explosions.

"I'm sorry about that Sky, Minetta's a horrible pervert." Dulchi said, hugging Wendy.

"Hey, aren't you Midoriya's girlfriend?" Minetta asked, hiding from Pika behind a tray.

"Who, me!?" Wendy asked, pointed to herself out of confusion.

"Yeah, I saw you two together outside. He even has a nickname for you." He said.

"I'm not Izu's girlfriend, he's gay, I'm his sister. My name's Wendy Midoriya." Wendy said, surprised someone made that mistake.

"Hey Weds!" Izuku called, walking up with Ochako, Tenya and Shōto.

"Hi Izu." Wendy said.

"These are my friends, you obviously already know Todoroki-kun, this is Ururaka-san, and Iida-kun." Izuku said, introducing them.

"It's nice to finally meet you two, Izuku talks about you a lot. I'm Wendy Midoriya, his twin sister." Wendy said, shaking their hands.

"I didn't know Deku-kun had a twin!" Ochako said, surprised.

"I didn't either, why didn't you tell us, Midoriya?" Tenya asked.

Wendy flinched when Ochako said Deku, were people seriously still using that name?

"Well, you didn't ask." Izuku said in defense.

"That doesn't mean we don't want to know!!!" Ochako shouted.

"Izuku doesn't tend to bring it up in conversation." Wendy said, trying to cover for her twin. "I'm sure he would have told you if you had asked him."

"I guess." Ochako said.

They all sat down to eat together, as well as Wendy being introduced to the rest of the class and Pika sending Minetta flying.

That afternoon was, once again, surprisingly quiet for a day with hero classes.

The next day, Wendy would have to go with the rest of the class for a whole day of hero activity so she could get used to the field.

It was a harmless exercise that was focused on rescue, with a few members of the class playing the roles of villains to fight. Well... That had been the plan.

The exercise started off well, fake victims being taken to Wendy and their injuries being told so she could pretend to heal them. The heroes worked really well as a team and it wasn't long before the 'villains' were all caught.

That was until real villains showed up.

It was pandemonium.

Many of the students were already scattered around due to the exercise, and the warp villain added to that.

Wendy quickly used her quirk to protect some students who were facing the wrong way from a flame type villain.

Little did she know that there was one behind her.

The problem with being the medic in a villain infested area was that you had to be visible for the heroes, which made you an easy target for villains as well.

Wendy hadn't realised in time that there was one behind her. They hit her shoulder, hard. Hard enough to cut the skin and draw blood as she was thrown to the ground.

Pretty soon after, one of the 'victims' she had been treating took the villain down. They weren't that strong, but they were sharp skinned.

Wendy then covered her own wound and looked around.

She physically felt wounded when she saw Aizawa with his elbow disintegrating. She was on her way over there when she heard her brother's cry.

Terrified, Wendy looked over. Izuku had punched one of the villains, but he had no effect.

The villain was preparing to return the blow, fist rising. Wendy poured a pouch of petrol on the floor and lit it, sending the flames at the villain.

"Don't you dare!!!!!" She yelled, thinking back to when they were children and this would be a daily occurrence. But not with such high stakes.

The villains, and Izuku, looked up to where the tall angry green and blue girl was. The villain smirked and started walking towards her, leaving a terrified looking Izuku behind them.

Still enraged, Wendy trapped the villain in a prison of fire. Every time it tried to pass through it would burn to ash.

Wendy was concerned at how many times the arms came through, that was way more times than they had arms, and any normal person would have given up by now.

Just as All Might showed up, another villain showed up behind Wendy. She wasn't as clueless as last time though, sending a small amount of fire at them.

Unfortunately, they dodged and managed to hit the back of her neck. Pika and Dulchi rushed over to her, Pika punched the villain in the face for laying a hand on her FMFF. Dulchi went over to Wendy to check if she was okay.

Thankfully, Wendy had no injuries, she had just been knocked out. After she had delt with the villain, Pika came over.

"Is she okay!?" She asked Dulchi, looking terrified.

"She's fine, thankfully. I swear if she wasn't..." Dulchi didn't finish, letting the flames surrounding her be the point of her sentence.

"Someone would be dead." Pika finished for her, glaring at the villain tied up. He gulped in fear.

All Might arrived and caused the villains to retreat. Pika carried Wendy on her back to the entrance of the USJ and Dulchi went with them, using her flames whenever a villain came close to them.

A while later, Wendy woke up in Recovery Girl's office.

"You're okay!" Pika and Dulchi yelled, eerily in sinc and wrestled Wendy with hugs.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be a hero." Recovery Girl said, with a bit of a smirk. Wendy laughed a little, uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked, his face full of worry.

"I'm fine Izu, don't worry." Wendy said, ruffling his already messy hair. Then she noticed the bandages he had. "You, on the other hand, are way too reckless!! What would mum think if she knew you got injured!?"

"Well... I'm training to be a hero! What's your excuse?" Izuku retorted.

"I'm older than you by a minute, it's the job of an older sibling to protect the younger one." Wendy said, huffily crossing het arms.

"Still! You were more reckless than me." Izuku said, puffing out his cheeks.

Pika and Dulchi were laughing. "He's right you know, Wendy." Dulchi said, seriously.

"You were rather reckless." Pika added.

"Guys!! Who's side are you on!?" Wendy complained, pouting at them. "It's not like I've never done anything like that before! Also, just because I'm training to be a medic doesn't mean we get no combat training."

"We know. Just be careful." Dulchi said, smiling.

"We care about you. And I would like to become a hero, rather than be arrested for killing whoever injures you." Pika said, smirking more evilly than Katsuki, punching her fists together and letting off an explosion around it.

"I guess." Wendy said, laughing a little.

Even though she wasn't very injured, Wendy was given a three day break from the work experience at UA.

Wendy was lounging around on the sofa her bed folded into, writing some stories on Wattpad when she heard a loud bang from downstairs.

Feeling a little scared, but swallowing her fear, she slowly and silently crept to the stairs, peering down to see a tall, older teen with black hair and burns covering most of his body, a blue flame dancing on the tip of one of his fingers.

Wendy dashed back to her room, grabbing her phone and ducking under the bed. Unfortunately she hadn't been as careful and had stepped on a squeakie floorboard so she could hear the villain, as that's what he was, walk up the stairs.

"Yes boss. I'll get her, she would make a powerful villain." He said, clearly on the phone for Wendy could hear him hang up. "She could help to destroy Endeavour."

Wendy was shocked by how familiarly bitter his voice sounded when he mentioned Endeavour. It sounded the same as when Dulchi or Shōto mentioned him, but she didn't recognise his voice.

'ʜᴇʟᴘ! ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ's ᴀ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴ ʜᴇʀᴇ! ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴍᴇ!!!!!' Wendy sent to the group chat she had with Izuku, Pika and Dulchi.

'ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴡᴇᴅs!!' Izuku sent

'ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ!?' Dulchi asked.

'ʜᴏᴍᴇ!' Wendy replied.

After she sent that she heard her door open, unusually creaking on its hinges.

'ʜᴜʀʀʏ! ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ! ʜᴇ's ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʀᴏᴏᴍ...' Wendy sent, trying not to make a sound as her hands were trembling.

There was no response.

'ɪ'ᴍ sᴄᴀʀᴇᴅ' Wendy admitted.

'ɪ'ᴍ ᴀʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ. ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ ᴡᴇᴅs.' Pika messaged.

"... Really... Why..." Was faintly heard from downstairs.

The villain didn't seem to notice Pika's quiet words from downstairs as he sighed, exasperated.

"Go get the girl, they said. It will be easy, they said." He said, clearly annoyed. "I'll just set everything on fire, see what happens."

Wendy put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out as flames sprouted on his hands and he walked over to her bookcase, touching it. The flames quickly engulfed it.

Wendy subtly used her quirk to reduce the damage done by the flames. The villain continued to set everything on fire, Wendy using her quirk to reduce the damage.

Then loud footsteps could be heard from the stairs as Pika charged up them, the sounds of Izuku and Dulchi arriving downstairs.

When the villain turned his back, Wendy removed the flames from her things and put the flames outside, as the skies had just started to pour.

"The f*** are you doing here!?!?!?" Pika yelled at him. "I swear... If you've hurt my friend you're going to regret it." She was deathly quiet.

Suddenly her entire body ignited into flames as she charged at him. Still hiding, Wendy continued to use her quirk to protect her stuff and the building.

"Toya?" A worried voice asked from the hall.

Both Pika and the villain turned to look at Dulchi standing in the hall staring at the villain.

"Toya... Is that you?" Dulchi asked again.

"Dulchi?" The villain- Toya- asked.

"Yes. Onii-chan... It's been so long." Dulchi said, walking forwards and hugging him. Pika stopped using her explosions to look at what was happening.

The two siblings were hugging each other tight, tears in their eyes.

"Why are you here?" Dulchi finally asked.

Toya avoided eye contact, before sighing. "I'm a villain... It was my mission to recruit a girl who lives here." He admitted.

"Well she's my sister, and she will never be a villain!" Izuku declared. Wendy smiled, feeling warm that her little brother thought so highly of her.

"You don't have to be a villain anymore, Toya." Dulchi said, still hugging him.

"What else could I be?" He asked, hair falling over his eyes.

"You could try to be a hero." Pika said, still angry that he tried to hurt Wendy, but deciding not to attack him... He is Dulchi's long lost brother after all.

"You might have to dye your hair back though." Dulchi said, laughing a little as she played with a small lock of his hair.

"I guess... But I'm not going to stay with that bastard again." He said, growling.

"Who said you had to?" Pika asked.

"I suggest you let Todoroki-kun and Todoroki-chan stay with you as well. They don't like Endeavour either." Izuku said.

As the adrenaline had drained from Wendy a while ago, and she had used her quirk quite a lot, with a lot of precision, she had been fighting to stay awake.

"Where's Wendy?" Pika asked. Throughout the whole catch up with the siblings she had been looking for her FMFF.

As Wendy fell asleep, her hand, with phone, slipped out from under the sofa.

"Uh... Also I'm going to ask you to pay for our new door." Izuku said to Toya.

"I did break it." He said, looking bored. "I'll send you the money. For now, I'm leaving."

He patted Dulchi on the head as he passed her, dropping a piece of paper with his number on it.

Pika and Izuku pulled Wendy out from underneath the sofa, she was still unconscious so Izuku held her bridal style while Pika unfolded her bed and Izuku lay her on it.

"Is she alright?" Dulchi asked, walking closer to the bed.

"She looks alright, she probably used her quirk too much or something." Izuku said.

"Heh... Sorry, that was partially me." Pika admitted, smiling awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head.

"Y̫̫o̫̫u̫̫n̫̫g̫̫ ̫̫M̫̫i̫̫d̫̫o̫̫r̫̫i̫̫y̫̫a̫̫,̫̫ ̫̫a̫̫r̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫y̫̫o̫̫u̫̫ ̫̫a̫̫l̫̫r̫̫i̫̫g̫̫h̫̫t̫̫?̫" All Might's voice called up the stairs.

"Yes, everyone's okay, All Might!" Izuku called.

"T̫̫h̫̫a̫̫t̫̫'̫̫s̫̫ ̫̫g̫̫o̫̫o̫̫d̫̫.̫̫.̫̫.̫̫ ̫̫Y̫̫o̫̫u̫̫ ̫̫c̫̫a̫̫n̫̫ ̫̫s̫̫t̫̫a̫̫y̫̫ ̫̫h̫̫e̫̫r̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫u̫̫n̫̫t̫̫i̫̫l̫̫ ̫̫s̫̫h̫̫e̫̫ ̫̫w̫̫a̫̫k̫̫e̫̫s̫̫ ̫̫u̫̫p̫̫,̫̫ ̫̫t̫̫h̫̫e̫̫n̫̫ ̫̫y̫̫o̫̫u̫̫ ̫̫a̫̫l̫̫l̫̫ ̫̫n̫̫e̫̫e̫̫d̫̫ ̫̫t̫̫o̫̫ ̫̫g̫̫o̫̫ ̫̫b̫̫a̫̫c̫̫k̫̫ ̫̫t̫̫o̫̫ ̫̫s̫̫c̫̫h̫̫o̫̫o̫̫l̫̫.̫" All Might said, once he reached Wendy's room, looking at the sleeping girl.

"Thank you All Might." Pika said, smiling.

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