Consequences (TodoDeku)

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Ever since the sports festival, Izuku drew closer to the people he went up against. It turned out that his and Hitoshi's stories were very similar. The two bonded over this, becoming closer every day.

This didn't go unnoticed by Shōto, even though it did for the rest of the class. Not that he recognised it, but he felt jealous of all of the time that Izuku was spending with the purple haired boy.

Izuku and Hitoshi would often have sleepovers and eventually knew all of the other's secrets... Including crushes.

"So... Any progression with Mr So-Cool-He's-Hot?" Hitoshi asked Izuku, smirking slightly as the two sat in a room filled with All Might merchandise on a bed with green covers, with All Might plastered on the front.

The only thing in that room that didn't match, was a single shelf filled with the merchandise of a trainee hero with two different colours of hair. It was surprising, really, how much merch there was for Shōto Todoroki, as he still had two and three quarter years left before he was a hero. He was incredibly popular though... Especially body pillows, one of which Izuku was hugging tightly as he sat on the bed.

"What about you? Have you even spoken to Mr Stupid-Electric-Hot-Bi-boy?" Izuku shot back, not wanting to tell Hitoshi that he was too worried about rejection to even try to get any further in their relationship.

"He doesn't even know I exist." Hitoshi said, sighing as he hugged the pale green pillow with "PLUS ULTRA" embroidered onto it tighter to his chest.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Izuku said, smiling, remembering the loud complaint of Katsuki that morning.

Denki had been talking randomly, letting his disaster bi show. Nobody else in their group seemed to care when he went on one of his gushes, but Katsuki would always explode.

Today, and since the sports festival, Denki had been gushing about a certain purple haired, brainwashing boy he had a crush on.

"Don't tease me!" Hitoshi whined. "Wanna play truth or dare?"

"Okay." Izuku said, laughing and batting away a pillow that Hitoshi had thrown at him. "As it was your idea, you get to go first."

"Truth or dare?" Hitoshi asked, smiling a little creepily.

"Dare!" Izuku said, almost triumphantly.

"I dare you to go to Todoroki's house and confess your love to him." Hitoshi said, knowing that Izuku wouldn't want to do it, but already having planned for that.

Internally Izuku was screaming as his body moved towards the door as though on it's own. Yes, Hitoshi had used his quirk on Izuku to prevent him from not following the dare.

Hitoshi followed a fair way behind, just in case someone tried to do something to Izuku while he was brainwashed.

Unfortunately, Hitoshi got distracted by a stray cat for a few minutes and Izuku was already out of his sights. He ran to catch up, but as he turned the corner he saw his worst nightmare.

A few members of the League of Villains were surrounding Izuku, but they clearly hadn't touched him as he was still following the command that Hitoshi gave him.

Ordinarily, this would be a good thing. It would ensure that Izuku was walking away from the danger rather than staying and fighting. The problem here is, there was a mass of purple that acted as a portal was directly in his path.

Hitoshi tried to run up and save Izuku, but he had barely recovered from the shock when they were all inside the purple smoke and gone to goodness knows where.

Izuku knew exactly what was happening, he had tried to stop himself, but his body had kept moving. As soon as he was through the portal he was hit on the back of the head with something heavy and blunt.

When he opened his eyes again he was bound to a chair with metal cuffs around his wrists and ankles. He tried to break them before someone entered the room.

This man wore a suit, but his face was obscured by breathing apparatus. Something about this man, although he looked half dead, sent shivers running down Izuku's spine.

Izuku shyed back out of fear as the man approached him.

"Imagine, All Might's successor becoming a villain and destroying him. How utterly... Perfect." He muttered.

"I will never be a villain." Izuku said, hoping he sounded braver than he felt.

The only answer Izuku got was a jolt of pain as the chair he was in was suddenly filled with an electric current. Every nerve in his body was sent into overdrive and he couldn't help but scream.

The man only smiled and pressed the button again, continuing to torture the poor boy until he began to break.

Regardless, however, of how much pain he went through, how broken his world view became, and how few boundaries he now had, Izuku was dead set on becoming a hero.

All For One decided to fix that, laying his hand on Izuku's head, All For One used one of the many quirks he had to jumble Izuku's memories.

Izuku now believed that his parents were killed by heroes lack of compassion and actively injured him. In his new memories he had always wanted to be a villain and destroy All Might, the symbol of peace, for what he turned a blind eye to.

A memory jumble is very stressful for the person going through it, so once it was over Izuku drooped, his eyes closed as he slept lightly.

All For One removed the sleeping boy from the chair and, with a portal for Kurogiri, put him on a sofa in the base for the League of Villains.

Meanwhile, the teachers of UA were frantically searching for Izuku everywhere. Hitoshi, although not being allowed to by the teachers, was also looking. Due to his usual tired nature it was easy for the class to cover for him by saying he went to sleep.

They were searching all day with no sign of the green haired boy. The drop in morale of the class was obvious, and Hitoshi was falling asleep in almost every lesson he had.

After a week, everyone was getting desperate. Hitoshi was running around, desperately trying to find his brother figure when he looked down an alleyway to see the back of a boy's head. Their hair was green, messy and looked fluffy.

"Izuku!?" Hitoshi shouted at the boy, hoping it was him.

Knife in hand the boy turned around, looking angry and shocked, but it was definitely Izuku. His right eye was still the emerald green it had always been, but now his left was scarlet.

"What?" Izuku muttered under his breath, still having answered Hitoshi's question.

Hitoshi had already seen the knife, and from looking at Izuku's face could tell that there was something wrong. Wanting to make sure nothing bad happened, Hitoshi had used his quirk.

"I... Kill... You..." Izuku managed to get out, sounding really angry as he tried to fight Hitoshi's quirk.

Hitoshi was shocked. "Go to sleep." He commanded.

Izuku's eyes closed and his body went limp, the knife hitting the ground as Hitoshi rushed forward, catching Izuku before he hit the ground.

Carrying him piggyback style, Hitoshi carried the surprisingly light boy to ambulance.

"Help! My friend has been missing for a week and I found him." Hitoshi said, coming up to them, Izuku still sleeping on his back. "But something's wrong. He almost attacked me but he wants to be a hero."

"We'll look after him. Please put him on this stretcher." One of the paramedics said.

Hitoshi put Izuku down, and the paramedics checked his vitals - nothing was wrong. Then they bound both of his ankles to the bed.

"What are you doing!?!?" Hitoshi asked, trying to pull them away from Izuku's limbs.

"You said he tried to attack you. This is for all of our protection if he wakes up." One of the paramedics explained.

"Untie him! He's not a threat!" Hitoshi insisted, using his quirk to make the paramedic do as he said.

Another paramedic flicked their hand away, removing the effects of Hitoshi's quirk. Hitoshi was still frantically trying to free Izuku so one of the paramedics put him to sleep in order to stop him, placing him in a chair in the ambulance.

During this, Izuku's right eye had opened. He had no idea what was going on, but he had no energy to move or say a word as his arms were bound to the sides of the stretcher. Before long he fell asleep again.

The teachers of UA were alerted. Aizawa and All Might rushed to the hospital. Izuku was tied to his bed with leather straps.

Hitoshi had woken up just after they had arrived at the hospital, but he had still been groggy for a while, wanting but not being able to interfere with how they treated Izuku.

While Hitoshi was explaining to the two teachers what had happened, Izuku jumped awake. Something about being under Hitoshi's control had triggered a few memories... Half of him accepted them, but the stronger half didn't.

"Ah, you're awake. Shall we begin?" A feminine voice asked, Izuku looked around, straining against his bonds until a woman, looking to be in her late 40s to early 50s came into view.

"Get started with what!?" Izuku asked, growling slightly at the woman, not that she seemed phased at all.

"Working on your memories. They aren't the ones you should have." She said, her tone surprisingly friendly for the words she was saying.

"What are you-!?" Izuku was cut off by her laying a hand on his forehead and using her quirk.

She could reveal people's memories or burry them. She was revealing all of Izuku's real memories to him, slowly, but as fast as she could.

Izuku pulled wildly at the straps keeping him on the bed, trying to get away from this woman. "What are you doing to me!?!?!?!?!?!?" Izuku yelled, pulling away.

"I'm showing you the truth." She said calmly, continuing.

"No!!! I know what the truth is... And... This..." The more she continued, the less Izuku struggled and the quieter his voice became.

Eventually, he was laying back, still and in silence as his memories came back to him. When she got to the memories of what the League did to Izuku he started to cry and whimper.

She continued in order to understand what had happened to Izuku, but burried it afterwards. Both of Izuku's eyes were now green as they drooped and closed, having passed out.

"Good boy." The woman said, ruffling Izuku's hair as she left the room.

Outside, Hitoshi, Aizawa, All Might, and the rest of class 1-A were waiting outside for news of Izuku's condition.

"He's back to normal. Right now he's sleeping, that was very stressful for him. He doesn't remember what the League of Villains did to him. Please don't push him because then he might remember and it was horrifying." The woman explained to them.

The class was shocked, and angry. Small explosions could be heard from Katsuki.

While he used to bully Izuku, he still cared about him. Their relationship had changed ever since they had joined UA, becoming more like brothers. Katsuki would never admit it, but he did care about Izuku a lot, and it made him furious that someone would do that to him.

"When he's woken up we will see how he's doing. If there is no change in his behaviour then he will have to remain bound to the bed... Maybe even arrested." The woman said.

All Might and Aizawa were the first two in his room. Izuku was still fast asleep and his head tilted to one side as his mouth was slightly open. He didn't look like he could hurt a fly.

The two teachers sat in chairs next to his bed, looking at him.

It's true that Aizawa is usually known as terrifying, but he really does care for his students.

He was not fond of seeing one of his most promising students in a hospital bed, but here they were again. This time though, was worse than usual. This wasn't caused by Izuku being reckless and injuring himself, this is because the League had manipulated him into becoming a villain.

All Might transformed back into his skinny form, coughing up blood as he held back his tears.

Izuku was not just his successor, but like a son to him. Seeing him having to be tied to a bed like some kind of criminal hurt.

Both men hugged the sleeping boy, his body hanging limply.

He started to make quiet groaning noises and his eyelids flickered, indicating that he was waking up. All Might transformed back into muscle form after putting Izuku down.

The same woman came back into the room and ushered the two heroes out. She then approached the bed Izuku was in.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as Izuku opened his eyes slowly, revealing two green eyes.

"I-I don't... I don't know." Izuku said. "I can't... I can't remember where I am."

"You're in a hospital. You were kidnapped by villains and came here after being rescued by a friend of yours." She said with a soothing tone, stroking his hair off his face.

Izuku winced. Having had the hair that was covering his eyes removed, he realised how much his head hurt. "My head." Izuku said, closing his eyes.

The woman understood and turned off the light.

"Izuku Midoriya, I have a few questions for you to check if you have recovered." She said quietly.

Izuku didn't say anything, he just nodded.

"Who is your favourite hero?" She asked, knowing that if he was back to normal then he could answer easily.

"All Might!" Izuku cheered, then he winced at his own volume and adjusted his position on the bed as much as he could with his limbs bound.

"Good, okay. Who is your family? And how are they?" She asked, nodding.

"I live with my mum, who is probably worried about me, and I also have my dad... But he hasn't contacted us for years." Izuku said.

The woman nodded again, pleased with the results. "I would say you're in the clear, but don't do very much exercise for at least a week, preferably a month."

"But-" Izuku tried to protest, he couldn't become a hero if he couldn't train, but he was stopped by her glaring at him. He could tell that she was going to inform the teachers about this and they would make sure that he did as he was told.

"If you don't then you will just end up in hospital again." She said firmly. "Promise that you will take care of yourself or you will stay tied to that bed for the week."

Izuku sighed, it didn't look like he had a choice. He nodded, letting her know that he would follow her instructions.

She came over to him and untied his wrists. As she was doing the same for his ankles, he sat up... Or at least tried to.

As soon as she noticed he was starting to rise, she stopped undoing the straps around his ankles and pushed him back down.

"For now you need to rest." She said, keeping her hand on his shoulder. "You will be having visitors and that will be enough stress for today. Tonight you will be spending the night here."

Izuku grumbled slightly, but knew there was no point in denying her. If he did he would just be made incapable of doing what she said not to.

"I'm taking that as a yes." She said, undoing the straps at his feet.

Before sending in the next two visitors she used a remote to make the head of the bed rise just enough for him to be able to sleep easily, but to be able to face his friends.

The next two who came in were Hitoshi and Shōto. Hitoshi went over and hugged Izuku as soon as he got in.

"I'm sorry Izu. This was all my fault." Hitoshi said, clutching onto Izuku.

"It's okay Toshi... You didn't mean to." Izuku said, hugging back.

Shōto was showing more restraint, but he had also been worried sick about him.

"Midoriya. Are you okay?" Shōto asked, walking towards the bed.

Izuku's face went red when he saw Shōto. "T-Todoroki-kun... I-I-I'm f-f-fine." He stuttered out.

"Are you sure? You look like you might have a fever or something." Shōto said.

"I'm fine!" Izuku squeaked.

"How do you feel?" Hitoshi asked.

"I have a headache and I feel a little tired, but I'm okay." Izuku said.

Hitoshi had, once again, used his quirk on the ever trusting Izuku, who had, just as always, fallen for it.

Hitoshi pulled Shōto closer to the bed before whispering to Izuku "Kiss Todoroki on the lips, then sleep until tomorrow morning."

Izuku's eyes widened, he could not believe Hitoshi just gave him that command!!

Against his conscious will due to embarrassment, Izuku leaned up to Shōto and kissed him on the lips, then his eyes closed and he fell back to the bed.

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