The Present Sometimes Haunts The Future (TodoDeku)

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"In a week, number 1 hero Deku will never have existed!!" The villain's words boomed across the entire of Japan.

*11 years ago*
Izuku was training outside of the UA dorms as he usually did. Curfew was almost upon him as he continued to practice his new fighting style.

Izuku was so focused that he didn't even notice when an unmarked van pulled up next to him.

Izuku only noticed it when the door of said van opened and some people dressed completely in black got out at high speed, grabbing him before he had the chance to even move.

Izuku then felt a prick in the back of his neck before the world started to spin before his eyes as he was thrown into the back of the van.

Todoroki got outside just in time to see Izuku be thrown roughly into the back, before the van hurtled away.

"I have to tell a teacher!" Todoroki said, in shock, running towards the school building.

*11 years in the future*
A group of heroes were chasing a black van, suspected of assisting the major villain organisation threatening Deku.

This group consisted of number 2 hero Shōto, number 3 hero Explosion, number 5 hero Injenium, and number 15 hero Uravity.

The team managed to stop the van, arrested the drivers, then they looked in the back.

It was a fifteen year old Izuku.

"Is that...?" Uravity asked.

"Deku... From 11 years ago?" Explosions continued.

"But how, time travel is scientifically impossible." Injenium said, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

The others glared at him.

When you work as a hero, in a world with quirks, not everything that should be impossible really is.

"Isn't he supposed to be in the past? How will we ever get him back?" Uravity asked.

"Do you remember when we were fifteen and he disappeared for a week, and remained in a coma for a week after? Perhaps this is what happened." Shōto suggested.

"I guess that could be possible." Explosion said.

"He never remembered what happened during that week, perhaps it's because his memories were erased." Injenium said.

"It's not like there's nobody at the agency with that quirk." Shōto noted.

"Shōto, can you please look after him until he wakes up? He needs to be guarded, but he's always been good at plans. He can help us." Uravity said.

"Don't let him get hurt! We're messin' with time here!" Explosion said, getting close to Shōto's face.

"That's right, as he's still a teenager now there will be a lot of villains trying to kill him." Injenium said.

"I know, I promise I will look after him. I would never let any harm come to my husband, even if he's not my husband yet." Shōto said, picking the sleeping Izuku up and walking to his car.

He carefully placed the sleeping boy in the front passenger seat and buckled him in. Then Shōto got into the drivers seat and went back to his house.

Currently, Shōto was the only one living there. Number 1 hero Deku was in a safehouse. Not that he was in there willingly, but as he had a bounty on his head everyone decided it was safer for him.

In order to make sure that Izuku was safe, Shōto put him in the central room, no windows meant that it was more difficult for someone to get in, or otherwise attack.

Shōto set up a camera while he cooked himself dinner so he could make sure Izuku was safe.

That night, Shōto slept in the same room, in front of the door so he would be woken up if there was anyone using it.

Shōto woke up the next morning to an awake, and terrified, Izuku sitting on the bed staring at him.

"T-Todoroki-kun? Where am I?" Izuku asked, holding the duvet to his chin.

"It's been a while since I've been called that." Shōto said, rubbing the back of his head. "You're in my house."

"But- but aren't we supposed to stay in the dorms?" Izuku asked, still on edge. 'He sounds like Todoroki-kun, but he looks different... And he's acting differently'

"We haven't stayed there for 8 years, but I guess you still do, huh?" Shōto said.

"W-w-what?" Izuku asked, starting to shake.

"Izuku, you're in the future. This is year XXXX." Shōto said.

"What? N-n-no, i-it's year XXYZ." Izuku said. "You're lieing!"

"No I'm not. At this time you're the number 1 hero, and I'm the number 2 hero. We don't know how you're in this time, but you are. And we need your help." Shōto said.

"I'm... I'm the number 1 hero?" Izuku asked under his breath.

"Yes. You're the strongest hero in history. You surpassed All Might when he officially adopted you. In our last year at UA." Shōto said, smiling at the memory. Nobody could tell him now that the two weren't related.

"Wait... All Might adopts me!?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, and marries your mum." Shōto said.

Izuku was blushing hard. He knew that his mother had started to get to know All Might, but he had never imagined that the two would marry.

"Izuku, we need your help. The present version of you has to stay in a safehouse, but we need your expertise for a plan." Shōto said.

"Why am I in a safehouse?" Izuku asked.

"Because you're in danger. So is this version of you, so you need to do as we tell you. We want to protect you." Shōto explained.

"... Alright, I promise." Izuku said, thinking for a moment.

"Good, stay here, I'll make breakfast then we can go into the office." Shōto said, getting up.

"Uh.. OK Todoroki-kun." Izuku said.

Shōto paused, debating whether or not to tell Izuku that he was now Shōto Midoriya.

He decided it was best not to.

Izuku looked around the room he was in. He was surprised to see that there were no windows. Otherwise the room was very much like his dorm room.

Izuku sat up, the duvet falling off him. He looked down to see that he was still wearing his sweaty training clothes.

Izuku was a little embarrassed, he was staying in his crush's house, and he must stink.

Shōto walked in with two plates of bacon and eggs. He handed one to Izuku before sitting on the chair in the corner and began to eat.

"Uh, do you have a change of clothes I could use? And would it be possible for me to have a shower?" Izuku asked, blushing a bit.

"Of course, when you're finished I'll show you where the bathroom is, and while you're showering I'll get you some other clothes." Shōto said, smiling.

"Uh, OK." Izuku said, finishing his food.

When both were finished with their breakfasts, Shōto lead Izuku through two hallways to the bathroom, where Shōto left him.

The shower was relaxing, already at the perfect warm temperature when Izuku first got in.

He didn't want to leave the shower, it was so nice, but eventually he got out.

Moving the shower curtain, Izuku saw that Shōto had already placed fresh clothes in a neat pile by the towel he was lent.

The towel belongs to Deku, not that Izuku realised that. All he knew was that it was a fluffy green towel.

The clothes were a soft cotton and were red, green and white. There was also a hoodie that looked like Shōto's current hero costume.

The thought of wearing that made Izuku blush. He was going to wear a hoodie of his crush's hero costume.

It wasn't a lot, but it still made Izuku's cheeks warm.

When he was dressed, deciding to wear the hoodie after all, Izuku went back to the room he woke up in, where Shōto was waiting.

"We should get to the office." Shōto said. "Follow me."

Shōto led Izuku back to his car, where Izuku once again sat in the front passenger seat as Shōto drove them to the agency.

"So, uh, which agency do I work for?" Izuku asked.

"Same as me. We're here." Shōto said, parking the car and getting out.

"Wow! The top hero agency in the world!" Izuku said, looking up at it.

"Of course. The number 1 hero always works for the number 1 agency." Shōto said, smiling and taking Izuku's hand to pull him inside.

Uravity noticed Shōto first, and called him over.

She jumped a little when she saw Izuku, so Shōto quietly told her the plan.

"Ever since we met him Izu has always been great at making plans. As we can't use Deku's help, we should use Izuku's." Shōto whispered into her ear.

"You're right." Uravity whispered back. "Hey, Izuku, please follow me. We want to brief you on the current problem so you can help us." She said, gesturing for Izuku to follow her.

Izuku nodded and fell in step behind her, Shōto walking behind him.

When they got to a room at the end of the corridor he was briefed. There was a powerful villain who had made it his goal to erase his existence.

Usually, this kind of thing would be easily dealt with, but this villain had the power to back up his claim.

Deku wouldn't have stood a chance against him, their quirks were too similar. Even with this knowledge though, Deku decided that he wanted to stay and fight.

In fear of their friend's death, Deku's friends knocked him out and put him in a safehouse that he couldn't break out of, and only one person can get in and out using her quirk.

Izuku was a little scared by this.

"Y-you're not going to knock me out and put me in there, are you?" Izuku asked.

"You don't have to worry Izuku. We only knocked Deku out because we had to, we won't need to do that to you." Uravity said, hugging Izuku.

This calmed Izuku down.

"The only problem now is that we need a plan. That's where you come in, Izuku." Shōto said. "We need you to come up with a plan for us."

"OK. I'll do my best!" The cinnamon roll said, looking determined.

"Thank you, Izuku." Shōto said, before Uravity pulled him to the side.

"After he gives us the plan we need to get him in the safehouse. And the only way Glitch can use her quirk on others is if they're asleep. What do we do!?" Uravity urgently whispered.

"We give him a drink with a sleeping pill dissolved in it." Shōto whispered back.

"What if he drinks it too early and passes out before he's finished?" Uravity asked in a whisper.

"Trust me, I know my husband. He doesn't drink until he's finished." Shōto said.

Shōto then went to get Izuku a drink of orange juice, and put a sleeping pill into it. The pill was soon dissolved with no trace.

Shōto placed it next to Izuku, who didn't notice he was so concentrated on the plan.

When he was done he finally noticed the orange juice.

"Is this for me?" Izuku asked, looking at the two heroes.

"Yes, it is." Shōto said.

Izuku hadn't realised how thirsty he was until he started drinking. He downed the whole glass in one.

Then he walked over and gave his plan to Shōto.

"I think this will work. If it doesn't there's an alternative plan on the back." Izuku said.

"Thank you so much Izuku." Uravity cheered.

"You're-" Izuku started before almost falling to the side, holding his head. "You're welcome."

"Izuku, are you okay?" Uravity asked, concerned.

"I'm fine." Izuku said, having to lean on the table for support.

"Izuku, sit down. It's dangerous to fall asleep standing up, you might hurt yourself." Shōto said sternly.

"I'm not falling asleep, I slept not long ago." Izuku said, still standing.

"That was then, this is now. You're falling asleep Izuku. Just let it happen." Shōto said soothingly as he pushed Izuku into a chair.

Within seconds Izuku was quietly snoring.

Uravity called for Glitch, who took Izuku to the safehouse with Deku in it.

Izuku slept for three hours while they were in there, Deku whittering at him the whole time.

When Izuku woke up to see an older version of himself he freaked out. He fell off the bed he was on and hit his back on the hard ground. It was at that moment he realised the pain in his head.

"Come here, I can give you a home remedy for your headache." Deku said, going into the small kitchen.

"Wh-who are you?" Izuku asked timidly.

"Number 1 hero Deku. I'm this times you." Deku said, coming back with a drink. "Drink this, it will help your headache."

Izuku took the drink, it tasted horrible, but he felt better after having it.

"Thank you." Izuku said.

"No problem." Deku replied. "You're lucky you know."

"How?" Izuku asked, shocked.

"You can still be naïeve. All that they needed to do to get you down here was to drug your drink." Deku explained.

"Is that what happened?" Izuku asked. "But why didn't they do that for you?"

"Because I knew what they were trying to do. I wouldn't take anything from them, and I was generally staying clear of Explosion. I thought he was going to try to knock me out. Turns out it was Uravity and Shōto." Deku sighed.

"Why is everyone using the hero names? I was there when they made them. I still know who they are." Izuku said.

"Because it's generally safer." Deku replied.

After a few days, sleeping gas was sprayed into the safehouse, knocking both Deku and Izuku into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Glitch then came down with a gas mask on, picked the two light green haired boys up, and glitched out of there.

The two of them lay on beds in the medical room.

Izuku was the first to wake up, whimpering slightly as he did so. Deku woke up shortly after.

"I'm guessing the villain was defeated." Deku said.

"Yes, I couldn't let something bad happen to my husband, could I?" Shōto replied.

"Wait what!" Izuku said, trying to process the information.

At that moment, however, number 6 hero Memory came in.

They walked directly over to Izuku and layed their hand on his head.

Izuku's eyes dulled as his memories of the future were erased. He then fell to the side, asleep.

Memory caught him before turning to the others.

"I've edited the villains memories. One of them has a time quirk which is how they got him in the first place. We need to give him back to them so he can return to his time." They explained.

*11 years ago*
Todoroki was out of his mind with worry. After what happened with Izuku, everyone was forced to stay inside.

This meant that he had no chance to help in the search for Izuku.

He was annoyed about this, but more than anything he was angry at himself.

If only he hadn't been so afraid to embarrass around Izuku, he could have been there to save him.

If only he had been faster then he would have gotten to the teachers faster and they could have caught the van sooner.

If only he had thought to use his quirk he could have frozen the van in place.

Todoroki hadn't left his room except for lessons since that incident. It had almost been a week now.

The rest of the class were really worried about him, but they couldn't get in because he had locked the door.

Eventually, they had to get Aizawa to basically break in to give Todoroki food.

Todoroki refused the food, saying that he didn't deserve to eat because it was his fault Izuku was gone so he didn't deserve it.

Out of desperation, they ended up getting Hitoshi to use his quirk to make Todoroki eat.

After that, he wasn't left alone.

After a week, the pro heroes found the van that had been used to kidnap Izuku.

Sure enough, when they opened it they found him unconscious in the back.

He was sent to hospital where they treated some bad bruising to his back. They tried using smelling salts to wake him up, but it didn't work.

Todoroki stayed with Izuku for another week until the smaller boy finally started to wake up.

"Todoroki-kun?" Izuku asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Midoriya! You're awake!" Todoroki said, practically jumping out of happiness and relief.

"What... What happened?" Izuku asked. "I... I don't remember... Anything..."

"You were kidnapped. You were asleep for a week after, I don't know about when you were." Todoroki explained.

"I think... I think something important happened... I can't remember... Why can't I remember?" Izuku asked, struggling to remember the past week, but Memory's quirk was too powerful.

"I'm sorry Midoriya." Todoroki said, surprising Izuku.

"Sorry for what?" Izuku queried, confused.

"If I had been better I might have been able to save you." He said, hanging his head low.

"It's not your fault Todoroki-kun. I should have been paying more attention." Izuku said.

Todoroki then gave him a hug, which took Izuku by surprise.

"Midoriya... I... I love you." Todoroki finally confessed.

"I love you too Todoroki-kun." Izuku said, hugging back.

*11 years in the future*
"You know, it was because of you getting kidnapped back then I realised my feelings about you." Shōto said, hugging his husband.

"I had known since the sports festival. But I had no self confidence to tell you." Deku said, kissing Shōto on the head.

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