TodoDeku Hipnosis. (Fantasy AU)

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Izuku Midoriya had just been an ordinary boy in the village for many years, but not anymore.

Today marked the day that king All Might officially adopted Izuku as his son. And married Inko.

The entire kingdom was filled with lights and joy for the new royals, and for their beloved king. The festivities promised to continue for at least a week.

This was a fact that made the king of the neighboring kingdom livid. His kingdom was known for their battles, and how they would always emerge victorious.

This being said, the citizens were plain resentful towards the king. Even the royal family disliked him.

Due to his jealousy, all in his kingdom were banned from joining the festivities in the kingdom of UA.

Many citizens who had relations in UA or knew Inko and Izuku were livid, but they had no way to defy the king.

Endeavour's son, on the other hand, did have a way. And he would sooner die than miss the chance to see how a country should be.

That night, like many nights before, Shōto slipped out through his bedroom window onto the tree that grew a little way from it.

It was surprising how close the two capitals were really, especially considering how much Endeavour hated All Might, but the latter was the strongest.

So, it only took Shōto half an hour to reach his destination.

Meanwhile, the adorable little cinnamon bun was freaking out.

He had never done anything like this before in his life! He was at a loss of what to wear.

King All Might had given him a suit for the occasion, but it didn't quite fit him and made him feel awkward.

On the other hand, what he usually wore for festivals was far too casual, he was royalty now for crying out loud!

Eventually he went with half and half. He used his usual shirt and trousers, with his new blazer. Dark green over a faded red.

"Izuku dear, are you ready?" Inko called up to her son.

"I'm coming!" Izuku called, rushing down the small flight of stairs to his mother.

She looked stunning, her green hair twisted up into a bun, and the eyes so like her son's seemed to glisten with stars. She was in her wedding dress, a glorious crisp white, with pale green flowers embroidered onto the bottom.

"You look wonderful, mum." Izuku said, handing her the bouquet of yellow flowers that matched the king's hair perfectly.

"Thanks, sweety." Inko said, smiling before the two left the house.

Shōto made it to the village as the two green haired people left the house.

He was so distracted by looking around at all of the lights and decorations celebrating king All Might's marriage with Inko.

Many banners were mainly focused on congratulating Inko. She was a very involved member of the community and was loved by everyone for everything she did to help.

Many people in the royal court congratulated All Might on managing to get Inko to fall in love with him. He was very lucky.

As Shōto was looking around, he accidentally backed into a small green haired boy, accidentally causing them both to fall over.

"I'm sorry." Shōto said in his usual monotone, getting up and offering his hand to the smaller boy.

"It's fine." Izuku said, taking Shōto's hand to get up.

When the two met eyes, a faint blush dusted their cheeks. The two maintained eye contact for a long time, which Inko took notice of with a smirk.

Inko coughed, alerting the two boys to her presence once more.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, you two can talk more after the ceremony." Inko said, smiling at Izuku.

"Oh, uh, of course. Sorry mum, coming!" Izuku said, blushing and walking back to his mum, grabbing her hand and walking away with her.

Shōto looked after the two, questioning why his heart was pounding at such an alarming rate.

All the way to the town square Inko was teasing Izuku about the recent encounter with a handsome stranger.

Inko had known her son was gay for years. Izuku had always known that he could trust her so he told her that he was gay as soon as he found out.

Izuku carried the rings for the wedding, to which the entire kingdom came. The inns around must be having a good week.

It was a truly joyous occasion, everyone cheered for the new family, united even though the odds were against them.

When Izuku went back to the festivities, he was running around trying to find his friends when he crashed into Shōto, sending them both to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Izuku said loudly, getting up and offering his hand to Shōto, not having seen him yet. "I'm such a clutz!"

"No. It's okay." Shōto said in a monotone, getting up and brushing the dirt off himself.

The two make eye contact again, this time with nobody to interrupt, they stared into each other's souls for a minute, both having blushes dusting their cheeks.

"I think I have a crush."

Both boys thought at the same time, blushing deeper and turning away.

"So, uh, my name's Izuku, Izuku M- I guess I'm Izuku Yagi now." Izuku said, muttering the last part under his breath.

"I'm Shōto." He said, not wanting the new, cute prince to see him as a threat.

"Wanna go around with me? I haven't seen you around before so I'm guessing you could use a guide." Izuku said, with his heartwarming smile.

'Too cute and precious! I. Must. Protect.'

Shōto thought as his heart clenched in his chest. "I would like that, thank you very much."

So the two went around together, chatting and taking part in the festivities. Izuku made them both flower crowns to wear. They matched the other's hair colour, which made Shōto blush more.

It was doubtful that Izuku had noticed, or that he did it on purpose, but the only thing that was certain, was that Izuku looked cute with a red and white flower crown.

At the end of the day, Shōto had to go back in order to prevent his father from actually murdering him.

"Will you come tomorrow? I'd love to continue showing you around." Izuku asked, seeing Shōto off before he went to his new room in the castle.

Shōto looked at the small, cute boy and made an unwise decision. "Of course. See you tomorrow."

The pair of them spent the rest of the festival together. And, the longer they were together, the stronger their feelings grew.

"Shōto!!" Endeavour's voice boomed through the hall they were both in. "Soon you shall be king. You will choose a bride in a week."

"But, your majesty, I-" Shōto tried to protest.

"Did that sound like a request!?!?" Endeavour bellowed. "It was an order!!"

Shōto was angry, he knew that there was no point in arguing, but he had no wishes to ever marry a woman.

That night Shōto snuck out again, seeking the warmth and support of the green haired boy that he had grown to care for so dearly.

Shōto stood a little way from Izuku's window, throwing pebbles in hope of drawing the small boy's attention.

Izuku came to the window still half asleep, his green fluffy hair sticking up in all directions, his eyes a little watery as he rubbed them, and he wore a white gown.

All of this made Shōto blush, sure that this was a sign of the young boy truly being an angel sent from above.

"Shōto? What's up? Why are you here so late?" Izuku asked when he caught sight of the taller boy and opening his window.

"Come down! I need to talk to you!" Shōto called, his breath visible on the cool night air.

Izuku saw this and decided he wanted to be wearing more substantial than the cotton shirt he had on at the moment.

"I'll be down in a moment!" Izuku called, dashing back inside before running out of the doors.

Izuku was now wearing a blue jacket and black trousers with his top. "What's up Shōto? Are you okay?"

"Not really, but I'm better with you here." Shōto said, hugging Izuku while the latter's face was the colour of Shōto's burn.

"I'm glad I can be of assistance." Izuku said quietly.

"Come with me, I need to talk to you." Shōto said, gesturing away.

"OK. I have something I want to tell you too." Izuku said, letting Shōto lead him by the hand to the maze of the royal gardens.

"This place is beautiful." Shōto said, looking around.

"It really is, I can't believe I actually live here now." Izuku said, looking up at the beauty of the roses.

Shōto wasn't talking about the garden, in fact, he gave it no more than a passing glance before he started at Izuku.

"Shōto, I have something I need to tell you." Izuku said, turning to face the taller boy.

"What is it, Izuku?" Shōto asked, silently praying it was nothing that would make his heart break.

"Shōto, we know each other really well now. And, well I think, no I know, I lo-" Izuku's confession was cut short with Shōto's hand over his mouth.

"Please, Izuku, don't." Shōto said, tears already in his eyes as he realised what he had to do.

Izuku's eyes widened and he struggled to move his head so that he wasn't facing Shōto when he saw the item that Shōto had taken from his pocket.

It was a large, heavy pendant on a chain. They were both gold and the pendant had carvings in.

This was the tool used for hipnosis. A technique that can be used to help mental issues or to change someone's memories, or give them back.

Izuku had already realised what Shōto was going to do.

No matter how hard you try, if a hipnosis pendant is swung in front of your eyes, you have to look at it.

Slowly, and completely against his will, Izuku started to watch the pendant, back and forth, back and forth until his body completely relaxed, his eyes half closed.

Shōto looked Izuku in the eye. The latter's eyes were clouded by the hipnosis, which saddened Shōto, after all, this would be the last time he would see those eyes.

"You hate me." Shōto declared.

"No I don't!" Izuku said loudly and determinedly.

"You hate me." Shōto repeated, in rhythm with the pendant's swings.

"No I... Don't?" Izuku repeated, sounding less sure.

"You hate me." Shōto said, his voice becoming soothing.

"No..." Izuku tried to fight the hipnosis.

"You hate me." Shōto said again. It broke his heart to do this, but it was all for Izuku.

"I... Hate..." Izuku said. 'But I don't hate you Shōto, I love you.'

"You hate me." Shōto said, still swinging the pendant.

"I hate... You." Izuku said. 'No! I love you!'

"You hate me." Shōto repeated, seeing the struggle in Izuku's eyes.

"I hate you." Izuku repeated after him. 'Stop making me say this Shōto! Please! I love you!'

"You hate me." Shōto repeated. He would have to keep this up until Izuku fell asleep, that would signify that the hipnosis was complete.

"I hate you." Izuku repeated. 'That's right... I- I-'

"I HATE YOU!" Izuku shouted at Shōto, before collapsing into his arms.

It broke Shōto's heart to have the love of his life yell at him that they hated him, even if it was by his hipnosis command. Even if it was to protect him.

Fighting back his tears, Shōto carried Izuku back to his room and layed him on his bed, just as the sun started to rise.

"I have to go. I'm sorry Izuku, I know you won't forgive me." Shōto said, gently kissing Izuku's forehead before jumping out of the window and riding home.

Hipnosis induced sleep tends to last longer than regular sleep. This is because it is much deeper, and no external force can wake you up from it.

Due to this, Izuku lay asleep on his bed for a further 5 hours. When he finally woke up it was 11.

"Why was I asleep while I was partially dressed?" Izuku queried, looking down at his strange attire.

At that moment, in walked Inko.

"Good morning dear, you sure slept well. Were you with Shōto last night?" Inko asked, setting down a tray of food and smirking at her son.

"Of course not. I hate him." Izuku said, his eyes clouding a little.

Inko frowned. She knew her son, and this was a very quick change from being in love with someone, to acting as though that was never the case.

There had been one instance a while back when Izuku had been seriously injured, but wouldn't tell anyone who did it. In order to find out, they had to hipnotise him into telling them. The sleep had done him good in that state.

This reminded Inko of that time, his eyes clouded in the same way back then as they did when he just said he hated Shōto.

"When you're finished get dressed, we're going somewhere." Inko said sternly, leaving the room.

Izuku did as he was told and met his mother outside.

"Where are we going?" Izuku asked.

"You'll see. Izuku, this is very important, you have to trust me." Inko said. She knew that her son hated being hipnotised, but at this moment it was necessary.

In fact, ever since the first time he was, Izuku has been terrified of being hipnotised, he dislikes not being in complete control, and someone else forcing access to his head.

This is because when he was hipnotised after being badly injured, the hipnotist forced him to tell everyone who had hurt him. This had been Katsuki, but he hadn't meant to hurt Izuku. He had accidentally pushed him too hard while moving him away from a venomous snake, causing Izuku to fall down a cliff.

The problem was, he was told to tell everyone who hurt him, so the hipnosis was over before he could really explain.

By the time Izuku woke up, Katsuki had been banished.

Inko was careful not to tell her son where they were going, so Izuku had no idea until they were almost there.

Seeing the hipnosis clinic Izuku stepped back in fear.

"No. No. No!" Izuku said, terrified as he slowly took small steps back.

"Izuku, it's alright, I'm here. Nothing bad is going to happen." Inko tried to soothe Izuku, but to no avail.

"No no no no no no no." Izuku muttered nonstop, continuing to back away from the clinic.

"Okay, Izuku, stay here I'll be right back." Inko said, with a soothing but stern voice before heading inside.

As soon as Inko was out of view, Izuku turned tail and ran.

He ended up hiding at the side of their old house, hyperventilating, shaking, and on the verge of tears.

"Izuku! Izuku! Where are you honey!?" Inko's voice called, gradually getting nearer.

Izuku was too afraid to call out, in the rightful fear of a hipnotist being with her. But at the same time, he was too scared to move.

Inko turned the corner, hipnotist in toe, to see Izuku with his head burried in his hands, still afraid.

"Izuku, baby. It's okay, it's okay, I'm here." Inko soothed, rubbing his back until his breathing slowed down and he lowered his hands from his face.

Taking the opportunity, the hipnotist bent down in front of Izuku, swinging the pendant back and forth in front of Izuku's eyes.

When Izuku was in the hipnotised state the man said "Do as I tell you throughout this session."

"I will do as you say." Izuku said emotionlessly. It was his second hipnosis of the day, he hadn't the energy to fight it.

"Follow me to the clinic." The hipnotist said, gesturing for Inko to follow as well as he started to walk away.

"I will follow you." Izuku said, getting up and walking after the hipnotist.

The other villagers knew that there was something going on when they saw Izuku, hipnotised and following the hipnotist to the clinic.

Everyone knew about Izuku's fear of hipnotism, and everyone knew it was a last resort when it came to him. Because of this, much muttering followed them as they walked to the clinic.

Once inside Izuku was instructed to sit on the bed so he wouldn't hit his head when he fell asleep. Izuku did this.

"Now, answer me, do you know why your mother brought you here today?" The hipnotist asked.

"No is the answer." Izuku said, still expressionless and emotionless.

"It's because we suspect that you are already under the effects of a hipnotist. This person has made you forget your real feelings for the person you love, and replaced them with hate." The hipnotist explained. "I need you to remember what happened last night."

"I can't remember- I can't remember what happened- happened last night." Izuku said, almost as though he was glitching.

The hipnotist swung the pendant in front of Izuku's eyes again. "Remember what happened."

"I- I remember. I was with Shōto by the maze. I tried to confess. He- he." Izuku started to cry but his face still showed no emotion otherwise. "He hipnotised me so that I hated him."

"Remember how you truly feel." The hipnotist commanded.

"I won't forget how I really feel." Izuku said.

"Now, forget everything else that happened in relation to this hipnotism." Izuku was instructed.

"I will forget." Izuku said.

"This session is over." The hipnotist declared, causing Izuku to fall backwards onto the bed, deeply asleep from hipnotism for the second time that day.

"I really appreciate your help. Thank you for doing this for him. Same appointment as usual otherwise?" Inko said.

"Don't worry ma'am, we know this was a special case. Izuku will still keep his usual appointment." The hipnotist assured.

"Thank you. I'll take him home." Inko said, picking up her sleeping son who was light as a feather.

Meanwhile Shōto was being trained by Endeavour, all the while being distracted by thoughts of the green haired angel.

There was no way Izuku would ever forgive him for what he did, but that's what it took to keep him safe. Endeavour would have killed them both if he was to find out about his feelings.

He would have to choose a bride by three days time if he were to choose for himself. Something he had told Izuku just before he was completely asleep.

As it was his second hipnosis of the day, Izuku slept for six hours. When he finally woke up he had no recollection of the events prior. He had even forgotten Shōto had ever made him forget his feelings.

Then he remembered the last thing Shōto had said.

"I love you, but I have to marry a woman before three days."

Izuku began to cry, as Inko walked in.

"Izuku, baby, what's wrong?" She asked, rushing over.

"I love Shōto, but he- he- he has to ma-ma-marry a w-w-woman in three d-d-d-days." Izuku sobbed.

Unseen by her son, Inko smiled. Of course she was sad for him, but it was good that her son had his love back.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." Inko said, rubbing circles on his back.

Izuku turned to hug her and cried hard into her.

"Hey, if you want, we can always make it seem like you're a princess so you can marry him." Inko suggested.

"Would that really work?" Izuku asked, looking at her with hope in his tear stained eyes.

"It might." Inko said.

"Then let's do it!" Izuku said, perking up.

So, that day they spread a rumor that they adopted a girl, the princess of UA. They also found Izuku a dress and did his makeup so he looked like a girl.

When Shōto found out that Izuku now had a sister, he decided that she would be the one he married.

Izuku was over the moon when Shōto chose him, but was saddened when the two actually met.

Shōto looked sad, really sad. He knew that he was trying to save Izuku, but what he did was eating him up inside.

When Izuku got inside the first thing Shōto said was "Does your brother remember about me?"

Izuku had to fight to surpress a giggle. Shōto only needed to look at him to find the answer he was looking for. "No, my brother doesn't know you."

Shōto was conflicted. On one hand, the person he loved would hate him forever. On the other hand, he had successfully saved Izuku from Endeavour's wrath. Which was the important thing, so why was he crying?

Izuku saw Shōto's tears and they broke his heart. He went up to Shōto and gave him a hug.

"My brother doesn't remember you because I don't have one. I never forgot. I love you Shōto. It's me, Izuku." Izuku whispered.

"I love you Izuku." Shōto said, hugging him close.

(Edit:((A/N: This is now a full length story in the making of the same name. It adds a lot more detail and some things change. I hope you enjoy that!!

And, yes, I know I misspelled "hypnosis" but I'm too lazy to change it.)))

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