Nightmares (TodoDeku)

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((A/N: In this story, Minetta has been replaced in class A by Hitoshi (Shinso) and he acts like Izuku's protective older brother. Bakugo also sees himself as Izuku's brother, as he has Izuku's best interests at heart even if he doesn't know how to act. Izuku has a crush on Shōto, both of his brother figures know this. Momo looks like she likes Shōto but is basically his sister.))

The alarms were blaring. A villain had infiltrated UA, the target? Class A, once again.

((A/N: My artwork so I hope you like it. She's wearing a Totoro hoodie.))

Villain name: Nightmare
Age: 17
Identity: Itoi Mioyai
Quirk: When in contact she can tell someone something, which they will always believe.
Downside: Over use gives her migraines and she has to avoid everything like noise and light.

Aizawa had been separated from his students as she had locked the doors and barricaded them, even with the oncoming barrage of attacks.

"Heh, for wannabe heroes, you're all useless." She cackled.

Izuku had snuck behind her and was silently powering up his quirk for a fully powered punch. As he was about to hit her, she grabbed his arm and pulled his ear close to her mouth.

"You get regular nightmares that stop you sleeping." She whispered into his ear, before moving back and laughing.

Izuku's eyes widened in... Fear? She elbowed him in the chin hard enough to cause a sickening 'thunk' which made his vision fuzzy. Then she smashed his head into the wall, breaking it a little.

Izuku fell to the floor, unconscious and bleeding from the head. Hitoshi, Katsuki and Shōto got mad. Shōto generated an ice wall to cover Hitoshi as he grabbed the injured Izuku.

"You wanna die!?!?!?!" Katsuki yelled, settings off small explosions in his hands.

"Ha! You're all useless." She smirked, even though nobody could see as a mask covered her mouth, tapping her chin and tilting her head.

"You wanna say that again!?!?!?!" Katsuki yelled, charging forwards, using an explosion as a diversion as he attacked her.

"Too obvious." She said, dodging the first explosion, and walking right into the second, which was much more powerful.

Her cheek burnt as she was thrown across the classroom, slumping over the teacher's desk, herself unconscious.

Katsuki stood in the same position, breathing heavily, small explosions still going off as he tried to calm himself down. The look on his face was one of pure rage.

"So manly." Eijiro murmured, out of respect for the angry tsundere.

"Shut up!" Katsuki yelled, hearing the comment. "Just unblock the damn door!!"

The teachers got in as Nightmare started to come to. She was arrested on the spot, with quirk blocking handcuffs. Izuku was still out cold, and bleeding a dangerous amount from his head. He was immediately rushed to Recovery Girl.

After a kiss on the head to heal him, which Shōto would never admit he was jealous of, Hitoshi, Katsuki, Shōto and Momo were sitting in Recovery Girl's office, waiting for the brightly natured green haired boy to wake up.

Momo was sitting very close to Shōto, a hand on his shoulder and the other was gently rubbing his back.

Izuku's eyes started to twitch before he woke up. He sat up quickly, gasping for air as though he had just run a marathon.

"Izu! You're okay!" Hitoshi shouted, jumping on Izuku's lap and latching his arms around his shoulders.

"Calm down, Toshi, I'm fine." Izuku said, smiling and hugging the purple haired, usually unsociable boy back.

"You damn nerd! That was reckless Deku!! Don't forget I'm stronger than you!!" Katsuki yelled.

"I know, Kacchan, sorry." Izuku said, looking down.

"Are you okay Midoriya?" Shōto asked quietly, a little embarrassed about being the only one to call him by his last name.

"I'm fine, Todoroki-kun." Izuku said, smiling with a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"That's good. We're all worried about you Midoriya-kun." Momo said.

"Sorry to make you worry." Izuku said, smiling awkwardly as Hitoshi sat up.

"Ah, you're awake. How's your head?" Recovery Girl asked, coming back into the room.

"It aches a little, but I'm fine." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his head, smiling embarrassedly.

"Out! I need to check a few things about Midoriya-kun." Recovery Girl said to the others, chivvying everyone else out.

Recovery Girl proceeded to check that Izuku didn't have a concussion and generally that everything worked. She found that he was mostly fine, but his stamina had taken a significant hit from the healing he had earlier.

"Stay here and rest. You can get a classmate to give you any notes." Recovery Girl said decisively.

"But-" Izuku tried to interject.

"No buts, you're staying here. Try to get some rest." Recovery Girl said, giving Izuku a stern look from over her visor.

Izuku knew better than to argue with her while she was in that mood. He sighed and lay down, looking at the ceiling.

Slowly, as Izuku's breathing soothed his slightly painful head, his eyes drooped and he fell asleep.

Izuku was sitting in his seat in the classroom. The room was mostly empty. It was just him and Shōto, who lay, asleep on his desk. Izuku was adding notes to his hero book. He smiled and turned to the page on Shōto and drew him in all of his beauty.

A strong gust of wind then blew through the room. This was strange as there were no open windows. Izuku closed his eyes so they wouldn't dry because of the draft.

When he reopened his eyes, he was standing on a battlefield. Katsuki lay, bleeding to death, just a few feet away, Eijiro crying over him.

Izuku was wearing his hero costume when he heard a loud noise behind him. He turned around to see... Shōto?

It looked like Shōto, same colour eyes and hair as him, same height and weight. Except this Shōto looked much more deranged. His eyes looked mad as he waved a knife around threateningly.

Izuku turned, just in time to see the knife Shōto held, plunged into his stomach.

Izuku jolted awake, gasping in fear. He sat upright, and his heart was pounding as though he had just been attacked by Kacchan for the first time again.

As his breathing returned to normal, Izuku's memory of the dream became fuzzy, as dreams often do. One thing stayed with him, however, which was the fear and feeling of betrayal.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" Recovery Girl asked, having seen Izuku jump.

"I-I... I think so." Izuku said, confused as to the reason for his fear.

"Well let me know if you need help. Not that I really want to see you regularly." Recovery Girl said matter-of-factly.

"I will, and sorry." Izuku said, reclining back into the thin pillows of the bed.

This time, Izuku made sure to not fall asleep. It was only after he had woken up that he felt afraid.

After classes ended for the day, Recovery Girl gave him one last check up, before sending him back to the dorms.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Shōto asked, he was waiting outside to walk with Izuku to the dorms.

Izuku jumped at Shōto's voice, the fear coming back, not that he knew why. "Oh! Uh, yeah... I'm fine Todoroki-kun."

The two walked to the dorms together, where everyone was kind to Izuku. Even Katsuki was surprisingly kind to Izuku. He really does care.

That evening, Izuku had another nightmare. Once again it was about Shōto, but this time he was murdered right in front of Izuku as the latter was struggling to get to him.

Izuku screamed, jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom, breathing heavily.

He had only managed to get an hour of sleep that night. He quickly returned to his room, curling up on the bed, crying into a pillow.

He deliberately didn't fall asleep again that night meaning that he was exhausted the next day, and his eyes were red from crying most of the night.

"Deku! Are you okay!? You look terrible." Ochako said, running up to Izuku as soon as she saw him that morning.

Not even having the energy to deny it, Izuku just nodded that he was okay. Ochako wasn't convinced, but decided to trust Izuku's judgement.

Even though he was fairly sleep deprived, Izuku still managed to focus in lesson. This was enough to convince Ochako that he was okay, at least today.

Each night Izuku got less and less sleep until he was too scared to sleep at all as he knew that he would just have another nightmare.

By day 2 of this plan, everybody knew what he was doing. It was obvious as he was obvious exhausted, kept nodding off in lessons, and had even stopped training at the dorms. He would even argue when the teachers told him that he couldn't be involved in the hero classes.

Something was definitely wrong, Shōto and Hitoshi knew it.

The two of them had devised a plan to get Izuku to sleep. Shōto would ask if they could talk privately in Izuku's room and would then confess (for real as it would make Izuku less guarded) when Hitoshi comes in. Hitoshi will ask if he's interrupting anything, so Shōto will look at Izuku for an answer. Izuku will say something, allowing Hitoshi to give him a command. Hitoshi will tell him to sleep and drowsiness will do the rest.

The plan was almost exactly followed, only Izuku hadn't even noticed Hitoshi enter, so he was replying to Shōto when he got cut off half way by Hitoshi's quirk.

Izuku's eyes widened as Hitoshi's quirk took affect, and they showed hurt.

"Fall asleep." Hitoshi commanded, causing Izuku to fall like a marionet with its strings cut into Shōto's arms.

Everything looked fine as Izuku was completely out of it as Shōto put him on the bed. As soon as he had done so, however, Izuku started writhing and whimpering in his sleep. A second or two later Izuku had jumped awake.

His breathing was unsteady and fast and he had tears in his eyes. As always, it had been a nightmare centering around Shōto.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shōto asked.

Izuku didn't even reply. He looked away from Shōto, an action that hurt the latter.

"Izu, what was that?" Hitoshi asked.

"Nightmare..." Izuku barely mumbled, his eyes losing colour as Hitoshi's quirk took control again.

"Follow me." Hitoshi commanded, "Todoroki, can you follow behind so we can make sure nothing goes wrong?"

Shōto nodded and the trio walked out of Izuku's room in a straight line. Not knowing where they were going, Izuku didn't really care about being under Hitoshi's control, all he could think of was Shōto's betrayal.

Hitoshi lead them all to Recovery Girl's office and all three walked in as soon as the old woman within had given permission.

"What's wrong?" Recovery Girl asked, seeing the three of them, and how obvious it was that Izuku was under Hitoshi's quirk.

"It seems that Izuku has been having nightmares that have been keeping him up. It's clearly been going on since the villain attack." Hitoshi quickly explained.

"We tried to get him to rest just now, but it was barely a few seconds before he woke up in tears and fearful." Shōto added, Izuku standing between the two, his face completely neutral, but still having tears staining his cheeks.

"We need to get him to sleep, but without-" Hitoshi was cut off by the sound of Izuku breaking his left index finger with One For All.

After hearing the word 'sleep' Izuku had freaked out, breaking his finger to get out of Hitoshi's control so he could get away without being made to sleep.

Seeing this, Recovery Girl understood what Shōto and Hitoshi had been talking about. She grabbed a medical gas mask that is usually used for oxygen, only it was connected to a pressurised container filled with Midnight's scent. This would cause someone to fall asleep, but would prevent them from having any kind of dream, which seemed like exactly what Izuku needed.

Shōto had covered the door with a thick wall ice that Izuku was trying to break through to get out of there. His eyes were wide and his breathing fast and ragged out of fear.

Hitoshi had been trying to calm Izuku down or to get him under his quirk again, but, in his panic, Izuku had tossed him accross the room and he was trying to get his breath back.

Shōto managed to turn Izuku around from the door and freeze his feet in place. Moving quickly, Recovery Girl put the mask over Izuku's mouth and nose.

Shōto held tight onto Izuku's hands so he couldn't take the mask off and began to melt the ice off Izuku's feet and legs as the green haired boy was trying to get his hands out of Shōto's grip as he tried not to breathe.

But with all of the fear, adrenaline and exercise Izuku was experiencing, it was only about half a minute of silent struggle before Izuku had to take a breath. His mind instantly went fuzzy and he couldn't think clearly.

"It's okay Izuku, just keep breathing in and out. You're going to be fine, I promise." Shōto said, still holding onto Izuku's hands as, while his struggle was weak, the smaller boy was still trying to take the mask off.

Eventually, Izuku stopped struggling, not because he wanted to, but because he physically couldn't. He fell onto Shōto's outstretched arms, fighting to stay awake.

"It's okay, just rest. I promise you'll be fine, just sleep Izuku." Shōto said soothingly, trying to help Izuku.

((A/n: italic is Izuku's thoughts and speach marks are what Shōto is saying.))

No, don't make me sleep... Please
"It's fine, you're safe."
You don't understand, I don't want to see that again...
"Just close you're eyes."
No, please, take this off... Just let me..
"Midoriya, just sleep."
You don't care about me anyway, you lied...
"Please, for yourself if nothing else..."
Stop already... Just let me...
"Please just sleep."
Just let me...
"Sleep, Midoriya"
Let me...

Izuku's eyes closed as his last thought drifted through his mind before the bliss of unconscious darkness. Shōto lifted the sleeping boy onto the bed, where he remained sleeping peacefully with no nightmares haunting him...

For now...

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