Christmas Special

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((A/n: So, the original story concept isn't mine, but I chose to write it. I hope that you all like it! Oh! And warning, if you are very religious and don't like anything where the devil is shown in a good light, this is not for you.))

It was a cold day in hell, just like every other. It was nearing Christmas again, and Satan was slightly excited. There were always inevitably some children who would spell "Santa" wrong, writing his name instead.

"My lord, some manuscripts have arrived." His right hand woman, Lucifer, informed him. Her tone, although serious, had a playful tone to it. Her cracked halo emitting it's usual purple light that glistened softly against her black, baby feathered wings.

"The usual?" He asked, getting up and walking over to her, his darkened, but still visibly having been pale before, skin having the same kind look from the dim purple light.

"Yes, my lord. Shall I send them to Santa? Or do you wish to see them first?" Lucifer asked, her long hair tickling behind the knees of both present as a light, frosty breeze moving their clothing, hair, and wings.

"I wish to see them, of course." Satan said, playful anger in his tone. "Really, sister, have you not learnt that yet?"

"Yes, of course. I know. I shall leave them on your desk." Lucifer said. "And there is your usual visitor waiting outside."

"Please send him in. You may leave to Persephone." Satan said, smiling at his sister, petting her head, only for her to push his hand away.

"I can do whatever I please, dear brother." She said, storming out of the room, a light blush on face.

Satan laughed at his sister's childishness. He sighed and walked over to the pile of letters that had just drifted in on a waft of black feathers.

He always enjoyed reading the childish letters from the children of the world and their wants and needs.

Dear Satan,

For Maschris is want a puppy, but mummy and daddy say we don't have room. Plese get me one that isn't to big.

Sara, ag 5. Hous with th red chin-knee.

The spelling wasn't very good, but the meaning was there. Satan was going to do this one himself. Luci really loved dogs, so the ones with enough fur to survive the cold environments would often end up here.

When he was only about half way through the letters when he got an incoming call... From Santa.

Satan rolled his eyes and answered the call, Santa's old bearded face was beamed up onto the large screen behind his desk that usually showed images of Earth.

"What do you want?"

"The same as every year, I wish to be sent the Christmas letters that were given to you by mistake." Santa said in his old, shaking voice grating on Satan's ears.

"No." Satan said, finally plucking up the courage to stand up to Santa. "I will deliver them this year."

Santa was shocked and furious. "What!? You can't be serious! They were sent to you by mistake, they are for me."

"But they never got to you. You always get to make people happy. This time it's my turn." Satan said, before ending the call.

Satan, although he is usually made to seem like he is evil and hates everything, was actually very compassionate and loved children. Just because he took care of hell and punished the people sent there (except for when it was because God was trying to hook him up) everyone thought that he was vengeful and evil.

Truth is, he was very caring. He loves his sister, and supports her relationship, even if he is jealous that he doesn't have one himself.

"Satan!" A booming voice called from behind him. It was loud, making Satan jump and his hairs stand on end. His tail spiked up, looking like an arrow.

Satan slowly turned around, only to see his parent... God.

"God." Satan said, acknowledging the grand, radiant being in front of him with a slight nod of his head. "What do you want?"

"What? Can't I visit my son without a reason?" God asked, feigning hurt.

"A normal parent can, but I am yet to see you act like a normal parent." Satan said, crossing his arms.

"Ah, you caught me." God said, smiling brightly. "As you always reject the men that I send you, always returning them, I thought that it would be a good idea if this Christmas you would go and find someone that you like yourself."

"Fine, but one condition; if I don't choose anyone, you don't send anyone else down to me just so we can start a relationship." Satan said, glaring at God.

"Alright, deal. But you will continue going to Earth in that case." God said, holding a hand up to their forehead as though working hard.

"I guess I can deal with that." Satan said, rolling his eyes.

As soon as God was gone, Satan was away, using his magic in order to make all of the toys and games that the children were asking for, not knowing enough to do the work of Santa's elves.

When it came to the animals, he had to ask Lucifer. She became very emotional about the idea of giving her animals away, but Persephone comforted her by reminding her that they would be back eventually and that it would make the animals happy.

"O-okay... Y-you can take some o-of the p-pets." Lucifer said through sobs as Persephone hugged her, rubbing her back as she tried to calm her down, telling her how kind she was being and how happy the animals and children would be.

Satan felt bad for taking her animals, but this was the year that he was finally going to make people happy, even if the old guy still got the credit.

Almost everything was ready by the 23rd of December, with a few letters still coming in. Satan had even made himself a sleigh, although he didn't use reindeer to pull it as that would be harsh to the poor animals who hadn't done anything.

Finally, it was December the 24th, the day before Christmas. Everything was ready.

Satan flew to Earth, leaving presents for everyone who had written to him, and a lollipop for everyone else. He passed Santa a few times, who glared at him as they passed, but there was nothing that he could do.

Satan liked seeing the happy faces of the children as they opened their presents. He had done better than Santa with some of the gifts as he managed to give children their old pets back, not just a similar one.

A few people had seemed slightly offput by the black and orange wrapping, but got past it when the presents were actually opened.

That Christmas was one of the best for many children around the world, and for their parents.

Will next year be as good?

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