Wolves can be kind - Drarry

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((A/N: Shock, horror, it's not TodoDeku!! I have had this idea for a while and finally decided to write it. Hope you enjoy (don't forget to give me requests, especially at the moment.)))

Draco was laying on his bed, the sheets drenched in blood - his blood. He had just gone through his first transformation.

Contrary to popular belief, Lucius was a kind father when at home, doting on his son, his mother was the abuser of them both. She hated that she only had a son, wanting to have a daughter to act as a doll for her to play with. They would always show the opposite traits in public though.

To Draco's grandparents, Lucius has been a mistake, a blood traitor. Not only had he been unwilling to continue the Malfoy line, instead wanting to be with a young Hufflepuff boy, but he was also sympathetic towards muggles, said Hufflepuff being a muggle-born.

Narcissa had joined Voldemort willingly, but Lucius had been sent to join with the promise of torture and death if he returned without the dark mark. Thus it was always with less than full effort that he fulfilled the missions he was given.

This had finally caught up with the Malfoy men, after Lucius failed to retrieve the prophecy Voldemort had wanted. As punishment, Fenrir Greyback had been set upon Draco at a full moon.

This was the morning after Draco's first transformation, and Narcissa felt as though the two men hadn't been punished enough. She had destroyed all potions equipment in the house to prevent Draco from having the potion that would render him harmless, instead locking him in his room to hurt himself, forcing the already tortured Lucius to hear his son's cries even though he was a wolf.

Now Draco lay, injured, alone, and in agony, knowing that his 'mother' wouldn't let him go to St. Mungo's to have it treated properly.

About a minute of Draco's silent or choked sobs went by before the door to his room was unlocked and his father came in with a tray of food that was far too messy to have been prepared by the house elves. He had clearly been badly shaken by the screams and yells of the night prior.

"I'm sorry Draco." Lucius said, coming over to his son, casting a few of the healing spells he had learnt from the many times that Narcissa had refused to take Draco to St Mungo's.

"Not your fault..." Draco mumbled, his face still hidden in his pillow as he tried to calm himself down.

"Yes, it is." Lucius said. "If only I had done better or been quicker then you wouldn't have to deal with this, and Sirius wouldn't be dead."

"Father, you know Potter better than that. You wouldn't have gotten it, maybe someone else would have died, maybe not." Draco said, looking up.

Lucius looked down at the injured, and clearly scared boy on the blood stained bed, and sighed. "You know Potter better than I do, and if you think that... You're probably right."

"You know I am." Draco said with a weak smile. "Saint Potter would never give up something to You Know Who. Especially not through my father." Draco seemed sad at the last part, knowing that it was his own fault that Harry didn't like him, after all he had been spewing his mother's opinions when they first met, afraid that he would believe what his mother did as he said his parents were wizards.

Of course, Harry being friends with Ron hadn't helped, after all there had been bad blood between the two families for centuries, much as he and his father wished there wasn't.

"Of course. The house elves should be in to clean the sheets shortly. Make sure to eat." Lucius said, brushing a stray hair away from Draco's face and walking to the door. "I've already informed Severus of this. He will make the potion for you every month."

Draco was grateful to his father, knowing that the older Malfoy would have been sure to make it so only Snape would know what was going on with him so there would be no knowledge of this for anyone else.

Draco sighed before getting up, his father's spells having helped a lot, taking his breakfast to his desk, knowing who he would have to write to.

He didn't notice the house elves had even entered the room when he turned around after standing up to go to the owlery and seeing the clean bed.

Draco walked to the owlery, looking for the most common kind of owl they had, his mother always insisting on the rarest owls she could find. After finding one, he attached the letter he wrote for his previous Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and distant relative who may be able to help him; Remus Lupin.

He knew the man had no reason to help him, but it was his best chance to get help with how to deal with it other than the potion, but surely there would be more than that.

Draco got the house elves to pack his suitcase for Hogwarts as he left tomorrow. He spent the day basically sitting or laying on his bed, reading some of the potions books that his father had given him.

When he got on the Hogwarts express the next day, his friends immediately noticed that something was wrong, he was pale, paler than usual, and he didn't fuss when Pansy started playing with his hair.

He was surprised when Blaise Zabini was asked to join one of the teachers for lunch, but he wasn't jealous, too tired and stressed to socialise with people he would have to keep a public face with. He knew that his friends were well aware of how he felt, most of them feeling the same way, although Grabbe and Goyle weren't okay with it, so they weren't with him like they were in the earlier years.

When Blaise came back, Draco noticed that the door wasn't closing the way that it always was, and he realised they weren't alone in the compartment, so his public façade was back on instantly, the others in the compartment picked up on it, not commenting.

He started boasting about the task he had been given by Voldemort, his friends feigning jealousy while really they were worried about him, he could feel it in their voices.

After the train stopped, Draco decided to see who it was in the compartment with them, he was honestly shocked to see it was Harry, but he felt hopeful that he would tell Dumbledore that he was up to something as Draco never wanted to kill the man.

That evening Draco sat alone by the fireplace, long after everyone had gone to bed, unable to face the idea of sleep, knowing the sight of a dead Dumbledore would be what would greet him when he closed his eyes.

A house elf he vaguely recognised, but was wearing rather unusual clothing for a house elf, apparated in holding an owl. The owl he had sent to Lupin.

The elf had disapparated before he had the chance to offer his thanks, so Draco just took the letter from the owl's leg.

Honestly, he hadn't really expected to get a response, but he he sat with a rather long letter from the man explaining everything that he had to be aware of in his daily life and when the full moon was coming. It was more than he expected and everything he needed.

Draco immediately wrote a response to express his gratitude, although he felt as though he would never truly be able to express how glad he was for the man's help.

He ended up falling asleep as he waited for the house elf to return and send the owl off again.

During the next few weeks Draco noticed that he was being followed, and he figured it was either Harry or the little muggleborn Gryffindor that was obsessed with him.

He found out who it was when, instead of going to his dorm, he headed down to the Whomping Willow, as Lupin had told him to, and hit the knot that froze it, allowing him into the house for his second transformation. This time was much easier as he had been taking the potion so he still had control, but that didn't mean there was no pain.

"What?" He heard a familiar voice whisper. Even as a wolf, Draco would know Harry's voice anywhere, but he still looked to check.

He let out a whimper, realising that the one person he least wanted to have find out now knew he was a werewolf. He may not get on well with Harry, but he didn't want the boy to be afraid of him.

Draco's ears were down as he backed away from Harry, afraid of what the smaller boy's reaction would be.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you." Harry said, trying to get closer to Draco, but he backed away until he was trapped in between Harry, two walls, and a bed, cowering in fear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going through this. I thought..." Harry trailed off, reaching his hand out until it gently lay on Draco's head.

Draco was taken aback as Harry gently stroked him. It was oddly soothing and Draco felt the drowsiness of the past few weeks of little to no sleep catch up to him. Before he knew it, he was curled up on Harry's lap, asleep as the boy continued to stroke him.

The next thing Draco knew, it was morning, and he was huddled up to Harry's chest as the smaller boy continued to play with his hair while he slept.

Draco tried to move away, only to realise that Harry was holding him close with one arm. Draco's face was heating up, he had known for a long time that he liked Harry, but if his mother ever found out then he would probably never see the light of day again, not that he did normally either.

Harry groaned, starting to stir. "Malfoy? How are you?" Harry asked, stopping playing with Draco's hair, and looking at him with concern.

"Fine Potter, why wouldn't I be?" Draco asked, dashing over to the bag he brought with him containing clothes, as he hurriedly put them on.

"You don't need to lie, you're obviously not fine." Harry said, looking at the scars practically covering him, although a lot of them were beginning to fade.

"Why do you even care, Potter? You hate me." Draco said, realised that he sounded more bitter than he had intended.

"I don't trust you, but that doesn't mean I want to see you hurt. You can't tell me you're not, because I can see that you are." Harry said, walking over and touching one of his scars, making Draco shiver due to Harry's cold hands.

"It's none of your business, Potter." Draco snarled, putting his top on.

"Fine, but at least tell me when you became a werewolf." Harry said, looking genuinely concerned about Draco, something he honestly wasn't used to.

"Over the summer. My father failed You Know Who, so I was changed as his punishment." Draco said bitterly, looking at the bite mark on his arm, where his father's Dark Mark was.

Harry looked shocked, clearly feeling guilty as he realised what it was that Lucius had failed to do. He also noticed the bite on his arm, internally face palming for thinking that Draco had the Dark Mark. "I'm sorry, Malfoy." Harry said, quietly.

"Would you rather have given whatever it was to him, possibly making him stronger?" Draco asked, sarcastically.

"I would rather have not gone. Everything that happened wouldn't have, although that does mean that everyone would be blind to Voldemort's return." Harry said, going over to the bed and sitting down, looking down at his hands, clearly regretting having gone.

"I think it's good that everyone knows now, even though bad things also came from it." Draco said, seeing the look of regret on Harry's face.

"Thanks." Harry said with a slight smile. "But what was the task you were talking about on the train?"

Draco immediately moved away from Harry, afraid that Harry would be disgusted by him. "None of your business."

"Why don't you tell Dumbledore if you don't want to do it." Harry said.

"NO! If I tell him I'll fail and if I fail my family will die!!!" Draco yelled, starting to panic.

"Malfoy, calm down. Dumbledore will be able to protect you and your mother-" Harry started, only to be interrupted.

"My mother is the one we need to be protected from!!!" Draco shouted, before his eyes widened as he realised what he said.

"What?" Harry asked, quietly, getting up and walking towards the now panicking Draco.

Draco wasn't saying anything and was trying to hold all his emotions in, but when Harry pulled him into a hug, he broke down crying onto Harry's shoulder.

Harry kept hugging Draco, stroking his hair and trying to calm him down, but basically just letting him cry. Lots of people would scorn them for crying, but Harry knew how therapeutic crying can be.

It took a while for Draco to get everything he had been bottling inside out, Harry standing there, stroking his hair and hugging him the whole time. Harry had never realised how much Draco was suffering, although now he thought about it, it was obvious. Most of the time when he was acting out he was begging for help, not trying to hurt anyone.

"You want to tell me what's happening?" Harry asked quietly, not demanding anything, more offering to be an ear to listen to him.

"You wouldn't understand, Potter." Draco said, looking away from the 'golden boy'.

"I think I would... How about you tell me about your home life, and I tell you about mine?" Harry suggested.

"Why would I want to hear about your perfect family, Potter?" Draco asked, coldly.

"I don't know, because I don't have one, by any means." Harry said, "I hate it there more than anything."

Draco was honestly surprised. "Aren't they proud that you're literally saving muggles like them?"

"Are you kidding? All those times I failed to die? They're disappointed." Harry said with a little laugh that Draco found heart breaking.

He sighed before starting. "My father... Never liked You Know Who's goals or methods. He didn't have a choice about joining him. My mother did." Draco said, quietly, Harry instantly listening. "She never wanted a son, and hates me for being one. She never lets me go to St Mungo's if I'm sick or injured. Often she caused those injuries."

Harry was surprised that Draco was trusting him, but glad that he was finally telling someone.

"My father and I are afraid of her because she knows that we don't agree with You Know Who, so she could tell him at any time and we would die. I never wanted any of this. She's trying to find me a woman to marry as soon as I'm of age, even though she knows I'm gay." Draco finally let out.

Harry pulled Draco into another hug. He didn't know why but he had felt a soaring feeling in his stomach when Draco said he was gay. He felt happy, but why?

"When I was a baby I was left on my Aunt and Uncle's front step. They didn't want me, encouraged Dudley to hurt and bully me, treated me like a servant and shoved me in the cupboard under the stairs my whole life until the Hogwarts letters started arriving." Harry said, keeping his word. "I would always get into trouble when I accidentally used magic, usually to get away from Dudley or to avoid more bullying."

Draco was honestly shocked, he knew that Harry clearly loved being at Hogwarts, after all, he always stayed there during the holidays, but he had never imagined his home life to be so bad.

"When Dobby came just before second year, my Uncle locked me in my room and bared my windows." Harry said, remembering how lonely ge felt that summer. No letters, and stuck in his room. "They did just enough to keep me alive and not get them in trouble, they never loved me."

"So we both have messed up homes." Draco commented bitterly.

"But yours can get better." Harry said. "If you tell Dumbledore he can arrange for you and your father to disappear, keeping you safe."

Draco looked at Harry, seeing that Harry really wanted Draco to be safe, to not have to suffer anymore. "Fine. Let's go to Dumbledore, Potter." He mumbled.

"Call me Harry. I would say you know me too well now to keep calling me Potter like we're strangers." Harry said, standing up.

Draco blushed, taking the hand Harry offered him, only to pull the smaller boy towards him, and into a kiss.

It was short and sweet, and when Draco backed away, he saw that Harry was basically frozen with a red face, clearly trying to figure out what had happened. It made Draco laugh.

Why was he attracted to this idiot again? Oh yeah, because he's adorably innocent.

"Wait... Do you- me- what?" Harry stammered out, still trying to compute what had just happened, now standing upright and just looking around with the most confused expression on his face.

"I like you, Harry." Draco said, his voice calm but inside je was panicking, what if he got rejected?

"You do? But why? I mean- I thought- I mean- you seemed to hate me-" Harry said, sounding very confused and talking very quickly, making Draco laugh slightly. "I- I think I like you too." He eventually got out.

Draco smiled, more brightly than Harry had ever seen before, and then Harry was sure he liked him.

While in the safe house with his father, Draco would still be visited by Harry, who would bring him work and Hermione's notes as Draco quickly learnt that neither he nor Ron actually took useful notes.

Every time he would transform he would have had the potion as often as he had needed before, making him safe, but Harry still came every time to "keep an eye on him".

It had taken a while for Ron to first of all realise that Harry and Draco were a thing, then accept that it was Draco, not Zabini (which ended up being a wake up call about his own sexuality), but he hadn't had an issue with Harry being bi.

Hermione had always known that Harry liked Draco, saying that Harry had always been far too obsessed with him for it to be a rivalry. She was probably right.

Lucius also managed to get back in contact with his old crush, they weren't anything serious, but they were reforming a friendship that had been destroyed by Narcissa a long time ago, that both were thrilled to rekindle.

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