Too Good at Dance

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((A/N: This was a request from kotlcfan772 so thank them for this if you like it. I am probably missing a lot of things that were asked so if you like the concept and want to give it a try yourself just go to their account to see the overview and make sure to tag them.))

The punk rock music boomed out, filling the almost empty studio that was filled with sunlight. There was the low hum of the footsteps that hit the ground as Kotori Aizawa danced her new routine, she almost glowed with the sweat that she had worked up in the past half hour, a deep red blush on her face due to the exertion.

As soon as the music reached the final loud note, Kotori slipped to the floor, on her knees and reaching to the air, breathing hard and stopping for a moment.

"Wooo Hooo!!" Kelsey yelled, her voice echoing around the room.  Her presence made Kotori blush more, not that it was noticeable due to the warmth already on her face from the energetic dancing. Kelsey was holding a towel, holding it out towards Kotori.

"Thanks, Kels." Kotori said, smiling and walking over to her, taking the towel and wiping her face, before going over to her water bottle, and squeezing about half over her face to cool down, before wiping it off again, not liking the feeling of wet hair.

"You're so good!" Kelsey cheered, looking thrilled with being able to watch Kotori dance, the loose crop top almost always moving to show her black and yellow electricity themed sports bra. "Do you have any competitions coming up?"

"No, but dad is going to bring his students at some point soon for stealth and stamina training and Nedzu expects me to help out, seeing as it's my dad who has apparently started treating the kids like his own." Kotori said, with a mild laugh at the idea of her normally calloused dad parenting a group of  'problem children' as he called them.

"Makes sense. You're also the best dancer here, especially when it comes to contemporary and break dancing, but you're also good at ballet." Kelsey said, making Kotori laugh slightly as she drank from her water bottle with an old, worn and damaged label with her name written on by her papa years ago as she got it as a free be from an opening of a community venue.

"Yeah right, you're the best at ballet and all things traditional." Kotori said, sitting on the bench at the side of the room by the mirror, "We still haven't done the collab I wanted to do,  your piano playing is beautiful, and I would love to dance to it. It would be fun to try to do my normal dance style to your classical playing."

"Oh yeah, I keep meaning to find a piece to play, but I always end up being caught up on other things or I can't find my books." Kelsey said, grimacing at her inability to do as they had agreed on months ago.

Kotori's phone let out a loud notification, making her look at it to see the message from her dad to wear her normal dance outfit, the student who had caused the question about her being sexually harassed had been recently expelled and replaced by the boy her dad had trained personally, with the occasional helping hand from her when it came to making all of his muscles stronger and to move more randomly and fluidly.


"You think your students will be up to it?" Hizashi asked his husband as the two of them sat in the living room waiting for their daughter to come home. Kotori had been staying later at the dance school she attended with her girlfriend, although they were in different classes, pursuing different kinds of dance.

"Who knows.  The brats will probably find a way, I'm just glad the pest is gone so we won't have to deal with the paperwork." Shota said, leaning against his obnoxious husband as he stroked the stray cat he had rescued that day on his way to work and seemed to get along well with the other cats, but appeared to be attached to Shota.

"True, but he wouldn't have made it very far without being badly hurt either by his classmates or by her." Hizashi said, hugging his husband close kissing the Grinch like man on the head that he would never admit that he loved.

"But that would be a lot of paperwork and extremely tiring." Shota grumbled.

"Dad, Papa, I'm home!" Kotori called out, the sound of the heavy door closing after she called out to her parents. She was still wearing the same clothing before, her baggy crop top with her parents' ship name in colours that represented their personality on a bright purple fabric.  She was wearing the same leggings as always as they were stretchier than any other ones that she had found. They were black with a grey purple stripe down the side. For the purposes of walking home she had donned a long, black coat that had a belt near the bottom that she always tied to stop the wind from getting in through the unnecessarily large skirt that was the hem of the coat. Her hair that was only a shade darker than her papa's was still in the frizzy ponytail that she had been dancing in all day. As she was tired her dark eyes looked exactly like her dad's. 

She had been the product of a quirk misfiring on her parents from one of the students years ago, but as they were already secretly together and had been thinking of adopting a child they decided to raise her rather than give her up for adoption. The student had been very apologetic and even looked after Kotori when her parents were working when she was young. Now, however she was home less often than her parents, if that was possible, embodying Plus Ultra in a different way than they and their students did daily.

"Welcome home my darling, dancing sunshine!" Hizashi called, making Kotori laugh as she took her coat off, hanging it up with the other coats and jackets that she rarely wore, not liking the way they stuck to her after a long day dancing.

"'Bout time you came home brat." Shota growled, despite his words, a tone of affection in his voice, making Kotori smile to herself as she remembered the few times as a child she believed that he really hated her, only for him to bake her cookies and spend the afternoon with her, snuggled under blankets with cats and cookies and watching old movies until she fell asleep.

"Aww, I love you too dad!" Kotori called through as she went to the kitchen to get herself a drink of water and rinse out her water bottle. "And you, my bright papa."

"There's been a change of plans. You will need to teach the kids tomorrow afternoon." Shota said as Kotori walked into the living room, holding her glass filled with water.

"Oh, nothing bad I hope." Kotori said, surprised that the event had been brought forward a week. Knowing her parents it was either nothing and just an attempt to keep their students on their toes, or it was something very serious they were never going to tell her as they always tried to protect her.

"Nedzu changed his plans so we have to change to accomodate them." Shota said, looking tired and frustrated.

"Doesn't sound like him, he always plans to the t and doesn't change them under any circumstances." Kotori said, sitting down on the soft armchair beside the sofa her parents sat on. The reason that Nedzu owned the dance school was because of Kotori, the student had never created a person before so he wanted to keep an eye on her to see if there were any affects of being a quirk baby instead of  a normal baby. Other than her being quirkless, there was nothing unusual about her, but he still owned the school so that heroes' children who wanted to pursue dance for whatever reason could do it for free, same for any hero course students from UA.

"I assume that it's about the children. He wants to keep them on their toes." Hizashi said, getting up and walking over to Kotori, much to Shota's irritation, and gave her a quick hug before going to the kitchen to cook dinner, knowing that Kotori was a bottomless pit when it came to food due to her fast metabolism and energetic dance she does almost every day, other than Sunday when she did any homework that she needed to, hung out with her parents and/or friends, and got some rest.

"Yeah, that makes sense, but I would've thought that my godfather would warn me if I had to give up a whole afternoon of my normal dance choreographing for the UA kids." Kotori said, her tone one of frustration as she had been planning to call Kelsey that evening in order to do the collab they were planning to do for ages.

"Maybe he was planning to keep you on your toes as well? You are the daughter on 2 pro heroes so your life may not be as easy as it is now when you move out." Shota said, knowing that none of them were really wanting her to move out any time soon, there was more than enough room in the hose for all of them, and Kotori liked spending time with her parents and had spent years hand painting the walls of her room with different designs often from bands or album covers. There were also areas that were inspired by some classic paintings, but with different colour schemes.

"I admit, that does sound like him." Kotori sighed looking at her phone, smiling at the picture Kelsey had sent her of a black cat in a black harness that was being dragged after its owner, she had sent it with the comment "looks like your dad 😂" which Kotori couldn't argue with.

"He is only looking out for you!" Hizashi called from the kitchen over the clatter that he was making while he cooked whatever it was.

"I know, I know." Kotori said, loving her godfather rather a lot more than most of the students, but still finding him really annoying sometimes.


"Everyone, get on the bus." Shota said, tiredly as he tried to round the class up and get them on the bus first thing in the morning in order to practice their stealth and stamina.

Shota and Hizashi got on the bus, sitting near the front, knowing that Iida would get everyone together and on the bus, which was different to their normal open layout and was the normal pair seating that Iida always expected. It was no secret that most of the class was in a relationship with someone else in the class, but a lot of them were shy about it, so nobody ever brought it up. Izuku and Shoto thought that they were subtle about their relationship, but everyone knew.

Everyone in a relation with someone else sat next to their partner, unless they were in a poly relationship in which case they would sit as close together as possible,  Not that Shota and Hizashi were any different, sitting together at the front of the bus. 


Kotori was in the dance studio that she always reserved for her to work through her routines as it was the one that she was most used to and she could do anything, even if she had her eyes closed, Kelsey was always scared by how Kotori could tell when she had entered the room to watch her dance, even when she was facing the opposite way, the music was loud even down the hall, and she had her eyes closed. She was just acutely aware of the space around her in part because of her dad always being so quiet.

Her towel and water bottle was on the bench on the far side of the room next to the speakers that were very old by this point. The bench was the only thing in the room, that was otherwise bare with only windows and mirrored walls.

The music was so loud that this time her feet couldn't be heard as she hit the ground hard, matching the same time as the drum was hit, making the floor shake a bit. She stopped for a moment, taking a breath and walking over to the speakers, pausing the music and sitting on the bench, hard, breathing heavily. She sat with her bottle between the legs, the condensation cooling them down as she wiped her face with the towel.

It only took a minute before a can of iced coffee was thrown at her head, but she managed to catch it, her reflexes very fast from having to catch the objects that the stray cats that her dad always brought home.

"Nice catch Ko." Kelsey said, walking over to her tired girlfriend. "Taking a break?"

"Yup, I'm working on a new routine right now, probably the one I'm going to teach my dad's students this afternoon." Kotori said, opening the cold can in her hand, taking a swig and sighing from relief as she drank the cold, milky coffee.

"Today? I thought they were coming next week." Kelsey said, taking a seat next to Kotori on the bench, drinking her own iced coffee.

"Nedzu changed the plans and now it's today, at least I'm going to train them today, but the stealth is probably going to be next week still though, or a different time." Kotori said, getting up and putting the now empty can in the bin just outside the door.

"Maybe someone booked everything on that day and he had to reschedule?" Kelsey suggested, looking at the CD case that was for the one Kotori was dancing to that day.

"I hope not, it's during the week and I always dance at the time it was scheduled for and I would like to be told if my dance practice is going to be disturbed." Kotori said, walking back to the bench and leaning on Kelsey.

"You and your practice, do you have a life?" Kelsey joked, making Kotori gasp and hit her on the arm, but not hard enough to hurt.

"Rude!" Kotori said her voice high pitched, as she turned away from Kelsey, her arms crossed. "Dance is my life. Well, dance, you, dad and papa."

"I guess, but you basically spend all your time dancing." Kelsey said, giving Kotori a hug from behind, making the girl flap at her, feeling too hot.

"Fine, I guess that's true. Want to watch me dance?" Kotori asked, getting up.

"I would love to, but only if you turn the volume down." Kelsey said, looking up at Kotori's muscular stomach.

"Sure." Kotori said, leaning over Kelsey to adjust the volume, still loud, but not loud enough to deafen Kelsey, giving her a kiss and she stood up, walking back over to the middle of the room, taking a breath before gesturing at Kelsey to turn the music on.


"Everyone, most of you need to work on your stealth, as a hero you will need to be able to sneak up on villains who are causing trouble." Shota said, standing looking at the students standing in a huddle in front of him and Hizashi.

"For this, you will be trying to take the green water bottle with the name Kotori on it. This belongs to a girl who will be in an almost empty room. She will be dancing and probably have her eyes closed." Hizashi explained to the students.

"She's going to teach you all some dance for stamina training in the afternoon, however she won't be expecting you to be in there this morning." Shota said.

"Good luck!" Hizashi said, gesturing for the students to get going to look for the girl and get the water bottle.


Kotori was in the middle of dancing, almost lost in the music, Kelsey had left a few minutes ago, giving her a peck on the cheek before going, and the door opened. Kotori just assumed that Kelsey had forgotten something and came back to get it, so she didn't open her eyes and merely worked further back.

"This is the person, right Deku?" A voice whispered outside the door that she now realised was only open by a crack, clearly not Kelsey.

Kotori frowned, continuing to dance and kept her eyes closed, starting to listen more carefully to the people outside the room, no longer being careful to stay back, knowing that she was strong enough to hurt whoever the other person was if she hit someone while dancing, although it might throw her off.

"Look like it, this is the only one with one person in." A higher pitched, but still distinctly masculine voice replied.

Kotori was a fair bit worried, not sure who it was that was outside, but she figured that for the time being she should pretend that she didn't know they were there, plausible due to her music being loud, and the people talking in whispers.

The door opened and people walked in, they were clearly trying to be quiet so that she wouldn't notice, but the floor wasn't smooth or silent as some people would think and how they used to be. She heard the footsteps, and when they reached about halfway across the room and about level to her position, she opened her eyes, moving towards them as fast as she could, seeing the looks on the teens faces being shocked. Kotori was surprised herself, why were there children in her studio?

"What are you doing here and who are you?" Kotori asked, none of her surprise obvious and her tone commanding.

"Um..." A girl in a costume that was clearly not for dance said, she had massive bracelets on that seemed very close to her skin, her outfit skin tight and some headgear that covered her eyes with a pink glass or plastic.

"Who are you?" Kotori repeated, her voice angry and it almost felt like the music had stopped when it was still blaring out loud as ever.

"We're UA students." One of the boys said in a monotone voice, he didn't look like he was wearing a dance outfit either, none of them did, they were covering too much skin.

"Why are you here? Weren't you supposed to be coming this afternoon and isn't it a school day?" Kotori said, not believing that they were from UA, as they weren't supposed to come until the afternoon.

"Aizawa-sensei took us this morning. I don't know when you were expecting us." A boy with green, fluffy hair and looked like he was in a green jump suit.

"Aizawa?" Kotori asked. "Go and get him if he's here, otherwise I'm going to assume that you're not from UA and possibly some villains hoping to attack some heroes' children."

The students walked out of the room and back down the corridor. Kotori decided that as her workout was already disrupted, and should be disrupted again by her dad, she would just take a break.

She went to turn off the music, thinking that it would be a good idea to be able to hear footsteps in the hall. She turned around to look at the bench, picking up her towel, before grabbing her water bottle and taking a large gulp.

She put it down and turned away, hearing footsteps in the studio, although not the weight or frequency that either of her parents walked with. The footsteps sounded like someone was trying to be quiet.

"Who's there?" Kotori called, turning around and not seeing anyone, but knowing that someone was there.

The footsteps stopped, but Kotori didn't relax. She realised that it was someone with an invisibility quirk so she wouldn't be able to see them, but she could still hear them. She looked away, trying to make it look like she thought that it was just a trick of her mind.

Sure enough, the footsteps continued. Kotori kept an eye on her stuff, and as soon as her water bottle moved. She knew that the invisible person was holding it, so she grabbed just past the bottle, feeling the person's wrist and she twisted it, making the person drop the bottle and she managed to push the person to the ground.

"I'll ask again. Who are you?" Kotori said, loudly. She didn't know who this person could be, and she wasn't about to take any risks, as many people knew that she was very close to lots of heroes, and it was in the news when she had her first birthday due to her being made by a quirk. That had made her a target for a while, which is a reason why she was close to so many heroes as there was always one of them keeping an eye on her until she was old enough and strong enough to look after herself.

"A UA student!" The invisible person's feminine voice called out.

"Kotori, they are UA students. That one you've apprehended is Hagakure." Shota said, entering the room. Kotori looked at him for a moment, before she got up and let go of the invisible girl that she had been holding.

"Dad, you could have told me that you were all coming in the morning." Kotori said, looking at him, clearly annoyed. "And what's with them coming in the room without you?"

"You knew there was a stealth aspect, did you really think that I was going to come in and warn you that people would be coming in." Shota said, sounding tired as he always was.

"You could have given me warning. I didn't know who they were and as far as I knew they were villains." Kotori retorted. "At least tell me that you were all coming in the morning."

"I see that none of them got past you, my dear daughter." Hizashi said, coming into the room and hugging Kotori, causing her to flap at him, not expecting the hug.

"Papa!" Kotori said loudly, moving away from the two men. "And of course not, they opened the door before discussing what to do, and didn't even do a good job of walking quietly."

"How could you hear us? The music was so loud." The green haired boy said, shocked that Kotori would be able to hear the students who could hardly hear each other when she was closer to the speakers.

"I always dance with loud music, that doesn't mean that I don't know that's happening around me." Kotori said, shrugging.

"Sorry for disturbing you Kotori." Hitoshi, the student her dad and she had trained for a long time before he joined the hero course.

"Eh, no worries. I've been dancing all day and it doesn't hurt to take break." Kotori said, waving her hand as she sat down at the bench."I hope that you aren't expecting me to teach everyone now. I may have the choreography done, but I need to have lunch first and I was planning to go out with Kelsey."

"No problem, now that everyone has failed to take your water bottle, we're going to look around the building and then have lunch too. Just be back by 3." Hizashi said, hugging Kotori again, this time though Kotori hugged back.

"Thanks papa, see you at 3, make sure to be ready for a lot of exercise." Kotori said, smiling, grabbing her things and looking for Kelsey.


Everyone was standing in the studio when Kotori walked in. She took one look at them before sighing and leaving the room again, She came back with a lot of light and loose clothing with mostly leggings for bottoms in a lot of different sizes.

"The only people here ready to dance are my parents and me, you're all going to melt being so covered up. Take whatever of these fit you and change in the toilets or in the changing rooms down the hall." Kotori said, gesturing to how Shota and Hizashi were wearing tank tops and loose, thin tracksuit bottoms.

It took longer than strictly speaking necessary for all the students to get back to the studio, but they all looked much more like they were about to dance than they did before, and while it still wasn't uniform, they were still wearing clothing that was more similar to each other than what they had been before.

"Now that everyone is dressed appropriately, let's start with a warm up." Kotori said, turning the music on, much quieter than she would normally have it as she would have to talk over it so that everyone knew what they were doing.

It was an old pop song that had a much slower tempo than Kotori would normally use for anything, even a warm up, but she could see a few people looked like they were shocked by how fast it was. Kotori laughed a little at their faces, knowing that it was only going to get more difficult from there.

She lead them all through an easy warm up. It was tiring due to the movement, but there were no moves that anyone would find too difficult or otherwise not be able to do. Shota and Hizashi knew what she was going to do already, due to this always being the warm up she knew used when teaching people new to it as it was a good diagnostic about their stamina and ability.

Thankfully, while a few people were a bit tired after the warm up, nobody was too tired, so she moved to a more fast paced song. This made more people look concerned with the speed, and a few people couldn't keep up but most people managed to do everything that Kotori did, Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi and Kotori still finding it fairly easy.

After this song was over, Kotori looked at the red faced class and told them all to go and get a drink, warning them that it was only going to get more difficult from there. She laughed at the few sounds of frustration or shock from the class as she announced this.

Kelsey came in just as they were about to start again. "Sorry for intruding, Ko, where did you leave the hair elastics? Mine snapped."

"Oh yeah, they're in my locker." Kotori said, throwing her keys towards Kelsey, before blowing a kiss.

"Thanks! Good luck kids, she doesn't realise how difficult some of her dances are." Kelsey said, catching the keys and returning the kiss before she left and closed the door behind her.

"Don't worry, we're progressing slowly, try to do as much as you can but don't push yourselves too hard." Kotori said, smiling at the class.


It had been half an hour and Kotori had progressed the moves to more specialised, at one point having all of her body weight on her elbows, looking more than comfortable and still moving her legs around. As more of the class failed to keep up or just got exhausted, Shota and Hizashi kept up with their daughter, until it was just the three of them left dancing and Kotori was taking no mercy on her parents as the pace was fast and the moves complex.

A few people in the class were recording the three older people dance, more shocked by Shota's skills that Hizashi's as the latter was always energetic, verging on hyperactive, while the first was always lazy and seemed to always be tired with a 'I'm not payed enough for this' attitude, although clearly not when it came to Kotori's dancing.

It was 5 songs after the final class member had stopped with no breaks that Shota and Hizashi finally admitted defeat to their daughter, as she did a final dance, the one she had been choreographing the previous day. When she finished she was met by an applause, making her jump as she hadn't expected it, the most she usually received for her dancing bring Kelsey's cheers, even at competitions as the audience would sit in silence until Kelsey.

"Thanks everyone, you all did really well, I'm just taking a quick break then we'll do a cool down and then you can all go. I would recommend that you all try to do more exercise daily to build your stamina." Kotori said, breathing heavily and walking over to the bench to wipe her face and take a drink.

"How do you dance so much?" One of the students with short purple hair asked, putting her hand up as though they were in class.

"I basically dance every day, all day. I love it, so I can dance for hours without breaks." Kotori said, with a slight laugh at the implication of her being the teacher.

"You're so good." Another student with electric yellow hair said, funnily enough he had a black lightning bolt in his hair.

"Thanks, it took a lot of practice and encouragement." Kotori replied, smiling at the class before she got up, fiddling with the speakers before she gestured for everyone to stand up again.

She noticed that Shota had confiscated a lot of phones as he went to dance again, she smiled as she realised that it was probably the students trying to prove that he was really good at dancing as he knew that nobody would believe them, she hardly believed it.

She played "Loneliest Girl" and went through the emotional, but slow paced song, singing along to it as she danced, knowing it well. It seemed to be hardly any time before it was over and time for the students to get on the bus again.

"I hope to see you again," Kotori said, waving them off. "But next time don't steal my water bottle."

"Don't worry, they won't." Hizashi said, smiling at his daughter, giving her one final hug before they left to go back to UA.

"Good, because next time I might actually hurt them." Kotori joked, waving and going back inside, only to be tackled to the floor by Kelsey's somewhat aggressive hug, making the two girls laugh.

"How were they?" Kelsey asked, getting up and offering a hand to help Kotori.

"Well behaved, but I'm never going to be a teacher." Kotori said with a laugh.

"Figures." Kelsey replied, the two of them walking back to the studio.

((This is Kelsey.))

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