The Rooftop - Drarry

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Draco sat on the rooftop, his broom beside him, showing the way he got up there in the first place. He always went up there when he was stressed or overwhelmed by everything going on, as nobody ever went up there or even looked, it was the only place that he could let down his mask.

He was leaning back on the roof, but he was still close to being upright. The familiar feeling of the wind through his hair calming him down.

Lately he had been struggling to keep his normal facade. Draco was simply finding everything too much, nobody knew how much he was struggling or what he was struggling with. He couldn't tell anyone, because they would either not believe him, or word would get back to his parents and everything would just get worse.

He had always looked up to his parents, especially his father whose praise was always difficult to gain, but always worth a lot whenever he got it. Draco always worked hard to get that praise, he always believed everything that his parents told him, about the muggles' stupidity and inability to follow the laws that they put in place.

He had genuinely believed that wizards were better than muggles due to the countless lies that his parents had told him, that the pure blooded family he had was better than any half blood, muggle born or muggle. That blood traitors had given up what made wizards better than muggles.

But then he got out of the house, away from his parents, he met a small, messy haired boy buying robes. His parents were also wizards, so Draco had assumed that they had the same beliefs, wanting to become close to the boy and get to Hogwarts with a friend already he started talking, repeating his parents' words, but the other boy, Harry Potter as he later found out, hadn't seemed to agree, keeping his responses short, and awkward.

He tried again though, when they reached Hogwarts, shocked by the rejection he faced, for the very same kind of person he had been told was below him and had given up any right to power that they were all born with.

Draco slowly learnt through his time at Hogwarts, struggling to be better than Hermione and other muggle borns, that his bloodline being filled with wizards meant nothing but incest and nothing good ever came from. But by the time he figured this out, he had surrounded himself with people who still believed what he had found to be a lie, and earned himself the reputation of a typical pure blood.

Now he was worried, his father had mentioned in passing that it wouldn't be long before he would be old enough to join Voldemort, something he had always look forward to when he was younger, but now terrified him. 

How could he fight for a man who was so naive that he still believed that muggles were below wizards? How could he join someone so evil?

He couldn't disobey his father, that never caused anything good to happen, and if he tried his father would be notified immediately by Umbridge, and he would suffer the consequences. So what could he do?

Draco was sick of himself, he always did this, run away when there was no clear answer.  But what else could he do? Umbridge had spies everywhere, he was one of them for crying out loud! The only person it made sense to talk to about this would never hear him out, even if he did he would never believe him.

Draco sighed turning to the side so he could see the lake, a couple first years playing around it, splashing each other, he could hear the shrieks from where he was.

"Every time you sigh, you let out your happiness." A feminine voice from behind him said, he didn't jump, knowing it was the Hufflepuff girl who had taken to following him around lately, not that he really did anything to stop her, she was never judgemental, and seemed to get where he was coming from. But she was very random with what she said sometimes.

"I've never heard that before? Any proof?" Draco asked, sitting up.

"I don't know, heard it somewhere. If it was true then I wouldn't have any happiness left, unless I just absorbed it when I gasp." She said, taking a seat beside him, shrugging.

"You? Without that annoying, overly happy persona? Don't see it." Draco said, with a slight laugh.

"Yeah right, I'm sad more than you know... Why did I say that like it was a good thing?" She said, looking over at the playful first years.

"No idea." Draco said, laying down again. "Did you want something?"

"No, just checking up on you. You seemed stressed lately so I knew I would find you up here. Ran into Harry on my way though, seems like he's looking for you." She said, also leaning back to look up at the blue, but not overly bright sky.

"Probably thinks I'm up to something." Draco said, his eyes closed so he missed the knowing glance she sent him.

"Wouldn't be so sure, he sounded too... worried? I don't know, he sounded tense in a way that he doesn't when he thinks you're doing something... stereotypical." She said, looking up and closing her eyes, not needing to look to know that she had caught Draco's interest.

"Oh? Then he was probably looking to give me or tell me something a teacher told him to." Draco said, dismissing it again.

"If that were the case, wouldn't he have given it to me to pass on? I told him I was looking for you." She commented, remaining in her relaxed position.

"Well... Why didn't he, you seem to know why." Draco pressed, now sitting up and looking at the relaxed girl with a smug smile on her face.

"Why should I tell you?" She asked, an amused tone to her voice. "Nobody told me, I figured it out all on my own." Her voice had a sing song tone to it, almost mimicking Peeves.

"Because if you don't I can tell Umbridge you were on the school roof." Draco said.

"Empty threat, how would you explain to her that you were up here to see?" She asked, still at ease, liking the warmth from the sun on her black school robes.

"Fine, but you should know that with your arms under your head there's nothing to stop me tickling you." Draco said, looking away, hoping to get a rise out of her.

"Look at you, resorting to a muggle tactic." She laughed, before sitting up. "I won't tell you why, but I'll tell you this, my partner is as close to Harry as I am to you, that is to say, not friends, but more like an agony aunt or just someone outside of the normal group that you talk to. He talks about you the same amount that you talk about him."

Draco looked at her, a small blush on his face. Of course, she would never tell him what Harry said, just as she would never tell anyone else what he said... But the implication, especially with that smug look on her face was that Harry felt the same way.

The Hufflepuff, whose name Draco really needed to ask sometime, got on her broom and flew back down, landing gracefully beside a slightly taller Ravenclaw, the two of them walking back inside together


Harry couldn't find Draco anywhere. After talking it over multiple times with Ray, a Ravenclaw student, who had gotten so frustrated they brought their Hufflepuff girlfriend Sarah once, Harry had finally decided that he was going to tell Draco how he felt.

He had been glad to see Sarah, knowing that she had a habit of following the icy silver eyed Slytherin he loved so much around in case he needed an "emotional support Hufflepuff" and hoping that she knew where he was, but she didn't. She offered to take a message though if it was urgent, but this wasn't the kind of thing he felt comfortable telling Draco through a third party, so he told her not to worry.

He had been looking for a long time when he saw Sarah again, she was with someone, but it was Ray, not Draco. Harry sighed, walking up to the happy couple.

"When you sigh you let your happiness out!" Sarah said, her voice higher but the same sing song tone she had used earlier with Draco.

"What?" Harry asked, not expecting that to be the first thing he was told.

"Ignore her, she heard it in an anime once and now tells everyone who sighs around her, even though she still sighs." Ray said, laughing a bit at both Harry's reaction and their girlfriend's insistence of telling people that.

"Rude!" Sarah said, gasping over dramatically at Ray's comment, looking comically offended.

"Yeah right, it's not a lie." Ray said, rolling their eyes.

"Anyway, have you seen D- Malfoy anywhere?" Harry asked, looking at Sarah, almost desperate to find the taller blond boy.

"Yes, but I don't think he wants to be disturbed right now, he seemed stressed and I annoyed him and he needs time to calm down." Sarah said, knowing that Draco would kill her if she sent Harry to his private spot while he was still blushing from the implication.

"When will I be able to talk to him then?" Harry asked, wanting to confess as soon as possible. It had been the two of them who had made him realise that he liked Draco, rather than hate him which is what he always thought, mostly because he wasn't aware of homosexual relationships being a thing, or most of the things about the LGBTQ+ community as the Dursleys were very discriminatory towards them.

"Hmmm... I didn't tell you this, but if you go to the roof tomorrow you will probably find him." Sarah said, after looking to check if there were any prefects, teachers or more of Umbridge's spies. "He will also probably be nicer."

"Thanks, unless there's any way I can talk to him today?" Harry asked, looking almost desperate.

"No, unless you find him somewhere private, I recommend that you wait for tomorrow. He's stressed at the moment." Sarah said, concerned but wanting to look after Draco more, knowing that he valued his space, although she often invades it, she is always careful to not go too far.

"Fine, thanks for the help." Harry said, walking off, looking a bit dejected and he had sagged and he went off to find Ron and Hermione.

"I feel bad, but Draco wouldn't be able to handle Harry's confession right now." Sarah said, looking like she felt bad

"Don't, Harry can wait one day, and if one day is what it takes for Draco to really accept his feelings and not fly away, he can wait one day." Ray said, giving her a hug.

"Still... Hopefully he won't be too worried tomorrow. Maybe we should find some Felix Felicis to offer him for tomorrow to make up for it." Sarah said, a smile spreading on her lips.

"Sounds good, let's go get some." Ray said, grabbing Sarah's hand and running off towards the dungeons and Snape's storage room, making sure to get a tiny amount.


"Draco!" Sarah called out in the almost empty corridor to the pale, blond boy ahead of her.

"What do you want?" Draco asked coldly, not entirely fake, she sometimes annoyed him and he was having a bad day anyway.

"Not me, but someone important to you wants to meet you on the roof today after lunch." Sarah said, so that only Draco could hear her.

Draco was confused, if it wasn't her he was talking to, who was he meeting? And what were they going to talk about?

"Fine, but you're not going to be far away in case I get really angry." Draco said, not wanting to hex anyone in his secret place to let down his mask.

"Can do, good luck!" Sarah called, running away to meet up with Ray again, wanting to know how the plan was going and hoping that they would be able to sneak off to the Room of Requirement to cuddle under blankets with cookies and tea.


"Harry." Ray said, waving at the scruffily haired Gryffindor king.

"Ray, what's up?" Harry asked, walking over to the half blood Ravenclaw, curious as to why they were calling him over.

"Sarah and I managed to get you a little Felix Felicis, take it at the end of lunch before going up to the roof and Draco will meet you there. It's not much so it won't last long." Ray said, handing him the tiny bottle.

"Thanks, hopefully it will be enough to help." Harry said, in great relief that he wasn't going to be a terrified wreck when he tried to confess.

"No worries, good luck." Ray said, before walking away, heading to the Room of Requirement to meet up with Sarah, knowing that she would go and get the tea and freshly baked cookies from the kitchen, as she would go to her dorm to get their kitten first, and the Hufflepuff dorm was closer to the kitchens.


It was after lunch and harry had his broom, and had flown up to the roof, not seeing Draco anywhere he breathed a sigh of relief and took the tiny amount of potion he was given. He instantly felt more confidant, no longer having his doubts grating on his nerves.

Harry had just sat down, looking at the people below enjoying the early afternoon light of the Sunday before the Easter holidays, that Harry was planning to spend at Hogwarts again, having no desire to go back to the Dursleys.

"Potter?" Draco's voice asked, sounding some sort of mix of excited, nervous, and shocked. Clearly this was why Sarah had said 'good luck'.

"Malfoy, take a seat." Harry said, Draco guessed that he must have taken a potion or something to make him either more confident or otherwise change how he normally acted.

Draco got off his broom and sat down, looking at Harry curiously. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Malfoy... I recently realised something about myself I never even thought was a possibility. I'm actually bisexual and... There's a boy I've liked a long time, but I never realised it was affection." Harry started to explain, feeling far more calm than he would have under any situation.

Draco was happy at the news that Harry was bi and not straight, meaning that he had a chance, but his normal insecurities that came from the lack of approval his father gave him and his realisation that he would never fit in with the people that he wanted to and agreed with meant that he was confused about why Harry was telling him or who it was. "Go on?"

"This boy is a Slytherin with icy silver eyes, beautiful blond hair that is always perfectly placed, skin that seems too pale for his relatively athletic self, and always seems unhappy in public as good as he may be at hiding it." Harry continued, looking at Draco said to see his reaction.

Draco was trying to think which Slytherins fit that criteria, only a very small number came to mind, but almost none of them had anything to do with Harry as far as he knew, the idea of Harry liking him, never even came to mind.

"Do you know who I'm talking about Draco Malfoy?" Harry said moving to look directly into the other boy's eyes.

"No, who is this mystery boy?" Draco asked, starting to blush by the close proximity with Harry.

"You really don't know?" Harry asked, an amused smile on his face before his smile started to falter as he felt the potion ware off.

"No, who is it? Tell me already." Draco said, really curious at this point as well as why Harry was telling him.

"I... It's you..." Harry said, Felix Felicis wearing off and Harry felt himself get more and more nervous about what he was saying, knowing that things were going to stop going well pretty soon.

"You... like me?" Draco asked, feeling butterflies start to flutter around in his stomach, unsure if Harry was being honest, or if this was some cruel joke that Sarah had been in on the entire time.

"Um... Ye-... Yes." Harry stuttered, looking around nervously, the potion having worn off and his nerves back in more than full swing.

"Harry... I love you too." Draco said, pulling the small blushing boy towards him in a hug. He was over the moon, how was it possible for the chosen one, the golden boy, the boy who lived, liked him, Draco Malfoy, a terrible stereotype.

"You do? Really?" Harry asked, ready to cry from either relief or rejection.

"Yes, I really do." Draco said, pulling away just enough to look Harry in the eye, seeing the tears almost ready to spill over.

Harry let out an indescribable sound that didn't quite sound human, but it was clearly happy as Harry practically tackled Draco to the roof in a hug. Tears were flowing from him in joy as Harry felt so happy that his feelings were returned. Draco hugged Harry back, playing with his hair as he waited for Harry to calm down.

"I love you." Harry said, his tears having stopped, and he was smiling up at Draco.

"I love you too you dork." Draco said with a slight laugh. They both looked at each other for a moment before they both leaned in, meeting in the middle with a soft and gentle kiss.

The two boys were innocent about how relationships worked, never having been in one before, but knowing that the short and sweet kiss felt right.

"So, are we boyfriends now?" Harry asked, looking up at the blond boy who was looking at him lovingly.

"I would love that... But we need to keep it secret, my parents would... I don't want to think about what they would do to me if they found out we were dating." Draco said, feeling bad that he had to force Harry to keep such a big thing secret.

"That's fine, as long as we can still be together whenever we can make time." Harry said, face turned up at Draco, his eyes closed as he smiled. "You don't let the Dursleys know either." He joked.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Draco said, smiling brightly down at the awkward boy.


"They're so cute!" Sarah said, clutching on Ray's arm, kitten on her head.

"Yup, but it looks like we're going to have to give up the Room of Requirement to them." Ray said, laughing at their girlfriend's excitement.

"Eh, we can be in the Hufflepuff common room or one of our dorms." Sarah said, waving her hand like it was nothing.

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