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I'm sick of it. All of these god damn lies. It makes me want to rip out the throats of anyone who dares to speak to me. Who am I? The name's Nari! Nari Yukine! I'm a cat. Scary, right? But I'm different from other cats. I have huge feathery wings and magic! Yep! You guessed it! I'm a demon! A high class one at that. My parents are two dragons, Echo and Alpha. Fire and Ice. Two complete opposites in looks, personality, magic, and lots of other stuff. How odd right? Anyways, I'm on my way to school at the moment. I'm a senior in high school. I have many acquaintances, but only a few true friends. These two are fellow felines, though one is a big cat. A snow leopard to be exact.

I look to Soul, who had been walking beside me. She trotted forwards a few paces, going in front of me by a little. Heaving a sigh, I watch her curled tail bounce as she walked. Suddenly, she turned around to me, eyes wide. Her fur flicked from over her left eye and she gasped. "Nari! I need my solid black gauges!" Soul yelled, and ran off back towards home. I looked at her and sighed, teleporting the both of us to her home. She ran to her room and came back after a few minutes. Soul had her black gauges in, and had also changed the piercings going up both of her ears. Glancing to her hand, I noticed her favorite knife. "Lets skip, yeah?" Soul giggled, and my eyes drifted back up to her happy face. "Yes." I hummed, and smiled, my teeth showing in an all out grin. " I actually had someone on my mind.." Soul mumbled, and I perked my ears. "Need a reap?" I ask, and she turns her head towards me. "If you don't mind making up an excuse." Her light smile grew and she tilted her head. "No problem!" I cheer, and open my wings.

Soul's smile grew, and we padded out the door once more. Tail swiping across the ground, I walked alongside the other anthro, the both of us grinning. "Who is it anyways?" I ask, looking at her. The other cat grabbed onto my paw and held it, chirping. "I'll show you! Just change your outfit~" I nod and use my magic to change myself into my uniform.

The usual, you know? All of my colors inverted. Red eyes instead of green, black fur with bright blue stripes! Soul took off her gray hoodie and dropped it on the ground, revealing a black tank top.

The gray cat swiped her black fur off of her eye, revealing both of her eyes. One eye a normal gray, but the other was backwards. Her whites were black and the iris and pupil white. Both eyes trained on me, soul smiled. She only shows this side to me. "You wanna stitch me up?~" The cat asked and I couldn't help but smile. "Sure."

I grabbed the needle and thread from her pocket and threaded the string through the needle. Humming, I started to stitch her mouth shut. She preferred to be completely silent on trips like these.

Soul motioned me to follow her and I complied. She picked up into a sprint, so I also ran. She stopped at the school and stared at a group of predators. A few big cats and some wolves. The short-tailed feline ran over to the group and stared up at a very familiar snow leopard.

Storm. My only other friend. I took the hint Soul wanted him dead, and I'd gladly do anything she said. My hands involuntary grabbed my scythe, which was slung across my back. Ears flattening, I flicked up my hood. I stared at the tall cat Infront of me and smiled widely, swinging at him. The other animals around him backed up quickly, suddenly alarmed.

I didn't manage to land it, because he jumped back out of the blade's way. Vexed by this action, I drop the weapon's handle and let it fall to the ground. Leaping up at him, I felt myself get pushed back suddenly. Collapsing onto the concrete, I look down. Complete shock. My eyes stared at the hole gushing blood from my stomach and my eyes slowly lifted up to the cat, who had a wolf behind him. Hs was holding a pistol tightly, appearing to be spooked by this all.

I watched as Soul shrieked and leapt onto the wolf, sinking my knife I gave her into his shoulder. The last thing I saw was a cheetah bring a knife to her throat and pull it across. Closing my eyes, the last thing I heard was soul whispering. "Family sticks together. "

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