Water (Misry)

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— Misaki's Pov —

      I wiggled out of the grasp of the feline above me. Without a thought , I sprinted off, scarf flapping. Easily running through the woods, I found myself nearing a clearing. Zigzagging through more vegetation, I sprinted towards the open ground. 'Why today?' I question myself, glancing back at the black cat behind me. He was catching up. Pushing myself to run faster, I made it to the clearing. 'Now he can't hide.'  A giggle escaped my mouth as I ran, but as I looked behind me, pain slithered its way up my legs. Squeaking, I topple over, finding that I've fallen into a ditch. "Just what I need." I huff angrily, and try to stand up, only to collapse once more. 

      The cat had caught up to me and placed a paw onto my back, easily holding me down with his weight alone. My large ears flattened as I heard him shuffle and lean down towards my ear. His breath was hot and smelt of dead mice. Stifling a gag, I squirmed, trying to escape once more. "Hey puff tail~" The cat cooed in my ear. I was confused. 'puff tail? Is that a cat thing?' Though I kept silent, only huffing. 

      He chuckled and nibbled on my ear. I winced quietly, and whined, struggling. My ears flicked up, hitting his muzzle. The feline growled suddenly, and scooped me up in his jaws. I squeaked, and flailed awkwardly in his jaws, until he dropped me. Before I could run, he grabbed my scruff, and held me. I calmed down, and let myself dangle in his jaws. 

      I was calm until I realized where he was taking me. The lake! I squealed, my eyes darting up to him. The cat continued to walk, his amber eyes staring dead ahead. The tom-cat dangled me over the water and I squealed. "No! Please!!" He froze, not even breathing, until he threw me behind him. I squeaked and hit the ground, though it was soft. Bouncing up to my paws, I look up at the cat, who was now staring down at me. "Explain!" He growled, lowering his body. "Are you even a rabbit!?" The tom hissed, his orange eyes staring into my own green ones. "I-I'm a rabbit!" I squeaked, jumping back. The black tom grabbed my scarf with a hooked claw, and held it. "If you don't comply with me, I'll rip this~" 

      My eyes widened. "N-No! Please! Don't!" I begged, and hopped closer to him, just in case if he pulled it. Large ears flattening, I looked up at the cat. He just smiled, let go, and licked my face. "I'll have fun with you~" He giggled, and picked me up again, padding off to a barn. The cat purred and dropped me into a horse stable, and curled up around me. "The name's Umry." He meowed, and winked at me, tail curling over my body. "M-Misaki.." I whispered, snuggling into his fur. 

Sorry I had to cut this shorter than I wanted it to be due to class. I'm writing this in school and dismissal is soon so I'm just kinda writing to pass time. Anyways see you next time I'm bored as fuck~

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