Blackout Soulmates

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"Yo Kurtis! How ya doing man?" A friend of mine calls out to me. Laughing softly I run my fingers through my hair and let my football buddies catch up to me before I left for the day.

"Dude I'm so wiped out," I chuckle. "I don't know who I went down with, but damn. We went hard," I grin and my buddies laugh.

Shaking my head slightly I sigh while smiling. No, i hadn't gone to some party and gotten shit faced. Although I have done that before. No no. I'd had a Blackout Day. Basically you become more in touch with yourself or some hippie shit, you don't have much of a filter, and you don't remember anything that happens. Yeah. Weird I know. Yet somehow you're supposed to find your soul mate this way, because a blackout only happens when you've met the person and can make contact with them during the time of your blackout.

So when I woke up this morning I woke up stark naked in my bed with scratches, bite marks, and some bruises all over me. And I felt incredibly satisfied.
But the only problem was I couldn't find the person who I'd slept with.

At this point I shouldn't really care. But something is nagging me inside my head. And it's driving me crazy.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a shrimpy nerd named René trying to walk past me, but he was blushing bright red and clutching a book to his chest.

I noticed something else very unusual about him today. Usually he went for a sweater or something when it was this kind of stormy weather. But today he had on a graphic t-shirt, a comfortable jacket, and a thick fluffy looking scarf.


One of the jocks I wasn't really friends with- but was still walking with my group anyways- elbows René in the side and sends him into a row of lockers. Stumbling René hits his head and whimpers as he shuts his eyes tightly. The guy cackles and I simply punch his shoulder.
"Hey, we don't do that here, jackass," I mutter as I continue walking.

"Awww come on Kurtis, it's just a stupid nerd," the guy replies and I glance back to see René staring at me. But it wasn't in awe or thanks... it was more... searching, hopeful maybe?

"And you're just a dumb jock," I reply. "Don't be a fucking coward and bully someone physically weaker than you. Cause I bet you anything René could cream you in a science or math class."

The guy opens his mouth before quickly shutting it. René's cheeks redden before he smiles bashfully and walks past me.

Confused I shake my head and continue on to my car. It was the end of my school day and I was rather excited to get home and try and scrounge up anymore clues. Maybe the guy had left his number hidden in my desk or something.

(Time Skip waves with their sweater sleeves covering their hands)

Getting home I flopped onto my bed and groan. It had been a long day, but god did my bed smell good. It was like my bed was a cozy couch with warm fuzzy blankets and pillows all across it with a person cuddled up on a couch with hot cocoa in a rainy day.

Or at least that's what it smelled like to me.

I hear a buzz and open my phone. Checking the message there and blinking as I struggle to comprehend it.

Hey Kurtis, you said I could text you after a full twenty four hours from this account you made me. I hope I'm doing this right.

Reading the message over I type back.

Who is this?

I got a response rather quick.

Aw dang you really don't remember. Well I guess that would make blackout you happy since they wanted to make this a game.

What in the world are you talking about???

It's me! Your baby boy =P I'm your soulmate ^^

Sitting up I take a deep breathe.


Yeah! You tracked me down yesterday and took me out on a sweet date before taking me back to your place and uh... welllll I'm sure you saw the aftermath on your end.

How do I know you're telling the truth and aren't just some spam account?

Oh right! Blackout you said you'd probably want proof.

He sends some photos. Blushing I looked through them.

The first one had my hand holding someone else's smaller paler one at the table in my favorite diner. His hand also had black painted fingernails.

The second was a video of my face, except with the iconic black tipped nose people got on black out day. "Alright. Sooo I know you're probably gonna be confused whenever our baby boy sends you this, buuuut," black out me gets wiry smile and flashes my sharp teeth. "You're gonna love him. He's so cute. I just want you to properly fall for him first. Ya know, build things up a bit before I let you just have him," black out me chuckles. "So I've given baby boy all the other info he needs... good luck!" Black out me grins before ending the video.

The last picture was of a pale chest covered in hickeys and bite marks, far more than my chest had.

Blushing I sent a reply.
That's a lot of marks. You must have been sore today.

Oh yeah! Super sore haha. I had to really bundle up today.

So you're totally fine with dragging this game out?

Of course. I mean it's like extra security. Even blackout you admitted he was surprised about us being mates. I don't wanna loose you just because you're unused to me :(

Awww baby I would never! Not even if you were crackhead Craig.

Ew gross. Craig's a jerk. He likes bugging me.

Well if I knew who you were I could protect you.

Ha! Nice try Daddy, but I'm not spoiling the surprise yet!

My heart skipped a beat at the nickname. I didn't know why, but that name always drove me crazy.

Daddy Huh. Well alright then. Now how does this game work? Am I gonna get more clues?

You'll get one or two photos a day! And maybe some extra hints as we text more. Just things that pop up in casual conversation that'll help you whittle your choices down.

Sounds fair enough.

I think so too, but I'm so excited to properly meet you under the pretense of soulmates. I'm a bit of a softie when it comes to cuddles and hugs and quick kisses and holding hands. Gah I love it all!

Cute <3. I'm a big softie too. I can't wait to cuddle up to you and hold you close.

Awww now I just wanna come over and cuddle! But I gotta wait.

Tomorrow better come fast. Because I wanna find out who my precious baby boy is.

Hehe I hope you're happy with me. I know I'm ecstatic about being soulmates with you.

He sent a smiley sticker and a heart. Making me smile at my phone and like the message.

I gotta go, I got some homework to do. I'll talk to you later Daddy <3

Alright. Talk later baby boy.

With that final text I grinned and smiled in satisfaction. This was gonna be fun.

(Time Skip shyly glances at his crush before blushing and cutely covering his cheeks)

After waking up to my alarm and dragging myself out of bed I feel a heartbeat vibration and look at it. Seeing the familiar name I quickly open the message.

Good morning Daddy! Since today's Friday I have a couple clues for you, and some special ones tonight if I'm feeling frisky~

Agh don't get me worked up more! I already have morning wood :(

Oh really Huh? Well I hope you and that wood of yours like this photo then.

My baby boy sent a photo of himself in a baggy sweater with his hands covered and his thighs showing. His thighs were so squishy looking and I just want to reach out and run my hands over them.

Fuckin hell babe I'm gonna need a shower for that one

I send that before grabbing some jeans, a t-shirt, and my varsity jacket. He buzzed again and I looked at it.

Hehe sorry Daddy, I wish I could join you, but I gotta get ready for school now. Talk later, love ya.

I hearted the message and sighed happily before closing the bathroom door and getting undressed. I took about 5 minutes to attend to my needs before cleaning up and washing my hair. Once I dried off I made myself a breakfast sandwich before heading off to school in my car. I made it there with 15 minutes to spare.

For the rest of the day I constantly checked my phone and replied to any of my baby's messages. He seemed to only send them in between classes or when he finished work. Which at least told me he wasn't one of the slacker kids.

By the time I left school and got done with practice I just kept thinking about what it'd be like to hold my baby boy in my arms and cuddle him close.
Smiling at the thought I go on to my computer and play video games for a while. And by the time I log out at 10 i see a text come in from my favorite boy.

Hey Daddy, I know it's late, but I was wondering if you could do a face to face call right now? I can't show my face since that breaks the rules.

Of course. Gimmie one sec.

After sending that I quickly turned off
My computer and got into pajamas. That being a loose t-shirt and sweats. I pressed the video call button and waited eagerly.

He picked up and I heard the cutest giggle.
"Hey baby, whatcha up to?" I ask and I see the camera move and be propped up facing a tiled bathroom floor.

Abundantly curious I see my baby's thighs appear on camera as he shifts to the center view. He had on a baggy hoodie that went down to his thighs. I could see up to his shoulders and then no more. He was hiding something behind his back.

"Is there something you're wanting to show me love?" I ask and he shifts a little before pulling the object out and setting it in front of him. My cheeks turned red in surprise as he shows off the massive dildo. He stuck it to the floor with the tip straight up. His hands were resting on his legs and kept squeezing in muted excitement.

"So this is what were doing tonight huh?" I ask and hear a soft 'mhmm'. "Alright. Let me get a toy of my own then~" I purr seductively before hearing him whine. Chuckling I stand up and grab a box from my closet. Finding the toy I want I hold up the fleshlight to the camera.

"Do you know what this is baby?" I ask and hear a "Uh-Huh."
"You wanna see me use it?" I tease and he whines and bounces in his place. Chuckling deeply I go back to my bed. Setting my phone down so my baby could see me pull my shirt off and push down my sweats. Leaving me in tight boxers.

Baby boy squirms as if he wanted to reach out and touch me despite the camera.

Getting back into bed I face the camera towards my boxers and slowly pull on the waistband. "You want me to show myself first? Or you love?" I ask and he sits back and spreads his legs. Showing me he already had his bottoms off and he was dripping in need.
My member twitched and he grunted at the sight. Turning around he showed me how he was already stretched open.

"Mm what a good boy~ already stretched and ready to take in more huh?" I compliment him while edging him on.
"Y-yes Daddy," he moans breathily, groaning at his adorable tone and use of dirty nickname I shove down my boxers and let my dick spring up. Turning himself around I hear a whispered. "Wow" from Baby.

Smirking I put my hand on the base and pull up, squeezing some pre out of my tip. Bouncing in place again my baby whines and whimpers to get my attention.
"Yes love?" I reply and he puts his hand around the dildo, pumping his hand up and down. Following the motion I moan under my breath.

Excited baby moves his hand faster and I keep matching the movements. That is until he suddenly pulls his hand back and turns around again. Lining himself up he teases the tip to his hole and whimpers.
Using the fleshlight I rub my tip against the hole, getting it wet with my pre.

We both seemed to have the same idea, because as soon as I went to push into my hand held toy he popped in the head of the dildo he had. Moaning he does something that turns me on beyond belief.

"Kurtis~" he moans quietly and my member stiffens.
"Say my name again," I say as I keep the toy still. Baby boy also waited and repeated what he said.
"Kurtis," he moans out. Biting my bottom lip I glance his body over.
"Turn around and face the camera baby," I order and he complies. Showing off his erection and adorable chest.
"K-Kurtis," he moans as I see his hands place down onto the floor. Getting the idea I prepare to slam the toy down.

"We'll countdown from 3, okay?" I ask and get a whine in response.
"1...2... 3," I say before pushing my entire length into the toy and my baby slams down onto the dildo letting out an incredibly loud moan before I heard a slap and saw one of his hands disappear. Presumably to cover his mouth as he let out a string of moans.

Groaning from the back of my throat I wait a moment and feel myself throbbing against the toys plush insides. My leg twitched and I wanted desperately to keep going.

"D-daddy?" I hear my baby say in the sweetest voice. "Please pound into me," he says simply and I loose all sense of control.

Roughly tugging on the toy I start thrusting in and out at an incredibly fast pace. Baby struggles to continue as I maintain this pace for quite some time. Moans spilling out of his lips as he switched from Daddy to Kurtis. Moaning with him I felt a sense of relief wash over me knowing my parents were out of town for the month on a business trip.

"Daddy! Daddy please! Ahh!~" my baby boy's hips buck forward as he shoots his load and cums on to the floor. Moaning loudly I cum deep inside of the toy and feel it start to spill out.
"Nghhh~" opening my eyes to see my cum all over my balls I glance at the screen to see my baby's chest rising and falling fast as he lay on the floor sideways. Spent and worn out.

Smiling I wait a moment before pulling the fleshlight off my softening member. Baby boy moans from off camera and I see a hand reach back to pull out the dildo.

"Take care of yourself love. You look pretty tired," I say kindly and he sets the toy to the side with a whine.
"I- I love you Daddy," he breathes out with a stutter.
"I love you too baby. I can't wait to do this in person with you some time," I say making him whine and press his thighs together.

Chuckling softly I talked him through the process of aftercare as we both cleaned up and got ready for bed. Once he'd gotten his hoodie back on with a pair of boxers he thanked me before ending the call. He sent me a heart and a kissing gif that made me smile.

Night baby boy. I love you

I love you too Daddy. Sleep well.

(Time Skip has a lovely weekend with his friend. Spending the nights in his room thinking less than innocent thoughts~)

Monday was a long day. I couldn't stop thinking about my baby boy and who he could be! The class I could concentrate the most on was literate life, my reading class, and I managed to finish my book with 5 minutes to spare. After getting permission from
The teacher to duck out early on the condition I went to the library I left with my bag over my shoulder. Heading straight for the library and pulling open the door.

Smiling softly I head over to the fiction section and browse the shelves. I hear some footsteps behind me before a gasp and the retreating of feet. By the time I looked over the person was gone. Shrugging it off I pick a book and head to check out.

"Mrs.O'Neal do you need any help?" I see René talking to the head librarian.
"Well I- can you work check out while I put these books away?" She asks and René eagerly nods as he stands behind the computer.
Mrs.O'Neal scurries off and I smile politely as I pass her. Coming up to the counter and surprising René, because his eyes went wide and his face turned bright red.

"Hey," I greet simply.
"H-hi," he stutters back and I give him a patient smile.
"I was hopping to check this out. I got literate life later and I finished my other book," I explain as I set the rather thick book on the counter.
"Y-you read?" He asks and I furrow my brows a bit.
"Uhh... yeah?" I reply skeptical of his tone. 
"Oh gosh I didn't mean it like that I- sorry," he says quickly scanning the book. "That was stupid of me to say. I'm really sorry Kurtis I didn't mean to offend you. I-I just get ahead of myself sometimes and-"

As René talked I realized his finger nails were painted brown. The same creamy carmel brown my baby boy had said he'd paint them this morning.
Setting my hand on top of his I gently grab it and hold it in my own. These hands were the same pale shade as in the first photo Baby Boy ever sent me.

Tearing up I got a big dopey smile on my face.
René seemed to relax and he anxiously looked up at me. "Why are you crying?" He asks softly.
Looking up at him I smile even more. "Because I finally figured out who my soulmate is," I say, "it's you. You're my baby boy."

René paused before getting a big dorky grin on his face and rushing around the counter. Throwing himself into my arms. "Yes! Yes it's me!" He says with his arms around my neck. "Oh gawd I'm so happy you figured it out," he says staring up at me. "I couldn't have waited another week. It would have been so hard."
"I would have gone mad, not being able to hold you for that long? Ridiculous," I say making René giggle loudly before he completely buried himself into my chest.

(Yoooo Sorry it took me several months to actually publish a story. The last thing I posted was that question about full length or half length chapters. And I've gotten a lot of drafts milling about. But this is the first one I'm happy with publishing. Soooo here! Sorry it's been since June or something)

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