Mates at a party

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     I've always wanted a mate. A lover to hold me and be there for me as I would for him. It's something I often dreamed about. Having a love of my own.
    Yet here I was holed up in my room during one of the biggest parties of the year. Curled up in bed thinking about what I was missing out on.
     All because my scent was to strong for some to handle? Ha! Yet I'm getting jipped of a potentially life changing night.

     Sitting up I throw the covers off of me and make my decision. I'm going down. So what if some males try and flirt with me because they can't keep it in their pants? That's not my problem.
     Getting dressed in blue skinny jeans and a white button up I lace up my brown boots and I'm about to head downstairs when I see one of my flower crowns hanging off my mirror. Taking a deep breath I grab the gorgeous thing and set it on top of my head before leaving my room and heading downstairs.

     I know my father was fine with me coming down to the party. Papa was the one who was worried about me being preyed on.
     But I had to take this chance. What if this was the one time I'd meet my mate.

     Starting to hear voices I go down the hall and come to the main staircase and walk down. Thankfully the whole room doesn't go quite as I walk down the steps.
     Taking a deep breathe I smell the air. Nothing yet. Darn.
     Making my way through the living room I head outside, wanting to find the food table.
     I look around the deck and gorgeous garden beyond it. People from all kinds of different families milling about as they mingle and some look around eagerly for each other.

     I hear my father call out to me and I grin and go over.
     "Hey kiddo, I knew you'd leave your room," he says and I giggle.
     "Of course dad. I know papa is worried but I can't miss out on such a important party," I say as I stand by the chair he is sitting in with some other adults. I recognize one or two of them. But some of them are unfamiliar to me.
     "I know, but this could be your big night kiddo," father says to me and I nod with a smile.
     "At least you understand," I say before hearing a sigh.

     "Dammit. Richard he's wanting to leave," I look up and see a woman holding up her phone as she talks to who I assume is her husband.
     "Tell him to stay, and leave that dammed car and come and socialize," he says as he runs his fingers through her hair. She leans into the touch.
     "But he already said he's not interested. Something about his mate finding him naturally," she frowns and the husband pecks her cheek.
     "Well he should at least come get some food. Tell him that," he says.

     I don't know why. But I felt compelled to help.

     "I can bring him some food," I offer and they look up at me.
     "Are you sure? but don't you want to enjoy the party?" The woman asks and I smile.
     "Oh I got plenty of time to do that," I wave my hand. "And hell. Maybe I'll run into my mate while I'm walking there," I joke and they seem to lighten up.

     "That's very kind of you," the husband replies before his wife stands up.
     "I'll come with you to the food and help you pick out some things to bring him," she says and I grin.
     "Awesome, lets go!" I say excitedly and the woman smiles back at her husband. My father chuckles.
     "Such a kind soul you are," he compliments and I flash a bright smile.
     "You know it pops," I say with finger guns before walking off with the concerned mom to the food table.

     "Thank you for offering to do this. My son is the... loner type. He hates parties, but I know he's wanting to meet his mate badly," she tells me as I grab a plate and she starts to put food onto it.
     "It's no problem. I'm technically not supposed to be down here. My papa wanted me to be safe up in my room cause I got a strong scent. Tends to drive people crazy," I say and she nods.
     "So that's what that was," she says and we both laugh.

     "Yeah. But I couldn't resist. I don't want to miss my chance," I say as I look around at the crowd.
     "Miss your chance for what?" She asks confused.
     "To find my mate of course," I say and she blushes.
     "W-wow. You really haven't found them yet?" She asks and I shake my head.
     "Unfortunately not. But I'm hoping tonight is the night," I smile and she smiles back.

     "I wish you luck," she says as she grabs a soda bottle. "Alright. This should be good. His car will be very noticeable. It's the one blasting music and it's got curtains and lights in it," she explains and I nod.
     "Loud music and pretty lights. Got it," I repeat and she nods.
     "Thank you, what was your name?" She asks.
     "Javier. Javier Holmes," I answer and she smiles with a nod before I left to go find her sons car.

     It was rather easy.

     He was down the driveway a bit. He'd parked by the woods and his car was practically shaking from the music he was playing. From what I could tell it was alternative rock or indie. I wasn't sure which.
     As I got closer I saw the curtains were drawn but some faint red lights were on inside. Yup. Definitely him.

     Walking around to the back of the van I take a deep breathe before knocking on the door. I hear a groan before the doors were kicked open.

     "Mom I told you I'm fine-" the boy starts angrily before his eyes land on me and he went silent.
     "Hey, so I ran into your mom at the party and she seemed concerned about you eating so I-" the boy hops out of the car and stalks towards me.

     Pff. Boy. Boy was the wrong word. He was definitely a man. Probably around the same age as me, but he looked more rugged. Way more rugged. He had black stubble on his chin, long and wavy black hair, a sharp chin and jaw with a handsome nose. If you can even call a nose handsome. His eyes were dark brown, with some hints of green and very intense. They were locked onto my light blue ones. He was tall with punk clothes and was rather intimidating, but I wasn't scared. He smelled incredible-

     Oh my fuck he smells absolutely fucking amazing.

     Once he's close enough he puts a hand on my cheek and leans into my neck. He sniffs greedily and I instinctively tilt my head to the side to give him more room. Growling he pulls away with dilated pupils.
     "Get in the car," he orders and I nod as I set the food down first before hoping in.
     Climbing in he shuts the doors and quickly turns to me.

     Biting my bottom lip I blush as he gets closer and wraps his arms around my waist and moves me into his lap. He starts tracing a finger all over my face and I melt into the touch. My throat vibrating as I start to purr for him.

      "So precious," he whispers as I press myself into his chest.
      "M-mate?" I ask softly for confirmation. He smiles dashingly and nods and I grin back before throwing myself into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist as my hands drape themselves over his shoulders.
     "I'm so glad!" I say as I rub myself against his shirt to get his scent on me. Purring all the while.
     "Heh. I am too sweetheart," he says making me whine happily at the nick name and nuzzle closer.

     "Man- you smell amazing," he says as he buries his nose in my hair.
     I grin proudly. "I have a very strong scent. It bothers a lot of males I know because they can't control themselves."
     "I'll say. I'm barely able to contain myself right now," he says and I giggle before looking up at my mate.

     "Who said you had to?" I ask and his eyes open wide and he blushes.
     "W-well I wouldn't wanna scare you with how rough I get-" he says rubbing the back of his neck and I sit up taller.
     "That's okay! I don't mind," I say quickly. "I'm willing to try almost anything with you, mate," I say looking him up and down and seeing him run some fingers through his hair anxiously.
     "Well..." he trails off as he looks back at me and I bat my eyelashes up at him.  Knowing I must look fucking edible right now. Considering I was staring back at him thinking about how strong he looked and wanting to mask myself in his musky scent. Fucking hell his entire car smells like him!

     "I don't mind waiting of course," I say moving off his lap and going over to his food. "You should eat something anyways. Mind if I stretch out?" I ask before seeing the sleeping bag laid out along the side of the car wall along with a bunch of pillows and blankets. I grab a blanket and pillow and curl up with them near my mate.
     "Y-Yeah go ahead," he stutters and I giggle as I press my face into the blanket. Nearly moaning as I got wrapped up in his scent. His... wait a minute.

     "What's your name?" I ask curiously.
     "Lewis," he says after swallowing a hearty bite of garlic bread. "Yours?"
     "Javier," I reply as I hold the pillow close. Sniffing it and humming softly.
     "Lewis..." I mumble softly as I bite the blanket. "Lewis..." I repeat.
     "Yeah?" He says with half a mouthful of yummy food.
      "Oh. Sorry. I was just saying the name to myself... wanting to know how it sounded on my tongue," I blush softly and Lewis glances over at me with those dark eyes of his. He looks me over and I watch with bated breath.

     Noticing that he was caught staring he quickly looks away causing me to laugh delightedly.
     "You can look ya know," I say as I scoot closer to Lewis and rest my head on his shoulder. He glances at me with a blush staining his cheeks.
     "I figured it'd be fine. It's just-" he cuts himself off and looks at me. My flower crown was askew on my head and I'm sure my curly hair had gotten messed up somehow. He takes a deep breath, "I've dreamed about this moment for a long time. And now I'm just not sure where I want the night to go," he says and I smile.
     "What do you mean by that love?" I ask as I set my right hand on top of his left.
     "Well. Not to be blunt, but I don't know if I wanna just cuddle with you or fuck your brains out. Both are such tempting ideas," he says and I blush bright red as I feel my member twitch.

     Glancing away I get a vivid mental image of Lewis, the handsome mate I was leaning against, pressing my face into a pillow as he plows into me like a wild animal. Cheeks turning red I look back up at Lewis and know which one I want to do.
     "I like the second option," I say softly and Lewis smirks.
     "Are you sure love? I can get pretty intense," he says and I smile slyly as I move out of the blanket and sit in front of him.
     "How do you know? Have you fucked someone before?" I ask teasingly and he snorts and shakes his head.
     "Of course not. But I have a strong libido and I've had to... get creative with how I masturbate," he says and I blush more.

    "Creative how?" I ask before biting my bottom lip and he smirks and sets his food aside.
"Oh you know. Porn. Videos. Comics. Pictures. Audios. Writings," he lists off as he leans in closer and I stay in place. "And that's not even including all the naughty toys I've bought over the years~" he says seductively and I shiver. Knowing I've got my own collection of toys.
"Good to know I'm not the only one," I tell him and his eyes light up.
"So you've got some toys too huh?" He says before snorting again. "And here I thought you were innocent," he says setting a hand on my lower back.
"Just because I look innocent doesn't mean I act like it in the bedroom," I reply sassily and he chuckles deeply as he smiles with closed lips.
"Touché," he nods and I grin brightly.

"I'd like to see those toys sometime," he says as he moves us over to his sleeping bag and lays me down.
"Oh yeah? Would you use them on me?" I ask as he sits in between my legs. His crotch pressing against my bottom and letting me feel his semi blocked by his jeans. My own erection growing as I blush.
"Without a doubt~" he says before leaning in to kiss me.

Kissing back we start slow. But after a minute or so we start to kiss harder. Breathing through my nose I feel him shift his hips making me groan into the kiss and raise my arms up and wrap them around Lewis's neck. Pulling him closer to me.
He had no complaints.
The kiss turns passionate as his hands tug up my button up. Untucking them from my jeans as he starts to undo the white buttons. Grinding against me I moan into our kiss before hearing the phone buzz.

"Ignore it," Lewis grumbles against my lips without stopping his movements. Once my shirt is undone I gasp as I feel his rough hands wandering my smooth skin. He pinched my left nip and I moan softly.
"Lewis~," I whisper against his lips and he smirks.
"Yes Ja-"


Frowning Lewis kisses me passionately as his phone rings against the floor of his car. Groaning into the kiss I tangle my fingers into his long hair and he bites my bottom lip making me moan louder.
The ringing stops and Lewis sighs in relief against my lips. Humming softly against his lips he pecks my nose and I giggle. He chuckles and starts kissing my neck. Blushing bright red I knew I was sensitive there and whine softly.
Biting my bottom lip to quite my constant noises Lewis licks a stripe up making me squeak.
Chuckling he sits up and winks at me making me blush as I tilt my head to the side so he can admire the place he'll one day mark.
Licking his lips I see his sharp fangs. Rolling my hips down Lewis's grinding picks up a new fever making me shout out a moan.

Panting I shut my eyes and let pleasure wash over me as I feel one hand gripping my hip and the other wandering my abdomen again. Moaning softly I grip the sleeping bag as I make noises of pleasure all for Lewis to enjoy.

     He leans down and licks my neck making me moan with an open mouth as I feel the lust overtaking my body. His hand creeping up to grip my throat, his palm wrapping around and carefully squeezing-


     Growling Lewis pulls his hand back and quickly shoved three fingers into my mouth. "Stay quiet and suck," he says roughly to me and I nod in understanding as he picks up his phone and answers it.
     "What?" He answers as he rolls his hips against my bottom. Holding back a moan I close my mouth around Lewis's fingers and begin sucking on them like he asked.
     "Mom I'm fine. You're interrupting something very important right now," he says gruffly as he glances down at me. I dip my tongue between his fingers as I stare back at him. Winking at me I continue what I'm doing.
     "The something important is cuddling my mate thank you very much," he says matter of factly before I hear excited screaming. "Ugh don't shout in my ear. And it's Javier, the nice boy who brought me food," he says as his thumb rubs my cheek sweetly as I coat his fingers in saliva.
     "Yes I'm very lucky," he says and I smile around his fingers. "He's an absolute sweetheart," he continues and I shut my eyes happily for a moment.
     "I knew right away. He smelt incredible. Not to mention he's a cutie,"  he says before looking down at me and smirking. Purring around his fingers he looks pleased.
     "I'm gonna go now mom. Love you. Bye," he says before pulling his phone away from his ear and tossing it back to the floor.

    Moving my head to the side I gasp as Lewis's fingers slide out of my mouth. Panting I grin. "God that was so hot," I mutter before biting my bottom lip and continuing to breathe heavily through my nose.
     "Mm," Lewis looks me over. "Javier I think we should go to the party, at least for a little bit," he says biting his bottom lip and looking worried.
     Smiling softly I sit up and drape my arms over his shoulders. "Is this because you want to wait until one of us goes into heat before mating?" I ask and he nods with a relieved sigh.

     Giggling I hug Lewis and smile. "I completely understand love."
     He hugs back, "I'm glad you do baby," he whispers into my ear.

    Relaxing into Lewis's touch I know that I've found the love of my life and that we're gonna he happy together.

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