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(Boy in Love with a dangerous criminal known for public stunts. -similar to joker but not as mentally crazy. Just does it for fun and chaos- and he happens to work at a place that the man holds up and he gets lined up with other captives and the sadistic criminal says that the one that kisses him would garner everyone else's freedom. So he leaps forward and willingly kisses the criminal. Everyone is shocked but criminal keeps his word and lets the others go, but he finishes off that particular stunt saying he didn't say anything about the one who kissed him being let go, and taking the boy captive. Naturally the criminal sets some alone time aside with the guy and gets him to confess, to which the boy is incredibly flustered, but the criminal says he finds it endearing and they make out and it quickly develops to more.

Rudy's POV

I was up late. Later than I should have been since I got work in the morning. But I couldn't help it. My eyes were glued to the TV as I sat in my apartment watching all the news outlets I could.
Why? Well it was for one particular reason. Or rather person.
I'd become infatuated with a man who had taken over the screens. A man who's face and name were broadcasted every day without delay. And not in a good way.

No. I'd fallen for a criminal. One by the name of The Fox, or simply Todd.

Hearing a deep chuckle I look up at the screen to see two news reporters listening to a sound bite of a his tell tale laugh. Talking about how he did it purely for the thrill. They shivered and talked about how wrong it was.
Sighing softly I put my chin in my hand. Why did I have to like him so much? That tall and well built man with striking features. Bright eyes, a sharp jaw, a devilish smile, sharp teeth with big canines, tan skin and some bright pink scars along his arms and neck. His fiery reddish orange hair bright and vibrant but entirely natural. And he always dressed so sharply. Looking like some high up business man, but the way he acted and carried himself made him out to be more of a carefree mafia boss.
He was simply enchanting to me.

Laying back into my couch cushions I let my mind wander. I often fantasized about him. I knew I shouldn't romanticize a villain... but he was just... everything to me.
Taking a deep breath I run my fingers through my curly black hair and huff. My bright pink and pouty lips jutting out. I was often called a male Snow White and rather liked the comparison. And with the name Rudolf Whittaker it was even more fitting.
Glancing at the time on the TV I sigh and grab my phone. Standing up I pad across my flat to my bedroom and slip into bed. Yawning I plug my phone in and rest my head on one of my soft pillows. Soon dozing off to a seductive wonderland of my imaginations. Filled with none other than the villain occupying my thoughts on a daily basis.

The Fox. Sly and cunning and full of mischief. The nickname was perfect for such a devious man.

(Time Skip wakes up and gets dressed in a cute outfit for work)

Rudy's POV

Today was boring. After getting a full nights rest and getting up and dressed in my uniform I caught a bus to work. I worked in a fancy clothing place as a retail assistant. Tasked with following around a customer and holding their things before going to the dressing rooms with them and helping them pick outfits. It was an okay job and my bubbly personality helped me be well liked. But once I clocked in today I was given absolutely nothing to do. Only a handful of customers had come in so far and I had already gone around the massive store and made sure everything looked perfect over three times now.
Sighing I stood at the front of the store patiently waiting for something - anything- to do.
The door chimed and I got a big smile on my face as I opened my mouth to greet who came in.

Seeing the all to familiar red hair and wiry smile I freeze up. The red suit and white button up paired with a shimmering red and orange tie. His suit pants the same red color and shoes inky black.
There's no mistaking it. It's The Fox. Two big guys beside him pulled out hand guns and went up to the front. Three other cronies quickly walking in, presumably to search the rest of the store.
Letting out a satisfied sigh Todd's gaze drifts over to me and I feel my face go red.
"Hello darling," he greets as he steps closer and holds out his hand. "I'm Todd. But I think you already know that," he says with a tone of humor to his voice before his eyebrow quirks up. "And you are?"
"R-Rudy sir," I say timidly after taking a moment to find my voice. I offer my hand out and shake his politely. Grinning he pulls me into his side and I squeak embarrassingly loud.
"Mind following me up to the front?" He asks and I nod.

Chuckling deeply I blush all the more at the sound. His laugh was even better in person.
Mentally scolding myself for that thought Todd walks us up to the luxurious marble counter where the rest of my coworkers and the one customer who brushed off my help were now standing. Most of them shaking and looking fearful as the two burly men stood on either end keeping their guns out. I see one of the other henchmen setting up two cameras and a computer. Another henchman had found the controls for the windows at the front of the store and put the blinds down. The brightness of the store lights unaffected by the sudden lack of sun. The last henchman locked the door and turned off the open sign.

"Here ya go," Todd say putting me in the line he looks me over with a hum of approval. "I don't even have to style you. You already look perfect," he says and I turn my face away.
Was that a compliment?! Oh my fuck. Gnawing on my bottom lip I hear him clap.

"We all ready?" He asks the man by the laptop and gets a thumbs up. "Fantastic. Prepare to roll," he says and I look forward again. Seeing the other henchmen quickly go to the cameras.
Todd stands in front of one of them like he's the host of a game show, greeting the slew of contestants.

But the question is. What game would he have us play?

"You're live in three, two, one!" The laptop guy says and Todd gets a big smile as a button on all the cameras go red.
"Helllooo ladies and gents. Sorry to interrupt you, but I got something I'd like you all to see," he says before one of the cameras swings around to point at us. The female cashier making a sobbing noise. She was always rather emotional. Poor girl.
"Lovely people," he says with a soft nod to himself. "But today I found myself bored as aaaallll hell and, I'll be honest with you all," Todd says putting a hand on his chest as he looks along the lineup. "I haven't had a slice of romance in a while."
The girl who works in the back rooms shudders and clutches her stomach.
"So today, I've come here to entertain myself," he grins.

What could this mean? Would we be forced to strip? To say lewd things to him? Maybe even forced into submission and taken-
"I'm willing to let you leave here without a scratch," Todd says before holding up his finger in a professorial manner. "Buuut in order to gain freedom for everyone here, one of you needs to do the unthinkable," he says theatrically. It makes me wonder if when he was younger he was ever on stage. It would make a lot of sense.
"I'll need one of you to step forward, and give me a kiss," he says and my eyes widen as the people beside me gasp.

"Scandalous I know. The thought of kissing a dangerous criminal," he says and I feel my heart hammer in my ears. Should I do it? Should I be the one to step forward? It would satiate my wildest fantasies and save everyone at the same time.
"But if any of you wanna get out of here alive, one of you is gonna have to step forward," he says before waving his hand. "Feel free to talk amongst yourselves and choose-"

I take two steps forward. My footsteps echoing as I do so. Keeping my chin tilted up and my hands neatly folded behind my back.
My coworkers gasp and the cashier girl lets out a choked sob. All the henchmen's eyes go wide. Even Todd has an obvious look of surprise on his face. Was I to eager?
Suddenly a ear splitting grin overtakes Todd's face. "What a surprise. I didn't expect someone to offer themselves up so quickly," he says stalking forward. The cameras capturing every second as he walks around me. Standing perfectly still I follow him with my eyes as I keep my breathing as calm as possible.

Stopping in front of me Todd has a calculated look on his face, but his eyes are shining as bright as ever. Taking my wrists and placing them on his chest he then puts his right hand on my waist. Pulling me closer in one swift motion. His other hand coming up to cup my cheek on the opposite side of the camera. The other camera keeping a close eye on everyone in the line to get their reactions.
My thoughts were racing as I stared into Todd's eyes. His reddish brown orbs twinkling as he looked me over again. "Take a deep breath now, cause I'm going in for a long kiss," he warns me and I nod softly as I take a breath.

Leaning in his lips meet mine and I feel my heart skip a beat as my eyes close. Our mouths melding together in perfect harmony as I tune out everything else besides the two of us. Melting into the warmth of his touch I press closer. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip and I part my lips open without thinking. Slipping his tongue in he slides it up next to mine and I couldn't be happier. Gripping onto his crisp shirt with my pale hands he then tilts me back slightly and I keep kissing him for as long as I can. Once he had dipped me low he pulled his mouth away from mine with a string of saliva between us. Out of breath I pant and my eyelids flutter open. My cheeks warm as I stare hazily up at Todd.

Licking his lips he chuckles deeply and I nearly faint from the seductive sound. Standing straight he hoists me back up but I struggle to find my footing and instead lean into his chest with a soft whine leaving my throat.
"Delightful~" he says and I hide my face away from the cameras. I forgot about those.

"You're free to go," he says to everyone else as one of the henchmen unlocks the door. They glance at each other before shoving forward and running out. The guy making sure to space them out and tell them to be calm.
I felt sad knowing that this meant I to had to leave. Going to pull away I feel Todd's grip on my waist tighten.
"Where are you going?" He asks suddenly and my cheeks heat up.
"A-aren't I meant to leave now?" I ask being careful of my phrasing to try and hide the fact I actually wanted to stay.
Todd smirks. "Originally," he nods. "But after a kiss like that I think I'm going to keep you for a while," he says and my jaw drops.
"Wh-" he shushes me with a quick kiss and pulls away with a sly smile.
"Don't worry, I won't go to hard the first time," he winks and my cheeks quickly burn red. Laughing he makes a hand gesture below his waist and the man at the computer taps a button, and the camera lights stop blinking red.

His laughter comes to a stop as the henchmen start to quickly pack up. "Ahhh that was fun," he says with a sigh. Continuing to hold me close. Feeling my blush cool slightly I look up at Todd just as he looks down at me. Humming he lets a softer smile grace his features. "Come on Rudy, let's get out of here," he says as he holds my hand.
"Wait, can- can I grab my backpack really quick?" I ask nervously and he looks amused.
"What for? Wanna get your phone and call the cops huh?" He teases and I shake my head.
"No, I just don't want my notebook to be taken later. Or my money," I reply and Todd nods.
"Alright. Boys, meet me round the side of the building," he says and gets all affirmative responses from his team members.

"Lead the way cutie," he says and I blush again before starting to walk to the back rooms. Going over to a door marked private and pushing it open. Stepping through I let got of Todd's hand and go over to the locker in the break room we were now in. Going to mine I quickly take the padlock and twist it left right left and it clicks. Opening up the metal door I grab my backpack with patches sewn onto it and put on my jacket. Locking it back up I turn to Todd and see him on the floor trying to reach his hand up into the vending machine and grab a cherry cola.

Unable to help myself I giggle and walk forward. "You'll never get a drink like that," I say before pressing the buttons in a specific order, glancing at what he was trying to grab, and then pushing in the change button three times. The machine deposits the cherry coke right into Todd's hand and he stands back up with a stunned look.
"Thanks," he says and I nod with a small hum before I repeat the pattern to get my own drink of choice, a orange crush. Kneeling down to pick it up I pop up to my feet and smile up at him.
"I'm ready now, where are we going?" I ask and see him about to point at the small video camera in the corner of the room. "Oh that old thing hasn't worked in ages. Jenny was far to lazy to replace it anyhow, so it's just meant to scare people out of here."
Todd looks surprised before nodding. "Huh. Wow," He glances up at the small thing before draping his arm across my shoulders making my cheeks warm yet again.

"We're going back to my place my dear. My pad if you will," he says and I can't help but smile.
"Alright. How are we getting there?" I ask curiously as he walks us out into the hallway connecting to the camera room, storage room, and the door to the alleyway.
"We drive," he says throwing open the alley door and revealing a big van with the two big guys in the front seats. The side door sliding open and Todd leading us out. He got in before helping hoist me up into the vehicle and plopping down into the surprisingly comfortable seats along the side.

Buckling in beside him I set my backpack down between my legs and open my drink. Taking a sip as the van goes out onto the road.
"Boss can I ask him a question?" One of the guys asks and Todd shrugs.
"If you wanna, go right ahead."
The guy nods before looking at me. "How come you volunteered so fast?" He asks and I blush.

"Uhm... w-well I..." Stuttering I nervously look down at my lap. Fidgeting with my fingers. "C-cause I wanted toooo... save everybody?" I say and I look around at everyone's faces. Not a single one of them believed me. "Uhhh..." I try to think of an excuse but Todd tilts my face towards his.

"It was a rather passionate kiss, don't ya think?" He asks and I nod softly before sighing heavily and looking back at the guy.
"I think Todd is incredibly charming, handsome, and kind. Yes kind," I say before continuing. "I'm not crazy. It's just you're not a sporadic killer. You have a type you track down, and-and it's very methodical. Very interesting. I don't know how or where you get your information; but I've looked into it and the people you've killed have all had other crimes or deviant things they'd done. Things that some would consider worthy of punishment that the law didn't give them," I rattle on before taking a deep breath and shushing myself by drinking my soda.

Once again. Everyone looked surprised. Todd staring at me as he crossed his arms when a sudden look of admiration came onto his face. "You take criminology in college Rudy?" He asks and I smile shyly.
"Yes, but my dad was a detective, and he would go in to work with a team of profilers," I point my finger at Todd. "And I only tell you that very sensitive information about my pops job is because I know he doesn't fit your target demographic, and he travels a lot so it's not likely he'll end up on any of your shows."
Todd smirks. "You sure seem to know a lot about me, would you call yourself a fan?" He asks and I snort.
"Not in the sense your thinking," I reply and he chuckles. Visibly shivering I quickly look away.
"And yet you're still thrilled by me," he says leaning in close again. Biting my bottom lip I exhale through my nose when suddenly the car stops.

"We're back boss," the driver upfront says before the side door is opened and I see we're in a very interesting building. Like a warehouse but nicer looking and from what I see absolutely zero windows.
Todd gets up and offers me his hand. Unbuckling I take it and we step out of the van.
Looking around I tune out him giving orders to his men and didn't realize we started walking til he playfully nudges my shoulder.
"Lover boy, you there?" He asks and I stutter a response before he chuckles. "Only joking," he says before opening a bright red door. Inside was the coziest somewhat disorganized room I've ever seen. It had a big comfy bed with all kinds of pillows and blankets around it. I noticed a corner desk with some posters hanging around it. A cluster of them picturing foxes.
"That's cute," I reply pointing to them as I look up at him only to see him staring at me.

Closing the door Todd lets go of my hand and walks to the bed. "How often do you think about me Rudy?"
"Wh- uhm," rubbing the back of my neck I decide to answer honestly. "A lot. Especially at home. Sometimes I let my mind wander and... fantasize about things."
"Like what things Rudy?" He asks as he loosens his tie with one hand.
"Uhhh..." fixating on his hand I watch as Todd unbuttons his collar and an extra three buttons. Exposing his tanned chest. Swallowing thickly I manage a reply, "th-things."
Todd sighs and gives me a soft smile. "You need to relax sunshine. I'm not gonna hurt you," he says soothingly and I nod to myself. "Why don't you come sit down. You're looking rather stuffy in that uniform of yours," he says and I shyly walk over to the bed and sit a small distance away from him. My uniform was a white button up shirt with a black tie and black jeans of the tighter variety. I wore black boots with them to make everything cohesive.

Todd moves himself closer as I shrug my backpack off and set it on the floor. Setting my drink on the nightstand where he set his unopened one.
"May I?" Todd asks as he points to my jacket. Nodding he helps take it off me and sets it on the foot of his bed. He takes my tie and undoes it. Letting it hang he starts to unbutton my shirt and I blush and gently put my hand on his. "What are you doing Todd?" I ask curiously and he grins.
"Romancing you," he says and I smile.
"Dork, you could have just kissed me again," I say.
"What if I wanted to see you without your shirt first?" He asks and I raise a brow.
"Well you should have just asked," I say going to undo the buttons myself before pausing. "But only if you take off your shirt too," I say and Todd hums.
"Naughty boys think alike," he says tapping his temple and I snort before taking my shirt off. Shrugging it off my shoulders as Todd does the same with his suit jacket and shirt.

With naked torsos we look at each other and have a mutual silence as we admire.
Todd licks his lips before suddenly pinning me down to the bed. "You'll have to forgive me for being brash my dear, but I simply can't keep myself off of you any longer~" he confesses seductively and I blush bright red. Swallowing I nod and he grins before kissing my deeply.

His grip was tight on my shoulders as he moved his kisses to my neck and bit down. Moaning loudly my back arches and Todd reaches a hand down to hold the small of my back. Rolling his hips down he grinds against my covered member making me whimper and want more. No words were exchanged as he chuckled and reached for the button to my jeans.
Moving my hands down I quickly undo the zipper and push them down. Looking up at him in desperation which he returns with a lustful stare. Taking my bottom lip between his sharp teeth he bites down making me moan and lift my hips. Pulling my pants down the rest of the way he grips my ass as best he can making me groan and buck my hips.
Sitting up the heat of his body leaves mine and I whine. He goes to undo his pants and my pupils dilate. Excitement flowing through my veins I stare up at Todd eagerly.

Holding up his finger he makes a little spinning motion and I quickly flip over and get on my knees. Letting my chest rest against the bed as I glance over my shoulder and up at him. Smiling in approval he runs his fingers down my shoulders and down my spine. He gets to my boxers and yanks them down. Causing goosebumps to rise as my cheeks bounce. Humming there's a pause before Todd's hands forcefully spread my cheeks and I feel the flat of his tongue on my hole.
"Todd!~ ahhh~" letting a high moan spill from my mouth as I cum onto the bed. I pant as I feel my nerves burn. Todd lifts his head and turns me over. Hazily I look up as Todd comes to loom over me.
"Someone seems to be sensitive~" he purrs and I nod as I take a deep breath.
"O... only for you," I say smiling softly.
Todd gets a big grin on his face and pulls me up into a ferociously passionate kiss. Moaning happily I kiss back with a matching fever.
Todd takes his briefs off and I feel his member spring up against my hole. Gasping he suddenly pops his fingers into his mouth. Staring in awe he pulls them out with a thick coating of saliva and winks at me before reaching down and rubbing my sensitive hole. Moaning I lean forward into his chest as he pushes in a finger and curls it. Making all kinds of noises as he spread me open, suddenly a second finger gets added and I buck down onto it.
"P-please!" I beg before I feel Todd's lips on my throat. Kissing my Adam's apple.
"You sure you're ready for the real deal baby? I'm no small fella~" he teases and I whine.
"I need it~ I need you- I need you so badly~" I whine into his ear.
Groaning from the back of his throat Todd runs a finger down my chest before pushing me over onto my back. His fingers leaving my body. But the empitness didn't last long.
After a split second I felt Todd's tip press against my puckered hole. Moaning softly he rubs the full length of his member up and down my hole making me cry out.
"Please Todd I just wanna feel you throb inside of me!" I shout unexpectedly. "Pound into me and fill me with you thick hot cum," I say heatedly. Glancing up I whisper. "I wanna be yours."

Todd's eyes light up before he grips my hips and snaps his. Burying himself deep inside of me. Moaning in delight he starts up a fast pace, going deeper and harder each time. Crying out for more I arch my back as I begin to drool. He angled his member and suddenly my body sparked. Screaming out I quickly move my hips down in time with his thrusts.
Todd growls and pins me down, pressing his body against mine as he forces himself to go faster and harder.
Whining through the moans I glance down and watch as his cock goes in and out. Feeling even more aroused I grip onto Todd's hair and moan into his ear.
"Todd.~ Todd I love you- Nnnh!~ oh god don't stop Todd! Toooddd!"
Todd growls and sinks his teeth into my neck as he wraps his arms fully around my body. Fucking me with reckless abandon as he marked up my body.

And I fucking loved it.

Growling and biting deeply Todd's member twitches inside of me and my voice cracks as I cum onto our stomachs, his cum filling my insides as I moaned at the warm feeling.
Clinging onto Todd my fingers twitch and I whimper. He shifts his member and I moan into his ear. He groans and goes to pull out and I whine loudly.
"Stay," I beg with one word. Grunting Todd grabs a blanket and covers our tangled body's. He bites my shoulder as he bucks his hips. Whimpering I shift down and his strong hands grip my sides. Moaning hotly into my neck I feel him twitch again and whimper as I tear up.
Noticing Todd lifts his head, he goes to open his mouth and I simply kiss him sweetly. Lightly kissing back he pulls away after a moment.
Smiling softly I simply lay my hands by the sides of my head and whisper, "again."

Todd looks surprised and mumbles, "You sure baby?" With a groggy voice. Nodding I bite my bottom lip and roll my hips down.
Shutting his eyes Todd moans and I feel him twitch inside of me again. Nodding he takes a deep breath before pressing our bodies together again. Slowly he rocks his hips and I whine quietly. We both harden as he takes his time to build up his strength.
"You're so cute and perfect~" Todd tells me sweetly and I kiss his cheek wordlessly thanking him.
Todd takes a deep breath and pauses. Before I go to protest I feel his hand wrap around my member and rub the head. Whining cutely I tilt my head back and let my tongue hang out. Todd hums in approval as he watches me.
With his eyes on me I slowly start to roll my hips. Moving him an inch or two out of me each and every time. It felt good to have his member inside of me. So fucking good.
Humming softly I grip the bed sheets by my head as I clench around Todd.
"I'm so lucky," Todd whispers to me and I smile blissfully. Moving my hips up and down as I forced Todd in and out of me. Groaning he grips my wrists and pins me down. Moaning softly I move faster and arch my back causing Todd to bend slightly inside of me.

Humming he bucks his hips periodically and as time passes we both slowly build up to our climaxes. As our noises get louder he starts to move harder and faster. Whimpering for him he moans into my neck and we cum together again.

Panting my hips come to a stop and I nuzzle his cheek with my nose. "I wish I had more stamina."
"Baby that was fucking amazing," Todd reassures me and I kiss him sweetly.
"I'm glad I can please you," I say truthfully and Todd smiles.

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