If I do this will you do my homework (p.2)

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Warren's POV

"Hey Ray," I called out in a meager voice.
"Yeah?" He answers closing his locker and leaning against it. Once he sees my brown eyes beneath my glasses and brown hair he smiles. "Oh hey Warren, what's up?"
"I- Uhm... I got your homework for chemistry done," I say handing it to him.
"Oh sweet thanks," he says taking it and looking it over. "I have no idea what any of this means, but I still know it's perfect."
"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," I says picking at the edges of my sweater sleeves as I so often do.
"What if... what if I started tutoring you? That way the teachers would raise your grades even more," I suggest looking up at him.
He blinks. "How are you such a genius?" He asks in a stunned voice.
I can feel my cheeks heat up as he stares at me with his crystal blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that was long on the top but short on the sides, and tan skin... and full lips.
I shake my head. "I'm- I'm not a genius," I say bashfully.
"You so are. Only a genius would think of such a great plan," he says making me blush all the more. "I'll pick you up after practice. Where should I get you from?" He asks.
"I'll just be in the main library, you can find me there."
"Alright, it'll probably be easiest if I could text you," he says handing me his phone like it was no big deal.
I tried to make it seem like my heart wasn't beating like a marching drum in my chest as I typed it in. No one had asked me for my number before.
     I handed his phone back and he slipped it into his varsity jacket. "Cool. See you later Warren," he says before turning around and walking away.
     "Bye..." I mumble softly as I watch him go. Having a thought that made me blush like mad I wheel around and scold myself as I walk.
     "Gosh Warren, stop acting like a love suck fool... someone like Ray would never fall for you," I mutter as I walk down to the huge library at the center of the building.

(Time Skip walks in and sits down, reading a magazine.
... it's not to hard to guess what he's reading)

Raymond's POV

     I glanced at my phone for new messages as I waited by the entrance to the library/school, whatever you wanna call it.
     "Hey," I hear a small voice making me look up from my phone screen.
     "Warren! Long time no see huh?" I joke making him roll his eyes, but smile widely.
     Which was an accomplishment to me.

"So where's the car?" He asks as I push off the side wall I was leaning against.
"I'll show ya," I say as I open the door for him and he thanks me and steps out.
We walk and make small talk as we go to the car.
I beep the button making the car unlock and flash it's lights. Warren looks to it and his eyes go wide.
"This is your car?" He asks in utter surprise. Staring at my decked out van with stickers all over it's windows and black tree's on a dark grey background  as a decal.
"Yeah? Why?" I say as I pull open the side door to show off the inside.
He glanced inside and does a double take. A gasp escapes his lips. "No way!" He darts in and flops onto the mattress with a delighted giggle. I crawl in and look up, my cheeks heating as I stare at him.
Warren had his face buried in the blankets as he lay on his back. Sweater creeping up and showing his flat, freckled tummy. He was still giggling when he pulled his face out of the blanket.
"This is so cool! I can't believe-" he gasps again, "are these what I think they are?!" He elatedly says as he flicks on a battery operated switch that turns on the lights I have hanging from the ceiling of the car.
"Wooooah!" His eye's fill with a child like sense of wonder as his face gets covered in a soft yellow glow.
I lean behind me and turn on the purple lights. Warren gasps again and I chuckle.
"I can't believe how happy you are," I say with a teasing smile as I plop down next to him on the bed.
"Are you kidding me? This is awesome!" Warren says as he lays in his back.
     I smile and lay down next to him, turning on my side to face him.
     He does the same, his nose rubbing against mine as his eyes fly open and he realized how close we are.
     For some reason, I don't pull away. I stay where I am as my cheeks warm up.
Warren's cheeks turn a bright red, but he doesn't make a move.

"So, how was the library?" I ask trying to break the tension between us.
"Uhhhm Good. It was... good?" He seemed unsure of his words as he bashfully looked away from my eyes.
I admire him for a second longer before licking his cheek.
Warren squeaks and does something rather unexpected.
He jumped and pressed against me his body becoming flush with mine, legs going around my waist and his arms clutching onto my shirt.
I blush like mad, my arms automatically wrapping around Warren's back and my face going into the crook of his neck instinctively.
     "You're so squeamish..." I mumble against his soft skin.
He pulls back from me and sits up. "Uhm... Uhm!" He was so unbelievably embarrassed, and I found it so adorable.
I sat up with a deep chuckle. "Come on dork, we got some studying to do," I say with a bright smile as I hop over the row of seats and into the drivers spot.
      Warren took a minute before slowly making his way up into the passengers seat and buckling up. He glanced at me and gave me a soft, embarrassed smile before looking out the window. He'd left his backpack on the mattress and so had I.

(Time Skip lounges around, scribbling a doodle in a notebook)

Raymond's POV

"Wait, so your parents aren't here most of the time?" Warren asks me as we walk into my bedroom.
"Yeah, they're jobs are very travel oriented," I explain as I toss my backpack by my bed.
Warren followed suite, carefully setting his down.
"Sooo... where do we start?" I ask.
"Well, algebra seems like a good enough place as any," he says as I groan.
"Noooo it sucks," I argue as he just shakes his head.
"Ray I took advanced calc and a video game mathematics class. I think you can handle some measly algebra," he says as we sit down on the middle of my bed.

It doesn't take long for us to settle into our work. Me working on Algebra and Warren teaching me as he occasionally did some of his AP work. I was sitting with my legs crossed as Warren laid on his belly with his legs dangling over the edge of the bed.
"What's the equation you use to find a given slope and it's coordinate points?" He asks me.
"Uhhh..." I hold the pencil in my hand.
"Here," Warren scooted forward, still laying on his stomach as he pointed at the notes he had helped me write down. "It's one of these," he says using the end of his pencil to point at the three equations he had me write down.
"It's... it's uh... thiiiss one?" I say uneasily pointing at the first one.
Warren shakes his head. "No. It has a four variables in it," he says with a raised eyebrow.
I scan the page. "Oh! B as in blow job plus x times m as in masturbate equals y, for why are you so cute," I say before grinning at Warren.
Warren's face was bright red and he blinked before bursting out into giggles. "Ppfffff. You're such a flirt Ray! Hehe," he continued to giggle. "By the way- heh- you said the equation backwards."
"Oh give me a break! That joke was funny as hell," I say before laughing heartily.
Warren laughs even more, and in a matter of seconds we're both splitting our sides laughing.
"Haha sometimes I think you're dorkier than me," Warren exclaims making me gasp in mock offense.
"You take that back mister!" I say before tackling Warren and getting into a tickle war.

"Heh haha. Hahahah! Ray! R- hahaha," I got Warren pinned down with me hovering over him as I tickle his sides. "Hahaha! Oh gosh Ray. Pfff haha!" He just kept on laughing as I chuckled along and tickled him even more.
Once we settled down and let out happy huffs, we make eye contact and realize the positions we're in.
I was literally panting on top of Warren as he had a blush going all across his cheeks. His hair was a fluffy mess, as always, and his sweater was exposing his neck.
"R-Ray?" Warren calls out to me in a timid voice.
"Yeah?" I ask slowly, entranced by the boy under me.
"Can- I- would you-" he but his bottom lip and just simply whined.
I raised an eyebrow. "What do you want me to do Warren. You gotta tell me, I'm not a mind reader," I say with an oblivious smile.
Warren pouts, "never mind," he says wiggling out from under me and sitting back up.

      He shivers. "Gah, it's freezing in here," he says rubbing his covered arms.
     "You're really cold?" I ask, but then again I'm like a living furnace.
      "Y-yeah," he says, goose bumps wracking his body.
      In a quick and seamless fashion, I slip my jacket off and drape it over Warren's shoulders. He tenses up before relaxing and pulling it around him. "Th-thank you."
      "Of course," I say sitting beside him.
      Warren and I sit in silence for a minute. "I'm still cold," he says with a small blush on his cheeks.
      "Hmm," I hum before pulling him into my lap and wrapping my arms around him. "How bout now?" I ask curiously.
      "B-better. But it still feels chilly to me," Warren says looking up at me as he slips his arms through the sleeves of my varsity jacket.
      My eyebrows furrow for a moment before I get an idea. I scoop Warren into my arms as I slip him under the covers and go under beside him.
     "Better?" I ask as I look down at him.
     Warren smiles up at me. "Better," he says before snuggling into my chest.
     My cheeks warm up as my arms wrap around him, one hand going to play with his hair.
     He hums and nuzzles his face into my chest.
     I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. Warren was such an incredibly sweet boy, and if I was being truthful I could easily say I was in love with him.
     "Can I ask you something?" Warren asks me timidly.
     "Yeah, what is it Warren?" I ask lifting my head off the pillows.
     "Are... are you interested in guys at all?"
     "Mhmm. I'm actually 100% gay," I say confidently.
     Warren lifts his head off my chest to look at me. "You are?"
     "Yup. And I actually have a pretty big crush on somebody right now," I say, trying to conceal my smile.
     "Who?" He asks, oblivious and curious.
     "I'll give you a hint. Brown hair-"
      "That's a lot of people," he argues.
      "- peach skin. Really cute and adorable-" I continue on.
      "You're not giving me a lot of exact clues here," he says jutting out his bottom lip.
      I glance into his eyes. "And he's known as the school's smartest kid, and he wears sweaters all the time," I conclude waiting for him to piece it together.

      It doesn't take long.

      "You... you have a crush on me?" He asks with a squiggly smile.
     I nod, and he starts giggling. He closed his eyes as he laughs before he leans in and pecks my lips. "I like you too Ray... a lot," he says as he wraps his arms around my neck.

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