Don't Hurt Me Like They Did

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(Donovan gets bullied for years. He finds out it freaks out his bullies when he acts like he has a quirky pain kink, which he actually does, so he uses this to keep bullies away. That is until a new kid comes to school. Ver, an openly gay guy who doesn't take anyone's shit, and despite being gay he's popular and sporty as fuck.
Ver sets out to claim the top dog position at the school, and since he can't go and date the snobby rich bitch he has to find a guy to claim.
And then he hears about Donovan
Thus a really fucked up relationship begins)

Donovan Nash - bullied kid
Oliver (Ver) Phelps- Gay Bully

Donovan's POV

It was 8 years ago...

"Hey Gay-novan!" Some loud mouthed kid called out. Making me flinch at the sound of the name I'd been pinned with since I came out.

I was a nobody until then, and now I was the nobody. The gay kid. The Queer

Feeling a book hit the back of my head and fall to the ground, pages crunching I growl and whirl around. "What!" I shout, hoping I wouldn't burst into tears like I normal do.
The pack of boys walk up to me, the leader of the six smirking sinisterly. "It's time for your daily beating," he says cracking his knuckles. I sigh, knowing this was routine. It had been for the past few years.
"Hey! Are you listening to me pip squeak?!" The boy says elbowing me in the ribs. Clutching my stomach I hold in my noises, not wanting to let them know how much that hurt. I looked up pleadingly at them, wanting them to leave me alone.
"Pleas- AH!" the same boy pushed me to the ground, but for some reason I made a... different noise.
"Mmgh~" my eye lids fluttered closed when I felt my body hit the harsh concrete.
"... Did you just moan?!" The kid screams at me picking my up by the collar.
I blushed bright red before realizing this could be used to my advantage.
Smiling devilishly I grab onto his wrist. "Yeah. Why don't you punch me and see how good it makes me feel~" I say in what I thought was a teasing voice but made the boy turn red.
He released me. "You're disgusting," he spat venomously before marching away with his posy of spiky haired boys behind him.
Slowly sitting up with my hands on the grey surface I got a small hopeful smile on my face.

Maybe there was something I could do about my bullying.

(Time Skip hippity hops his way to the future, when Donovan is a teenager in high school)

Donovan's POV

I let out a huff as I sit down at my desk for first period algebra class. I was more of a writing and reading person myself, loving everything to do with books, the arts, and history. Which was convenient, because they all went together.
Already my thoughts of a delightful educational day are ruined by my annoyance caused by the stupid jocks. I wonder how uncomfortable I made them feel by fake moaning my way through their efforts to push me around in the cafeteria this morning.


People scrambled to their designated seats, a couple of them dashing in and sliding into their desks in the nick of time. We started roll call as normal, and then the door opened. One of the counselors ushered in a new student.

This guy was... wow.
He had black hair that was dyed a deep blue on the top where it was all curled and fluffed up. His face harsh and stone cold, but lips plump and soft, a naturally vibrant red color. He had bright blue eyes the color of frost on a window. Standing at a rather tall height of 6'4, and adorned with the most beautiful, tan, caramel skin I'd ever seen.
And his clothes had my mind going bananas. Maroon hoodie with no sleeves showing off his distinct arm muscles. Ripped up skinny jeans that were black and contrasted his high top sneakers that were the same color as the hoodie he wore.
Glancing over him once more I notice something incredibly important.
He had a rainbow bandana keeping his blue hair out of his eyes.

I screamed inside and looked off to the side. Gawd I hope he's single! Not that he'd ever like a dweeb like me, but a boy in sweaters can dream, can't he?

"Oh! Perfect, class this is Oliver Phelps, he'll be joining us this year," the polite, bobbed cut, teacher informs with an award winning smile.
"I prefer Ver actually," he says. Fuuuuuuuck his voice is deep!
"My apologies Ver, you'll be sitting next to Donovan," she says gesturing over to me.

I didn't know wether this was a good or a bad thing.

"Ha, of course the gay boys are gonna sit next to each other," one jock I knew all to well called out, making people 'ooh' and snicker.
"And what's wrong with being gay?" Ver responds simply with a raised eyebrow in the commenters direction.

The class all flicks their gazes over to him, including me. All there was was silence for several seconds before the guy began stammering. Ver just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, Kirk, I saw your name on the trophy case for basketball," he states. "Guess I'll be seeing you at practice," Ver says before making his way over to his seat beside me. I looked down at my lap, fidgeting with my fingers not wanting to get involved. But I could see Kirk's face pale and then flush red in embarrassment.

"... aaannyways," the teacher says with an uncomfortable smile as she begins to instruct the class. Ver pulls out a new notebook and a pencil from his backpack.

(Time Skip goes through the next two weeks eating a combination of cafeteria food and vending machine snacks with some goodies thrown in from home)

Ver's POV

God I hate him. That fucking jackass Kirk is the only who can compete with my athletic ability and confidence. But it was clear I was physically stronger, he just happened to be faster.
Like how he was fast with hooking up with the rich girl everyone knew about, Salina.
They were currently the talk of the town- or school- and surrounded by the most people.

I was furious, the attention wasn't on me. It needed to be so I could assume position of top dog in this vicious school.
But without some kind of partner by my side I knew I wouldn't have the couple boost I would need. And it's not like I could get with one of the preppy chicks and none of the popular dudes were gay.

I wracked my brain for something to do until I saw a sweater pass me with a lunch tray in hand.
Lifting my head out of the palm of my hand I watched the boys backside get farther from me. His subtle curves showing even though his sweater went down his waist and hid his ass from me.
Grinning to myself I knew what I was going to do.

(Time Skip goes to check out a book and returns it a week later)

Donovan's POV

"Thank you Donovan! You were a big help today," the young librarian calls after me as she locks up the library where study hall had ended ten minutes ago.
"Of course Mrs.K, anytime," I respond before I turn the corner to go down to my locker.
Once I'm done and have grabbed all my stuff I turn around to head out the door that was around the next corner.

Seeing a looming figure in front of me I squeak and jump back, hitting the row of lockers in the process.
Standing in front of me was none other than Ver, the new Mr.Popular.
"Hello," he says stepping closer. I press more into the lockers until he's unbearably close.
"What are you doing?" I spat out quickly, for all I knew this guy wanted to bully me.
"Nothing much," he says putting his arms against the cool metal on either side of me, trapping me in way to close. "I need you," he says simply making me blush and gulp.
"What?" I mutter in utter shock.
"You heard me," he says putting a leg in between the two of mine, "I need you~" he grumbles making me shudder.
"There's- There's more to this, isn't there?" I questioned in a self assuring voice, trying not to fall victim to this sex god pinning me.
Ver lets out a snort through his nose. "You're very smart. I do need you in a couple of ways," he says. I let out relieved sigh.
"In what ways?" I asked curiously, but in a gentle way so he might actually tell me.
"Well, for one, I am a hormonal guy who needs a plump ass like yours to relieve myself," he says taking the opportunity to grip my two globes and causing me to gasp and tense up. "And two, I need a way to get above that stupid Kirk and Salina," he growls making goosebumps rise on my skin.
"Why m-me?" I whimper looking off to the side.
Ver grabs my chin with his strong fingers. "Because I think you're absolutely gorgeous~ Wearing sweaters that are to big for your curvy body that make you look oh so cute~... your fluffy hair that I could grip onto~... and of course," he grips my ass in his big meaty hands, "these bbbeautiful babies~"

I couldn't take it, I don't know what this boy was doing to me but I was desperate for him now.
He must have known, because he chuckled deeply and said, "you free tonight?"
I nodded rather quickly. "Yes. My parents are on vacation for the month," I blurt out.
He bit his bottom lip. "Perfect~ I get to have you all to myself~" he rumbled making me whine.

Taking me by the hand he practically dragged me out to the parking lot. I stumbled and did my best to keep up. Pulling a pair of keys out of his pocket he presses a button which unlocks a fairly decent looking car. Not fancy or anything, just a nicely painted model from some years ago that was bright blue and had white stripes on it. The blue reminded me of Ver's hair color.

Opening the car door for me I nervously sit down in the passenger seat and set my backpack on the thin carpet floor by my feet.
Ver slips into the drivers seat and buckles up, as do I.
"Hope you're ready for the night of your life," he says while giving me a wide, mischief filled smile. I blush and glance out the window as he starts to drive.

Ver's POV

     Pulling into my family's garage I park the car and turn it off, turning to face the boy I'd been checking out all week. The one, the only, Donovan Nash. The one with the medium brown hair that fell in front of his tree green eyes and even some of his button nose. His pale skin looking lovely with all it's light brown freckles that I could see on his exposed skin. He had such a lovely figure and an adorable personality. Not to mention how cute he looked in the sweaters he wore every single day.
"Alright, let's be clear," I said in a stern voice, "I'm not doing this just to use you. I do actually think you're hot. But it would be great if you could... help me out," I chose my words carefully.
He crossed his arms but had an obvious blush on his face. "Which means?..."
"I want to jump right into being boyfriends, and I'm gonna be really possessive and protective over you. Mostly because that's who I am, but also because I'm gonna show everyone I'm not someone to be messed with, and I can take someone they've tormented for years and make them untouchable," I say before leaning in close. "I promise to protect you and be there for you, and no matter what anybody says I do legitimately like you," I finish explaining as he sits there in stunned silence.
"...absolutely," he says softly before turning his head and kissing me on the cheek. "I'd uhm... I'd really like that..." he admits shyly with a blush.
Getting a grin tugging at my lips I lean in and kiss his forehead. "Thank you Donovan," I whisper. Glancing down at him I see him cover his cheek with his sweater of the day, which was a dark brown, light brown, and cream striped one that I think suited him very well.
Chuckling I pull back, "come on, let's go inside... boyfriend~" I tease making him giggle softly.

We get out of the car and go into the house my family had bought over the summer.
Seeing a figure with long black hair dash down the stairs I smiled softly. "I'm home!" I call out in greeting as I heard my mom grab her keys out of the dish.
"Hey sweetie! I'm late for work. Your sisters at a sleepover, so you have the house for the night," she says as she comes into the room and passes by me. She smiles fondly at Donovan. "Have fun you too," she says with an all knowing chime to her voice before she goes to her own car in the garage.

She drives off and I glance over at Donovan, who's looking up at me. He notices I've caught his eyes and quickly looks away.
     "So, what would you like to do first?" I ask in a normal tone.
     "Uhm... we could get to know each other a little better," he suggested as he rubbed one of his arms.
     I nod. "Sounds good hun," I lean down and peck his cheek before heading towards the kitchen.
     I heard the soft pad of feet follow me as I opened the fridge. The bar stools screeched slightly as Donovan slipped into one of them.
     "First question," I say turning to face him as I grab two orange sodas and hand him one. "Have you ever been with anyone before?"
     Donovan blushed, getting a small smile on his face. "Yeah. I have. No one at schools knows about it of course, but I've had four romantic interactions I guess you could say," he says taking the can from me and popping it open
     "I'm intrigued," I say while taking a sip of my drink.
     He chuckled softly. "I'll tell you then," he says to me.

     "The first one was a boy from middle school. I knew him in 7th and 8th grade. The first year I knew him I tutored him in the after school study hall. We got pretty close and I started going over to his house. Around the middle of 8th grade his mom and dad were out on a date for the night and I was sleeping over. We ended up watching Netflix... and we started cuddling," Donovan giggles as he blinked and remembered the event. "He uhm... he ended up kissing me and we ended up making out and uh... heh... I blew him and he jacked me off," he smiled fondly before snapping out of it. "We we're together for a couple months in secret, but he ended up moving over the summer without telling me."

     He took a break to drink and breath for about ten seconds before continuing. "The next guy... oh boy," he chuckled softly to himself. "I uh... it was freshman year of high school and I got invited to a party, it got pretty crowded pretty quick. And someone had brought alcohol. This one guy from some other school came up to me super drunk and was talking dirty to me. I wasn't drunk by any means, and I knew I wouldn't let him fuck me. But the guy was persistent, so we snuck off to a closet and he grinded against me until he came. He got pretty tired fast so I just eased him down and left him there."

     "Wow, what an adventurous little minx you are~" I tease leaning in close.
     Giggling he presses a finger to my lips. "I'm not done hot stuff," he says before kissing my nose.
     I chuckle and settle down for the last two stories.

"The third guy was... oh he was something," he said with dreamy far off look. "He was a foreign exchange student from Ireland, absolutely gorgeous. Since he was living at my place during sophomore year it was only natural that we got close, and eventually he mentioned that he thought I was cute and I said he was hot. We were both super close friends, so we just agreed to be fuck buddies until he went back to Ireland," Donovan broke out in a massive blush. "We fucked a lot."

     I snorted, but otherwise made no comment. Donovan glanced at me before continuing.

     "The final dude I met while on vacation. Over the summer my family and I went to Oahu, and we stayed in a pretty beach house next to a line of other beach houses. I spent most of my time on the beach, one day when I was laying down and getting my tan on I felt a cold shadow cover my sun. Opening my eyes and flipping up my sunglasses I locked eyes with one of the most beautiful surfers I've ever seen. He was better than any stereotypical one you see in movies or magazines. He was simply stunning. He happened to be staying in the house next to mine, so I got to go over and hang out a lot. He invited me over and we talked on the couch before he started rubbing my thigh and I looked up at him while biting my lip. We ended up doing it for a couple hours," he admitted as he finished off his soda.

     "Damn. I should have moved here sooner."
     Donovan snorts "yeah, maybe I would come over and let you have your way with me~" he says in a sultry tone making me groan from the back of my throat. He heard and giggled. Hopping off the stool he faced me. "Where's the bathroom?" He asks.
     "There's one in my room," I answered as I got up and lead the way, Donovan following me.
     Once we got there he gasped happily. "I love your posters!" He exclaims looking at my wall of posters.
     My chest swelled with pride. "Thanks. It's basically a combination of all the things I like," I say as Donovan goes over to the wall.
     "I haaave... this one... and this one. And that one," he says pointing at random ones.
     "Didn't you have to go to the bathroom?" I ask with my hands on my hips.
     Donovan looks over his shoulder at me. "Oh yeah. Hehe," he walked past me and closed the door as he did his business.
     I set my backpack down by my desk and plugged in my phone. Taking all the random stuff out of my pockets and setting my jacket on the floor.

When I turned back around, Donovan was laying on my bed, on his stomach, with his phone out. His perky butt right there and waiting for me. And suddenly I had no self control. I was on the bed in no time flat and had my crotch pressed against his ass. Donovan lifted his head, clearly flustered.
Smirking I leaned into his ear, arms propped up on either side of his waist. "Think you're ready for this?~" I asked in both a sexy and serious voice.
Donovan groaned softly. "Yes," he responded confidentially before doing something that surprised me.
He managed to wiggle his way out from under me and flip himself over, taking me by the shirt and slamming our lips together.

     And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going nuts for it.

(Time Skip cuddles up and falls asleep, waking up to a noisy misplaced alarm)

Donovan's POV

     "Are you sure about this?" I mutter softly as Ver draped an arm over my shoulder and held me close.
     "Of course. This is gonna be perfect. Now are you sure you're comfortable being around me for the whole day?" He asks, a slight hesitation to his voice.
     "Are you kidding me? I'm probably just gonna be sitting in your lap and cuddling into you all day. I'm hella tired," I say with a sideways smirk.
     "Fine by me, we did get pretty... intense last night~" Ver whispers into my ear making me squeak and cover my face. He just awed as he opens the door to the school for us.

     As soon as we step foot inside everyone's eyes were on us. Ver was holding me lovingly as I walked beside him in one of his hoodies that was way to big on me and went down to my thighs. I was resting my head against his chest as we walked, closing my eyes and ignoring the stares.
     Ver got us to the cafeteria and sat down by the overly crowded table where Kirk was talking it up about some chic he was banging.
     Heads turn our way and people crowd around us.
     "Who's the cute girl?" Some oblivious guy asked.
     "This is my boyfriend, Donovan," Ver says, not exactly yelling but announcing out my new tittle.
     Smiling I peck his neck and wrap my arms around him. People awed and I beamed all the more.
     "They're so cute," some girls fangirled while others took photos and gossiped to themselves.

(Time Skip acts gutsy and goes for yet another time skip)

Donovan's POV

     "You've been so amazing this week," Ver tells me as we head to the car after school on Friday.
     "Thanks I-" before I can finish talking Ver pins me against the car making me moan abruptly and blush deeply. "V-Ver!"
     Ver chuckles deviously. "Sorry baby, but I heard somewhere that you may or may not have a pain kink~" he says holding my chin.
     Turning as red as a fire hydrant I look up into his eyes. "I-I uh. Uhm," I stutter before feeling Ver's lips lock onto mine. Groaning I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close.

God I loved this boy!

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