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(Two guy friends having a sleepover and when they fall asleep in the same bed one of them has a wet dream)

3rd person POV

     "Dude are you sure about this?"
     "Of course, there's nothing weird about two gay best friends sleeping in the same bed," Alexander stated with a playful smile before Isaac burst out laughing. His chest rumbling from the deep noise
     "Alright, you convinced me Alex," Isaac says with a casual smile before reaching into his backpack and grabbing some clothes that would fit him but swamp Alex. "I'm gonna go get pajamas on,"
     "'Kay, I'll be here," Alex says flashing his friend a dorky smile. Isaac snorts before heading off to the bathroom.

    Once Isaac was gone, Alexander raced over to the thermostat and cranked the temp so it would feel like a record high summer.
     Giggling to himself he laid on his stomach on the cushy bed and waited.
     "Ohh. Oh boy," Isaac came back in and tugged at the collar of his shirt. "Why is your house always so bipolar in temperature?" He asks, referring to how it could be freezing cold or burning hot.
     Alex rubbed the back of his neck and smiled shyly at him. "I dunno man," he says shrugging off the comment. He often changed the temp when Isaac came around so they'd find ways to either cool down or heat themselves up.

     Despite his numerous attempts however, Isaac was clueless to Alex's affection for him... and lust.
     Yes, Alex's couldn't deny it. Isaac was extremely hot. After a couple months of hanging out he figured out that he was crushing on him.
     So he'd been trying to... get things to blossom naturally.
     ... "Naturally"

     Isaac groaned. "I'm gonna be so uncomfortable in all these clothes..."
     Alex looked up at into those deep green eyes of Issac's with his own light brown ones.
     Isaac looked back at him. "You cool sleeping in boxers?" He asks making Alex internally scream.
     "I'd be fine with that," Alex shrugged.

     Isaac nodded, and when he started to pull up his shirt Alex politely turned around to do the same.
     When Isaac got his shirt off he glanced over at Alex to see him shimmy out of his pants and plop down onto the bed. He bit his lip as he watched his thick friends perky butt jiggle. How was it possible for one ass to look so delicious?~
     Snapping out of his thoughts before he could get a boner Isaac got his pants off and sat down on the bed next to his friend.
     Alex turned back around once he dropped the shirt to the floor. He sneakily glanced Isaac's gorgeously tan and shadowed muscled body over before meeting his gaze.
     "Ready to settle down? I'm getting kind of tired," Alex said stretching his arms up and yawning, running a hand through his brown hair.
     "Sure," Isaac says with a slight nod before they both go to settle into the bed like normal.
     And when they both fell asleep they thought this would just be like any other night.

(Time Skip falls asleep in a cozy sweater on a couch)

Alex shifted in his sleep, groaning softly. Something had woken him up and at first he couldn't figure it out.

     But then he felt it.

     That slight roll of someone's hips, the girth hidden beneath fabric that was rubbing against him. He bit his lip as he felt someone familiar grind against him.
     And when he looked over his shoulder he saw Isaac's sleeping face with his eyes tightly closed.

     Tired Alex slowly realized Isaac was having a wet dream and probably thought he was a pillow or something.

     He came to that realization quicker when Isaac pulled him into his chest and moved harder.
     Squeaking Alex covered his mouth. His eyes flinging open. He shook as the sleeping Isaac used his body. It felt so good to have his crush doing this. He couldn't help but moan quietly and stay still.
     When Isaac moved his head into Alex's neck he was already extremely close, breath coming out thick and heavy as his eye lids drooped.
     "Isa... Isaac..." he mumbled as quietly as he could before creaming his boxers. He let out a huge sigh of relief when he felt Isaac release and stop moving.

     Chancing a glance over his shoulder he saw a peaceful expression on Isaac's face, indicating he hadn't woken up.
     Alex gnawed on his bottom lip before rolling over. Isaac's arms tightened around Alex when he turned to face his chest. Taking in his musky scent before falling back asleep.

(Time skip hears the rain outside and gets up to grab something to drink)

3rd person POV

Waking up in the morning, Alex raised his head of messed up hair and yawned. He opened his eyes and blushed as he looked up at Isaac, who was sound asleep and had his arms lazily wrapped around Alex's waist.
Remembering what had transpired during the night Alex leans in close to Isaac. He makes a daring move and kissed Isaac's cheek. "Morning..." he whispers softly.
Isaac mumbled something before rolling over, Alex slipping off his lap easily.

He figured he had some time to make breakfast, Isaac was sound asleep after all.
Getting out of bed he slipped on a new pair of baby blue boxers that fit his bum perfectly. He slipped on a t-shirt and called it good as he walked down the hall to the kitchen.

As he waited for his coffee to brew he was unaware of Isaac's awakening.

Isaac's tired eyes peeled open as he surveyed Alex's room. He sat up and stretched, but something down below made him uncomfortable.
Looking under the blankets he blushed.
"Shit," he muttered as he got out of bed and slipped on his discarded pajamas from yesterday along with a new pair of briefs.
Tiptoeing down the hall he glanced into the kitchen and sees Alex by the counter, back turned to him, and ass jutting out as he leaned forward and watched the coffee pot.
Why did Alex have to have such a perfect butt?

Isaac was barely able to contain himself. "Morning," he greets in a deep tone.
Alex's turns around and smiles warmly at him. "Hey Isaac," he replies as he turns around to face him and takes a couple steps forward. "Did you sleep well?" He asks in an innocent tone, leading Isaac to believe he hadn't been caught.
"Yeah. I slept just fine," he replied with a casual shrug.
"You wouldn't have happened to have had... any dreams?" Alex's purrs out as he takes another step closer, Isaac towering over him.
Isaac's face paled before brightening up red. "Not at all, nope. Not a one," he lied.
Alex's raised an eyebrow before turning back to the coffee pot. "Alright then, want the usual?" He asks changing topics.
Isaac nods. "I'll uh... go wait in the living room," he says gesturing over his shoulder.
"Sure, and pick out a movie to watch on Netflix while you're at it," Alex instructs making Isaac smile.
"You and Netflix, haha," he leaves the room chuckling while Alex is left smirking to himself.

"Movie time!" Alex exclaims after downing his entire cup of coffee.
"Alright alright. This one should be okay," he says putting on some random cheesy horror movie and presses play.

Ten minutes into the movie and Alex presses into Isaac's side. He glances down at the fluffy little bean but doesn't do anything about it.
Alex slowly makes his way into Isaac's lap and leans against his chest. Isaac was definitely aware since he had wrapped his arms around Alex's waist, but he didn't know where Alex was going with this.
At one of the jump scares Alex gets startled and shifts in Isaac's lap. The shifting continues as the anticipation grows in the scene. Isaac was trying to ignore it and not get hard, but little did he know that's exactly what Alex wanted.
Yelping at a particularly scary part Alex turns around and buries his face into Isaac's neck, whimpering quietly as he shook. Legs tightly wrapped around Isaac's waist like a koala.
Isaac hugged him close, thinking he was just scared. He paused the movie. "Hey hey... it's okay Alex... it's just a movie," he whispers into his ear, trying to soothe his friend.
"But... but... hhhnnn," Alex whines again as he cling onto Isaac, staying close to him.

Isaac was starting to get heated. With all of Alex's cute noises and shaking he was getting a bit of a semi.
Alex noticed and pulled back a bit, biting his thumb he looked up at Isaac through his thick eyelashes. "Isaac... are you getting hard?" He asks in a quiet voice.
Isaac tenses up. "N-no," he fibs.
Alex frowned. "Isaac you know better than to lie to me. I know you too well," he says sternly.

Isaac looked off to the right, and Alex took that as his chance.
Leaning in close to Isaac's ear Alex whispered, "is it because of my whining?~ Or is it the movements?~" he asks swirling his hips on top of Isaac's lap.
Isaac's face flushed red and he looked at Alex shocked. "How did you-"
"You definitely liked grinding against me last night~" he mumbles mere inches away from Isaac's face.
Isaac sucks in a quick breath, which comes out as a shaky moan as Alex rolls his hips down onto Isaac's covered length. "Shit~..."
Alex let's out a needy sound, "does it feel good? Having me rub up against your length?~" he asks, dangerously close to Isaac's lips.

"Fuck yes~" Isaac responds confidently before smashing their lips together.
Alex whined and kissed him back quickly. Sitting up straight and wrapping his arms around Isaac's neck. "Mm!~ yes~" he mumbled as he tried to press in closer.
Isaac realized how desperate Alex was and just how turned on he'd gotten. Standing up he hold's Alex up by the ass.
Alex squeaked and pulled back panting. "Oh Isaac~ take me, please~" he begged before kissing at Isaac's jaw.
Isaac growled out a moan as he quickly walked to Alex's bedroom, going to pin down the smaller male.

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