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There once was a girl. To everyone, she was like a flower. She had soft, delicate skin, graceful limbs, and a beautiful complexion in the frame of chocolate brown hair. She had the eyes of every man in town on her, but she didn’t like any of them. Some she hardly knew at all. One day, while wandering in the forest by her town, she came across a small clearing she had never seen before. There was a crystal clear pool with a little waterfall at one end, and flowers gathered all around the pool, bathing in the golden sunlight. She bent down and rubbed a petal of one of the flowers, which looked like it could be made out of gold. It was like rubbing a hand on her own skin. She smiled at the flowers, and felt more at home than she did in her town. That moment didn’t last forever.

A loud rustling in the undergrowth shattered the pleasant silence, and made the girl stand up, muscles bunched in case she needed to run from whatever was coming her way. She didn’t have to wait long. Bursting from the green fronds was a large, wild boar, its fearful eyes looking for any chance of escape once its sight had taken in the girl standing in its path. It veered sharply to the right, and after it had fled back into the forest, the girl’s eyes staring after it, something else entered the clearing. The girl looked at the creature that had come, but was not afraid of it like the boar was. Standing at the edge of the flowers, but covered in shadows, was a monster, a twisted animal made of darkness as the elders had put it in their stories, but its eyes spoke otherwise. Twinkling in its icy blue gaze was wisdom, kindness, and excitement from the hunt.

The girl slowly stepped around the golden flowers, hoping not to damage them any more from the boar’s fearful rampage. The monster watched her movements with a cautious gaze, but it did not move away or try to attack her. The thought of her soft skin being easily torn apart by the monster’s sharp teeth and claws scared the girl, but she did not let it show and consume her. Instead, she just kept slowly walking toward it, watching its flanks gently rise and fall. Once she was near enough to see what the monster looked like, she was entranced by its beauty. The monster was like a giant, gray wolf, but with the horns of a deer and wings of a bird. Never before did she think that monsters were real, but being this close to it, she believed, and she knew this was no mere dream or nightmare. She accidentally proved that when she pricked her finger on a splinter from one of the wooden crates in the marketplace in town. She hadn’t meant to, since she was only helping one of the shopkeepers, but it had hurt bad, and the shopkeeper sent her back home so she could seek help from one of the maids.

“You are not happy with this life, are you sweet flower?” The monster suddenly asked in a deep voice, breaking the girl’s train of thought. Her brown eyes widened. She didn’t know monsters could talk. None of the stories she’s heard had mentioned that.

“I am perfectly content with my life,” she argued lightly once she got her voice back, hoping not to accidentally provoke the monster.

(A/N: This is incomplete, so I might finish it sometime in the future. Dunno quite yet -3-

Anyways, tell me what you guys think of me posting these random stories ^w^
(I'll still probably post 'em even if no one's really interested -w-))

(Btw, none of these stories will have anything to do with each other)

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