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I sighed, watching the football game with an interested gaze. After watching how the first two quarters went, I was convinced that the other team would end up winning. I was never interested in playing sports, despite being such an outgoing person. The only reason I ever came to these games was because of one of our team's players. Before my eyes could wander the field looking for him, I heard someone call my name.

“Andrew!” By the voice alone, I knew it was my sister, my twin sister. I looked towards the voice, and sure enough, there she was, climbing the bleacher stairs with one of her friends from our girl group. Once again, I caught myself wondering why almost all of my friends are girls.

“It's about time you got here!” I exclaimed teasingly, letting a smile rest on my face as the two girls sat down next to me. “The game's almost over!”

“Chill, bro, it's only halftime,” Lily, my sister, retorted back in a lighthearted way, giggling right after. She tossed something into her mouth, and after looking at what she was holding, I realized it was popcorn with a lot of butter and salt, as usual. Looking over at Sofia, the friend Lily brought with her, I saw that she also had popcorn in her hands.

“When did you get popcorn? And why did you agree to come? I thought for sure you would stay home and play one of your games.” I felt a little betrayed that they got popcorn and didn't think to bring me any. However, I refused to let it show in case it was one of my twin's “evil plans”. They rarely worked, since she doesn't think about how she's going to do it until she has some sort of contraption already built. The ones that did work hurt a lot, and remembering back to them, I hoped that this possible trick wouldn't be one of them.

“Sofia pulled me out of the house to visit the amusement park,” Lily replied, pulling me out of my thoughts. The other girl looked uncomfortable when she was mentioned, but she was sitting up proudly. “We got popcorn on the way out, and then decided to come here. All of which were her ideas,” my sister added, throwing her thumb in Sofia's direction. I hummed in response and reverted my gaze back to the field, quickly catching sight of the one player I had my eyes on for the entire game.

“When are you going to confess to him?” Sofia asked me in a cautious tone, as though she was afraid of saying the wrong thing, and I felt my cheeks heat up immediately. “I know you tend to think critically about certain things, but I thought for sure you would think of something that would work by now.”

“He has a plan,” my sister said before I could get anything out, “he's just too scared to follow through with it.” She shot me a sly and challenging expression before stuffing her mouth with more popcorn. “I can do it for him, though,” she continued after she swallowed. “Besides my hair being longer and my body being a bit more slender, we look almost identical.”

“Having a flat chest also helps with that,” Sofia teased, her smile widening as Lily threw her whole popcorn container at her.

Looks like there wasn't some sort of trap in the popcorn, I thought as I saw a couple popcorn kernels go flying to other seats.

“You really shouldn't do this,” I said in a panic as the two girls stood up and started descending the steps. There were only a few minutes left until the third quarter started. Enough time to say a quick confession, buy a snack, and get back to my seat right as the quarter is starting. With this plan in mind, my confidence started building up as I followed the two.

“Oh, come on, Andrew!” my sister whined, glancing back at me before reverting her gaze back to the stairs. “I've confessed to four girls already, while you've had the same crush on Jack since we met him back in middle school! Where did your confidence run off to?”

“It didn't go anywhere!” I protested as we reached ground level, Lily already calling for Jack. “I just never had a plan. But now I do so you doing it for me is not necessary.” I looked across the field and saw Jack come jogging toward us. The anxiety that he might reject me or turn out straight built up inside my chest, so much that I thought it might burst, but it didn't deter me from my goal, no matter how many times it dared to consume me.

“Hey Lily, Sofia, and Andrew,” Jack greeted us once he was within earshot. It might have been my imagination, but I swore he used a softer tone when he said my name. “You guys do know that halftime is almost over, right?”

“Yeah, but Andrew needs to tell you something important,” my sister answered, looking back at me with a mischievous smile. As if it was on cue, I was pushed up to the fence, my face a beet red. Upon seeing Jack's expectant gaze, words flowed out of my mouth in a rush.

“I love you,” I confessed confidently. Jack's deep blue eyes widened. “I have since middle school. It's cool if you don't care or feel the same way, because we can always go back to being friends if you want.” I shut my mouth, aware that I already said more than what needed to be said. My eyes searched his, anxiously waiting for a response other than surprise and thoughtfulness.

“Looks like you were the first to break, huh?” Jack finally responded, his eyes softening and filling with affection. My expression changed to confusion, and he must have seen this, for he explained, “The team made a bet on who would confess first, you or me. If you confessed, then they would treat me to any restaurant I choose. If I confessed, I would have to pay the majority of the bill to the restaurant of their choosing. Looks like we already have a date planned out, then.” He winked at me before landing a quick kiss on my cheek. At the sound of whistling, cheering, and the sharp sound of a whistle a coach would have around their neck, Jack jogged back to his team, sending another wink in my direction before sprinting to them.

A… date? I barely processed in my mind, my thoughts still replaying the kiss. It may have only been one on the cheek, but it was a kiss nonetheless, and it answered the biggest question of my life. I smiled, my cheeks seeming to only get redder.

“Next up: getting Lily a girlfriend!” Sofia exclaimed, interrupting my scrambled thoughts. I just grinned, amused as my sister started chasing her back to our seats, who was irked by her comment. I walked after them, my thoughts still on what just happened. I was beyond happy to know Jack felt the same way, and I was excited to know what might happen in the future.

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