The Forgotten Town

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School. The typical place for drama to bloom. This school was no exception. If anything, it was worse than a typical school. Drama was everywhere and involved everyone, including the staff. No one cared about what they were being taught, and the teachers didn’t care if the whole class wasn’t listening, and they never gave anyone detention, since that would be almost the whole school in one small room. On rare cases, though, where the roughhousing was too destructive and violent, the students would be punished severely by the teachers, often walking home with cuts and bruises. The whole town was like that, only on a much bigger scale. It was a forgotten town, so forgotten that even the residents don’t know what the actual name of it is. They just settled with calling it “Forgotten”.

Within the chaos of that town, of that school, was one girl, who still believed that the rules should be followed. One girl who listened to the lectures, or tried to, past all the yelling, talking, and blasting music. Her name was Rosanne. She was quite charming compared to the other students, all of them having wounds, scars, and dirt spread across their features, even though she was quiet. To the other students, she stood out like a sore thumb. She was clean, her clothes were washed, and there wasn’t a single sign on or from her that indicated that she had even been in a fight. In her own mind, though, she thought of herself as a flower among the debris, and hoped that she could set an example to the other students to try and change this town.

However, one day, her life changed. One of the boys came up to Rosanne during what had been called “silent reading time” in the library. That name has been long forgotten, now, just like the town.

The boy was tall and handsome, and much smarter than most of the other students. The only exception was Rosanne, and they both knew that. What she had been concentrating on before her fellow student approached her was a map. An old map of their state, showing roads and highways and borders in all sorts of different colors. She spent most of her time at school looking at it, trying to figure out where their town was. She was hoping that this one might, since all the other maps she has already looked at didn’t.

“Hey girly, do you know how beautiful you are right now?” the boy flirted, resting his hands face down on the table while looking right at Rosanne, sending a wink her way. The girl rolled her eyes and kept looking at the map, choosing to ignore him than respond. “What's so interesting about a stupid map anyways?” the guy asked pulling the map away from her and looking at it himself.

“Hey! I was looking at that!” Rosanne exclaimed, trying to grab it out of his hands. However, he easily dodged her frantic attempts at grabbing it and held it in the air, having the higher height advantage.

“Answer my question and I might give it back,” he bargained with a sly smile. The girl huffed and reluctantly accepted.

“Fine, I was looking for our town on the map,” she said and held out her hand. “Now give it back.” When he saw her face, though, he just laughed, so hard he fell to the floor crying. Rosanne just stared, looking very unamused and confused, while he stood back up, the map still in his firm grasp.

“Listen girly, how about I take a look at it, and I can share what I've discovered after school?” he suggested. It seemed liked a good idea, and it would leave the girl with more time to study and do homework, so she agreed to it.

“Where will we meet?” she asked as the bell rang, signalling that their reading time was over and students should be heading to their next class.

“Behind the school. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one messes with you,” the boy added when he caught the scared look on Rosanne's face as he started to merge with the crowd. She just sighed, gathered up her supplies into her bag, and headed out of the library with the last of the students.

Rosanne was never to be seen again after that school day. The residents of Forgotten would rather stay forgotten than be found and reverted back to a normal society, and every single one of them would do anything to keep it that way.

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